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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BJean

  1. lianna: Wow! You've done really well. Only 7 lbs. to goal. What an inspiration! I liked Jon Bon's new song last night. My DH was very disappointed. He wanted him to rock out. Now we're down to some serious business with the rest of the group!
  2. Camel toe... HAR! I'll bite ya'll, what's Mangina? Is that a condition where your vagina looks like a man's penile protrusion?
  3. Wow!!! Blake knocked my socks off!!! I just knew he had something special to bring to the table and man last night he really did it!!! I really enjoyed Phil's performance. Lakisha has such great possibilities. Her performance last night really redeemed her mediocre recent performances. Poor Jordin. Ron Bon seemed to be telling her she chose the wrong song. Wonder why she didn't listen? For her, that was a huge stumble because everyone else did so well. Someone mentioned that she has a famous father and that's why she'll win. Who is her father? I really like her but it has nothing to do with her father. Tonight I would guess that Phil and Chris will go home. In fact, I think I'll be pretty disappointed if they aren't the ones going home. They've done well overall, but the others are much more entertaining for me. Dawg. Smaytas: Tonight will tell the story about Ron Bon's aged voice. I'll be paying special attention since you mentioned that his voice quality is slipping.
  4. BJean

    Large Penis Posts

    Devana I completely agree. Can you imagine wearing one of those every day on the off chance you were to encounter a madman on a raping rampage. I mean how long can you keep it inserted? How do you keep from incurring injury when inserting it? What if you forgot you had it in and seriously harmed your loved one? Or yourself? :faint: Egad, the possibilities! :paranoid
  5. Way to go Eddie!!! I knew it would happen for you! Persistence pays. mjsafari: I don't know much but I know what I like.
  6. Denise: I only have a problem with getting stuck when I begin eating my meal too fast. Actually it doesn't seem fast because it is how I always used to eat, before the band. But now I know that I have to go very slowly when I start a meal because I never am really sure how my body will react to whatever it is that I'm eating. It isn't always the same. Like I can have a baked potato one day and have absolutely no problem but a couple of days later I can't eat more than a couple of bites before I have a problem. So if I don't get in a big hurry I can sense a bit of tightness and slow down or stop eating completely. That's what happened to me today at lunch. I had to bring all but 4 bites of my food home. I got 4 bites into a baked potato and had to excuse myself from the table. I was very hungry when I sat down and the potato looked and smelled great. I just got in too big a hurry. I keep forgetting that my bites shouldn't be larger than half of a carrot coin and that it should take me 30 minutes to eat a meal, not 15.
  7. BJean

    September Bandsters

    lisalee: sounds like I bought the same scale. I haven't really taken advantage of it yet. Too much going on here. Let me know if you figure out a good way to make it work for you. A friend of mine says she uses it everyday to calculate how much she can eat and still lose weight. She works out at a gym and also keeps track of exactly how many calories she burns while using the gym equipment. She's looking pretty fantastic.
  8. BJean

    Yeah, that's right...

    I apologize. I honestly thought because it is in the Rants & Raves section that you were wanting debate. There's certainly nothing wrong with having peaceful coexistence. It can be like a breath of fresh air!
  9. All cuts of camel or just certain ones? Or are you referring to the cigarette?
  10. When I lived in Fla I tried alligator. Not at all memorable. But the Conch fritters could be addictive.
  11. BJean

    Large Penis Posts

    MzAngel: I agree. I was going to ask Green which kind of pepper she used, black or red? Driver: With an additional 12 inches, your name would certainly be appropriate!
  12. If he is homosexual, he's buried very, very deeply in his closet. He remarried - a girl who looks like me and has my same name. They had a daughter and supposedly are living happily ever after. But I'll qualify my answer with the the fact that he's a total right wing Christian and if he were homosexual I doubt if he could handle the ostracizing his church would do to him. Or the lightning that would strike him, sent from God. :omg:
  13. Green if you like your meat mooing, you'd probably love Buffalo. We prepared buffalo burgers for some guests the other night. We've had them in a restaurant but never cooked them ourselves. The one thing we knew for sure is that if you overcook it, it is lousy. Well DH did his mastery with the grill and they were great. None of our guests had ever had buffalo before. The butcher told me that if you want to have a really fantastic steak, buy buffalo. Same deal goes, you can't overcook it. Buffalo burgers have lots less fat than ground sirloin or ground chuck or ground round and that's why you can't give it too much flame, it dries out quickly. :hungry:
  14. Bon Jovi night? Geez. I can't imagine that being any fun to watch. Only Bon Jovi sings Bon Jovi as far as I'm concerned. That would almost be like having them sing songs of "The Boss" - whatever happened to him anyway?
  15. I see what you mean, Wheet. The thing that would burn me is if he spent more on clothes and spa treatments than I do. That would describe my first hubby. He even liked to pick out MY clothes and shoes. I shouldn't complain, he did a very good job of choosing things that complimented my frame and coloring. He is an architect and artist - guess that explains it. He certainly wasn't frugal though and that was a problem, especially since his career was just begining to take off. Naturally it skyrocketed as soon as our divorce was final and the child support was set. Oh well, it didn't matter anyway because most of the time he couldn't be bothered to pay it. But that's another story... the point is, you could definitely describe him as metrosexual.
  16. Wheetsin: What's wrong with a metrosexual guy? Am I misunderstanding the term?
  17. Missy: The Jack Stack barbeque site is cool. We have a friend who would love to receive something like that for his birthday in June. Do you have a recommendation for a particular meat product of theirs that is your favorite? I've always heard that the barbeque is good in K.C. Btw, if I'm not up to making my own barbeque sauce, I always buy K.C. Masterpiece. You have a great arrangement with your DH as far as I'm concerned. I was never able to earn as much as my DH so I was the wife by default. If I could have chosen your arrangment, I definitely would have.
  18. karen: I like that quote at the bottom of your post. I think I should stick it to my 'fridge and pantry! Michelle: the 40 lbs. I lost was pretty darned easy. That's what makes this so hard to come to terms with. You've hit the nail on the head though. A lot has to be mental, since we know we can exist on many fewer calories than what we're used to. My doc says to keep in mind that people in China live on a double handful of rice a day and thrive. I can't eat rice but I'm trying to think about how much food that is. Certainly less than what I'm ingesting if I'm gaining weight. Saying you can do it, repeatedly is a very smart idea. The subconscious is listening!
  19. BJean

    Yeah, that's right...

    lethea g: whatever floats your boat is fine with me!
  20. BJean

    Yeah, that's right...

    As long as no one comes here and speaks to the horrors of this administration, it will continue to be a nice friendly thread. Right? No one is debating here, are they? It's a love-in. That's great, but are you learning anything or just feeling all warm and fuzzy?
  21. Carlene: These things have been suggested and spoken of indirectly, but now the administration is going to have to face the music for real because the people who were directly involved are willing to come forward. That's how lousy, rotten and wrong the whole thing is. It stinks to high heaven and somebody just has to do something! Now if we could also have more folks come forward about the voting machine fiasco, maybe we can actually have an honest national election in this country. What in God's name brought us to all this? Just money and power or are there more complicated issues that we aren't aware of? I know the Republicans who are pro-Bush will tell you it is for the greater good and that they are proud and happy with the results. The fact is, they hated Bill Clinton and all he did while in office so much, it appears that they are willing to turn their heads to the serious consequences and accept the current administration and declare that it is an improvement. We better hope to hell this isn't as good as we can expect to get in national politics.
  22. I've had 6 fills. My doc is very conservative so he doesn't add much when you get a fill. The last one left me nicely restricted. Only problem is that since I couldn't eat much at all during meals, I wound up getting so hungry that I started eating the stuff that goes down easy and is very satisfying. Like chocolate and other high calorie foods in a very small package. I've actually gained weight!!! I don't know how to achieve this "sweet spot" everyone talks about. It's like my body says I must have X number of calories and it's going to get it no matter what my head tells me to do. I was banded 9/11/06. I had lost 40 lbs. and then the past 2 months (or more) I've been fighting it every step of the way.
  23. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Last week I was out of town and had a 0 loss. This week the vacation caught up with me. I've gained 3 lbs. Eeeekkkk!!!! Don't toss me out yet, I'm going to get a grip soon. I just know it.
  24. Eddie you're one phunny phellow.
  25. BJean

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    Jack that was very nice of you re: my bushwack post. I'm amenable to keeping the lines of communication open if you are. Somehow I sensed you were a decent bloke.

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