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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Green's grumblings

    Hah, my DH only wishes it were true! Bought me knee pads once but I didn't go for it. Green, my 84 yr. old Father had just had surgery for an aortic aneurism and somehow they botched it. (Not too surprising since this is a surgery that is frequently botched.) His systems started shutting down but they put him on life support and managed to keep him alive for a couple of months. That was a miserable state of affairs, but another story. The deal was that when I called my Dad a day or so after 9/11 and he'd been watching it all on TV, he asked me if that was what happened to him. My Dad had been a vital active man prior to the surgery. Still driving himself and friends to Bingo and the doctor. So I suffered some fairly surreal moments too right about then. eh?
  2. BJean

    Green's grumblings

    Oh crap, a torn rotator cuff. I've heard that's really painful and tedious injury to heal. My heart goes out to you. Hang in there. I have totally shot knees. I have no alternative but to have them both replaced. I was told that I must lose 10% of my weight in order to have successful knee surgery. That brought me to the Lap Band. Now I can't exercise either (except limited exercise in water) and losing and toning when you can't exercise is difficult, but hopefully not impossible. I am determined to reach 150 within a reasonable length of time and I intend to get down to 140 and maintain. We're both screwed to some extent Green, but as an old Englishman once said, we'll "never, never, never give up!"
  3. Yes Green. And you didn't even mention the enormous amount of money that the Republicans spent trying to discredit Clinton from the moment he took office. I haven't directed any insults or injury to you, mousecrazy, and I won't even go there in spite of the fact that you used my name in your post. I am really, really disgusted by the devious means with which this President has achieved his personal goals and I resent tremendously that lives have been lost and injuries that have been incurred because of him. I don't like the people who flew planes into the World Trade Center. I don't understand their mindset and I hope that we can continue to thwart their plans to kill Americans, frighten Americans and generally wreak havoc on our way of life. I will never believe that thwarting terrorist activities was achieved by our bombing and presence in Iraq. There is just way too much evidence to the contrary. I don't understand why people continue to beat the dead horse after the flies are circling.
  4. BJean

    Green's grumblings

    Green: I am almost as light as you (I'm at 184) and I have having what seem to be the same feelings/problems as you. I am only filled at 1.8 cc right now (regular Inamed Band) and I cannot feel any restriction after two (count 'em 2) fills. Now I have to wait until after Thanksgiving (for God's sake) for another opportunity for a fill. I can eat bread - even gooey bread - no problem. I can eat salad - no problem. I can eat any protein source - no problem. I sucked down a slice of Pumpkin Pound Cake last night - no problem. The biggest problem is that I had no desire to skip the Pound Cake like I would have a few weeks ago. Now that isn't going to get me to the 140 lb. mark or even the 150 lb. mark. I'm worried, like you. I am not wanting to think about food all the time or be able to eat any quantity or guality of food without restriction. That's what I bought this little tool for - not just to have 5 cute little incision marks on my heretofore flawless belly. So babycakes, hang in there and wish me the same and by golly let's us go get some more saline solution!
  5. Parvathi: I used to believe that politicians, for the most part, wanted to serve their country and "do good" for their fellow citizens. That was before I worked for government as a legislative aide. I know now that it isn't the red tape that is preventing politicians from doing good. I saw up close and personal, exactly what most politicians in that arena were up to. Yes, some of them had goals and idealistic plans to make the world a better place. But most only had survival, profit and power on their agenda. The best I can do is to vote for people (and very importantly, the party) that will do the least amount of damage. The present administration, from my perspective, has done so much to gain power and build their own empires, that they have become dangerous to the well being and the freedom that Americans have been promised by the Constitution of the United States of America. That is why Democrats are screaming so loudly right now. They have real palpable fear over countless actions that this president and his administration have taken while in office.
  6. Yeah, I know what you mean. It's especially disturbing to me that my grandchildren know about all the dead Americans being brought home in body bags before they learn their multiplication tables. At least sex is a biological function that they will someday experience one way or the other. One hopes that they never have to experience death or dismemberment in the Middle East.
  7. Yea GeezerSue! It restores my faith in our military to hear from one who is honest about our presence in Iraq. One of my best friend's son served in Baghdad. He was anxious to go and hated to come home. He thanked the President for furthering his career which he would not have been able to do so quickly without this war. Plus he got extra pay while there. I would say that he's in the regular Army, but he isn't, he's in the irregular regular National Guard. When the Republicans are in control, the military and weapons systems in the U.S. grow by leaps - then the Dems come in and get cursed for balancing the budget. Makes lots of sense, doesn't it? Not. Btw, my husband's business grows by leaps while the Rebuplicans are in office too. But that doesn't make it right.
  8. I am probably lumping all these Rants and Raves together. Although there has been at least some negative inflection in some Republican posts here. I don't have time to go back through all of them. Just ignore me if you like. I didn't direct my posts to you or anyone else. I was just stating my opinion. You don't have to agree with me. I don't have to justify my thoughts. Go ahead and pot shot all you want, I'm not all that concerned one way or the other. I didn't mean to upset you. I just got tired of Republicans saying the others were being personal when I had an opposing view and finally decided to voice it.
  9. I was merely taking exception to some of the remarks made in this thread, repeatedly. Perhaps they were not saying "criticism of Bush means you aren't a Christian" in those words, but they and the patriot comments are certainly insinuated by the words that were written. It bothers me because it seems like the Republican posts here show that they are very bothered by Demos' remarks about BuSh. They have been so bothered, it seems, that they have accused Demos of being unpatriotic and not good Christians. Neither is necessarily true. And I wished to point out that for Republicans to become defensive because they are outnumbered here shouldn't prompt them to insult, personally, people for stating their feelings or beliefs. You are entitled to say what you want, we are entitled to wish you wouldn't... but we shouldn't attack each others' morals, should we? As to your question, "Are you the only one entitled to an opinion?" is provocative and it seems to be looking for a fight. But of course, you're entitled to say what you want... it doesn't necessarily mean what I think it does. As long as we all agree about that, there is no fight to be had, is there?
  10. LOL I loved your use of the word "crap". Easily understood. :heh:
  11. Maybe the reason people here seem to attack the man - George W. Bush - is because we got so darned tired of Republicans attacking the man - Clinton - in very personal ways. You can't have it both ways. You can't attack Clinton with regard to his personal life and then not expect to hear it about Georgie-porgie. And let's set this record straight. To criticize a president of the United States of America while he's in office is not a criticizism of the United States or its' military. It is in fact, very American and just exactly what the framers of the Constitution made sure that citizens of the United States are able to do without it being considered un-American. Free speech, ya gotta love it, man. Consider the alternative. Besides it is as far as I'm concerned un-American for people to tell others, with whom they disagree, that because they are Democrats and "liberal" that they aren't good Christians and they are traitors to their country. Balderdash. By insulting their fellow Americans personally aren't they guilty of not sticking with political discussion?
  12. I was pretty sure I liked you TrueBlueSue, now I KNOW it!
  13. BJean

    September Bandsters

    MOM: My numbers are correct.
  14. BJean

    Let's talk about taxes

    Very funny.
  15. I just wish I belived that Dubya was having a temper tantrum when he decided to put our people (living, breathing American men and woman) in Iraq. I believe it had much more to do with lining his and others' pockets with gold. Which is much, much worse than a temper tantrum. Most temper tantrums subside over a period of time, once rationality has had a chance to set in. Well it has been long enough and obvious enough for G.W. to come to his senses. But he just keeps on being responsible for the loss of American life and limb in Iraq. When he went there and the media recorded our soldiers embracing him, I wanted to throw up - not PB mind you - but actual gut wrenching vomit. What kind of person can do that? I can only conclude that he sold out long before he took office. He agreed to do this dirty work, come hell or high water, and as repayment he gets to hold the highest office in the land and he gets to become wealthy in the process. It's politics at its' finest.
  16. Bigbootygirl: Don't worry about being on a soap box. Practically all of us who have posted here have been on a soap box. That's what was fun about this thread. It seems to me, after re-reading many of the posts, that several of the Republican respondents have been intimidated by the passion that has gone on by the Democrats. So they've decided that those passionate posts are PERSONAL. I don't believe that they are. The real reason Republicans don't feel comfortable posting here is that they don't have much in their arsenal to stage a counter-attack. Politics is sort of like religion... political choices can be made on faith. Republicans seem to have faith that G.W. is not lying about his motives and the motives of his cabinet. Democrats just don't have that same faith in Republican motives because there is such overwhelming evidence to the contrary. No wonder most Republicans don't feel comfortable posting here.
  17. BJean

    September Bandsters

    MOM: I'm down 1 lb. for the week. Not exciting since I got a second fill on Thursday and hoped I'd feel more restricted this time.
  18. The worst part of infidelity is not the sexual act itself. The thing that hurts the most is the secret. When you love someone and you are trying to have a great relationship, it is very damaging for one person to have a part of their life secret from the other. Communication is the key. For a couple to master the art of good communication, there are a couple of components that need to be present: respect and trust. Without respect and trust the marriage commitment can quickly go by the wayside. Good people wind up divorced for miriad reasons, but if a couple communicates well and respects and trusts each other their odds of getting a divorce are greatly reduced. If an indiscretion takes place, for whatever reason, but there is still an ability for the couple to communicate and discover the reason for the indiscretion, the marriage can be saved. Infidility, as Green pointed out, is not necessarily the worst thing that one spouse can do to another in a marriage.
  19. Gadge: I saw Phyllis S. debate Betty Friedan once. Ms. Friedan was the epitome of sophistication and fine manners. Phyllis Schafley on the other hand was positively venomous. She raised her voice and made ugly faces and spewed her venom about how women should stay home and tend the children and take care of their husbands. But she was a practicing lawyer, out on the political stump. She wasn't home baking Cookies and taking care of her children. She made me want to vomit.
  20. BJean

    Let's talk about taxes

    Bitter, you gave me a chuckle when you told us about your mom getting a bang out of the old ladies at the nursing home - like she doesn't realize she's old too. My dad was the same way. He lived in a retirement community and he was spry and very active all of his life. He used to drive a lot of the old folks to the doctor and they played Bingo and all that. But he was hilarious when he would laugh at something those "old folks" did. He never admitted that he might be even older than they were! Good grief, before I know it I'm going to be doing the same thing!! One day I'm going to drive to Tahlequah and go exploring. You're lucky to be able to work and live there.
  21. I don't know where you live in Canada, but when we lived in Montreal we learned that there was a section of town on the east side where lots of gay people lived. In fact we looked at an apartment there and the man who wanted to sublet it told us that since we had a young daughter, we might not want to live there and expose her to the gay life on the streets. My hairdresser in Orlando was gay and he and many of his gay friends loved to vacation in Montreal because of the large gay population and the acceptance of gays there. I guess Montreal can certainly be considered a big city and your observation that life might be easier for gays in a big city would seem to hold true there.
  22. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Mariecarmen: Thanks so much. When I saw my dietcian this week she mentioned the "sweet spot" and explained how that feels. My first fill was 1.5 and while I was there they added another .3 so that I am now at 1.8. So far I still don't feel like I have much restriction and am not in the green zone - according to your satiety guide. I've heard that you may not get optimal results from a fill for approx. 2 weeks. I so long for the green zone! Thanks for taking the time to tell me about it. My doctor's office really has their act together but I hadn't heard anyone mention a satiety guide. :nervous
  23. BJean

    September Bandsters

    I have been concerned about the holidays. On Halloween for the first time ever I did not eat one iota of candy. Not one. That's a pretty big deal for me. I always bought the kind of candy I like and enjoyed munching on it a week before, the night of Halloween, and for a couple of weeks aferwards. Since I got through Halloween so successfully I have more confidence about Thanksgiving and Christmas. In fact we are going to go out of town over Thanksgiving so that I do not feel like I should be preparing the huge meal for my family that we all love so much. I do still plan to cook a turkey on the Sunday after Thanksgiving and will make stuffing, but not all the desserts and bread and bad stuff. Brussel sprouts instead of candied sweet potatoes. Pumpkin pie instead of the decadent 5 layer Belgin chocolate cream pie. We can do it ya'll. It will be worth it.
  24. BJean

    September Bandsters

    MarieCarmen: What's a satiety gauge????

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