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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BJean

  1. gailannr: We'll be thinking of you tomorrow! Have a great initiation tomorrow! (into the Bandster Club)
  2. Ok. There the similarities end. I'm almost 5'2". You're lucky to be as tall as you are. I used to think nothing of jumping up on the counter to get things down from the upper cabinets. These days, not so much. :cry
  3. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    You know Mark, I've thought a lot about your theory that God expects us to reason through all of this and that's what he's looking for from his children. I think you have something there! It makes entirely more sense than much of the other "religious" bunk being trotted out and called the "truth."
  4. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I am sure that story is a big comfort to you, Ron.
  5. green: we have more in common than I thought. (I mean besides our brilliant intellect) We're both September bandsters, started at a similar weight, have lost about the same amount, have physical limitations for certain exercise, are beautiful, precious and politically on the right track. How tall are you? I started at 218 and am at 177 now. So we're similar in that regard. I didn't tear any rotator cuffs, but my knees are so shot that I can't do much in the way of exercise either. That's why I'm happy with my weight loss too. It is very hard to be patient and not get in such an all-fired hurry, but I believe that you are right when you say that slower weight loss will be healthier in the long run. Afterall, most of us have been able to lose weight before, and rather quickly on various extreme diets, but keeping it off and replacing bad habits is what our goals should be. That just takes some time. And we both love Canada and the U.S.
  6. BJean

    Such a bigot

    Nice post Shiloh. Tellin it like it is! Sunta: I used to think she was attactive until she went off the deep end. Now all I see is ugliness.
  7. BJean

    Such a bigot

    Aw I'm never the first one to think of something... bet it's already out there!
  8. BJean

    Such a bigot

    Karen: Right on! Is she a leftist plant?
  9. BJean

    Such a bigot

    That's a fact. Maybe that's why some of the news talk shows like Coulter so much - she makes getting a debate going, a foregone conclusion.
  10. BJean

    Such a bigot

    How very true. I thought of the same thing. Sure has been quiet around here lately...
  11. Denise: I don't think you can or should expect to lose at the rate you did when you were doing the pre-surgical or post-surgical diets. There are a couple of women at LBT who have continued to lose at that pace, but they seem to be the exception. Once you get the proper adjustment, you will do better. Until then, your appetite and old cravings seem to come back. It's a slow process and if you are committed, you can make it happen! Hang in there. I've been where you are and started losing again and have made it to almost 40 lbs. at the 6 month mark. I'm at another plateau but I am beginning to have faith that it will come off, I just need to be patient and keep chipping away at it. Everyone agrees that the key to a more rapid and sure loss is exercise.
  12. Crabcake: I went to Curves religiously for 3 years. I injured my right leg - a tendonitis thing that kept me from doing it for months. I finally gave up my membership when I found out that the reason I was in so much additoinal pain was because of arthritis in my knees. Curves is a good thing, I think. I would never have gone to one of the regular excercise spas where there are lots of guys. Since surgery and losing about 25 lbs. I started going to a water aerobics class. It's for people who've had injuries. So it isn't very strenuous. The first time I went the other people put me at ease. I was so worried about being the biggest one there and everybody seeing my chubby self in a swimsuit. Well I'm not the fattest person there and nobody cares! It has been the best thing for my knees and I'm getting around better than I have for a couple of years. We all talk our heads off the whole time we're exercising and I wind up getting in over an hour of structured moving of my arms and legs. It's the best thing I could have done for my body since I hurt my leg and knees. We have a pool too and when warm weather comes, I'll probably be doing the exercises in our own pool, but I think I'll keep going to the aerobics class because it is so much fun.
  13. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Carlene: That may be a way that most southerners would say it, but if you're from the southwest and live out in the toolies, you would probably say, "Muh danged ole warshin' machine done went un giv up the ghost!"
  14. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    Did anyone notice how shrill Carville became after living with her for a while? I mean he always spoke fairly fast and laughed a lot, but now he's almost hysterical. And he's become so skinny and aged looking. I haven't seen Matalin in quite a while. I'll bet she's mellow and filled out.
  15. BJean

    Such a bigot

    Well I'm with TOM on this one about Coulter. When someone states opinion and declares that they have come up with an concept based on that opinion, that is fine. But when Coulter comes up with a half-truth or lie and declare that it is a fact and then comes up with a pronouncement of fact based on that half-truth or outright lie (that she's declared to be a fact), then I have a real problem with her. Especially since she is often participating on panels with people who are usually playing the game in a more honest way. Many times she states a lie as fact (as does Rush Limbaugh) and people do not bother to refute it because it is so outrageous. But not all viewers know that she or he has just spewed a lie. So credibility can be born out of half-truths and outright lies. The fact that Coulter is such an obviously ugly, bitter, hateful person is the only thing that sometimes saves the situation. And not so right-wing people are sometimes secretly glad that she's making such outlandish statements based on right wing or neo-con viewpoints. It makes more liberal or middle of the road arguments look so much more attractive and sane.
  16. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    What do you think of Nancy Pelosi? I can't believe that some Republicans have said such bad stuff about her. I hope she continues her classy act and doesn't stoop to their level.
  17. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    She's been trying for years to bring him down to earth. But she also has the job of boosting his ego. Pretty tricky. But then politics is a tricky business, like show business. I sometimes think they both have decent hearts and then I think.... naaah. Probably not. After all, they like the limelight. That's pretty telling, doncha think?
  18. BJean

    Such a bigot

    Yeah we might not be as wealthy, but I'll bet we actually do sleep at night. Speaking of which, why am I still up? And you?
  19. BJean

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    But just think how nice it would be to have Maria Shriver in the White House. :help: Not that she's a bad person, mind you, but what a team! :rolleyes
  20. BJean

    Such a bigot

    It never ceases to amaze me what people will do to get heard and talked about. The more outrageous, the more people get stirred up and the more power they feel they have. It's like the Rosie O'Donnel/Donald Trump thing. They might have started out really popping off at each other, but then I think it turned into get as much mileage out of it as you can so you can be in the news and a topic on all the talk shows. So then it got completely crazy. Man it would suck to be in show business.
  21. P.S. I'm older than you are. Don't worry about the age thing as having any adverse effects.
  22. You know what? I decided not to tell many of my family. My in-laws are all skinny. They've never understood how my DH could have married someone with so little self control. And I have a dietician/nutritionist niece who would never understand either. My DH and son and daughter have all respected my privacy on this and haven't told anyone. I had a hernia repaired when I had the LB and I just told everyone that I had the hernia repair. Explained also why I was only eating liquids for a while and no one has questioned a thing. Funny tho, I've lost almost 40 lbs. and none of them has even seemed to notice. They mentioned my change in hairstyle tho. Well, I'm still pretty heavy, but you'd think they'd notice over 30 lbs.? I have been so glad that I didn't tell them all - even some of my friends. It has kept me from feeling pressured and having to answer questions all the time. Sometimes you just don't feel like talking about it and explaining everything blow-by-blow. It's a time in your life for YOU. It's all for you and it's definitely your decision. No one can or should make the decision for you. No one should judge you if you do or do not have it. It's a very personal thing. I'm sure not everyone feels that way, but that was my approach on it and that's how I've handled it all. And I am glad that I decided to do it that way. You know yourself and what's important to you. Just don't ever for guilty for whatever decision you make. You can't be as good for others if you aren't taking care of yourself.
  23. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    It's so nice to be understood.
  24. BJean

    Such a bigot

    She is so darned shrill and unattractive. I wouldn't be surprised if she really did have a screwed up sexual orientation. I guess that would make anyone pissy if it went against your politics and you had to try to hide it.
  25. BJean

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Oh, okay. I thought it meant he fell out of love. :omg: :heh:

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