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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    September Bandsters

    wantlapband: My dietician said that if you combine (process) some chicken with some cream of chicken soup that it will go down much easier. My doc gave me a small baby spoon. When I was at your stage of the game, it was a big help. I don't know if it will taste good to you, but Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup really hit the spot for me. Also, there are Laughing Cow Lite Garlic and Herb cheese wedges that are incredibly good. One of those was such a treat and was very filling (they are a soft cheese). Good Luck!
  2. BJean

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    TruBluSue: Good for you for following your convictions. It's gotta be H-E-double L for those military in Iraq who see the war up close and personal, and who disagree with BuSH's declaration of War on the Iraqi's. It's been very interesting to hear what some of the retired Generals have had to say about it. And the idea that we have forces there who do not have adequate weaponry and other support is something I thought Americans would never do to our military. Doesn't BuSH have a conscience? How can he visit Iraq and look those men and women in the eye? In Desert Storm, when some of the National Guard were called up and sent, and so many of them who were taken away from important jobs and family voiced their discontent, I thought, hey you guys, you've taken the job of weekend warrior, received the pay, etc., now we need you, so you gotta go. But this is so different. The National Guard has become an intregal part of our fighting force there. Wonder where we would be over there if it weren't for the call up of so many of our National Guardsmen (Guardswomen).
  3. BJean

    September Bandsters

    We were so busy over the weekend, I forgot to get DH help me with the ticker thing. I've tried, honestly I have. We'll work on it tonight. Banded 9/11/06 Original BMI: 40+ 5'1.5" height Age: not enough guts to put it in writing. :rolleyes 218s/192c/135g So starting weight for the Challenge: 192 The dietician said that I am ahead of most of the people in their office on weight loss for the length of time I've been banded. She wanted to make me an appt. for my first fill for the 19th of Oct. My DS, DIL and twin 4 yr. old wild broncos, er I mean boys, are arriving on the morning of the 20th. I thought that might be a bit challenging, dealing with all that and getting accustomed to the first fill. So I'm getting my first fill on October 24th. I am very excited because like everyone else it seems, my appetite has returned and I can eat just about anything I try as long as I chew at least 20 to 30 times per bite. I finally started my exercise program on Friday. I'm hoping it will help get rid of some of this darned cellulite. I have a long way to go on that tho. Some of you were talking about your family not noticing your weight loss. My DH and DD & SIL have said something, but it felt almost gratuitous. I'm surprised that my clothes aren't looser. However the size 2X tops are getting pretty big on me. I've lost most of my weight in my face, neck and shoulders. And my butt is beginning to not seem so much like there's a short person following me real close. Ever knocked something over with your A$$ and didn't realize you were even close to the now broken object? Sux. :girl_hug: Best of luck (although it will take work, more than luck) to everyone participating in the Christmas Challenge!! I'm excited... if I make my goal, I will weigh 167 lbs. I KNOW I will change clothes sizes by then!
  4. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Yellow Rose Knows: Good question! I haven't heard a word anywhere about frozen yogurt. Now regular yogurt, on the other hand, is mentioned on my allowed foods list. It must be low-fat or fat free and it must be suger free. So none of the yogurts with fruit in any form is allowed. At least I haven't been able to find one that is sweetened artifically. They're probably out there. When we lived near a TCBY (frozen yogurt place) they had f/f, s/f frozen yogurt that was really good. We are allowed s/f, f/f popsicles, so why not s/f, f/f frozen yogurt? I honestly haven't heard a word on it.
  5. BJean

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    It pains me to see Coulter's name brought up anytime at any place. She has brought such ugliness to the party she champions. She and Rush Limbaugh seem like they've gone off the deep end. That's good for someone like me, who is shocked to the very core of my being by the distortions, exaggerations and outright lies those two spout out. I'm pretty sure that most decent American citizens are also outraged by the way those two operate especially since they do it under the guise of the "moral" majority.
  6. TOM: I'll tell you what I think will happen, if your senario once again takes place in this country. NOTHING!! Absolutely nothing will happen to clean it up and no Democrats will be replacing any Republicans.
  7. BJean

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Green: You said it so much better than I. Thank you.
  8. BJean

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    mini-me: I really liked your thoughtful points on the patriotism issue. I didn't think we were discussing the pros and cons of Americans' patriotism. I thought we were trying to understand why someone would embrace everything their leaders do, whether they agree with them or not, and call that patriotism.
  9. BJean

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    TommyO: I got a big kick out of your post! And that's a Good Thing!
  10. TOM: That's exactly what I was trying to say and I was hoping you were able to read between the lines. I am outraged for the people who were harmed directly, workers in Saipan and the American Indians, but we are all hurt and so is the very fiber of our country. I am afraid our elections (after these past two, especially) are a joke. And I don't know what do to about it.
  11. OMG: Tonight there was a special on TV by B Moyers and it was a piece on recent Republican lobbiests and Tom DeLay, among others. I kept getting interrupted by the phone and neighbors so I missed quite a bit of it. But the parts I was able to see really got me angry. Especially remembering how loudly DeLay denied any wrongdoing while trotting out his "deep Christian faith". I know how politics work, but it still infuriates me that they get away with so much - with so many people being directly hurt in the process.
  12. BJean

    September Bandsters

    MOM: Thanks for organizing! I am computer illiterate, so I have never mastered the ticker thing. I keep trying to remember to get DH to show me how. He'll be home this weekend and I'll hit him up. (so to speak)
  13. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Emily: Sounds like you have a good routine going calorie-wise. I haven't been counting my cals since I moved past mushies. I just try not to eat very much at one sitting and try to stay away from anything with lots of carbs. So far I'm still losing, but a few ounces per day instead of a pound. Glad you're doing the Christmas Challenge! This is going to be fun!
  14. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Hopeworks: My port is on my left side. You could have pulled a muscle, but I'm no doctor. If you are having pain, I would suggest that you call your doctor - he has the best knowledge of your particulars.
  15. BJean

    September Bandsters

    You peeps are awesome! :clap2: The doc sez that a 1 to 2 lb. weight loss per week is the recommended pace. I'm gonna pledge that I will lose 25 lbs. by Dec 25th also. Maybe a tiny ambitious, but thus far I haven't been able to exercise because of my knees. (Pool is nearly completed.) I will finally be able to start my exercise program this coming Friday. I also pledge to do the thirty minute water aerobic workout, a minimum of 3 Xs per week. Let's go kick some serious fat!!
  16. BJean

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Thank you TOM!!! Well said. Many people who are patriotic think that one can only be a true patriot if one wears blinders so that they can swallow hook line and sinker everything their President tells them. This is not the same age as the Viet Nam War where people were so shocked and disgusted by the war that they shunned the veterans coming home. Today we are much smarter about just who our military people are (citizens of this country) and we can support them wholeheartedly and still be against the war. I am sure some of the differences could be attributed to the draft, and another would be that we learned something from Viet Nam. But Bush Sr. has his reasons for wanting to kick some booty in the Middle East and anyone who believes that we are solely there to "liberate" Iraq's citizens and make them free, they must be one of those patriots with blinders on. Our founding fathers gave us the power and written wisdom to defend ourselves against tyrants and self-serving politicians. Mini-Me had it right - VOTE!
  17. BJean

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    This one is probably old, but I just saw it recently: If pro is the opposite of con, then What is the opposite of Progress? Congress!
  18. BJean

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    JamesA: That's always been a fav of mine. That and "It takes leather balls to play Rugby" Coltonwade: LOL!
  19. BJean

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Saw a funny bumper sticker that read: Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
  20. BJean

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Shouldn't it be... "we" old people... instead of "us'?
  21. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Ok Rita Ann, I'm in! Any other takers for the Christmas Challenge?? What exactly do we have to do, Rita? Come up with a goal, anything else?
  22. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Rita Ann: You're a month ahead of me - but I started out a little less (10 lbs) than you so that makes us about even, I guess. I sure wouldn't mind working toward that goal and swapping experiences with you along the way! I'm not much of a betting girl though. Are you?
  23. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Rita Ann: You're pretty funny your own self. Dang girl, you're at 190? When was your surgery? I'm hitting a little plateau at 194.5 - I am soooo anxious to get below 190. I keep thinking that I'll be able to relax a little then. A coupla pairs of my jeans are rapper worthy. And then sometimes I get uncomfortable sitting somewhere and undo my button and zipper and forget that I've done it and get up walk around with my altogether hanging out. When it gets breezy, I get real and zip 'em up. My bras on the other hand, are not so loose that I have to go down a size, but are definitely not "lifting and separating". Speaking of dawgs... remember Droopy, the cartoon? I'm a little taller than you - not much tho - and I would be over joyed if I could hit 175 by Christmas! IS THIS THE CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE?????
  24. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Itsgottago! Boy that experience will sure make a believer of you. I didn't have anything quite so dramatic happen, but it was a bite of the dry edge of a chicken breast and it felt awful! I've been avoiding chicken because of it. My port area is sensitive, but I don't have that sore spot that you mentioned. Want2lose: Sounds like you're doing very well! Good for you for figuring out a formula for something yummy. I'm still afraid to do anything very adventurous - I had a bad bout with some Mexican food over the weekend. So I'm scared not to stay with really bland stuff. That worries me a little though because I'm not sure that nutritionally it's smart to eat so little for so long. MOM- what's the good of having a dog if you can't blame him! I've had mashed and baked potatoes several times and they don't seem any worse to me than everything else. I don't seem to be able to escape the plight of blotation! Guess it can be sweet revenge if your DH has held your head under. When you two are lying in bed, get yourself ready and then tell him you're gonna spit straight up. He'll duck under the covers and then you can let it rip! LOL WandaKay: You're a freak of nature! Far out, girl - I'm envious! Congratulations for having about the best surgery story yet! Keep up the incredible work!
  25. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Great, that makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who isn't preparing for a marathon. Let's be sure to compare notes tomorrow after we see the dieticians.

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