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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    TOM: My guess would be Dubya.
  2. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    United Status-uns.
  3. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    TOM: When I lived in Canada I was surprised to hear Canadians constantly refer to themselves as Americans. That's when I first realized the truth about how Americans think United States citizens are the only real Americans. Tells you how isolationist we can be.
  4. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Green: I wish my only infraction here had been the use of one silly word. In spite of all of its' negativity, this thread has been a learning experience. So I'm not sorry I participated. I hope we've all learned a thing or two. I also hope no one was so turned off that they decide not to participate on other threads. I think that Rants and Raves isn't a place where the majority of people are comfortable but I think that many of the people it appeals to are bright and thoughtful people. I am happy to have made the acquaintance of each and every one of them.
  5. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Smart Green! enterprise: Yes, it's a huge problem. Both my sister and my mother went through the cancer treatment/insurance system and it's not anything one should ever have to deal with. Unfortunately the problem with government intervention can pretty much be summed up with one word: lobbyists.
  6. I get up, check the new posts... read a while and then get juiced up and start adding my two cents. The next thing I know it's time to scare up some supper for the DH and I don't know where the day went!!
  7. I see your point. And another plus is that we don't have to watch the food commercials on TV while we're entertaining ourselves here.
  8. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Without government intervention how are you going to regulate the insurance companies and drug manufacturers? Of course you're right about that too... WITH government intervention how are we going to regulate insurance companies and drug manufacturers? They've got us by the ovaries and they just keep squeezing.
  9. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    ralheit: Very well said!
  10. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Green: When I worked with attorneys years ago I was told by one of them that since I was single, I should buy me a few things before I got married. Like cars, silver, furniture, clothing, whatever my little heart desired. Then he would, like a good little attorney, help me declare bankruptcy. I would have all my stuff, my new husband's name, and we could live happily ever after. He forgot to mention cosmetic surgery. Revolting, a?
  11. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Well maybe just teensy weensy opposites, missy. Seriously... it is so very upsetting to have someone call you unpatriotic or unChristian. It does make me want to vomit. Spew chunks. Hurl. Lose my lunch. Say bad things... And I have to agree this horse was dead many pages ago, wavydaby!
  12. BJean

    My New Year's Message

    Thanks ya'll. I appreciate the feedback.
  13. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    missyGordon: My sentiments exactly!!
  14. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron if Hitler were president of the United States today, would you still be saying I'm unpatriotic because I said he's a bad man? Well as far as I'm concerned, this president is a bad man. If you think that I should support him just because he was elected, you have another think coming. I believe that they rigged the first election so don't even talk to me about that. Because I can get REALLY mad about all of the disenfranchised voters in that election. Furthermore, you were probably one of the first people to do all you could to put down Bill Clinton while he was president and for all of his warts, he's twice the man that G. W. Bush is. Actually, Bush isn't even in the same league as a person. If that causes you to throw the word un-patriotic at me, you look like the fool you've worked so hard to prove yourself to be. Good for you, TommyO, you made a great point with your post!
  15. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Oh gosh Lisa. My heart goes out to you. I hope you're able to find your FIL a good place very quickly. My MIL was recently dropped, TWICE, at the nursing facility she's in for rehab from a stroke. Fortunately she is able to communicate normally or we probably would have never known it happened and known to have her checked out for injuries.
  16. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    The thing I can never, ever understand is why learning, expanding and growing into a better person - perhaps even a better Christian - is a bad thing. My ex used to go crazy if anyone, however innocently, questioned anything written in the Bible or spoken from his church's pulpit. Blasphemey is one of his buzz words. How ignorant do you have to be to allow yourself to be that brainwashed, that indoctrinated? In his case, pretty darned ignorant!
  17. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Lisa, when I was thanking everyone I forgot to thank you! You've been a little quiet the past day or so and I forgot how much your posts have meant to me. You seem to be such a darling, loving, sensible person. I wish I were as level-headed and sweet as you seem to be. Yana: The majority of the people posting here do not agree with the people-bashing, finger-pointing, haughty, condescending, preachey posts of one or two of the other people here. That the president of the United States agrees with some of what they have said is an embarrassment to many, many Americans. We are a country that is struggling to find our way right now. We will hopefully return to standing for what most Americans believe in: love, peace, prosperity and sharing.
  18. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Thank you, Ron. That was mighty civil of you.
  19. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Carlene: It seems that some conservative Christians are not so interested in the part of the Bible that speaks to peace, love and tolerance. They are far more interested in interpreting the Bible so that they can argue their extreme views that give them the right (or "mission") to spew hell, fire and brimstone, and cast doubt on anyone who doesn't parrot their beliefs. They are a scary lot.
  20. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Which side of the bed did you get up on today, Ron? Accusations? I wasn't making accusations. Straighten out your nightie. You'll feel better.
  21. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Seems Yana has ruffled some feathers this morning. Refreshing. ousooner: I certainly didnt assume that TOM was referring to the people in this era as ignorant. That "context" thing can sure get us messed up sometimes, can't it?
  22. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Oh pardon me Ron. You didn't say that the Bible proves that the Bible is a literal document? You only said that the Bible interprets the Bible. Yes, I do recall you saying that part, for sure. You talked about proof so much I must have somehow mixed it all up. So you are the source of the backup for arguing that the Bible should be taken literally. So you are stating opinion that the words are to be understood as they are written, literally. I guess I have been misunderstanding you all along. You've insisted that everyone else somehow back up their opinions but if your only back up for the lengthy ad naseum argument that the Bible is to be interpreted literally is just your opinion, I have obviously misunderstood much of what you've been arguing.
  23. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    TOM: What you just posted makes sense to me about Ron's motives. Why else would this drone on for so long and why else would he keep insisting that the only way to heaven is through acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior. The more I learn about the right wing extremists, the more I fear them. When I was a young girl I knew that they were frightening people and I shied away from them. When I married a man who turned out to have that extremist inner core, I could not live with him, or respect him. Participating in this thread has helped me to understand better why I have always had such frustration and dislike for the right wingers who are the very poster children for hypocrisy and discrimination. Learning so much about myself and others makes me feel less guilty for sitting in my office for so many hours participating in all of this. And TOM I owe you my thanks and that of several others, Wheetsin, laurend, gadgetlady, Carlene, wavydaby and especially this morning of Yana, and even crazy ole Ron, for helping me sort out a lot of things through this thread.
  24. BJean

    My New Year's Message

    Tom: I'm rather new at this, as you probably can imagine. What do these last two posts mean to accomplish? Selling drugs?
  25. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    laurend: I want to clarify... I wasn't good griefing you!

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