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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Who have you had enough of ??

    MSDAD, you're cool!
  2. BJean

    Who have you had enough of ??

    For instance people say, "Meantime, bad things were happening"? That's weird! Oh, "myriad" means "many"? I thought it meant "varied" or "various" - silly wabbit! Glad you cleared that up for me.
  3. Simple carbs are the curse of the devil. Had a bad weekend at a beautiful spa resort. Gained 2 lbs. Have to go weigh in today. Was set for another fill this afternoon too - but cancelled that. I can only eat a couple of bites of real food until I either have to ignore the rest of the food on my plate or try a couple more bites and then walk briskly to the rest room. Big time PB-city. We went to several really nice restaurants and no matter what I ordered for an entree, I could only eat a couple of bites. At the nicest place, very fancy, quiet, seated in the center of a large round room overlooking the city, I had to excuse myself repeatedly after eating a few bites of salad and a very small bite of veal (which tasted exquisite.) The rest of the evening I was up and down to the bathroom. Quite embarrassing and no fun at all. And painful. Did I mention painful? Ouch!! This is the same place I was about a month ago. Fortunately I will get with the dietician this afternoon and find out what she recommends.
  4. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Nile: Great job. Welcome! Vacationed in Scottsdale: gained 2 lbs.
  5. Lucy I can tell just by reading the recipe (thanks for posting by the way) that it is great. Your recipe includes the basic barbeque sauce recipe ingredients that I use. Whenever I use it, I get rave reviews. I will print your recipe, try it out soon and give you my report. Btw, have you ever slow-cooked a roast (beef or pork) for most of a day and then shredded or chopped it and smothered it in that basic sweet/spicy barbeque sauce, heated it throughly and kept it warm in a chaffing dish and served it with soft mini buns on the side, as an appetizer? You'll make friends and influence enemies. Mark, for your purposes, use half a cow or a whole pig.
  6. BJean

    I'm in LOVE!

    green: Not to worry - if you found a Scotch maker, I'm sure you'd only use it for medicinal purposes.
  7. BJean

    I'm in LOVE!

    Did you all miss me? Probably didn't notice I was gone. Ahem. I went on a girls only trip to Scottsdale. Stayed at the Phoenician from Thurs until last night. Had the most incredible facial ever! The accommodations were awesome. Everyone was friendly and happy - I would be too if I worked there. It was 112 degrees one day, but not all that uncomfortable by Florida standards (the standard by which I compare all weather) or even most Texas standards. We met another group of girls who were there from Austin. My group was from Texas, North Carolina and California. Fun! We went to an Italian restuarant one night where they have a staff of hunky guys who put out a calendar. Yes, we came home with a signed calendar. But that's all, hee, hee. My purpose for bringing this up, other than just plain ole' bragging, was to say that they started serving coffee every morning at 6 AM in several locations on the beautiful grounds and the coffee was so strong I couldn't drink it without at least half milk. Today we're all having withdrawal from the stout doses of caffeine we ingested every day. Anyway, glad you brought up the ice cream maker because I'd nearly forgotten I had it. July 4th is a perfect day to put it back into service! Hope you have a great day. I came home to many of my neighbors flying their U.S. flags and draping red, white and blue bunting from the railings on their porches. Cool! I better get busy before I get drummed out of the 'hood.
  8. BJean

    Illegal aliens

    Have you all been reading or hearing about all the products we're importing from China that are tainted or unhealthy in some way? Dog food was just the tip of the iceberg. I'm all for requiring foods and all products imported from other countries be labeled with the country of origin.
  9. BJean

    Who have you had enough of ??

    But let's face it, the one person I wish I never had to lay eyes on again or ever hear speak publically again, is George W. Bush.
  10. BJean

    Illegal aliens

    Bubble and L8BloomR- You are obviously both much more qualified than I to discuss the immediate problems with illegal Mexican immigrants flooding our hospitals and the other problems that having so many illegals sapping our resources is causing. Of course I'm a taxpayer and an American citizen so I have a vested interested in the problem. My comments earlier were made because it seems to me that many people are condemning the illegals themselves and I just don't think that enough responsibility is being laid at the feet of the politicians who are able to do something, but don't. Can you even believe that our president could think that building a wall is the answer? As far as employers are concerned I know that bogus documentation is a problem for them, but it sure seems like if there were very stiff financial penalities for hiring illegals, it would sure help. Hit them in the pocketbook which is what benefits from them hiring illegals in the first place.
  11. BJean

    Starbucks Question for Banders

    This is funny. I just posted on another thread that I have been trained to order the Starbucks way - it is sooo very irritating to be corrected when you're trying to order! I was shocked the other day when I went online and read that my tall decaf latte was over 200 calories and the slice of zuchhini loaf is 380 freaking calories!!!! I mean I can have scrambled eggs for fewer calories. No wonder I've not been losing weight well. I've been going to Starbucks about twice a week. Undermining the band. And yes, I do have a lot of trouble eating the zuchhini bread. It is a very slow process, but so tasty that I have just taken lots of time with it. I need to give it up and have more nutritious and lower calorie breakfasts. sandras96: I got a Keurig machine. I think it's a lot like a Tassimo. Using pods. It makes an amazing cup of java. So incredibly convenient too. Do you buy cappuccino pods? Dunkin Donuts ANY DAY over Krispy Kreme!!! But no more fat balls for me! I'm pretending they don't exist.
  12. Good points being made. Except for the Bullseye Barbeque Sauce report. I don't know about that. I will have to do a taste test and report back. The "chocolate" underwear remark is pretty dang funny. But Bush, he's not funny. He's a train wreck. And he's taking our country down with him. Have you been reading about the things that his appointee to the Supreme Court (mostly Roberts, although the other one is nearly as bad) has been saying lately?
  13. BJean

    Courtney Love has the band??

    Yeah, you're right. She does talk about her surgeries and she definitely can afford to have a trainer.
  14. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Thanks for the encouragement, lisalee. Of course you are right! MimIn: Why can't your boyfriend ever have pizza again? Because it isn't good for you or what? I can have pizza. I don't eat 2 or 3 slices like I used to, but have no trouble with one small slice of pizza. I don't eat regular bread at all though. lifelongband: You're doing GREAT!!!!! My goodness I'm impressed!
  15. BJean

    I'm in LOVE!

    Are you talking about the one that makes and dispenses soft serve ice cream? Or the one that you place the container in the freezer and then mix up your ice cream and it only takes around 30 min. to make? I've had one of those for ages - probably 10 years. Often I use it when company comes. I make some kind of fruit based sauce, or a brownie or something, then while we are eating dinner, the ice cream is making. Nothing like it! You can make the best guilt free sorbet too. I use Stevia for sweetner. Your ability to make Starbucks coffee has me intrigued. I am a freak for their grande (or tall) decaf latte. Of course you order it "their" way - "grande decaf latte" in that order. And when they're out of zuchhini loaf, I'm out of sorts! So what I need is the Barista, some training on making Starbucks coffee and the recipe for their zuchhini loaf - believe me it would save me some $$$ too!
  16. BJean

    Who have you had enough of ??

    Jay Leno. I have a good sense of humor and can laugh at just about anything, but too many of his jokes are too perverted - at least the ones having to do with children. Not funny!
  17. BJean

    Courtney Love has the band??

    Those are all very good points. I think the reason I decided that she might have had the surgery is because she's always been pretty quick to use surgery for cosmetic problems. Btw, my scars are very faint and I had my surgery in Sept. '06.
  18. BJean

    KEVORKIAN to be freed June 1 07!!!!!

    Thanks, Bubble. I really appreciate it. Remembering Lucy sure brought tears while I was typing. I'm glad I was able to get my point across to someone with such a good heart. If one has never been through it, they probably can't understand the dignity part. I know that you deal with this quite often in your life, and your patients are fortunate to have you on their team.
  19. BJean

    I'm in LOVE!

    I have a friend with a lever/piston type machine. It is a lot of work, really, and does not produce as good a cup of Cappuccino as my little Krups. Your machine is handsome! I feel a little like that guy on the sitcom who was really into men's work tools - only about coffee machines!
  20. BJean

    Courtney Love has the band??

    At first I didn't think she was banded either. I figured she just had lots of Lypo. However if you look closely, there are some dark areas in just the right places that might be indicative of the LB. I am curious though, why do you think she did not have LB surgery? Any particular reason?
  21. I still take HRT and haven't heard that it thickens your blood and that's why there is a danger of blood clots with estrogen. I am afraid to get off of it, although I am way past the menopause age range. I had a hysterectomy many years ago. If I thought getting off HRT would cause me to lose weight, that would certainly be incentive to try it. Both my mom and my sister died from breast cancer, however neither of them took HRT, so go figure.
  22. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Great to read about you alls continued success. I'm much slower than most of you, but I'm hoping that this next fill will get things back where they should be. I've been way to preoccupied with starting a new business and eating out too often, on the run! I lost 1 lb. last week.
  23. BJean

    I'm in LOVE!

    green:Any domectic assistant, exotic or regular, will be greeted with open arms! Beaucoup de fun, especially for me! Thank you for the lesson in arabica quality caffe beenos. Marimaiu: I am curious to learn which of the machines would qualify for your definition of a really nice machine? One of those huge copper and brass ones that is complicated but always guarantees a quality espresso? My neighbor in Orlando was from Lebannon and she had her family send coffee from there in a lidded jar that was unlabled that she added hot Water to for an incredibly strong and addictive tiny cup of Joe. It sort of looked like large grains of instant coffee, but it was something quite different in taste and quality. Anybody know what the heck it was?
  24. BJean

    KEVORKIAN to be freed June 1 07!!!!!

    Can you begin to imagine what it would be like to have lived a beautiful dignified life, where you respected others and they respected you, but to die crippled in pain, totally dependent upon strangers? It doesn't matter if you are a highly educated professional, or a poor migrant worker. If you have conducted yourself with dignity and been a kind person and have the respect of others in your life, but are reduced to being at the mercy of others (whose beliefs you may not share) during the course of your illness and death, possibly forced to be kept alive against your wishes, with respirators, feeding tubes, dialysis, etc., with no chance of making your voice heard, how grossly unfair and undignified your death would be. The pain would not only be physical, but psychological (emotional) as well. How unfair of us to treat human beings that way. My son and DIL adopted a puppy when they were first married. An American Staffordshire Terrier, as their vet suggested they refer to her, or pit bull, as they're commonly known. They did everything that an excellent set of pet owners could possibly do to mold that puppy into a fine, upstanding, beautiful creature residing in their neighborhood. They worked with Lucy endless hours to teach her love and how to behave in every situation, and Lucy responded beautifully. She was a model citizen and beloved member of their family When Lucy was 14 people years old, she developed several conditions that caused her incredible pain. One was cancer, one was degenerative bone disease and a sort of arthritis. They administered several very potent and expensive drugs for over a year. Eventually Lucy was in so much pain, in spite of the drugs, that she had trouble getting in and out of her bed, eating her meal and just plain walking. They loved her so much, but they knew that they had to think of Lucy, not themselves. My DIL made the arrangements (my son was too emotional to attend) and took Lucy to the vet to be put out of her misery. DIL and the doctor and his assistant were there when he administered the drug that would stop Lucy's huge, wonderful heart. After the injection, the doctor and assistant left DIL with Lucy to say their goodbyes. My DIL said that she just spoke softly to Lucy and stroked her sore muscles and assured Lucy of her love and the fact that she would soon be out of her misery, and Lucy let out a long sigh and just went to sleep. We all cried sad tears but it was such an selfless and endearing thing that my DIL did for Lucy. It was beautiful. We continue to have fond memories of Lucy in life and feel good about how she died - respectfully, quietly, with dignity and with someone she loved at her side. Instead of the alternative, being kept alive with drugs way beyond when she should have been, simply out of selfishness. How can we not treat human beings with similar sensitivity and dignity?

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