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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    South Park

    Yeah I want some cheesy poofs! What about the episode where they reveal who Cartman's dad is?
  2. BJean

    Acceptable Bigotry?

    :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: Yeah, Tom!
  3. BJean

    Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

    Gosh, thanks TOM. I can't believe I actually told it. My DH doesn't even know about it. Not something to bring up in everyday conversation, you know? Anyway, thanks a bunch for being supportive about me blurting it out. Right back at you!
  4. BJean

    South Park

    One of the very first episodes continues to be at the top of my list: The one where Cartman has the outerspace antenna implanted in his ass. Oh geez, that entire episode is hilarious! The second fav is the one about fecalfelia and the Christmas Poo. Today I met with a CPA who I swear in an hour said, "um kay?" fifty-three times!
  5. BJean

    Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

    On a much brighter side to the story, my hero, the attorney who ran for public office, lost the race but I did go to work for him! He wound up doing phenominally well and wound up arguing a case before the Supreme Court. I have no idea what happened to either of the other two guys. I do know that Paul never really dated Rebecca after that. Although let's face it, they were made for each other.
  6. BJean

    Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

    You're telling me! I don't know why I thought about that incident. I had pushed it back for years! I was so humiliated and embarrassed and horrified that I never spoke of it again. I felt pretty hard toward my roommate too. We parted ways soon after that. I could hardly look at her. Now I find myself telling about it in this public forum. CRAZY! But thanks for allowing it. It felt good somehow to actually face it.
  7. BJean

    What Peeves you?

    Jacqui: Amen! I don't live in Australia, but I can sure sympathize! I don't get all the shouting about Krispy Kreme donuts. They are fat balls. As for Starbucks, well, er, mind your own business. The damn stuff is addictive and I can't help myself.
  8. BJean

    Acceptable Bigotry?

    Backing up just a bit. I bought "The Passion of the Christ" because I wanted to be able to watch it without having to listen to comments of other theatre goers. I am so sorry I spent that money and contributed to lining the pockets of Mel Gibson. That movie should be just what TOM suggested it should be, rated XXX!!! That was the most disgusting display of gratutious violence I have ever experienced. It was dispicable. There was scene after scene of flesh flying everywhere from the whips. If a man were to be whipped and beaten the way that Jesus was in that movie, he would never have made it to the mountain to be nailed to the Cross. NEVER! It reminded me of some of the Sam Peckinpah movies where people were shot 50 times and got up to shoot back some more. There was more bloodshed from one man than a man has blood in his entire body. Lets face it. That crap sells tickets. If it didn't, why would movie makers depict violence that way? I am sure that many fanatical Christians were inwardly pleased to see Jesus treated that way in the movie. Somehow they hoped it would make non-believers feel guilty. I am sure there were more reasons why extremeists enjoyed that movie. I think that God would be completely disgusted by it and ashamed of Mel Gibson for using the story of Jesus to sell tickets by showing that kind of gore. He's obviously done it to make money and to shock and shame people. It was utterly revolting.
  9. BJean

    Let's Harass BubbleButt until she spills it!!

    Bubble darlin' I just spilt mine - some of my innermost horrors - time for you to cough it up! Give us the straight skinny!
  10. BJean

    Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

    I guess I posted my two worst in the wrong order.
  11. BJean

    Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

    The other one vying for the worst was when I worked as a deputy court clerk. I had been wanting a job with an really cool attorney I had met at the court house, who was running for District Attorney. He was brilliant, politically bound for stardom and just a very nice person, and someone I admired tremendously. My roommate (also worked at the court house) had a crush on a young, good-looking attorney named Paul, and would have done anything for a date with him. Unbeknownst to me, a MARRIED attorney had a major crush on me. He was best buddies with Paul. One day, Paul told Rebecca that if she would convince me to go out with the 3 of them, he would take her to dinner the following Saturday night. Rebecca called me at work, all excited, and asked if I would be willing to go put up campaign placards for my political hero running for District Attorney that night with her and Paul. I said that I would, knowing that I'd get big brownie points from my potential boss. When I got home from work, Rebecca told me to put on my jeans and the "guys" would be by to pick us up shortly. I said, "Guys?" She told me that it was just Paul and an attorney that we both knew and that they were picking up the campaign placards before they came to get us. I did as I was told and when I climbed into the backseat of the car, I found the married attorney grinning at me like a cheshire cat. I was very young and naive and still just didn't understand what was going on. Instead of putting up placards, Paul drove to the local "Lovers Leap" parking place. He and Rebecca quickly jumped out of the car and disappeared. I felt like a total idiot and asked this married dude what the heck was going on. He grabbed my hand, forced it on his very stiff, fully-exposed "member" and proceeded to go to town. By the time I grabbed my hand back, it was too late and he had done the deed with his "spooge" (as Wheet called it) flying everywhere. I jumped out of the car and screamed for Rebecca to come to the car right this minute! They knew it was bad because they showed up from behind some rocks immediately. Rebecca and Paul jumped into the front seat, I got back into the back seat with the ignoramus jerk-off and we proceeded back to the apartment in dead, I mean dead, silence. The revolting thing was that every time we drove under a street light, the spots of spooge shone like neon polka dots all over the window right beside my head. My question is this... was I raped? Sure felt like it.
  12. BJean

    Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

    My story pales by comparison, but for me it was simply the worst!!! We had friends come for a visit. He and she were both the epitome of suave and sophisticated. I usually feel like I'm pretty together except with I'm around them. Then I feel like I just fell off the turnip truck. We took them to dinner at a very nice restaurant. I was as put together as I could manage, including the de rigeur shoulder pads of the day. Half way through dinner I hear the table behind us laughing hysterically. I turned to see what was going on and the woman directly behind me laughed and said, "Sweetie, it looks like you lost something!" *uproarious guffaws* from her tablemates. I looked down and on the floor lying beside my chair like a dead rat, is one of my big over-sized shoulder pads. Our male dinner companion said, "What is it?" I was already beet red, fighting back tears and said, "Nothing!!" and gave the lady at the next table the most fierce "Shut the F up!" look that I could muster. I grabbed the shoulder pad, stuffed it under my napkin and tried to pretend like nothing had happened. It all sounds very innocuous now, but believe me, I was mortified!
  13. BJean

    What Peeves you?

    Kat: I gotta tell you that I can watch Sylvia Brown, claws and all, and hear what she says to various people and actually find myself boo-hooing. It's like she's talking to me, telling me that my Mom and Sister are out there somewhere and happy and doing fine, and wanting me to be okay. Maybe this explains her popularity. It is a good thing to believe that things that went unsaid or undone are all right now. Even if you just miss someone, that they (the departed) love you and that where they are is fine and that they want you to get on with your own life. Who wouldn't want to hear that? Can you imagine what it must be like if a person killed someone you love and you don't know who did it or why they did it? Any answer is better than no answer. Everybody needs some closure. Sylvia Brown may be a quack, but what she's doing isn't causing a lot of harm and it can defintely help people who are in pain over a loss.
  14. Anne: Congratulations on your successful surgery. Welcome to bandland! Yes, the port site soreness is normal - at least it was for me. It took a while before I was ready to sleep on that side. The burping and some bloating is normal too. I did it so much that I thought the Protein Shake was to blame. My dietician said that it definitely should not be the problem and I thought she must be just too busy to deal with it. However I listened to her, kept taking it and it went away. I can use it now with no adverse effects. So the tummy rumbling and all that is just part of the process. My best to you in your journey to better health! I hope you find this forum as much fun and help as I have.
  15. BJean

    What Peeves you?

    There's a little town near Orlando named Lake Helen. It is full of "spiritualists" and palm readers, etc. One particular gal would tell you about the people in a picture if you brought one in. My friend went and took a photo of her family. She went in and the "picture reader" told her to lay the photo face down on the table. We'll call the reader Helen. Anyway Helen started describing my friend's husband and her 3 boys. She even told my friend their names. Now I don't know what the trick was, and I'm pretty sure there was one, but it was fairly impressive to hear my friend tell it. So 3 of my friends and I decided to go over one day and get our palms read. It cost $35 for a reading. We all spread out in different directions and went to the various people who did the readings. The gal I went to was very good. :rolleyes She would ask a question and you would reveal some small thing (like being married) and she would tell you something about your husband. Well, she could tell by my age and my clothes about what socio-economic status we were and one leading question and brilliant observation after another was revealed to me and before I knew it she had my husband having an affair with someone who he met at a bar and that he goes to this bar every day at lunch to see her and that I better get myself an attorney. I don't know what all this BS is that they don't bear bad news, but she tried her best to rock my world. My husband doesn't drink, didn't take lunch hours very often, doesn't go to bars frequently and wasn't having an affair. Other than that, she was spot on. Same scenario for my friends visits to their palm readers. The one thing we all knew for sure when we drove out of town was that our purses were $35 lighter.
  16. BJean

    Financial Infidelity & Husbands

    gonnabe: Woo hoo! I figured that there was a reasonable explanation. I've thought the worst sometimes when something has come up with my DH over the years and I have always found out that there is a reason and/or good explanation and that I have been too quick to assume something is being hidden from me. We see so much on Oprah and Maury, we don't want to be the last person to know something went wrong. Big sigh of relief and a little embarrassment goes along with something like this, but I guess we all do it.
  17. BJean

    What Peeves you?

    Does anybody watch Judge Judy? I used to catch her occasionally and the other day I was surfin' and stopped to listen to a case. Geez! She is really harsh! I like that one lady who goes on the other talk show (can't think of his name - oldtimer's disease) who speaks to the dead and tells you that they're fine and just wanting you to be happy. *sob* :cry
  18. BJean

    What Peeves you?

    Isn't it funny how something so obnoxious can both irritate you and fascinate you! Good ole' Jerry Springer.
  19. BJean

    Financial Infidelity & Husbands

    Yeah. I always complained to my parents because they weren't independently wealthy. I often wished I were an only child too. I was the youngest of four. Not much left for the littlest one. Hand-me-downs were awful because I never actually grew into them. The only real fights my parents had were over money... and the lack of it. Some of those were knock-down-drag-out doozies! My Dad reminded me of Ralph Cramden.
  20. BJean

    What Peeves you?

    Good grief!!! How big ARE they? Under the covers??? :omg: My boyfriend in high school (hot, humid Oklahoma) woke up once one night with something biting his arm. He screamed and his Mom ran in and turned on the light. He said it was a huge cockroach like bug biting him. Maybe it was one of those flying tree roaches. **Shudder!**
  21. Sharon L: Yes honey, there is lots of hope! I'm 5'1.5" and started this journey at 220. Six months later I weigh 178. Still have lots to lose, but I have a big chunk gone. I need both knees replaced, high BP, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, etc. I wasn't diagnosed with sleep apnea, but my husband couldn't get any sleep in the same room with me because I was working so hard to breathe at night. Btw, I am older than you - and not just by a year or two. Keep doing your research and learn all you can, listen to the doctors and then make a decision. You may choose to go read the section at Lap Band Talk where people are having problems and it is good to know what complications could happen. You must realize though that most of the people here wouldn't trade their band for anything! I'm one of them.
  22. BJean

    Financial Infidelity & Husbands

    TOM: As I was reading your post about your long hours I was thinking the same thing your son must have said, Where's Dad? My DH was the first at work and the last to leave. He pushed very hard and went up the ranks quickly. That was very nice monetarily, but he sure missed out on so many things with our kids. I don't think it bothered him until recently. Our grandchildren are a set of 4 yr. old twin boys and a 4 yr. old little girl. He is paying much more attention to them and interacting with them much more than he ever did with his own kids. It sort of breaks my heart to see the pain in his eyes when he realizes what all he missed out on all those years. But his hard work, business savvy and education allowed me to be home with the kids most of the time. I did work off and on but in a job that had flexible hours - real estate. I LOVED having an income. It made me less dependent on him which he interestingly enough, didn't like.
  23. BJean

    What Peeves you?

    I never encountered one of them buzzards in Texas or Arizona. Guess I'm lucky or I've seen fewer hummingbirds than I thought I had.
  24. MsDad: Hilarious! One of my favs was when Edina needed to lose a bunch of weight right away. She was on a massage table, they smathered her with tons of mud and wrapped her tightly like a mummy. She was supposed to lose something like 10 lbs. When they unwrapped her, she had GAINED weight! I could SO identify!
  25. BJean

    September Bandsters

    lisa: I think I overheard them mention omnipaque. I will ask about it tomorrow. Thanks.

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