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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    The only way you're going to be able to appeal to G.W. to favor us over the drug companies, is if we come up with a pot of cash bigger than theirs. Not very darned likely. It's like saying soldiers can keep him from waging war. We're all pawns in the very grand game of big corporate profit.
  2. BJean

    sabatoging family

    Liz: If you're anything like me you can't just eat "the" donut. It's a dozen or so once you get started. For me though it isn't donuts. It's ice cream, preferably with hot fudge sauce and whipped cream. You can forget the cherry, but leaving those off never kept me from gaining a ton of weight. I thought your little essay about your mom and you was great. I remember exactly how that feels. My mom seldom said what she was thinking though. She internalized everything pretty much all of the time. She got cancer and didn't get the chance to have chemo. I don't know if that is such a bad thing though. Chemo can be pretty devastating sometimes. If the chemo truly does get rid of the cancer and allow a person to keep living in a good way, it's gotta be a good thing in spite of the side effects. I sure don't want to preach - your feelings are valid! But I will say that I wish I had my mom back so that I could worry about hers and my feelings after an uncomfortable conversation. She thought my older sister could do no wrong and it caused problems sometimes with her and my other sister and me. In retrospect she probably understood that my older sister was handicapped her whole life, in a way. She was morbidly obese from the time she was a child. Mom knew she needed special care, I suppose. But my other sister and I had feelings and needs and it hurt that the oldest one got most of her time and energy. It's hard to understand why someone would sabbotage your weight loss efforts. I'm sure it's complicated. You are right to get on your bike and go! You have to do what you feel is best for you because you're the ONLY one who can make it happen!
  3. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am I just a viewer?
  4. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lisa: Great reporting. Keep up the good work. If someone posts something about a political candidate that is true, it is welcome here and people can debate and discuss. When someone posts something that is patently false and is biased and hateful and borne of a smear campaign, they deserved to get pounded here. Freedom of speech is a good thing. There need to be some checks and balances though, no matter which side of the fence you're on.
  5. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lisa: I'm pretty sure we ran that person off. Not that we necessarily meant to, however. Older than most, banded, undeclared political party, and darned sure know what I'm talking about when it comes to ugly smear tactics.
  6. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It bears repeating, lisah.
  7. BJean

    Such a bigot

    Oooh. Point well taken! You do have to be concerned with who exactly is poking you! Hang in there, buddy!
  8. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    laurend: Perhaps mysherrijo reconsidered the wisdom of posting such drivel.
  9. BJean

    Such a bigot

    It seems that the latest wisdom about Flonase and Nasonex (I've used both too) is that if you only take them part of the time, they can actually cause your symptoms to be worse. Also, they say that if you take Flonase for a time and then quit, you are much more prone to infection. That's why I quit taking either of them. I wasn't good about using it everyday during the off allergy season because after using it for a while, the Flonase would give me a headache and nosebleeds. Then I'd wind up with a sinus infection. No one seemed to have an answer until last year when they told me that you can't use it part time. It's a big commitment that you have to be determined to stay with. It isn't for me, but for DH, it has made his life completely different. He used to live on Dristan sometimes months at a time and still had the swelling, eye itching, ear ringing and itching, etc. I don't know about those blood tests. I took them to determine food allergies and was never convinced that the results made any sense. I hope you don't think that I'm too off the wall (not that I'm not) but I used acupuncture in Orlando and it helped me more than anything. I went to a Dr. Hou and he was truly a miracle worker. They have a father and son practice. John the son, was my guy. They are not only accredited in Chinese acupuncture, but they have medical degrees too. My insurance covered it. I not only benefitted from the allergy stuff, I lost weight and didn't even diet. I know there are a lot of quacks out there, but if you really check them out and talk to someone who has gone to them, they can be real livesavers. My best to you for getting an honest diagnosis and the best possible treatment!
  10. BJean

    I need to get this out of my system.....

    What a great book title! Man, a couple of times in my life I could relate.
  11. BJean

    Such a bigot

    We had the same situation much of the time when we lived in Orlando. I finally found a fabulous woman Internist and she opted out after a bad case of burn out. None of her male partners were worth a hoot. I never have been able to understand why doctors don't listen. They never wanted to listen to my dad, and would get all exasperated when he wanted to "take up their time" with actual discussion of his symptoms. Medical care in the U.S. is very frustrating. Sorry you're having to go through the tests, but the good thing is that you'll have some assurance that, if all goes well, you don't have anything more serious than a bad sinus infection. Have you ever used Flonase? It has changed my DH's life! Seriously.
  12. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As far as I'm concerned, TOM has the final word. And enough definitely is enough!
  13. Did one of them write a book about it? Are they out of business (so to speak)? Where do you go to apply?
  14. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not sure you're older than I, but I will defer to you due to your vast knowledge base. Ok. I give. What's the final word?
  15. BJean

    Such a bigot

    TOM: I tend to want to kid around but I guess this isn't the time. I hope everything turns out negative and it's something simple like allergies affecting your inner ears. Ever had that? My DH has, especially when we lived in Orlando and at this time of the year as well as in the fall. I'm thinking of YOU kid.
  16. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What's all this threatening to leave stuff? What's up with that? Do you think you're punishing people?
  17. BJean

    Such a bigot

    TOM: I want to know too. How are you? What's up? Inquiring minds want to know.
  18. Denise I'm older than you. I'd rather not state my age print, it's too scary. And I'm on HRT. So don't worry about that stuff. I promise. I wish I could give you a magic formula with my diet. The fact is, I try to get in as much protein as I can with eggs, meat, beans, and believe it or not even cheese. My hair started falling out and I am doing a whey protein shake periodically. Although I probably should be taking one evey day. Honestly the thing that I think is helping me the most is portion size. I can't believe how much I was eating before the band. I was keeping up with my SIL at meals. And he's a strapping, muscle bound 6'2" guy. I haven't been counting calories lately which is probably why I'm not losing like I was. For a while I was having eggs for breakfast, cottage cheese and fruit for lunch and some kind of animal protein, with veggies or salad for dinner. Nuts for snack or a small Laughing Cow cheese wedge or yoghurt. Hmmm. Now that you've made me think about this, I'm realizing how far I have really strayed! Thanks! You've been a big help. I hope I am helping you a little too. I'd say I eat less than half of what I used to eat. And I know I'm still eating too much. That's about all I can tell you really. Keep in touch. I have had 5 fills (I think. It might be 6) and I don't know exactly how much I now have but I know it's over 2.1 - because I've had a fill since I got that. I was worried about getting it too tight, but hey, they can always fix it so I'm over that fear.
  19. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't blame you Republicans for being worried enough to pull this junk. It's amazing how this stuff gets said and it takes on a life of its own. Ann Coulter would be proud of you. Russ Limbaugh will probably find out about your post and quote you. Keep up the good work. You'll defeat yourselves in 2008!
  20. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Aw com'on. Surely you can't believe that people would let you run a list like that insulting another woman without some of us taking umbrage, do you? I'm not a huge Hillary Clinton fan, but there's no way that all this stuff was really said by her. This stuff has come up many times before and it is just not believable. It is typical Nixonian dirty tricks at play. People are totally ridiculous, you're right. You make me want to vote for the woman. She's put up with a whole lot of this bullshit (since you're fond of the word) from other women over the years and she deserves better. Anyone who has been as effective as she has in Congress deserves more respect than this. The people from N.Y. re-elected her by a wide margin. This is just like what they did to her husband, focusing on smut because they didn't like his politics. It makes you people look really bad.
  21. Devana: Piranha sisters? Big mouths? I'm embarrassed to say I don't understand. you know, my claim to brilliance and all that... :embarassed:
  22. Denise: I have the same fears. I keep hoping I'll reach this elusive "sweet spot" but so far, no luck. You're doing the right stuff with your exercise and one day you will step on the scales and be surprised at a really decent loss. Then you'll do well for a while and then another plateau. I think it's the nature of our bodies adjusting and readjusting to our food intake and the amount of exercise we get. That sounds simplistic, but one of the reasons they want this to take as long as 2 years, is so that our bodies will have time to do this adjusting. When we go to extremes, our bodies don't adjust and as soon as we stop practically fasting, we regain everything and more. In this game, I think slow and steady wins the race. Sounds like we have a lot in common too. Keep me posted on your progress. When were you banded?
  23. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What did you think of President Bush using the word "shit" within earshot of a microphone when he was talking to the Prime Minister of England?
  24. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heh, heh, heh... just "some info." Uh huh. Right. And I do mean RIGHT! Way right. What woman would you like to have run, Ann Coulter?
  25. BJean

    sabatoging family

    No I haven't had this happen to me. But you have to think about you! Tell them that you don't mean to be rude, but that you have to go for a walk. Then hit the trail or walk around the block or something... maybe they'll all disperse while you're gone.

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