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Everything posted by BJean

  1. Dixie, you're about the same size I was when I got my band. No one can tell you whether you should get the band or not. NO ONE. You re the one who has to make the decision. If I hadn't had the surgery I have no doubt that I would be just as fat and unhealthy as I was 6 months ago! Listen to everything they say at the meeting and don't be afraid to ask questions about anything that you are concerned about. Be very objective about the band and about whether you are ready for this kind of commitment to getting healthy and doing the work. This is not like some other types of surgery. You will have to have the determination to make it work. But it is a big step in helping you make it happen. After the seminar if you want to discuss anything you heard, there are lots of people here who will be happy to tell you about their experiences. We're here for you. Best of everything to you and whatever decision you make.
  2. Dynamomini: Good luck with your surgery. I think you will be happy you did it, although it does take some adjusting, both mental as well as physical. When I went for a 5 month check with the exercise physiologist, she took my measurements and weight and I had lost 35 lbs. and 36 inches. She said that it was the equivalent of a small child. I thought about it and realized that it was exactly the size of my 4 year old grand daughter! My knees had gotten so bad I really couldn't pick her up or carry her. Can you believe it? I was carrying around my grand daughter ALL THE TIME! No wonder my knees gave up the ghost! My doc says that it needs to be a 2 year project. It has to go slowly enough for us to change our long-ingrained eating patterns and our thoughts about food. Our bodies also have to adapt. You probably know all about plateaus. One to 2 lbs per week is all that is recommended, so don't have unreasonable expectations. But it can be done and you will be very glad you did!
  3. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    And the rich keep getting richer and poor keep getting poorer. I can't see the people who are benefitting from illegal workers actually helping to enforce the laws and denying work to ready hands who are willing to work for the low wages. Perhaps if, like you said, the punishment for the crime of hiring them were to be actual jail time, there would be some cooperation. But having the fox guard the hen house, as the old saying goes, just doesn't make much sense. I just can't imagine the task force it would take to enforce the laws as they stand. You're talking about millions and millions of workers every day. Millions of business owners. I agree that it needs to be done and that it should be done, but I just don't see it happening. Btw, I've also lived in Arizona. Sierra Vista. Not a real good route there for crossing over. And now I live in Texas, and my son and his family live in California, so I've had some exposure to the problem but I had no idea that it was as bad as you've told us about where you live. You're probably right, when it reaches middle America more people will be up in arms. But if the problem is impossible now, it will only be worse then. Sure feels hopeless, doesn't it? I am a Democrat and proud of it, by the way. And I don't tell people often because it's none of their business. But I completely agree that young people have no clue about the parties and what they stand for. They think it is politically correct to say that they "vote for the man." I keep explaining that with the man you're getting a political platform and you better be darned sure you know what the heck is on their agenda. But they think I'm just a no-nothing dyed in the wool hard party line person. If people don't have a clue after having put up with this administration, they must be brain dead.
  4. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Bubble: I have heard about the quality of medical care in Mexico. I have seen the websites and photos. I've heard many bandsters stories about their experiences there. I know lots of people go there to buy meds that they can't afford in the U.S. It is obscene. Some people still believe that the U.S. has the best health care in the world. We USED to have good medical care. Nowadays you better get real smart about any illness you have or any medical procedure you need. You have to be completely proactive about every aspect of your health care and medicines. It is a very scary world out there. And don't get me started on what my SIL's grandfather went through when he got knee replacement surgery last summer. They wound up burying him... and with only one leg. You can fill in the blanks, I'm sure. They killed my dad with aortic aneurism surgery that they insisted upon. He'd had that aneurism for 5 years. He'd been through heart bypass and Crohn's disease surgery and was 83 years old. He darned sure didn't need aortic aneurism surgery! After that surgery, he lived - on life support - for over a month. Until his insurance ran out. Then they were willing to pull the plug. Can you imagine the gut wrenching experiences we went through during all that? I would have much rather he dropped dead in the Winn-Dixie from an aneurism. So I know what you're saying. It all seems so futile because we live in a capitalistic society. Money provides power. Money rules all. They have the power and what do we have? Our vote? When it came to the presidential elections, for many of us our vote didn't count. So when you get down to it, we don't even have our vote. Do you really think there are answers and remedies?
  5. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Bubble: Yeah, but how do you REALLY feel? Just kidding. I'm not making light of something so serious. I just feel bad that there's no really good answer to this horrendous problem I've lived in Florida and spent some time in Miami and believe me, they've suffered some of the same problems that you listed, but their illegals come from a different country than the one you're talking about. I do not believe that I am paying less for an orange. I'm not paying less for my swimming pool or the labor when I built my house. I'm NOT the one who is financially benefitting from illegals working the jobs for less money. Their employers never have and will never pass the savings on to us. I'm not fooled about that. In fact, I'm not fooled by the situation at all. I just don't think that there is a simple answer. I don't buy the plan that Bush has suggested. I know who that benefits! But I don't see how we're going to get our laws enforced. Because to me, THAT is the problem!! Do you really think there is a viable plan for deporting them? Do you think that we can stop them from crossing over? How exactly can we pull that off?
  6. Devana: Wanna join the club? You can be our leader and show us how to take a town by storm! I've read articles about women who buy little travel trailers, fix them up and travel all over, camping out and whooping it up. Sounds like fun, only without the campers and in luxury hotels with spas. Keep the whooping it up part. I remember Green's fondness for a nice Chianti and fava Beans. Oops, make that scotch.
  7. mnkbrly: Kim, that is. I'm sure you'll do just fine. The closer it gets the less nervous you'll probably become. Let us know how you're doing! Sharon: you didn't address your question to me, but I started losing hair a few weeks ago. The dietician said that I need more Protein. I haven't been religious about taking my Vitamins either. They also say that the surgery itself with the anesthetic, etc., can cause a loss of hair. But I don't know about that. My advice is to take your vitamins!! Be sure you get plenty of protein and don't worry! Even if you lose some hair, they promise that it will grow back. (My surgery was in September, like Green's)
  8. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Lisa: There is definitely a whole lot of discrimination against fat people! I even had a chi-chi hairdresser once ask me why I didn't lose weight, and why I accepted myself the way I was. No, I didn't go back. But it still hurts. I mean, damn... a hairdresser's supposed to be providing a personal service, isn't she? I too feel very uncomfortable wearing clingy tops and blouses that aren't big and hang down over my butt. I haven't lost as much as a lot of you, but I could wear something more fitted than I'm comfortable in now. I see lots of heavy chicks wearing tight stuff and they seem to be happy with who they are. My DD actually asked me why I'm still buying such big stuff. I really don't know why. I don't think I saw myself realistically when I was obese. I think I was bigger than I realized. But I don't think I am seeing myself now realistically either. What's up with this?
  9. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Devana: I had no idea that Americans were actually going to Canada for the medical benefits. And they must need them bad in order for them to marry someone just to get them. It seems odd to hear it, but we just found out what medical insurance is going to cost us when my DH retires. Talk about your sticker shock. Maybe I should start learning your national anthem. **sly grin**
  10. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    The way I see it, the people in the U.S. employ illegals to do work that American citizens won't do for the pay that the illegals will accept. That (supposedly) keeps the cost of food and goods lower here. Americans go on to do other work. The illegals probably take a lot of the money back to their countries. If it was all neat and tidied up with proper regulations in place, things would undoubtedly change for business because illegals would be governed by rules and regulations. The cost of that would have an impact, documenting workers would cost and possibly change the flow of people, and I'd bet that the workers would wind up needing more money for the same jobs if they were full time residents of the U.S. The companies may or may not be willing to pay more money and the cost of material goods and food could be affected. Anybody follow my logic? The situation feeds on itself. Right now it is in the country's best interest for it to continue this way as far as business is concerned. However Americans are feeling angry that they are having to pay for certain health and educational benefits for the children of the illegals, among other things. There is the language problem that annoys many Americans as well. When there were thousands of illegals, the differences and the benefits we paid weren't as significant and didn't have the impact that millions of illegals now have on our culture. And it isn't that the immigrants can't assimilate, it is that because they are not citizens and there is no incentive for them to assimilate and there are no programs provided to help them assimilate into our society. It is a big problem. It isn't going to be resolved with a simple fix. There are just too many of them for us to get off high center and float this problem on down the river the way other immigration problems have been solved in the past.
  11. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well your latest tirade explains a lot about why you started a thread with such tripe. Come on, I'm on the edge of my chair. Tell us all about your degrees and where you got them. I'm prepared to fall to my knees in awe.
  12. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    P.S. I live in Texas too and the days of the stereotypical Mexican sleeping under a sombrero are long gone! The best workers we had on our pool and on our house - both in their ability and showing up, were Mexicans. I have a lot of respect for the hard working guys who really want to work and do a good job.
  13. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Thanks for not deporting me from your family, TOM. How did your Italian ancestors get here without papers, btw? Bubble and I agree on one thing - don't break the law. If you want the laws changed, go for it. But don't break the law. It's an economic problem as well as an humanitarian one. But if we make them legal, then they'll have to pay taxes and live as Americans and pretty soon, they won't be able to live on those wages either. Then who do we bring in to do the jobs that corporations don't want to pay a living wage for? Bubble and I disagree on the people who are responsible for enforcing the laws though. I disagree that people who employ a worker who has all the documentation needed, should be held accountable if the documents are not legally obtained. Forgeries should be tracked down and confiscated and forgers should be sent to jail. And I also disagree that saloon owners should be held accountable for a drunk going out and killing someone with his car. Nor do I believe that a guy should be prosecuted for boinking a 17 yr. old who is a willing participant. That's what the gendarmes are for. Enforcing the law. If a law is unenforcable, take it off the books or change it. It disgusts me that we have so many laws on the books that are not enforced. Get rid of them!! Make it easy for people to know what the law is and how to abide by it. All this gray area is for the birds! The 12 million people who are living in the U.S. illegally is a huge problem. It isn't as simple as just deporting them, unfortunately. But unless the law is changed, that's what I think should be done.
  14. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carlene: Didja hear the one about the female Harley Biker who challenged a guy to a peeing contest? He almost busted a gut laughing. Then they lined up beside the fire and got ready to let it go and she said, "Wait a minute, no hands!"
  15. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yep I can see TOM as a crazy bad boy at the drag races. My sister dated a fairly serious drag racer and I spent a night in the pits once when his dragster was competing. That's some exciting stuff when you feel the roar of the engine!
  16. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Bubble: I feel similarly about the illegals in this country. I have no problem with people coming here legally. I have a problem with them sneaking across the border and living here illegally. Maybe what we should do is sneak into Canada and live there and take advantage of their health care system. Then it would all balance out. Kidding of course.
  17. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    We argue and the health insurance companies just keep getting richer. My brother planned to retire a year ago. He works for the school system in his town. He found out what their health insurance was going to cost them once he retired and found out that he either pays an enormous amount per month or he has none. He can't pay the per month amount of money for the health insurance he needs - he has some pre-existing conditions and he can't continue to work although he's not bad enough to claim disability - so he's screwed. What a way to end a really successful career. In the pits of health care hell.
  18. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hoo-Rah. If we can go to war, we can cuss with the boys. Has anyone notice that Meredith has a lisp? Cute, isn't it? And TOM I feel the same way about my men. They can be sensitive and cry with me, but when it comes time to fire up the Harley, they better be ready to take on any serious challenges.
  19. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah ok Carlene, I'll push her for you if you'll promise me a round with McSteamy!
  20. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    TOM: I like the mystery of no avatar. Just conjur up a picture of me as Sister Boomhower Grey. Woo, hoo!
  21. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sunta: I know. It's perfectly obscene to think that a woman could lose her temper and hurl an expletive that needs deletion. But to tell you the truth, I think this garbage is every bit as valid as the so-called Swift Boat boys claims about Kerry. The way this stuff takes flight, it's surprising that any of us is able to read or listen to anything other than a pack of lies these days. What is a little disgusting is that so many people gleefully embrace these stories as truth. Kind of like some of the urban legends that race around on the internet. It always amazes me how many of my friends believe the shocking horror stories that they forward and that are just as implausible as the Clinton and Kerry ones.
  22. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    laurend and Lisa: That's me, Sister Boomhower Grey. laurend: I thought it had to do with TOM's picture of Homer at the top and Lisa's picture of Lisa Simpson on hers and I had NO idea how Lisa got to be your aunt. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Now where was I... oh yeah, where's Meredith? And when does the reunion begin? Can I bring my famous cheese stix?
  23. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Whoa, it's Auntie Lisa? I'm so confused. I guess I could be someone over on another thread, someone from King of the Hill. That guy that mumbles. I knew you were Lisa and your dad is Homer, but I stumbled on the laurend identity. I confess I don't watch it. In fact, if I were to be able to stay true to a role, I'd be Meredith's mother on Grey's.
  24. BJean

    ATTN: Vets and Baby Boomers

    Not quite as stupid and greedy as Bush? You're being very kind. I would have added dishonest and taken out the quite.
  25. BJean

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, indeed, laurend. And I tend to agree about Lara. She seems like a very weak person to me. She fills the role of Dubya's First Lady just as its been scripted. You're Aunt Laurend then? Am I still just a watcher?

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