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Everything posted by BJean

  1. Yuk, surely they don't mean religious inspirational songs? Are they just trying to showcase certain people? All that warbly stuff is really getting old. Even I can do that and I'm no professional singer! I would love to hear Melinda and Blake do some jazz stuff. Chris would probably handle it all right too.
  2. BJean

    Large Penis Posts

    Now what would your mother be doing, reading a thread like this???
  3. BJean

    Gun Enthusiasts Mobilize

    Jack, I agree that drug use CAN disrupt and erode the fabric of society - alcohol abuse to a certain degree has certainly proved that, and it is legal. Obviously, drug cartels do have a history of enforcing means to their own ends thru violence and corruption. Wonder how powerful they would be if their drugs weren't illegal in the U.S., and if we had a proper means of manufacturing, distribution, taxing, and a set of rules governing the use of drugs? Alcohol abuse didn't end with the abolition of prohibition, but lots of bad guys are no long enforcing a means to their own ends through violence and corruption in the U.S. as it relates to the illegal sale and distribution of alcohol here.
  4. laurend, there's more hyprocrisy within their arguments than even the one you mention, I'm afraid. One of the things that always makes me a little crazy is the idea that they want to define a fertilized egg as a human being, with all the rights and protection of a delivered, healthy baby, but they seem to love guns and feel it is their right to use them whenever they think it is necessary. Rights... in their minds are bestowed on whoever THEY decide should have them, however they choose to define people. They believe they have the right to own a gun and the intelligence to use one when necessary, but that women have no right to, and not enough intelliegence to, make a medical decision about abortion. Why don't they just annoint themselves "god."
  5. BJean

    Gun Enthusiasts Mobilize

    One distinction that I didn't mention when I spoke to the legalization of certain drugs: although drugs can kill, they usually only kill the user.
  6. Perhaps that is why the DH and I always sleep with the ceiling fan in full motion.
  7. P.S. I will vouch for the wrinkle-prone quality of Egyptian cotton. Especially when one walks on one's knees in bed. If you know what I mean. I might also add that I don't think that Egyptian cotton sheets are particularly cool to the touch. They seem more "fluffy" and warm than what you are describing.
  8. Don't have to worry about your uterus, Green. There's a whole 'nuther group doing all the worrying for you. (see other thread on topic) Thanks for the education on Pima cotton. I thought I had received only the highest marks in the Martha Stewart homemaking class. I know how to flip a matteress, fold a fitted sheet, make creme fraiche, arrange flowers (actually I took a great class in Montreal that helped too), wrap gifts, paint an egg, etc. However, I was embarassingly remiss in the sheet fabric department. :girl_hug: I suppose I'll recover, but I have definitely made Martha ashamed today.
  9. BJean

    Large Penis Posts

    Oops. Busted!
  10. BJean

    September Bandsters

    lifelongband: I'm not making excuses for him, but there's a good chance he intends to do what he promises, but it's easier to not show up and deal with your wrath than it is to do the work it takes to get them all together. I have little sympathy for men who are lousy fathers and terrible husbands. However there are many men who, when they get a divorce, the pain of not living with their children is hell. They miss them like crazy, they get very lonely when they aren't at work or on a date or playing a sport. VERY lonely. They know that things will never be normal for them with their children again and they know that everytime they don't do what is expected somebody is keeping score and probably putting them down to the children. Women's role in a divorce is very difficult and I won't make light of that - I've been there. But it is very hard for women to understand how hard it is for men. Both parents need to completely forget about themselves and their own needs when it comes to the children. That's a very difficult thing since some of us are not much more than children ourselves. But the babies are depending on us for everything. We owe them the best emotional support we can give. If both parents put the children first and assure the kids that they are loved completely separate from the marriage, everyone in the family will benefit. I hope you and your ex (or almost ex) can talk about this and help each other learn how to put the kids first. I hope you don't think that I mean that you have to sacrifice your whole existence for the kids, but before you make any plans, you have to know that they are being loved and nurtured and looked after while you're gone. I was young and I was often guilty of leaving my son with a babysitter way too often. Babysitters can be good, but not often overnight and every weekend. I realized later how unfair it was to him. At the time, I thought he wouldn't mind because he would only be sleeping, but the fact was that he felt abandoned when I left him overnight, probably mostly because of the divorce. No fair. I could have done much better, and I should have.
  11. BJean

    Large Penis Posts

    katir: Enjoyed your post. You made several important observations. I actually road a BMW semi once and believe me it was thrilling.
  12. P.S. When I have a problem with gas, my port gets very uncomfortable and protrudes so far out that I have to press on it with my hand, sometimes for a half an hour at a time. You should speak with your doctor about it. You might find that you need something like Metamusil - a lot of people here at Lap Band Talk use it regularly.
  13. Margi: Gas is one of the most painful parts of this whole experience. I haven't really been able to pinpoint specific triggers. I know for sure that overeating causes it, but that isn't the only thing. I think you should stick to your guns about finding an alternative food source. I was on a liquid diet for a while that was absolutely disgusting and it took years before I could look at another liquid supplement of any kind. The one I used (not everyday now) is absolutely great tasting. It's called Peak Nutrition and it is "bioengineered ion-exchange whey protein." I get it from my doc's office. However, I peeled off a sticker at the bottom of the container and found the manufacturer's website. It's simple: www.peaknutrition.com My dietician says it is the best on the market as far as the amount of protein it provides, with the exception perhaps of "Iosopure" which everyone says tastes terrible (although I haven't tried it.) Good luck getting this straightened out and I hope you have a good experience on the rest of your lapband journey.
  14. BJean

    Yeah, that's right...

    Over there. Over there. Nothing like a good camp song.
  15. Drewslou: I like Blake too. I was wondering if someone was going to bring him up as being one of the last ones standing. I think he has enormous potential. I wonder if he can write music as well as he performs?
  16. P.S. Looks like your surgery date is coming up soon! Exciting stuff, Wenjea!
  17. Wenjea: You're so right about Melinda's new haircut!!! Who knew something like that could make such a difference for her. I actually thought with the new style, she actually looks very attractive.
  18. Wheet: not to debate the merits of sheets, but I used to think that anything above 400 was just silly and I had learned that some of the higher thread counts weren't exactly just that, but only a different way of calculating the threads so they could charge more for them. And I always chose the softer 400 count ones. Except recently I came across some at Yves Delorme that will melt your Cookies. They're the nicest I've ever found - they don't actually say that they have a satin finish, but that's what it feels like to me. I've always thought Egyptian cotton were deemed to be the best. What's the benefit of Pima over Egyptian? Inquiring minds need to know. Remember, over 1/3 of your life is spent in bed. Unless you're airwayman. :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: laurend, hot sheets... I thought that was just an expression! :heh:
  19. BJean

    Gun Enthusiasts Mobilize

    Sounds like perhaps Jack agrees with me that addictive drugs should be legalized. Afterall, it is obvious that the laws we have that prohibit the sale and use of them aren't working either. We have laws so that citizens will have a set of rules to abide by that will keep people from infringing on others' rights. If we didn't have laws and consequences for breaking them, people without scruples would have no reason to care if they interfere with other people's lives in this society. If our laws aren't working, we need to take a good look at them and figure out why they aren't accomplishing the goals for which they were written. Just because laws aren't working doesn't necessarily mean that NO LAWS for a particular activity that harms other people, is the answer. Even with the question of (currently) illegal drugs, some rules would need to apply if society chose to legalize their use. Just like guns. Some rules need to apply for the protection of society. Maybe not the rules we have on the books now, but we must figure out what guidelines and rules WILL deter mass murderers and other people who commit crimes with guns. Guns are quite lethal, that's why they're able to be used quickly and efficiently to harm others, before the perpetrator can be stopped. That is what makes guns such a huge problem. With that huge problem comes a responsibility for the government to do all that is possible (short of banning them altogther) to deter the use of guns in crimes. If no laws work, then we may collectively come to the decision that for the benefit of society, all guns must be banned. Although frankly, I have little hope for that solving the problem and I dislike government removing yet another one of our freedoms. BTW Jack, I tried to edit my post to not read from "...assassinations committed by guns..." to read, "...assassinations committed WITH guns." However the program wouldn't let me undo my initial posting. I quite understand the distinction and I also understand that gun lovers tend to use the stupid argument that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." DUH! People don't kill people with bullets unless a gun is employed. Guns are instruments of death; intentional death or accidental death at the hands of the people who employ their use. Drugs can be instruments of death as well. Let's face it, unless a person is involved, drugs are generally harmless. Like a gun. But the harm from illegal drugs is so bad, we've tried to protect society from them. Drugs don't kill people, people kill people. Why don't you hear that argument for legalizing drugs?
  20. Jordin definitely IS the complete package. I'm afraid Melinda is lacking something, hummm what is it??? Oh yeah, it's a neck. Just kidding!!!!! I would be very happy if Melinda won. I think she's extremely cool. I think Jordin could give any of the former Idols a run for their money.
  21. airwayman: sounds like the voice of experience talking... :paranoid Green: not to one up you or anything, but my current best new set is made with 600 thread count Egyptian cotton and has a satin finish. Very luxurious. They must be washed in cold Water with a delicate detergent though. Very easy on the knees. I'll never go back to those stiff ones that leave marks on you after a night of super-hydration. :heh: :heh: :heh: I said stiff.
  22. BJean

    September Bandsters

    I am still at the same weight today. If this isn't a plateau I don't know what is! Grrr. I am hoping my new scale gizmo will help, but so far I haven't even taken the time to program it. Tami: It was about $100 and I haven't read any promises about its accuracy. They make medical equipment, so I thought that was a pretty safe bet. A friend of mine says it is extremely accurate.
  23. BJean

    September Bandsters

    llifelongband: I am sorry things are rough right now. Eventually everyone will adjust and things will go a little smoother. It does take quite a bit of time to work it all out. My ex could go for weeks without seeing his son. He begged me to get pregnant and when he was with our son, he acted like he was crazy about him, but then he was only with him once every couple of weeks. Go figure.
  24. DynamoMini: Don't worry about what anyone else says, listen to your own doctor! Especially if you're doing well. Perhaps he is more experienced and knows that there is no need to have us do all the protein shakes for so long. I actually didn't do them pre-op either. I did the low-carb, high protein routine too. I was very slow to eat much after the surgery. I just wasn't hungry anyway so it wasn't difficult at all. I certainly did wind up needing more by the time I was allowed mushies. Got real tired of sugar free jello!
  25. I agree with teacher!

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