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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BJean

  1. Stacy, you're a champ! Good job. Today I'm quite a bit less sore too. Still some swelling and tenderness where my port was. Hope your recovery continues at the same rapid pace!
  2. BJean

    sleeved and home

    I was unable to pull up your blog but watched your video. Good idea, posting at milestones. I'm doing pretty well. Today I was able to actually take in about a quarter cup of cream of chicken Soup. It was great. My doc has said I can use a little mylanta for the burning which has been a godsend. I was a revision so where my band port was is the where the most swelling (at least externally) is and the most tender spot. The other incisions are tiny and look great, no swelling or even discoloration. Glad you're doing so well. You look fabulous, dahling!
  3. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    patty if I have to read one more rant of yours about how you don't want to help anybody else because they can just help themselves I will seriously vomit. Not that you'd care, of course. You'd delight in my discomfort, of that I am certain. You sound like the most selfish, shallow, single-minded and misguided person I've ever had the occasion to come in contact with. You're a pathetic excuse for an American. And anybody wants a piece of me for saying this, come on! Bring it on! I haven't been able to take my meds because I've had 2/3 of my stomach removed and I'm mad as hell and I'm gonna say so!
  4. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    yeah, spill baby spill. Coming soon to a seashore near you. Bob, I have decided that I agree with you about certain posters double identity.
  5. BJean

    sleeved and home

    Swiftflow, how're you doing?? Carla, hang in there. Glad you're doing well!
  6. Stacy when did you begin to start feeling better? I'm only 3 days out from having surgery but at the moment, it seems like it will be forever before I can have food again. I see that tomorrow I can have V8 juice and I'm pretty pumped about that. What are you existing on right now?
  7. It's funny... funny weird. I weighed when I got home from the hospital and was UP 4 lbs. And I thought that was very strange because I got rid of the band and that should have weighed something, right? Well I weighed a while ago (the next day) and I'm down like 8 lbs. So I have a sneaking suspicion that the scale isn't going to be something we can rely on in this process. I've spent a lifetime nearly jumping on the scale to see what how I'm doing and I think that might have been my biggest mistake from the beginning. I know my metabolism was wrecked from years of serial dieting. I got to the point where I couldn't lose weight even if I fasted. So my body is so used to hanging on to every calorie I take in, it's going to take a while for it to figure this one out. The thing that gives me hope that this is going to work is that I haven't read any posts of people who haven't been able to lose weight with the sleeve. Am I just being naive?? Have I only read what I wanted to read?
  8. I like those okay but right now I can't take in anything that is cold. Sharp shooting pains ensue after so much as a tiny sip or bite of anything icy. I guess this will change? I am so glad to hear that things will improve. I was wondering if this shooting pain thing is what keeps you on the straight and narrow and causes you to lose weight over the long haul.
  9. Well I thought this thread was for posting problems so that we could learn from other people's experiences. We've read here that Dr. Alamanza and that clinic have been the only ones that have super-negative experiences posted about them. I thought that it would be beneficial if you had a complication, that you would tell us who and where it took place. And it would be more fair than to just have this one name and clinic come up all the time. Your post makes you sound better. I hope that's true. I had my surgery on Wednesday. I'm really sore and uncomfortable, but better than yesterday so that's good, right?
  10. I'm sure I can put up with this for a month. But sure wish it were more like a week. Today (had the surgery on Wed) I am a little better. I can see where if I get a little better each day, before too long it will all be doable. I actually got about 1/4 c of chicken broth down, a tiny spoonful at a time. I think that's pretty darned good. Everything tastes lousy and smells lousy and I'd rather be having something else, but I wouldn't dream of veering away from the plan they gave me. I just can't get everything down that they have on the list. But maybe in a few days it will be better. You all give me hope.
  11. Thanks for all the good wishes. I will let you know how it goes and I'm sure I will have tons of questions as I go along. This is a fanstastic resource. If I didn't have your input I am sure I would have been thinking that there was something really wrong yesterday. It's so different from the band surgery. And the burning and nausea and stuff is no darned fun. But evidentially it's fairly normal and time will heal the wounds. thanks you all!
  12. BJean

    nervous & excited

    Thanks pnw218 and Stacy. I hope you're right and things are better today. I know this, reading your posts makes me feel a lot more confident that there's nothing wrong and that what I'm feeling is normal. goodlife, I too am having heartburn/acid. My doc said no prevecid or tums but said I could take a little mylanta, which even a tiny bit did seem to help calm that area right in my mid-section. Funniest thing... yesterday when I came home from the hospital, I weighed just for giggles, wondering how much that band added to my weight and lo and behold I had gained 4 lbs. since the morning of surgery. Bizzare! I'm sure that will change. I'm sure it is all the IV fluids and stuff that myh body has been retaining. I didn't expect much loss but sure didn't expect a gain. I need to install a ticker but I will worry about that when I feel better. Goodlife are you a revision from the band? Where my port was now has a pretty big protrusion. With my penchant for hernias I hope there isn't a hernia there. Maybe it's only swollen from the trauma. Hang in there goodlife and thanks for your support you sweet peeps!
  13. Thanks, I'm home. Yesterday went well, I guess. It was quite frankly more difficult than the band surgery for me. I never had to take pain meds when I came home after the band but I am having to make sure I get them with this reivision. I really appreciate your support lan2k, and Tiff I may be up to talking before long. Yeah, that's a threat. :-)
  14. BJean

    nervous & excited

    I'm home. My surgery (revision from band to sleeve) took about 1.5 hours very early yesterday morning. I was in recovery for another 3. Lots of nausea. But finally got it undercontrol by about noon. I can see that this is going to be a rather tedious next 3 weeks or so. I can hardly stand artifically sweetened stuff so I'm probably going to have to really fight to get the stuff down. I think tomorrow I might be able to have a Protein shake. I'm only getting a few sips of anything down at a time. If I take my Darvosette, I'm okay. When I need it, I'm pretty uncomfortable. No trouble ambulating - I was up walking around pretty quickly and took several spins around the ward last night. My doc said that the gas will settle in one of your shoulders (or both) if you lie on your side to sleep. So I've been staying upright ever since he told me that. So far, no shoulder pain. He found another hiatal hernia but thinks it won't give me any trouble now. But did think that was why I wasn't successful with the band. Hope goodlife and swiftflow check in and are doing well.
  15. BJean

    Health Care

    Sure it makes up a small part of the government. Lots and lots of things make up the government. My point was that for someone to ask the question, do you approve of your government (or similar verbage) they are not asking, do you approve of your president. They're not even asking do you approve of the legislative branch, or the military branch or the executive branch or any other segment of the goverment. Many segments make up our goverment. So assuming that a certain percentage of the population responding to a such a broad based question, responds no they do not approve of the job the government is diong, it certainly should not indicate to any extent that those people disapprove of the president. It just doesn't make any sense to do that.
  16. BJean

    Health Care

    So you think the president is the government? I know you can explain it to me since you are so anti-government. You're bound to know exactly what you're protesting, right?
  17. BJean

    nervous & excited

    Ok swiftflow and goodlife - tomorrow's the big day for us! I should be in bed since I have to get up at 5 a.m. but I'm a bundle of nerves. Reading your very positive post when you're a little less than week out, stcyt, is a real emotion booster! Thanks! Best of everything to you swiftflow and goodlife. Hope we all have wonderful surgical stories to share in a couple of days!
  18. Mary to be real honest, I think that many people reading it were secretly doing a thumbs up. I too get tired of people being so artifically nice that it is worthless drivil. Well, I am guilty of that and for that I apologize. Btw, youi write extremely well, have great points to make and I don't have to work hard at figuring out what you've said. I love that and I can say that I appreciate your posts very much. Wish me luck. My surgery is at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. I should be in bed but I can't sleep!
  19. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    loserbob I hope you're not just now figuring out that she posts stuff consistently without naming her source. She passes the stuff off as if she thought up the whole rant. I suspect that sometimes she even has posted under a different name. I think, in fact, you may be the one who noticed that first.
  20. BJean

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Let's get this straight, you want the government to do NOTHING? So you won't have to pay taxes, right? Tell me a country that doesn't have income taxes - a developed country - and tell me what their standard of living is overall. How about comparing our country to a country in lets say, South Africa, where no income taxes are paid. How are their roads, their health, their personal safety, and the list goes on, as you like to say. This country is great because we DO CARE about all of our fellow countrymen. We have the best things because of our government. All the good stuff doesn't just pop up out of thin air. Tea baggers are downright stupid if they think it is best to have the government do nothing! They think that the country just recovers from corrupt bankers and greed corporations by doing NOTHING. Yeah I'd like to see one example of a country the size of ours where this actually worked. And yes, what we've seen is a resession but what we were facing, without government intervention, was a DEPRESSION. Two very different things. So far the country hasn't recovered from a severe depression without the government getting involved. So as usual, your logic is based on a misrepresentation of the facts.
  21. BJean

    Health Care

    Typical, just typical. I'm sure the tea baggers are eating it up.
  22. I have no doubt that we can have a relevant discussion, even a debate, without people getting real personal and unpleasant. Obviously emotions run high on this subject though and it is always difficult to read someone's posts and know for sure whether they are actually intentionally being harsh. Sometimes it just sounds like we're being mean when we aren't feeling that way at all. I don't think we should get upset anyway when someone has something they want and need to say. We should just try to keep our posts straight and honest. I haven't been posting for very long but I have learned a whole lot. I am very happy to have this resource. This is in response to wanalise's post on the previous page.
  23. Oh my, I learn something important and new here everyday! I take Wellbutrin. When I had emergency surgery a couple of years ago (colon resection) I was off my happy pills for 4 days straight. I became what you might call suicidal. I was all for allowing the surgical staff to let me die and in fact, I told them to. When my doctor's surgical assistant met with me just before surgery, she asked if she could pray with me and I said NO. Can you even imagine? I was so totally not myself and until I started taking Wellbutrin again I was pretty much a basket case and my husband was seriously concerned about me. I have learned that there is a crushable 100 mg. Wellbutrin that I am going to try to use post sleeve surgery. With all the crazy hormone issues that arise after the sleeve surgery, I know that I really need to make sure I get some of that medication and the regular Wellburtin's instructions say, "do not crush" so in case anybody reading this has the same problem, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Having Tiffy tell me that it will be important to take it with food is a great operating tip. Thanks again for your help, Tiffany!!

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