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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Kalhua *wrong spelling and cream = Kahlua Sombrero, chilled glass sometimies with rocks, your choice. Cream floats on top of the Kahlua and it is a delicious shot especially when one has mastered the art of taking the shot using your mouth, no hands, without spilling any on your skirt or your uncompleted wiener, possibly hanging out of your miniskirt.
  2. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    If you're a Jew, completed or not, with or without foreskin, you can don a miniskirt and join us for our tea cup shots of ameretto and Kaluha. Here's to the one year anniversary of our leader/moderator. Anybody got any bagpipes? Don't we need bagpipes, Wheetsin? I mean the skirts and all, if they're plaid, we need bagpipes. Does anyone know what the opposite of a Bris is? Cause don't we need one of those too? Just in case TOM is lying about his Jewish doctor and doc took too much. We need to make this right. There IS someone who can perform the opposite of a Bris, isn't there? They're coming to take me away, hee, hee, ha, ha, ho, ho
  3. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Oh I see. Now I get his drift. He wears his maissianic miniskirt so as to display to the non-completed Jews just what their re-newed skin is going to look like when they reach completion. Gives new meaning to the term "completion" if you know what I mean.
  4. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Amaretto sour? I'll take a Kaluha Sombrero, thank you very much. Here's to you one year anniversary! Tickytockytickytocky, hoy hoy hoy. (or something like that) Prosit!
  5. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ooooh Church Lady, how you talk! The hootch is served in little tea cups. So as not to embarrass anyone.
  6. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    Muchas gracias mi amigas! The other one on to Jew or not to Jew is growing pretty stale.
  7. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    TOM: I think you'll have to watch out. He might want to convert you to a full-fledged Jew. He'll do that so he can help you to become a "completed Jew" after that. It's his mission. It's his ministry. Should fit in nicely over a coupla brewskis.
  8. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    Robin: Where's the Pagan thread? Here at LBT? There are quite a few pagans posting around here. Heathens, pagans, all manner of opinionated folks. They do seem to be taking the whole religious discussion with a grain of salt. Seems that the right wing Christian side are the most angry and vocal and accusatory against everyone else. It has been quite an experience!
  9. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron, once again you're confused. wavydaby didn't call Ann Coulter a media whore, Carlene did. You even made a nasty remark directly to Carlene about it - that's why wavydaby said what she did to you. She wasn't in your initial line of fire on this one. So, you're wrong. I don't know where you get this stuff.
  10. BJean

    September Bandsters

    lisalee: Oh the Carrie Wilson comment is scary. When I was at a cool grocery market today I bought four chocolate cookies. I had gobbled 3 of them down within 15 minutes of returning home. It was bizzare and I am feeling fat and haven't been feeling fat and uncomfortable in quite a while. I suppose chocolaholics anonymous is a reasonable suggestion for me too. I'm incredibly impressed with your 36 minute run of 3 miles today!!! That must feel fabulous! I am really jealous. Take care of your knees. Be sure you have very sturdy shoes. I know I sound like an old nag, but I hope you'll never know what it feels like to not be able to run! It well and truly sucks. Congratulations on a great job, very well done! Keep it up.
  11. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron did you say that you've been in a messianic miniskirt for 25 years? And you say you are ordained? You're a complete fraud!
  12. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Big kudos to Greg, sophrosyne and Wheetsin for doing some serious "outing" here.
  13. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I'm glad there was someone with some authority who has jumped in on this and exposed Ron for what he is, an anti-semite. Ron has gotten away with murder here. His buzz phrases are: you don't know what you're talking about, where did you get this stuff, you are mistaken, you are wrong, you are clueless, you are a fool, where do you get this rubbish, you don't know what you're talking about, and on and on. There literally isn't enough time in the evening left to list them all here. He has proven that he is biased and rigid and not very bright. Long ago when this thread first began some of us said that he shouldn't be taken seriously, that his mission was to engage in argument since that is his forte. He doesn't care what we believe he just wants to spout off and put others down in an effort to elevate himself. Well like I said, I have learned a lot here in spite of some of the negativity that has been thrown in. So maybe Ron ain't such a bad thing afterall. He's caused many of you to seem incredibly brilliant by comparison.
  14. BJean

    I need to get this out of my system.....

    Green we're on the edge of our seats in anticipation of you spilling your guts.
  15. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Lisa made my point about believing without having to take the Bible literally word for word. I made it earlier too, but thanks Lisa for repeating what we've already said over, and over and over. Maybe if we say it a few more times it will sink in.
  16. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    gadgetlady: No I can't. I'm not interested. If you are, I promise it's there. I'm feeling like Lisa about now, what exactly is your point at this point?
  17. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    gadgetlady: the liberals I know are not communists, Marxists or socialists. (Don't we all just love the labels that we like to impose on others!) The difference between the liberals I know and the neo-cons I've brushed up against is that the liberals are vocal about how wrong they think the neo-cons are. The neo-cons want to take up arms against liberals. Now not all neo-cons are necessarily gun-totin' extremists out looking for a kill, but some are. Those are the ones people keep talking about here.
  18. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    gadgetlady maybe you didn't ask that question of me, but I answered it. Fully. You definitely are a little late today. I think that everyone is sick and tired of that dead horse you're beating. You may not get the responses you're looking for right now.
  19. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    When we went to Alaska last summer we were shown areas that used to hold massive glaciers for all of recorded history until recently. The people who live there told us that they had never seen the glaciers melting as much as they are today. That's just one girl's experience, obviously isn't scientific or perhaps even true. But it sure made me think a lot about whether we should believe the scientists and environmentalists or whether we should believe the politicians and people who say they just don't buy it, because this is just a cyclical change we're experiencing. Besides, would you rather believe your president or your lying eyes?
  20. May family thinks I need intervention. Everytime one of them comes into my office and sees my computer it's open to LBT, usually Rants & Raves. I started out taking in just one thread at a time. It seemed harmless enough. I found it fascinating. It was wonderful at first, reading people's thoughts and ideas. Once I mustered the courage to post openly, it felt so good to be able to state my thoughts and feelings in such an open forum. I got a kind of high from it even though my other work suffered. I vowed over and over to always be a nice, kind person, but when someone disagreed with me and threw angry barbs at me, it hurt. I found myself throwing barbs back even though I knew the futility and ugliness of it. But no matter the pain, being able to say what I thought felt too good. I NEEDED the posters high! I'm hooked. I don't know how to reverse the damage and keep from incurring an even deeper addiction. I've seen what addiction can do to some posters. They're posting on every interesting site! They must be surgically glued to their office chairs. How do they manage to take it all in and continue to have a normal life? Help me man. I don't know how to quit you!
  21. You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. I have eaten 4 Cookies while reading some of the posts of you-know-who earlier. I am happy to have participated though because I have learned a lot from people like you. My waistline, on the other hand.....
  22. Hmmm, a yummy gummy caterpiller... just the thing to hang on to in times of trouble. You just never know where your next meal is coming from.
  23. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Green: I so appreciate your posting this! It is incredibly appropriate and relevant to this discussion. This is certainly not the only thing that the U.S. has going right now that is bad PR (too nice a term) for us on the international stage.
  24. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    Yeah. I hate to say this but I feel much safer knowing I'm not sitting in the room with some of the really extreme neo-cons, like Ann Coulter... and perhaps even a particular bandster who is near and dear to us. Not that they'd cut my head off, but I'm pretty sure they'd want to.

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