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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Election Issues

    Well that's the way it went in the presidential election. But I have to disagree that the direction that the nation should go is in the direction of the party that can garner the most votes every time. Especially when there has been fraud perpetrated during an election - remember Florida, for instance in the 2000 election? And when the party that garners the most votes has been putting out false information I don't think they should win. And when the party has done everything it could to keep from reaching across the aisle to work with the opposition party in order to solve America's problems and they have done so under false pretenses, then no, I don't think they deserve to win. If voters have been given all the real information, not tricked out mumbo-jumbo, then whoever the majority elects is duly elected, fair and square. Nobody can argue with that. But we seem to have really hard time in this country having truly fair elections. It's amazing to me that Jimmy Carter and his group have been tapped to monitor elections in other countries to ensure there is no fraud, but we don't seem to be able to have independent people come in and monitor ours. Why do you think that is?
  2. BJean

    Election Issues

    If Democratic voters were more vocal and let people know they support this administration and congressional actions, then there wouldn't be so much hype going on about the tea party and how much power they have. As it is, that's about all we really hear everyday in the media. And yeah, it's worked in some states and I can understand Dems running scared. But it doesn't have to be that way. For instance, one of my neighbors has a sign up for the Demo who's running for governor. ONE neighbor. There are several signs for the Republican incumbent. I'm intimidated and won't put up a sign in my yard. And I'll bet there are lots of others too. But our governor has been a complete disaster and totally in the pocket of big business. But the tea party and conservatives still back him because they think he's cool for talking about seceding from the union and swapping evolution science with creationism in textbooks. And those folks are very outspoken and whipped into a frenzy by the media which makes them scary. Democrats may stay home rather than vote for a guy they think is going to lose. Nobody likes to vote for a loser. Which is bad thinking, especially this year.
  3. BJean

    Election Issues

    loserbob, you're not really that naive. I know you can't be. It's all about personal income... the income a congressman stands to make from the billionaires crossing their palms with cash for their vote. This money machine is certainly something that affects Democrats and Republicans alike. Although some Democrats and a very few Republicans aren't corrupted to the same extent that most are. If we, the people who vote, make it uncomfortable enough for our elected officials, they will probably not cave in to the corporate money that is constantly waved in their faces. The tea party movement (doubtless funded initially by wealthy right wing interests) can get the kind of attention they have in the media, then progressives and left wingers could if they wanted to as well. We just don't do it. Although Jon Stewart has a plan to at least show up in Washington and we should all be going to that and raising our own fists in rage against the machine.
  4. BJean

    Election Issues

    It looked like Newt thought he'd been out of the limelight long enough so that he could come back and no one would remember all the horrible things he did. We were afraid he was going to keep his yap shut and he might get elected to something. Looks like we don't have to worry about that. Christine is hilarious. If she has a constituency that takes her seriously enough to vote for her as their official in congress, then it seems that they have some questionable personal issues themselves. She has that same "cat ate the canary" grin and attitude that Ms. Palin has. Actually though, I'm not sure which one is less trustworthy. Palin is certainly meaner.
  5. Lisalu, do you mind me asking how tall you are?
  6. I'm an older person too and I do think that I've developed some new wrinkles since my face isn't so puffy. I'm sure that it isn't attractive but it is worth it for the smaller and healthier body. I'm thinking about trying Restalyne or Dysport but I'll probably wait until I reach goal. Friends comment that I'm lucky because I don't have saggy skin even after losing so much weight. I just laugh and am glad they can't see my upper arms and flabby legs. I know I need to tone up but right now I'm just walking for exercise. I don't think there's a lot I'll be able to do about the excess skin but I'm so happy with the results of having the sleeve, nothing can burst my bubble. Even though several people have told me I shouldn't lose anymore, I am determined to get to my goal weight. Btw, I had the lap band and my goal was 140 which I was never able to reach (not even close) and now I have the sleeve and 130 is definitely in my sights!
  7. BJean


    I didn't remember it at all either. And I didn't have a sore throat or sore lip or phlegm. I was, however, nauseous like crazy. In recovery the nurse had to keep reminding me to breathe so I wouldn't be nauseated. I was so dopey I would hold my breath and then feel like I needed to throw up. That lasted off and on until I was in my room and they gave me another bit of medication for it and then - ta da - no more nausea. I have a feeling I know how panicky you probably feel with everything happening so fast, but don't worry... if you are like me, you will be thrilled with the results. It's the best thing that I've ever done for myself. I'm a different person and I'm still adjusting to these wonderful new feelings about food and eating. I feel normal now instead of wanting to eat all the time. And it's only been 6 months and I am about 14 lbs from my goal!! I feel fantastic and happy! People are telling me I look great and shouldn't lose anymore weight. They're just used to the fat me. They'll get used to the skinny me when I reach 130 lbs. Best of luck to you for a fabulous outcome tomorrow! Keep us posted on your progress.
  8. BJean

    Election Issues

    We KNOW what the Republicans will do - what they say they will do is not always what they actually do. But we've seen them in action. For many years they've made decisions resulting in cutting environmental considerations, education programs, cutting tax on the wealthy, giving tax incentives to corporations who perform badly with those incentives, and providing no help whatsoever in increasing jobs, or giving consideration to the middle class. They've created no disincentives to corporations for taking jobs overseas. They've even allowed them to do business overseas in order to avoid any taxes to the U.S. The government's job is to oversee and incentivize ALL Americans not just the wealthy. This discrimination against the working class has to stop. This president and the majority in congress want to try something new and different - making the wealthy individuals and corporations pay to right this listing ship, which actually could sink. The wealthy have had their long run of power. Now it's time for the people to have a go at it. So far, the wealthy haven't been hurt by this administration. In fact, in some cases they've actually been helped. Now lets cut to the chase and make these folks who have been sucking this country dry, step up to the plate and put some of their massive profits back into the American economy. How in the world anybody could see it any other way is completely astounding.
  9. BJean

    Election Issues

    Ariscus, the point is that we've known for decades that something needed to be done about the lousy rotting health care system. Nobody has been able to get serious alternatives discussed and carried out until now. The Republicans should be embarrassed that they have been so obviously in the pockets of the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies. They fought the Democrats hard without making any real attempt to solve the issues. Some even went so far as to mock the president in a very public (televised) forum which was simply an effort to sway public sentiment. Those rolling eyed Republicans knew better but they did it for effect anyway. Just like the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks do everyday.
  10. BJean

    Election Issues

    Please don't take that as a slam against the president or Congress who caused the so-called "Obamacare" to happen. I'm amazed and mystified that they were able to get anything done at all with the Republican obstructionists in the mix. I'm just sayin...
  11. BJean

    Election Issues

    Insurance companies 1 The people 0 What we need is universal health care. We don't need insurance companies to stay in control of our health care needs. Sure, it makes sense to get everyone in the system rather than having some of us paying higher and higher premiums to help pay for the uninsured. But this for profit system stinks and we're stupid for not working out a better plan than what we've settled for.
  12. BJean

    Kidney Stones and the Sleeve

    This thread is a good reminder for me. I haven't been drinking enough Water and I know that is a recipe for kidney stones for me. Thanks for bringing this up! Gotta drink lots of water!
  13. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    PB stands for PUKING/BARFING some people night say "productive burp" but don't believe 'em.
  14. BJean

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Wow Koto, nearly 100 lbs lost is nothing to sneeze at. That is fantastic! I'm sure that needing to lose nearly another hundred may feel daunting at this point. I hope you will go to a good endocrologist and figure out what is really happening with your body chemistry. There may be a much better solution for you than to just accept the idea that you're driven to eat enough to support the weight you are now. Your story is compelling and I believe that many, many obese people are driven to eat just like an anorexic person is driven to not eat. There has to be a cause for both behaviors - something much more biophysical in nature than pure emotions. Love yourself enough to get help figuring it out. If you really want to experience those things you missed, good job, husband, kids, you have to go after them. (It's never too late for the first two.) But real change starts with loving yourself enough. You can be a victim of your endocrine system and messed up hormones or you can be smart about it and go find a way to reach your full potential. Discover the physical real you - the same beauty outside that you obviously are inside.
  15. BJean

    Election Issues

    Someone sent me an internet forward that is making the rounds about women's voting rights. It speaks of the women who suffered dreadfully trying to get women the right to vote. Have you seen it? It makes you want to cry when you talk to women who don't vote.
  16. Of course China has some inescapable problems but who would have thought 30 years ago that they would be in the position they are today? Most of us thought it would be impossible. We would never have dreamed that China would be loaning us money to fund a war. Most of us would never have dreamed that so many (possibly MOST) of our material goods would be manufactured in China today. And we wouldn't have thought that China would have the capability forge such a powerful relationship with some of our enemies. Our corporate greed has driven this. And their need to overcome their problems has driven them. So don't under estimate the power of China. I know we're not out of the game yet. We have a president that I hope will lead us out of this crisis that we're in. He has the heart and the intelligence but he sure can't do it alone. And the Republicans have been fighting him on every front. Until Americans unite for a better America, instead of fighting among ourselves, we will continue to empower other countries and degrade our own. If you don't find this a scary scenario, I'd be willing to bet you've joined the tea party movement. Because as far as I'm concerned, greed and arrogance is driving the tea party movement.
  17. BJean

    Election Issues

    tommy if you thought that, you would be incorrect. There are threads everywhere on this site about lots of different topics. If politics makes you uncomfortable, you might want to avoid the "Rants & Raves" area.
  18. Devana I think you have a better grasp of United States politics than most of us do. I do think that the U.S. is on the decline in a big, big way. And we're not very different from the Roman Senators overindulging in every way possible. We're greedy, we're dishonest and we're disrespectful of other countries. And we probably deserve whatever is in store for us. China has worked hard and been really smart. It wouldn't surprise me if very soon they are the dominant force in our universe. In fact, I think it might already be happening. And we're working so hard to acquire money and crap, we're oblivious for the most part.
  19. BJean

    Election Issues

    Unfortunately some of the people who are buying the Republican rethoric will actually believe that this is a pro-Republican video.
  20. BJean

    Election Issues

    kartman!!! You are awesome! I am bowled over by your incredible progress! 13% body fat?! Amazing. Congratulations! We've missed you but omg, you've been a busy boy! I'm doing the happy dance for you. Cleo's latest post about the Cloture Motion vote should make us want to begin our own movement to tell it like it is instead of watching people get sucked in by the idea of the tea party. Glad you're back, kartman. And I'm glad that we have Cleo's to bring things like this to our attention and to help keep it real. Good luck on your spring Triathalon! Make us proud.
  21. Going through it is usually the only way you can understand it. People always say they'd never forgive a spouse that has sex with someone else, no matter what the circumstances. I'm here to tell you that couples can get past the sexual transgression, it's the intimate psychological connection that busts us up. Hope you're doing okay, dude. I miss reading your posts and your rapier wit.
  22. BJean

    Election Issues

    I was only trying to make a point. I have never not voted. Don't believe in it. I can't understand people who don't vote and who don't have an opinion. I am surrounded with people who are just saying "throw the bums out!" They don't seem to remember what it was like under republican rule. They don't seem to understand that they will only be replacing "bums" with other "bums." It's the system that needs changing. And that's not likely to happen. So they should stop listening to the republicans who are saying and doing anything to make this president and this congress look bad so they have a chance to get elected in Nov. And I'm very frustrated that the Democratic "machine" isn't better at standing by their convictions and doing what is right for this country and spreading the good word in a more convincing way. The president is a good speaker, an intelligent man, a man who is doing all he can to improve the nation. But he needs to do something different to shake things up. Are you going to Washington at the end of the month for the Stewart/Cobert rally? Big hearty congratulations on your new grandbaby!!! Blond hair. How cute! They look especially sweet when they have hair. I'm very happy for your latest addition to the family.
  23. BJean


    Mine is like an empty feeling too. It causes me to want to get something right away. And that's probably a good thing, nutritionally since we don't want to become emaciated. My husband is wondering when I'm going to stop losing. He thinks I look great now and he's worried that I won't be able to stop losing. I don't think that is anything to worry about because when I was 105 to 110 lbs, I ate very little food. My goal is 130 and I know that the last 10 to 15 lbs should take longer to lose. So I know I just have to stay the course and keep filled up with the good nutritional foods. When I give in to the super foods - sweets and high cal/low nutrition foods - it still makes me crave them like it used to. But fortunately, most of the day I just can't eat something sweet. And those foods do not appeal to me. It makes me so happy I just can't tell you! Yay sleeve!
  24. Cheating can be dishonesty in any form. If you're lying to your husband or wife about someone of the opposite sex that you're flirting with - you're cheating. Having mindless sex with someone can be one of the most meaningless forms of interaction with another human being that one can have. But sharing in-depth, intimate conversations and your innermost thoughts and beliefs with someone else is far more threatening to one's marriage than acting out on the most basic physical drive we possess.
  25. BJean

    Election Issues

    Cleo's I think the reason Democrats aren't tracking better is because they are so disappointed. We have control of the House, the Senate and the Presidential office. Why haven't we been able to make the changes that the Democratic presidential candidate Obama promised? And why haven't the Democrats been better at selling health care reform to the public? Why aren't we getting ready to put universal health care into effect instead of having to use time and resources to quash the republican efforts to repeal the health care bill? Why is there any doubt that getting rid of the tax breaks to the wealthy is the right thing to do? Why is the president still campaigning instead of leading? Why is he always on the defensive instead of inspiring everyone to vote for the changes that we need? The bottom line is that we've allowed the republicans to once again get their incorrect message accepted and embraced by way too many Americans. We just don't seem to be able to sell Americans on a better and fairer way of life. Americans have been scared to death and they are irrational. Democrats don't seem to be able to make the case for sanity and peace. I, for one, am very disillusioned and depressed. Like many other voters, I may never be stupid enough to vote for someone like Christine whazername in Delaware, but I just might not vote at all out of frustration. That's why the republicans can win in November and that's why they may win in the next presidential election. Much to the detriment of America.

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