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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    September Bandsters

    lifelongband: You're one of the ones I was talking about. Fantastic weight loss. You're doing great!!! And thanks for the milk tip for chocolate cravings. I've found a certain yogurt that seems to help a lot. It isn't carried by the grocery stores near me, but going further to find it is okay with me since it seems to help.
  2. BJean

    September Bandsters

    sandranoelle: Sounds like you're going through exactly what I've been going through! My LB doctor said that we actually become addicted to certain foods. He said that if we are having growling stomachs and are consumed with the thoughts of finding something "good" to eat, that we are addicted. I always thought that my growling stomach was a good thing since that meant I was truly hungry and it had been a while since I'd eaten. Then I started thinking about it and whenever my stomach growled, I made myself think about what the last items were that I'd eaten. It has been 100% high carb foods everytime! What a shock. I thought I'd heard everything... Your posted article is good... I just never can seem to go for a walk or take a bubble bath when I start obsessing about food. I'm usually so driven to get something I like, all other thoughts are pushed aside. I too thought that the band would really address the hunger thing and make me not want to eat or think about food all the time. Figures that it wouldn't be that easy. I do agree that we should share everything we learn and go through because it always seems to help to read about other people's experiences. So thanks for sharing! It helps me not feel like such an outsider when I read about all the success some Sept. bandsters are having.
  3. BJean

    This is mean

    What's up with Lakisha? She has become this really sophisticated looking gal, way improved from the short denium skirt with the orange blouse. But the spark has kind of gone out of her performances. Still with the great vocal range, but nothing there to really move me to laughter or tears.
  4. airwayman: You're definitely cute! Gotta love a man who appreciates women. You obviously do and I for one find that very attractive! *Batting eyes, flutter, flutter* And far more interesting than one of the more offensive, sexist right wingers on another thread. Who knew this anonymous stuff could be so much fun?
  5. Well it's a good thing you're a liberal because the right wingers definitely don't want to help people like you out. They think we all just need to work harder so that we can provide our own health care. Simple, huh?
  6. I'm sure you're right that we haven't seen the last of him. It was odd to me that he seemed so surprised that he was the one voted off. I couldn't believe that he actually got through his song after all that crying. You can tell that the contestants are becoming very close, can't you? What a relief that he's gone. It is like everyone else is really striving to do well each week and then there's Sanjaya, making a mockery of the whole thing. You know he'll be a part of the road tour. It will be interesting to see how that plays out since Simon has dissed him so much. I agree that Jordin kicked butt and Phil seemed right at home for the first time Tuesday night. However I wasn't as surprised as some were about Jordin. She has knocked my hosery off a couple of times before.
  7. 396: HUH? :) :) :confused:
  8. 396: Don't you remember how Clinton closed military bases? How he redirected a big portion of the defense budget to domestic programs? Why are you saying that our economy was good under Reagan? Mostly it wasn't! Bill Clinton and that Congress worked hard to figure out a way out of the debt we were in and they managed to do that. He didn't inherit a good governmental set of economic standards from Reagan. Your comments help me to understand where you're coming from in your support of Republicans and Dubya.
  9. You know I have to admit that the only person who's been able to give me goosebumps is Jordin. I think you're right about keeping Sanjaya for controversy. I doubt seriously if this is the last year for Idol. It's too popular and makes way too much money.
  10. Shabby treatment by clerks in stores is what really irritates me. It isn't so bad now that I've lost 40 lbs., but when I go shopping with my petite daughter I may as well be a slab of beef standing there. I'm totally ignored and they are all smiley and sweet to her. I've often wondered if she notices it and is embarrassed by it.
  11. BJean

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    "...morphine patch and ....the A/C purr." My question is this: THERE'S A MORPHINE PATCH????" Please promise me Green, that if ever you locate a free-thinking pharmacist who will dispense such an item, you'll give me a call! BJean tends to be a bit of a depressive too in spite of her efforts to do the usual Pollyanna routine.
  12. Well Green, if I were to be the judge here I'd have to ask exactly what you WORE in the parade before I decided if it counts.
  13. Green: Give yourself a break. We all get pushed to the limit here from time to time. I frankly appreciated the fact that you became that passionate and engaged in the discussion. It honestly doesn't seem possible that there are still people around who do continue to flog the horse about George Bush's fine attributes and sterling decisions. I guess they've all bought into the idea that Bush is the "decider." You know what Forest Gump says... stupid is as stupid does. Run Forest, run!
  14. Bravo, Bravo to Morsaille!! I agree with Carlene - best darned post - but I'd go so far as to say in any thread! For Bush supporters to deny that the Morsaille post is true could only be because of lack of exposure or just plain ignorance of the facts. I have lived it every day for the past 34 years, with a gap of four prior to that, and then the 3 years prior to that. TOM should jump on this bandwagon. He's seen the numbers and studied it over the years too. All of the economics is bad... really bad. But the worst part and the part that we just can't get around is the DEATH and INJURIES of American soldiers!!!!! How in the blinking hell can George W. Bush sleep at night? I'm afraid he sleeps like a baby.
  15. Sunta: I'm still trying to find myself. If I learn that I'm a homosexual liberal atheist I'll let you know.
  16. airwayman: You're on... but I hope you're not just one of those dudes who's all talk! :heh: Jump in here synicalchick. I'm not sure I can hold my own. If you'll pardon the expression.:tired
  17. BJean

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    I'll bet you wish there was a way to skip April, for several reasons. Karen said it best and I reiterate her sentiments! And T.S. Eliot was a sharp dude. My sister died on my brother's birthday and I am often so distracted by thinking of how much I miss her that I have actually forgotten that it is my brother's birthday. April should be a season to celebrate all things good and wonderful in your life. I've had several very difficult deaths and miss them all so much to this day. The way I finally have been able to come to grips with their deaths, to be able to look at photos of them and smile over the memories we shared, is that I realize that death is just another part of life. We can't get through this life without experiencing it. It's always going to happen to friends and loved ones and even ourselves. We can't control it (mostly) and we must deal with it. So in our loved ones' honor, we should make the very best of the time we have here on earth. I am absolutely certain if I could talk with them one more time, they would give me that advice. Celebrate your life, TOM! You're a smart, wonderful person and you contribute a lot and influence a lot of us right here every day. Thank you for that and please know that we care about you and wish you the very best.
  18. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Yep, that's me... brilliant. I got it right up here in my butt (as she taps her temple.) I knew I'd heard something about that. Let me give you a word of caution with those zinc supplements. They make you horny (as Mike says.) Seriously, they can. Not that there's anything wrong with that... I used to tell my DH that they were just vitamins :heh: Not really! But if ever you need them, it works for a while. The effects wear off after you've taken them for a while - probably your body having gotten caught up on the deficiency. Let me know what you think. Heck, if it will get me off this chocolate bender I'm on, I'll do it too~!
  19. Morsaille: Please continue posting. I've been reading all this and am seriously depressed. Reading about your cousin made me giggle.
  20. I too liked Jordin and Blake the best last week. I think it will be especially interesting to see how Blake approaches country. I wouldn't be surprised if Jordin and Blake wind up being the top two. That is, of course, if there isn't a landslide for Sakajaweea.
  21. BJean

    Fave comfort food?

    Yeah, this is interesting reading. I can tell that Bitter is from Oklahoma. I have all the same recipes that my mama used to make too. I also have always depended on the Better Crocker cookbook that I got as a shower gift when I was married in 1964. The later versions are not nearly as good. All that low-calorie stuff. It's just not right! As for our dogs. I have been preached to so often about not allowing them any people food. Only dog food. Now that the dog food manufacturers are trying to kill my dogs, I figure people food won't kill them nearly as fast as bad dog food from bad manufacturers.
  22. BJean

    September Bandsters

    I really don't know anything about the sleeve. I was just being a wise acre. What is WGB? Some kind of gastric bypass? Fortunately you're getting great results with the band so it shouldn't be an issue for you. I'm not giving up, but like you I have been outa control. It's so strange because I'm doing really well at meals. It's the chocolate thing that has me in its grip. Funny thing is that I've never been a honest chocolaholic. I like it, but it has never been something that I have trouble giving up. Right now it's about all I want. Wonder if there is some mineral in chocolate that having the band causes you crave it? Since there are so many of us who are talking about the chocolate thing at the same time, maybe the band depletes our zinc or something. Doesn't chocolate have zinc?
  23. To be the anti-Christ, you must do a whole lot of bad stuff. You must do much harm to many people. You must lie, cheat and steal. You must be responsible for killing and mahem. You must be greedy. You must present yourself as good but have a really black inner-core. I think that's why Carlene made her choice.
  24. airwayman: Woo, hoo!! Great that you have a date scheduled!! Congrats~! I don't blame you for trotting off. It gets pretty deep here sometimes. I'll talk about chee-bugers and Pessi-cola, sex and golf, but you can forget football and model airplanes! How about interior decor or art? Hmmm. Maybe we can just settle on sex.

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