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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    September Bandsters

    gonnabethin! Woo-hoo! Good for you. And right you are... they'll understand why it has become a topic here, all too soon!
  2. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Bettina: You sound hurt. No one was out to get you, that's for sure!! This website is a forum for communication - I thought that was what we were doing. And everyone can jump in and do that anyway they want. The more the merrier, I say! But let's take all this in the way it is meant - helpful and supportive. No one should have a problem if their knowledge base is different from anyone else's. But we should all be able to jump in at any time and share our own. Am I right? Or are you coming from a different place in all this? BJ
  3. BJean

    September Bandsters

    gonnabethin: The first time I ate something with a little real sugar post-op, I felt better than I had since surgery! I didn't get the hiccups (thank God!) but had the real burps, eeeuuu! I feel for you if you had to endure hiccups! All that super-sweet artificial stuff just seemed to make me feel worse and bloat more! Now that I'm getting some natural foods, with a little fat too, things are beginning to even out and I even had my first BM (sorry if that is too much information!) I was so worried about having to go for my 1 wk check up tomorrow and report a big NO to that ever present question... "Have you had a Bowel Movement?" I couldn't imagine what kind of reaming machine they were going to have to hook me up to. :omg: (Yep, I'd done 2 types of prescribed meds to produce the illusive movement, to no avail.) But after my clam chowder for lunch, scrambled eggs for supper, I was able to do the thing without pain or assistance!! Yippee!!!! Thank heavens for every milestone, made and conquered. You and I seem to be on a similar path. I need to get closer to 130, but I am sure when I reach 140 I'm going to feel like a completely new woman! Enjoyed chattin' w/ you! BJ
  4. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Bettina: Hey gal, everybody should say what they want here. But Chatta seemed really new and it seemed to me that he should get input from several sources. Nothin' wrong with that, is there? Just remember when you're throwin' around background and degrees that lots 'o people here probably have strong backgrounds and multiple degrees, but they just might not feel the need to share that. Um kay? BJ
  5. BJean

    September Bandsters

    gonnabethin: Thank goodness for your input - I was afraid I was the one out of step! And by the way - you're doing great! BJ
  6. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Best Wishes For All Of You Tomorrow Bandsters For A Smooth Ride Through Surgery And A Speedy Recovery! Bj
  7. BJean

    September Bandsters

    M.O.M! Welcome back!! Great report! They say laughter is the best medicine! Your trip sounds perfect. Keep up the good work! And be careful... no getting blown away, okay? BJ
  8. BJean

    September Bandsters

    I am catching up tonight after a couple of days. It is interesting to read how different some of our instructions before and after surgery are. I made sure to ask my doc about the heating pad and other things I saw here online. Said the heating pad is fine. I only used it one day when I was so uncomfortably bloated. Also said I could use s/f chewing gum. I was told that any clear juice for our post-op diet is fine. I don't like Apple, but used grape/cran instead (also cleared by nutritionist). As far as fruit is concerned, I'm at Day 7 post-op and s/f canned pears are on my diet. And bananas have been an option for a couple of days now. I noticed that once I'm allowed any additonal fruit (another 4 or 5 days) they said not to eat any of the skins. I am practically a new person today. Last night was a break-thru with the shoulder/back pain. And the bloating isn't even as bad. For at least 5 days, every time I ate anything or drank anything, even Water, I bloated up like a toad. And had lots and lots of burping, etc. I have not been sedentary at all - walking at every opportunity, although mostly in and outside my own home. Today we went to a movie, dined at a very nice restaurant for lunch, and did next week's grocery run. For lunch I had a portion of a bowl of New England Clam Chowder and was psyched! It was wonderful (although I had to chew the little clams at least 60 times each before I could swallow them.) My main dislike of the post-op diet is all the artificially sweetened foods. You have a fairly nasty taste in your mouth leftover from the hospital meds and it doesn't seem to mix well with all that sweet stuff. And just to set the record straight - earlier someone said I complained that I had only lost 4 lbs. after 2 weeks of pre-op liquid dieting. I must not have made myself very clear - I was never required to do only liquids before surgery. I did 2 meals of high Protein shakes plus 1 relatively normal meal. By the day of surgery, I had lost 10 lbs. and as of today, I have lost a little over 20 lbs. and it's only been a week since surgery. I am sufficiently hydrated although I am sure I could have lost some fluids due to surgery. The liquid Protein shake I was doing and am still required by my doc and nutritionist to do for another couple of weeks, is low-carbohydrate, high mineral and Vitamin content and one of the highest protein containing products of its' kind on the market. We should not be worried in any way that the high Protein drinks will "bulk us up"!!! (Particularly since we are not supposed to be having anything that is high carb.) We have to be way more concerned that if we do not get adequate protein and nutrients we can weaken our muscle tone and even sustain damage to our hearts from the trauma and demands put on our bodies from surgery and the post-op diet! My doctor, my nutritionist and even my exercise physiologist have all gone out of their way to stress the importance of this. We must get the max protein recommended and we must take our Vitamins. And according to my nutritionist, the only other Liquid Protein source she would recommend is Isopure. However, she much prefers the whey based protein in the one I'm using. Oops - one more protein reference... Jello has a very easily digestible protein, which is one reason we get it right after surgery. But it is impossible to eat enough jello alone to get the amount and type of protein our bodies are going to need to sustain our health. The best advice any of you could get right now is to listen to your doctor and his/her staff and to ask questions if anything you read here is causing you concern. I am finally excited about having the Lap Band and am really looking forward to my new life of health and beauty. I wish the very same for all of you!! Gn'nite BJ
  9. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Bettina: You definitely did not come off as a know-it-all to me. I appreciate every bit of info you are willing to share. I am very much into starting my life anew with a completely different focus - on health and beauty. And I have a lot to learn. I have indeed been the typical woman trying to raise her family, keep her husband happy, and thinking of myself as selfish if I spend too much time or money on myself. My role model mother was famous for neglecting herself and focusing on others' needs. My mother died at early of breast cancer. She had been working very hard to take care of my dad who had been going through a rough illness. She raised 4 of us and we knew she was the one person our whole lives who we could count on for anything. And so, we always asked for her help even as adults. She was always there for all of us. It completely wore her out. My dad lived on to retire in Florida and have a full life. The lesson I'm trying to learn is one of balance, but also that taking care of myself - even first sometimes - isn't necessarily selfish. It's smart for not only my own health, but also for my kids and husband. What are they going to do if I continue to be MO and have the health issues my mom had? Well I can tell you for sure that the grief they would feel to lose me early like my mom, is very tough to endure. I don't mean to get morbid. Really I don't. I am just going through a huge transition in my life. I'm glomming on to any help I can get to muster the strength to get myself healthy and happy and more beautiful. My children are totally behind me, as is my DH. And I don't want to let myself, or them, down. So I sincerely appreciate anything you or anyone here can tell me to help me with some of the answers and even some of the questions! I just wish you lived near me and I could hire you to help me with the physical aspects of what I need! Going to a place where everyone seems grossed out at the shape I'm in, isn't too appealing. That's why we're building an exercise pool. If you have any suggestions about that, I'm sure open to suggestion. It should be completed about a week after I'm to be given the go-ahead to swim. Thanks for everything! BJ
  10. BJean

    Never admitted until NOW

    derbygirl: How many kids in your family? We used to hide stuff because if we didn't it would be gone almost instantly. Someone would find it! Also, I hid things because I COULD. I think it had to do with control and being able to make my own decisions. Of course some psychologist might suggest otherwise, like maybe some deep-seated desire to beat my dog to death with a twinkie, but I sincerely doubt it.
  11. BJean

    September Bandsters

    jgandg: Thanks for the web address! I'll check it out. BJ
  12. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Bettina: Thanks! I will try to locate some Isopure - although I hate, hate, hate diet, artificially sweetened foods. The protein powder I use is from my doctor's office. It is Peak Nutrition. It is "bioengineered ion-exhanged whey protein" with 3 g carbohydrates. Also contains potassium, Vit A & D, Magnesium, Phosphorous and essential amino acids. "Lactose Free Whey" It is really good tasting - even though it has no artificial or natural sugar added. The chocolate, blended with ice and water, tastes like a real chocolate shake. I mix the vanilla with a little s/f instant Banana pudding mix, blend it with some ice and water, and it is delicious. In fact, the shakes are so good that it makes me very unhappy that I do not tolerate it well. I'm reading the label and see that per serving it is 125 calories and 48 grams of protein. So it may not be the number of grams of protein that my doc likes, but the type of protein it contains. I peeled off a little sticker and found the web address: www.peaknutrition.com. The doc charges me $30 per 2 lb. container. Everyone seems to think that it is expensive, but when I consider each drink either a meal replacement or a drink of important nutrients for my health, I don't think it is expensive at all, especially when I compare it to some of the outrageous amounts I've paid for fast foods, sundaes, Starbucks drinks, etc. (There are approx. 30 servings per container.) Anyway, that's the scoop, so to speak, on my shake mix. Let me know what you think - if you have some imput. BJ.
  13. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Larry welcome aboard!! My surgery was last Monday (9/11). So I finally have a voice from experience. The most surprising thing for me has been the confirmation of what so many posters have been telling us. Walk, walk, walk, after surgery. I was very drugged and I have bad knees and I didn't get out of bed until late in the evening after my 7 AM surgery. Then the next day or so I slept a lot - probably due to all of the pain meds they had given me. I didn't take any additional pain meds when I got home because the doc and nurse told me that they are constipating. Which you REALLY don't want. The shoulder pain and possible back pain are very real. I did swing my arms when I walked and when I was sitting I usually did up and down arm movements. Both things gave me temporary relief from the shoulder pain. The good news is, it is day 6 and I have almost no shoulder or back pain! So although it is excrutiating at times, you can live through it. Stick with your pre-op diet. It only goes to make your life easier and more comfortable. It helps your doctor have more space in which to do his maneuverings since it reduces the size of your liver considerably. Carbohydrates cause your liver to expand and they are real no-nos! Ha, I sound like an expert. And of course I am not. But I have learned something from my journey so far and am happy to share. I wish you the very best and you'll learn some good stuff here! BJ
  14. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Hey all you last week bandsters: Last night I managed to pass into another phase of this healing process. This morning my left shoulder doesn't hurt at all, my back doesn't hurt, and I am able to lie down on my left side which aids in the gas passage delimma (that I'm so famous for NOT doing). Last night my doc's menu plan included unsweetened applesauce and I had some. In fact, DH brought home 3 different kinds and I tried two of them. After that, I bothered to read the ingred. and saw that I actually had some "cane juice" (obviously sugar cane) in one of them. Don't know if that had anything to do with dramatic change of affairs around here, but I doubt it. Having 2 small containers of applesauce is the most food I've eaten in one sitting since the surgery. OMG it was good! I'm living for tomorrow. I get to add mashed potatoes with a little sour cream and butter!! I've read some of your posts about smelling pizza and having those cravings, etc. and I can honestly say I am not having those issues. Each day I've gotten on the scales I have noticed at least a small loss. And yesterday I watched Oprah and those doctors of hers who are into grossing us out with morbid heart surgery, etc. Well, the combination of those two things have me psyched and I'm determined to get on with the remake of BJ. I also watched Ellen start her show the other day and she talked about how our children are becoming obese. And she attributes it to the fact that they spend so much time inside. I thought about myself and realize that I, too, spend too much time inside. I get out to run errands and to buy food - either fast food or groceries and I go to every drive thru that is available. All that stops right now!! I am tired of being a victim of my own lazy, depressive ways. I'm going to overcome all the temptations of the food and restaurant industry and of the food commercials on TV and in magazines. I'm going to stop watching so much TV and reading so many magazines. They are all evil and bad food is evil and I'm going to conquer EVIL!! I realize this profession of my new-found faith in myself is very self-indulgent, but what the heck, whatever works for me to reaffirm my quest for health and beauty and self-confidence is fair game!!!! How's everybody else today???
  15. BJean

    September Bandsters

    jgandg: I have a problem with the whey protein powder mix that I buy from my doc's office. They said one alternative is Isopure, but that it doesn't have as much protein as the mix I am having a problem with. But since you're saying it tastes good, I'm thinking I should find it and try it b/c I am not getting enough protein with this other stuff. I just don't tolerate it well at all so I don't drink much of it. My question is, and I know we probably live in quite different locales, where do you buy it? I am thinking I will give it a try on your recommendation! Thanks, BJ
  16. BJean

    September Bandsters

    ItsGottaGo: So happy for you that your little problem is gone! I'm beginning to get pretty concerned because I can't seem to get things to move on through. I'm hardly eating though. I'm not eating nearly as much protein shake as I should be. I get so dang bloated and uncomfortable! My nurse friend emailed me and said that the shoulder pain gas from the laprascopic surgery has nothing to do with the bloating I'm feeling. She told me that the gas they use in the surgery has to be absorbed by your system. The intestinal gas is I guess from whatever we're eating. Well, duh! Anytime in my life that I've eaten much artificially sweetened foods, I get bloating. And everything practically that they say I can eat is sweetened artificially. I'd rather not eat usually. Today I got to have some V-8 Juice and that was a refreshing change. Yeah. You guessed it... bloating... just like everything else. I'm also supposed to be chewing a multi-vitamin and that almost made me spew. So I'm feeling pretty guilty that I'm not maintaining my nutritional stuff like I should. I don't have the big swollen area by my port site either. I'm 5'1.5" and I'm not happy with how high my port is placed either. I expected it to be in my lower abdomen. All my other incisions look ok - but the one sort of under my right boob looks a little iffy. It may be due to the fact that I had the hiatal hernia. I was glad to read here that everyone recently were posting surgery times of from one hour to an hour and a half. JamesA (I think) was telling about his 10 min. surgery - which turned into 11 min. because of a hernia repair. That's a darned big discrepancy. It's great to be hearing from all of you who shared surgery dates with me this week. It is reassuring to know we're all having similar symptoms. Let's keep up the good fight! I'm looking forward to being able to exercise when I feel better. I know that will speed up the losing process and will make me feel better. Best regards to all of you!! BJ
  17. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Itsgottago: Count your lucky stars! Having the runs is not all that fun, I agree, but the opposite is absolutely painful. I'm sure that if the diarrea doesn't clear up soon, they will have a remedy for you. But you shouldn't be having all the trapped gas pain that so many of us are experiencing and believe me that's a good thing!
  18. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Sherry I enjoyed reading your account of your lap banding experience. I am now convinced that the way I did it was probably the wrong way. I had every pain shot they would give me - every 4 hours - after surgery until late that night. They also gave me anti-nausea meds which I really seemed to need. But when you're that drugged, it is hard to move around much and walk like you need to. The more I read, the more I think that is the key. I got up off and on throughout the evening to go to the bathroom, but that was the extent of my walking. I was not able to pass gas and that went on until about Wed. (Surgery early Monday AM) I am just now beginning to be able to do that. Consequently, the pain in my shoulder is almost unbearable at times. Fortunately, I can get relief from that by walking and lifting my arms and doing different arm movements. I still have not been able to go "big potty". (I'm trying to keep my sense of humor here.) While I go over everyone's experiences posted here, there seems to be a common thread of walking and less pain med being the key to a more speedy recovery. I think those who go to Mexico are at an advantage in a way, in that they are forced to move about. My surgery didn't take 10 or 11 minutes though - it was more like 1 hour. With all the anesthetic and stuff, about an hour and a half. So I don't know if the speedy Mexican approach is wise and better, or if they just are lucking out. I know my doctor is highly qualified and experienced in laprascopic surgery, but he's only been doing LB for 3 years. For whatever that is worth. Also, I did have a hiatal hernia repair as well. Anyway, I am still battling the recovery process. I am not sorry I had this done. I have lost 5 lbs. since surgery. I know that rate won't continue, but it's helping to give me a jump start and an incentive for going on to become the new svelt me. This is a process and I have to hang in there and stay strong. But 4 days (so far) of a really painful shoulder and uncomfortable trapped gas is less fun than just about anything I can think of right at this moment. One pretty funny thing is that yesterday, one of the workers who are building our pool (for exercise) knocked on my back door. I had taken my shower but didn't feel like doing anything with my hair and although I had been dressed earlier I was so uncomfortable and kind of stooped over, I had gone back to my tee-shirt and bathrobe costume with my comfortable theraputic black Merrell wedge shoes (woo-hoo). Since he wasn't able to communicate exactly what he needed me to see, I had to go out on the back porch and take a look. 10 men with shovels and re-bar and various other boards and tools, looked up, dropped everything and watched me silently with their mouths hanging open. I guess I was quite the vision of loveliness. I felt like they wanted to scream and run away. Heh, heh, heh. And to think it's not even Halloween yet! :heh:
  19. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Hi. I am envious of those of you who haven't felt bad after the surgery and who are already back at work. I thought I was walking a lot, but I guess I was kidding myself. I haven't taken any pain meds since being home from the hospital. (I spent the night.) But the gas pains are just awful. So I'm walking more, trying to spend more time upright and lifting my arms and swinging my arms a lot. It does seem to help the pain in my shoulder temporarily. Someone said they look like they are 7 mos. pregnant. I know that feeling! Maybe not staying overnight is better since it forces you to walk more right away. The stupid nurse who was supposed to place the plastic catheter for the IV right before surgery blew through my vein in my right hand. So then she put it in my left hand. I told everybody I could tell that it hurt like hell and that it wasn't right. They all said it's okay, it will start feeling better in a while, that "we just added some strong meds to the IV." Well, that evening when there was a nursing shift change, my new nurse came in and discovered that the IV fluids that I should have had during surgery went all into my hand and arm. The catheter wasn't even in a vein. They took it out and put another one in my arm. My hand and arm were puffed up like nothing you can imagine. I keep wondering what meds I was supposed to have in surgery that I didn't get. Bitter, who me? No. Not really. I just wish I felt a little better. I am sure I will continue to feel better each day, but I'm glad I don't have to show up for work somewhere! Cheerio, ya'll.
  20. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Okay you guys... one more bandster in the mix. I was a 9/11 girl with a hiatal hernia repair. I was very pleased to hear from the doc that the hernia was a very small one and only required one stitch to fix it. I too have to have help getting up out of bed or a chair. I spent the night and didn't even make my DH stay there with me. I felt like a big girl after that. I am extremely sore and unfortunately haven't reached the "gassy" stage yet. I mean I'm sure it's there, my tummy is very bloated and I have the pain in my shoulder. I will be a much happier camper when I get rid of that. I haven't had much - the day of surgery just ice chips and about 3 tiny bites of s/f jello. Yuk. Today after coming home I had about a sip or 2 of chicken broth, a couple of bites of a s/f popsicle (which I usually like) and tried to drink some peppermint tea - blah. I'm a little hungry but don't want to eat anything. The inside of my mouth tastes like a battalion of army marched through it. Ok now my back is hurting. Guess I'm pushing my luck. I know I'll feel better tomorrow. Good luck to those of you who haven't joined "the club" yet. BJ
  21. BJean

    September Bandsters

    gonnabethin: Fantastic! I will try to get a CD and player to take tomorrow and see if I can do as well with it as you did. Thanks for the well wishes! Gjdf52: What a great report! I am so happy to hear you say you like your band already! Plus no pain medication! Woo-Hoo! And you're already walking a mile!!! What a girl. I'm way impressed. Keep up the good work - and the good reports! BJ
  22. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Thanks so much Emily! I'll let you all know how I'm doing. I'm beginning to get nervous. Wish I could take some knock-out drops and wake up when it's all over. Oh well, I'm going to put my big girl tighties on and suck it up. Yeah. Right. :nervous
  23. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Emily, I haven't been banded yet (tomorrow's the day), so I'm no expert, but my doc's office says it is okay if you don't get a lot of calories. But they say that it is not okay if you don't get enough Protein. Too many bad things can happen if your protein intake is too low. They prescribe 3 scoops of Protein Shake mixed with Water and ice from day 3 on - in addition to whatever else you eat or drink - until you can chew and swallow real chicken, etc. Once you can get protein in regular food form, they take you off the shakes. They also say that when you start eating meals of any kind, that you should eat protein first. There's no telling how much you'll be able to eat of a meal, so eat the protein first so you will definitely get a portion of that in your system. It will also satisfy your hunger easier than most other foods.
  24. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Hi ya'll! I've been out of the loop for several days. Don't get me started or I'll tell you all about the perils of BJ! :faint: I won't bore you with the details, but I was evacuated with my street blocked off by the Fire Dept. because the pool builders cut the main gas line to my house onThursday. Took hours to get it capped and we've spent the weekend without hot Water because when they reconnected our gas line, one of the water heaters won't relight. My sweet little Min. Schnauzer damaged her eye (also by wires sticking out around the huge mess that will soon be a swimming pool) and had to have emergency surgery on Sat. :think Honestly there's more... I will spare you but I will say that everything has been keeping me extremely preoccupied and I am much more relaxed and resolved about the surgery tomorrow than I was the last time I posted. My pre-op was uneventful. I have eaten more today :hungry: than for the past 3 weeks but I won't have dinner. I check in at 6:00 AM and surgery at 7:30. I've caught up reading everyone's results and feelings, etc., since they've been through the surgery and several days post-op. All sounds like stuff I can deal with. Good to know that the 2nd day is worse than the first. My doc gave me a prescription for Promethegan for nausea. :phanvan He says I should use it whenever I feel nauseous - whether is right after surgery or 5 years from now from food poisoning or the flu. The stuff lasts 10 years in the 'fridge and he says it is imperative that I not spend any time throwing up. :huytsao He says throwing up is different from a little PB and that I will know the difference between a PB and true nausea induced vomiting. The true nausea can be the cause of slippage and there's no sense taking a chance. Also gave me the pain medication that I keep reading about that many of you said is a horrible experience. They gave it to me with the caveat that I use it sparingly. He said pain killers are known for causing a slow down in the lower digestive tract and that we don't want that. Getting rid of the gas, etc., post-op is important in relieving the shoulder and back pain that is common after surgery. :help: About the pedicure - whatever. I'm gonna enjoy my pretty tootsies whether the hospital staff gets to see them or not! I still think it was money well-spent. That's it from me. I hope all ya'll who'll be getting bands at about the same time that I am will have a very good day tomorrow. I'm expecting only the best for all of us! Oops, one more thing... I read an article yesterday about a study they did on Mozart music. I've always heard that it helps brain function, but this study actually documented quicker healing from surgery in patients who listened to it afterwards. They slept better when they listened to it at bedtime. :notagree They experienced less pain too! So I'm going out to buy a CD and I plan to listen to it until I am back up and at 'em. As they say in Texas. Best wishes for a speedy recovery all you September bandsters! BJ
  25. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Gjdf52: Good for you! Sounds like your post-op diet is similar to the one I've been given. Hope you continue to do great and I'll look forward to hearing more about your sojourn into band-land!

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