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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    I'm sayin'!!!
  2. Bloom: Carlene is right. We've done more to unify and cause radical Muslims to join forces around the world than we have done to help the Iraqi people. I don't buy the whole argument that we'd rather fight them over there than on our own shores. It isn't a war that we should be fighting at all. We need to deal with terrorists as terrorists. They are not a country. There will always be terrorists. Have you read the news today? People talk about how there have been no terrorist attacks since we went into Iraq. That's a convenient cop-out. It takes time for them to plan, train and carry out their attacks. Don't make the mistake of thinking they are deterred by our presence in Iraq. They are plotting and planning as we speak. We're so busy in Iraq, we will probably not know what happened when they hit us next. But it will probably go a long way in electing someone like Rudy because he'll be running on what a great, strong leader he is in a crisis. Sometimes we act like lemmings.
  3. tink128: BubbleButt made me stop and think... maybe I didn't understand the point of your email. It honestly seemed to be out of the context of our earlier posts to me. Made me scratch my head and wonder why you'd be judging what we were posting in that way.
  4. BJean

    Breast lumps and ripples

    Thanks, Boo, I've done a little better today and yesterday. I want to get that great feeling back where you just can't wait to get on the scales every morning! I will look forward to hearing from you sometime after your next doc visit on the 19th. I wouldn't worry too much because of the response you got from that doc who didn't even feel she needed to do a work up. The latest one is being careful, which is what you want though. Hang in there darlin'!
  5. JeninCo: Amen to your current Republican party assessment!!! I've been known to vote Republican but they've gone stark raving mad. Now I feel so betrayed I will never make the mistake of voting for a Republican again.
  6. BJean

    September Bandsters

    No loss or gain this morning. Maybe I need the "sleeve" :omg:
  7. smatyas: (I must do something wierd with your name in my head. It always makes me think of "smartass") Whose voice do you like this go 'round??
  8. BJean

    This is mean

    I'm pretty far removed from age 13, but I think I can see the attraction. Afterall they like Michael Jackson. I still say that Simon chose him for good reason. His sister was pretty and sang better and they chose Sanjaya. There's always a shy, geeky type that appeals to the younger set and he doesn't necessarily have to be talented. Just look at the ruckus he's caused. Simon is too smart for it not to have been by design. Doncha think?
  9. BJean

    Fave comfort food?

    Ice Cream. Preferably a large hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and almonds or pecans. Or a huge, huge bowl of vanilla ice cream with Hersheys chocolate syrup if I'm desparate. Fortunately now that I have the band I can't do the large bowl anymore. I went berserk one night when I was all alone and binged on ice cream and Hersheys and my tummy bloated until my port bulged out so much I had to put pressure on it for a long time. Revolting. Positively revolting. Not to mention just plain stoopid! :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: And downright pathetic.:omg:
  10. edie: I completely agree. I am still surprised when people talk to me in a store now. They never did it when I was so heavy. In fact, like Alexandra said, they now look at my face instead of my fat body. I still have a lot of weight to lose, but I guess I look more normal now and don't disgust people like I did before. Having someone ignore you when you speak is a really awful feeling. Or when someone talks to the other people in a room and excludes you really stinks too. I notice now that even kids tend to be dismissive of overweight people.
  11. BJean

    This is mean

    Me too Kat!!! :heh: It would be priceless to see the reaction by both Simon and Howard if there were practically no voting one week.
  12. Whew! Green I'd jump in, but you're smacking down pretty good all on your own tonight. Why is it that some of these folks keep repeating things that have been completely disproven about the war? Even have been admitted by Bush to have been in error... No wonder you are under the impression that they just crawled out from under a rock somewhere since they clearly aren't paying attention to what's REALLY going on. Amazing. Truly amazing.
  13. tink128: I did not call you a hypocrite. I do think you are smart to propose that Christians should live by what they say they believe in, otherwise some people will label them hypocrites. I wasn't generalizing about Christians in my comments. I was speaking about my former husband and I also made an observation about your comments directed at me.
  14. BJean

    Breast lumps and ripples

    Wow, Boo Boo Kitty, I noticed your fabulous weight loss. You're awesome! I've hit a bit of a snag and I'm having trouble getting back on track. You're very inspiring in the weight loss department, that's for sure. I'm impressed. I think I should tell you that I may have led you a little astray with what I said in my earlier post. Having a mother and sister does increase the chance that my genetic makeup could increase my risk to get BC, but it is only by a small amount - 20%. Most comments that people make give you the impression that if you have some family history, you are practically bound to get it, and that's not right. I used to be really scared and before I did more research and spoke with numerous doctors, I even considered prophylactic removal of both my breasts. Not one doctor thought that was a wise plan of action. I check myself and get yearly mammograms, but I do not obsess about it or worry anymore. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do and confident that if I should get it, I will have a much better chance of survival than my mom and sister did so long ago. Neither of them had mammograms or even doctors who did yearly exams, plus the medical profession is better educated about the treatments today. You're doing just what you're supposed to do by getting good answers and not letting someone dismiss you just because you are so young. Chances are very good that everything will be just fine, but you're smart be proactive about your own health!! Try not to worry too much and please know that my thoughts are with you while you're in the process of getting it all checked out. In any case, you are not doomed!
  15. The world is watching us? What does that mean? How does that mesh with the earlier part of your post that speaks to living as Christ would want us to? Which is it, live one way because the world is watching us, or live one way because Christ is watching us? You seem to be doing some bashing all on your own, aren't you? Or are you just doing God's will by correcting us? My comments about my first husband are accurate. He is one of the important deacons in his church, as an architect he goes to Latin America to design and build houses for the poor, and he is like you... quick to comdemn others. He couldn't find it in his heart to love and take care of his wife and son. He speaks to his mother like she's an idiot. He lives only for himself and his own glory even when he is "serving the Lord." He deserves all the bashing I can dish out. I'm pretty sure Jesus is on my side in this matter.
  16. BJean

    This is mean

    Come on you all. I'm more convinced every week that Howard Stern and Simon Cowell are in cahoots over this. Think about it. It's a genius plan that will benefit both of them. Plus just look at all the posts its provoked here and elsewhere on the 'net. It's being talked about in all the major newspapers. People are watching just to see what happens with Sanjaya. Howard is getting lots of publicity. Simon's assured that there are going to be millions of dollars made every week in extra calls. All that and more! We should get smart, get our heads together as the viewers and NOT vote at all. If we could get the vote down to less than a million each week, we'd have lots more power over what happens on that show than Howard Stern OR Simon Cowell. I say DON'T VOTE!!!!! :mad: Let them figure out a way to get us interested again!
  17. BJean

    You Guys Are NOT Going To Believe This!

    I'm curious. Is it "what comes around, goes around" or "what goes around, comes around?" I'm feeling befuddled about this.
  18. BJean

    You Guys Are NOT Going To Believe This!

    What possible reason does Mr. P have to adopt his new wife's 17 year old granddaughter??? At 17, she's not a little girl looking for a new father figure. (Except maybe a sugar daddy.) Besides, she has a real father who has a presence in her life. You gotta think about what would motivate these people. Mr. P could be doing it because she's a lovely thing that he has a fondness for, and whom he'd like to make sure is taken care of since she's had some hard knocks in life (her mother being an addict, for instance.) Or he could be doing it because the new Mrs. P has pleaded a case for not leaving the granddaughter out in the cold in their new relationship - or some other nonsense that a man thinking with his little head might buy into. The new Mrs. P might also have the same goal of wanting to take care of her granddaughter, with only the best of intentions. Likely? Not. OR... the new Mrs. P might just want to wrap up the $2 Million package by establishing a neat and tidy little family to inherit all he's got with no questions asked by the courts. (Courts might tend to wonder why a new wife's granddaughter should get some of his money when he dies.) The whole thing gets stinkier and stinker by the post. If I were Carlene's DH, I would make it a daily project to check the kitchen, bathroom and garage cabinets on a regular basis to make sure there are no new arsenic purchases lying about.
  19. BJean

    Breast lumps and ripples

    I have a family history of breast cancer. Lost my mom and my closest sister. I have some dimples on my breasts that I was VERY concerned about. I'd always heard that any indentation should be looked at. Well mine seem to be as a result of just lumpy tissue. That is very different from the orange peel kind of dents that someone else asked you about. My sister had that. First of all, a true breast cancer lump is usually very hard. Like a rock. However some normal breast tissue can get in front of a true cancer lump and keep you from feeling deeply enough to get to the dangerous lump. That's why there is so much emphasis today on mammograms. If we do monthly self-exams properly, we are much more apt to catch a lump early than if we wait for yearly mammograms. However very few of us really know how to do a thorough self-exam. There's a very good chance that you may just have a benign condition. Having one aunt with breast cancer isn't a very scary family history. Even with my mother and sister having had breast cancer doesn't give me very accelerated odds for breast cancer, as most people would have you believe. Only about a 20% increase in likelihood - not a done deal, by any stretch. The breast cancer that causes the orange peel surface is hormone related and is definitely something that should be cause for concern. Most people who deal with breast cancer will not think you're an alarmist because you are worried. They will treat you with respect and get to the bottom of it. You should hang in there with as many doctors as it takes for you to feel comfortable with the diagnosis. No woman should have to walk around very long with the worry that is associated with the possibility of having breast cancer. I will be thinking of you and hoping that you're like me, just dimply skin because of lumpy breast tissue. I hope you'll keep us posted and that everything turns out very well for you and you'll soon be exhaling a big sigh of relief.
  20. BJean

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    Once, many years ago when truck drivers used their CBs constantly for road chat, and we non-professional drivers used our CBs to listen to them, DH and I were traveling across country and very late one night around midnight, we listened to a very off-color chat between a truck driver and some chick with the "handle" Blue Jean Baby. Man that was one HOT conversation. XXX rated, and it has stuck in my mind to this day. Thus my adopting her handle sort of, so I can think of myself as a really hot, slender babe in skin tight blue jeans trolling for lonely dudes. Well... we can all dream, can't we?
  21. BJean

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    Decay is disgusting.
  22. BJean

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    I have never been able to figure out how people know for certain that growing old is better than the alternative!
  23. I used to think I'd be at the airport when my ship came in... Good for us all wising up!
  24. 396Power- You're saying that because of the leftists, this country will lose the war in Iraq and why they lost the war in Viet Nam? Are you at all serious?

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