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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BJean

  1. It's great to hear someone be real about the Swift Boat Liars. At last! I think the internet may a big help to us in the next election!
  2. BJean

    September Bandsters

    MinIN: The "bitch", if we want to give her the benefit of the doubt... might have been feeling bad for you that your man might be pushing you to get bigger boobs than you want. Some men are like that, thinking more of themselves than their woman. Her man may treat her that way and it had nothing to do with your or Jamie. Or there's always the chance that she's just a bitch. But it isn't too surprising that Jamie would react the way he did when he was already feeling a bit insecure. There are certain triggers in men that hit home - baldness is one, man boobs is another. It's great that you and he can talk frankly about all of it and you're great for wanting to give him lots of support, and the right kind of support. My DH was very aware of my overeating and tremendous weight gain. He didn't say anything bad to me, but every once in a while, he'd make a small comment or two. He was just as overweight as I was. While I sure did not realize how big I had gotten, he certainly didn't realize he was just as big. (I don't know how lots of men can keep their self-esteem so built up sometimes while most of us women have to work so hard at it.) Now that I've been losing enough to really notice, he's finding that it is much more difficult for him to lose along with me as he'd planned. I can tell that he's getting more worried the more I lose. His self-confidence has taken a dive too and although I'm like you, I want to be completely supportive, I think I'm a little big glad that he is finally realizing how difficult it all is. I weighed 106 lbs. when he married me, so I don't have the comfort of knowing that he will love me no matter how much I weigh. He said he loved me, no matter what, but I know his weight made a difference at how I attractive I thought he was, physically, so I know mine has to make a difference to him too. The bottom line is that weight gain, obesity, is a very very difficult thing to manage. When we're lucky enough to have someone we love in our lives, if we can stick together and be there for each other no matter what our ups and downs are, we are going to be healthier! It sounds like you and Jamie are that lucky! :clap2:
  3. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    deborah: Has your doctor given you instructions for the 10 days (or more) before your surgery? Most of us were on a high protein, low carb diet prior to surgery to shrink our livers. This makes more room for him and puts you at less risk for accidental damage to your liver. If you stick with that diet, you will lose some weight. The goal is 7 to 10 lbs. After surgery, you will be on a restricted diet. Most of us began with a clear liquid diet, then moved to a soft diet and included a high protein shake of some kind. You'll be on that for about 3 weeks, or whatever your doctor recommends. I lost a good deal of the 38 lbs. or so that I've lost during this period of time. After you begin eating normal food, the weight loss is much slower. That is a good thing because you want to stay healthy and strong. The rate at which you lose will depend upon how much you are restricted to some degree, but mostly it will depend upon your determination to eat properly and your ability and willingness to exercise along with making the best choices in both the quantity and quality of the food you eat. No one can really tell you how soon your doctor will give you a fill except him. I believe that for most folks it's about 6 weeks. You will have a considerable amount of swelling after surgery that will cause restriction without a fill until time for your first adjustment. I don't know what your doctor offers in the way of support, but this is a good place to talk to people who have the Lap Band. Your doctor is the best source for answers to most of the important questions though. My doctor and many others tell us that this is a 2 year journey to health and weight loss. To try to rush it, or starve yourself, is not healthy and will not produce the best results. Good luck!
  4. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    gadgetlady: One way to find out if there are any souls out there who want to discuss your topic would be to start a thread on that topic.
  5. BJean

    My Christmas Message

    Oh geez TOM, I did all the damage I could do for one day. Haven't gone there yet this AM. Was planning to avoid the whole thing today. Now you've gone and made me curious. :heh:
  6. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Thanks Ron, for setting me straight. You don't say those things, the Bible does. So you're saying that you don't think that people who do not accept the Bible as literal and do not belive that Jesus, the Son of God, died for our sins are not going to hell? I don't understand. If they don't accept the Bible and don't believe in Jesus as the Son of God and all the other things that you quote from the Bible here, that you have said are TRUE, 100%, then they are not going to hell?
  7. BJean

    My Christmas Message

    Nah, me neither. We're all Cowboys at heart, aren't we? I mean the Dallas Cowboys, of course!
  8. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    gadgetlady: Ron says that his way is the only way. His way is based on his knowledge, after 30 years of study, that the Bible is to be taken as literal and that the Bible's verses are proof that if we do not share in his beliefs specifically (since they are based on the literal Bible which is proof of his beliefs), we are (100% of us) going to hell and that we are fools. Correct me if I am wrong.
  9. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    It's interesting to make note of the fact that there are so many different interpretations of God, the Bible and other sources here, just on this thread, that it points to the chance that things may have been translated over the thousands of years with some possibility of bias and/or differing interpretations creeping in here and there.
  10. I'll crank up my mimeograph machine. I sure hope you are all not too young to have had purple hands once.
  11. BJean

    My Christmas Message

    TruBluSue: I have to give you props from here... I too thought there was a male chauvinistic connotation in the language used about a woman's use of a prayer shawl. I'm all for detoxification! Especially if we can have as much fun here as we've stopped having elsewhere! OUSooner: You're cute, but I went to O.S.U. Tea sipper.
  12. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron that's what I'm talking about. As far as I'm concerned you may have been listening afterall, contrary to my earlier belief. I commend you for not going berserk to TOMs post. You said you disagree. You said he's entitled to his opinion. No lengthy diatribe, no insults, etc. Good for you.
  13. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Geezersue: Why not start a new thread? You might get a better and more reasonable discussion going. This one is pretty tainted at this point. I'm not sure anyone feels that there is any value in posting here anymore. I certainly don't.
  14. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Serious: I said early on here that he has a hidden agenda and that converting people to Jesus is not it. Having an argument, belittling others, spouting rehtoric, feeling superior spiritually, was and continues to be the goal. If it weren't, he wouldn't continue the same practices and continue to get the same results over and over. I was drawn to it like most everyone else because it seemed so unfair to allow his tactics go unchecked. But I, contrary to my earlier pledge, allowed myself to get drawn back in. I am sure that he is giggling hysterically everytime someone posts anything here, but especially when someone disagrees.
  16. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    lisah25: Thanks for sharing your story from the weekend. Your DH is a very fortunate man to have you to help him through life. I am sure that you love him very much.
  17. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron you have said repeatedly that your way is the only way which is fine. But you do not show that you respect anyone else's beliefs. In fact, just the opposite is true. In fact you must be working real hard at trying to seem obtuse, because it has been said so often here that it's your attitude that is being protested, NOT what you believe is 100% true and NOT what you believe is 100% based on the Bible and NOT what you believe is 100% positive proof that you are right, but it IS because you have proclaimed that 100% of everyone else is going to hell. Many of us know what the Bible says about hell, damnation to hell, and have heard many hell, fire and brimstone sermons, and we still believe what we believe. No, I don't expect you to change your beliefs. No I don't expect you to compromise what you BELIEVE is 100% true. A refreshing change here would be for you to understand that you should not expect anyone else to change what they believe is 100% true and you should be nice about it, not haughtily exclaim that they are going to hell. That is what respect is all about. No one here is telling you that you are 100% wrong in your belief of the Bible. You're the one who began using that and other similar language.
  18. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Please, please, please Ron understand that most of the protestors here are not protesting your beliefs. Even the atheists aren't protesting your beliefs as much as your "message" and the fact that you aren't cutting anyone else slack or giving them respect for their beliefs, since they are not YOUR beliefs.
  19. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    TruBluSue: Now YOU on the other hand, have lots of respect from the likes of me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For so many things on so many levels, thank you.
  20. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron that's exactly my point. You are busily trying to convince people that there is proof, undeniable, substantiated PROOF. Not everyone interprets that what you say or even what the Bible says is absolute PROOF. You come off as a bully because you insist, INSIST that they are wrong for not accepting what YOU know. What I know is that your interpretation of proof in the Bible is not accepted as absolute in most people's interpretation of the Bible. That's not to say that someone who wants to live by the Scriptures, doesn't believe them with all of their heart. The mystifying thing to me is that you seem to be accusing them of not being capable of believing the Scriptures and in God, without the incontrovertible proof that you believe and feel that everyone should accept. Sorry, ain't happening. No matter how many times or ways that you say it. No matter how strong your language, no matter how vehemently you declare that they are going to hell. And the longer that you spout off, the less of a chance that someone here is going to embrace the teachings in the Bible.
  21. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    mdicurn: That would be a sensible plan of action. However, let me encourage you to visit all the threads that offer support to Lap Bandsters. It is very helpful, especially when you are just beginning your journey. There are many very wonderful people here who are happy and encouraging and helpful. Welcome!
  22. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    mdicurn: You make a good point. That is precisely why I have participated here.
  23. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron we finally agree on something! Rules of engagement for one. But as for statements being "unfounded" you can choose to believe that someone's statement is true or untrue, but you may never know if they have valid reasons for that statement unless they choose to reveal them to you. Those kinds of accusations and demands and that kind of authoritative argument is just what puts people off. Scripture quoting may be the only way you feel that someone has to back up their beliefs, but beliefs are beliefs based on whatever the believer chooses to base them on. People do not have to play by your rules. You don't have to play with them, of course, but you cannot demand these things and say that they are fools if they do not choose to provide YOU WITH THEIR PROOF. Just respectfully disagree. You are not our God. We will not sit before you on Judgement Day. You have no authority, or even necessarily credibility, for us. And to cite scriptures and say that you are the authority on their meaning and what God or an Apostle meant when they said it, just doesn't hold water for many of us. Not only that but it is offensive. My primary concern is that you tend to turn people away from, not toward your beliefs - not because of your citing scripture or due to you sharing your beliefs, but because you present yourself as an authority because you say that you have studied for 30 years and have an ability to state what you believe as the Word of God, with absolute PROOF, because you've decided something from the Bible or a theologian or someone else says that it is PROOF. In the end, we all believe that faith is what is important in this argument. PROOF, as you present it, is subjective. I know, you're going to tell me again that it isn't YOU who is providing proof, it's the Bible. Well we're telling you that you are howling in the wind.
  24. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Cory, you're amazing! I'm glad to read your story for this week!
  25. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Oh, I said lisah25 is sweet. Tom is smart. He may be sweet too, and I suspect that he is. I am glad that you feel that way. It definitely looks good on you! It is for me to interpret the Bible for me. It is for me to choose when I have discourse with God. He makes his presence known to me in ways that do not include someone on LBT screaming in mine or other people's face.

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