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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Who have you had enough of ??

    Metalband: Ain't it the truth! But unlike you, I do care a little about who they are. I am sick of listening to extremely vocal, anti-gay men lashing out against homosexuals and then finding out that they are one of the very people they say they abhor. How sick are these goof-balls! It reminds me of the sickos who profess to love children so much that they volunteer for Boy Scout troops, become Priests, babysit, become foster parents, etc., and then they turn out to be pedophiles. I'M SICK OF IT!!!!! If capital punishment were a deterrent (which, unfortunately it is not), I'd vote for the 3 strikes and you're dead rule. :paranoid
  2. BJean

    Thread Killers

    Hmmm, I just realized... I have two!
  3. Oh wait a minute... Nicole Kidman has never been anything but reed thin, has she? Did you like Moulin Rouge? You sound like someone who would be great fun to spend an evening with, chatting over dinner. I've always wanted to try coke - to get thin - but I've never had the nerve (or source). I had a source for the band, but somehow I don't think it's as much fun.
  4. voodoo: Is your name Nicole Kidman?
  5. green: The cough is the last thing to go. Hang in there. You'll start feeling so much better, you're gonna want to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
  6. BJean

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    Green: When I was young and competing in the workaday world, I had furrows between my brows that made me look cranky. (Fact is, I WAS cranky!) Once I stopped working for a living, those worry muscles just stopped making furrows and my forehead and between my brows hardly show any signs of aging anymore. Weird, right? French women are so sharp about how to look attractive even at a more advanced age. We could read that book one French woman wrote about her beauty tricks and probably stop having to use so many products. Do you remember Simone Signoret? She was heavy, she smoked, she had a gravel Gerty voice (reflux?) and she was mysterious and attractive to men. Oh yeah, she was smart too, plus interesting and self-confident. I'm with newgirl07, my bathroom vanity and cabinets look like I own stock in several different beauty products companies. Btw, I have just started a new roseasca treatment and it is the first thing that I have used that has actually helped the problem!!! I also bought a few products in a line of cosmetics that are also contributing to my skin looking much better. I've used Chanel for years and I've stopped using it completely except for the lipstick and eye makeup. Their colors have more pigment and I just love them. Also love their foundation but I am afraid it is too strong for my precious :-) face.
  7. BJean

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    green: Skin tags just love to grow in areas where a piece of clothing rubs constantly or at skin against skin contact areas. For men and women under the arms is a popular place for them to congregate. Men tend to host them around the collar area. Watch out for the little buggers. When one comes for a visit and decides he likes the place, he invites all his relatives!! I have had a phenomenon lately that has me flummoxed - tiny little cysts. They don't hurt, you can't see them very well, but they create a little bump under the skin and they are an irritant. I had three of them removed at the same time as the tags. They required excising quite a bit of tissue and then stitches to close them up. I absolutely hate the little buggers. If there's anything that disgusts me more than a blemish on my fine, fair skin, I can't imagine what it is. :eek:
  8. StephM: Great information. I am sorry you and Green have been having those problems and are having to go through a healing process. I do hope that all is well when you're finished with the liquid diet. Green you're sounding better. I know how much you're missing smoking. I still have one or two occasionally. It's a bad, nasty, tough to beat habit. And it sure wreaks havoc on a hiatal hernia! You're smart to give up those stinky ole fags.
  9. BJean

    Thread Killers

    Am I the ONLY one who has an orgasm when the doctor gives you a "fill"?
  10. kat: Those observations you made about the racial tensions in your neck of the woods are understandable. I can certainly see both sides to those issues. Non natives would like to live in a place where people aren't discriminated against just because they AREN'T Native American. Native Americans would like to have their land and dignity back. I grew up in Oklahoma. Although I knew plenty of Native Americans, I didn't know of any reservations in our area as we think of "reservations" today. Near where I lived, there were a lot of Osage Indians and they were thought of as very wealthy by most standards. They owned the land that the oil was on. Cherokees were respected because of the way they handled their relocation and the way they embraced the white man's culture and educational opportunities. It is so interesting to learn about different Native American cultures across the U.S. And it's always interesting to learn how Native Americans are perceived by non-Native American "natives". I know you have previously mentioned where you live, New Mexico, right?
  11. SharSpar: Glad you're on board here at Lap Band Talk at the 0ver 50 thread. I think you will really enjoy participating here. There's a lot of information and support and the people are great. I just wanted you to know that as surgeries go, this one isn't very tough. I never took one pain med after I got home. The first night in the hospital they gave me stuff, but after that I just didn't need anything. I had some discomfort, but nothing that required medication. The worst part is the shoulder pain for about a week afterwards, but I think that because I had a hiatal hernia repaired when I got my band, it made the shoulder pain more intense. :huytsao I also wanted to tell you that I'm jealous because you live in Ventura!! My son and DIL used to live there (they're in Woodland Hills now) and I've always enjoyed going there so much. In fact, we're planning a short vacation in Ventura to celebrate my son's birthday next month. We'll be staying at a hotel that was originally owned by the DuPonts, if my memory serves me well. And let's face it, after 50 the memory isn't what it used to be. :rolleyes Best wishes for a great surgical outcome and a successful trip to your goal! :eek:
  12. Terri: I want to live in Colorado very badly too. I would definitely settle for the mountains of New Mexico though. Have you read "the kite runner"? If I get into a book past the first 50 pages, I always finish it. To the peril of everything else in my life. I stayed up reading it a couple of nights in a row until I finished it. And I keep thinking about it, like a really good movie. It provokes some pretty strong emotions. Is a score of 410 on ebay good? I used to have an antiques business and have quite a lot of stuff I should get rid of. :tired
  13. want2beme: I think that Lee started this post so he could brag a little. Simple as that.
  14. BJean


    want2beme: You gotta just not overthink it, girl. If he is overweight enough for bypass, he probably doesn't have a lot of stamina and he might be pretty worried about crushing you. Plus he's probably self-conscious about his body to some extent. I would not worry about committing the "ACT" to achieve a "happy ending" but I would think more about just spending some really great affectionate time. My DH calls it "affectionating" Non-threatening hugging, kissing, a little carressing, and then just possibly... serious petting. I mean, if you're in love and you really care about each other you really ought to spend some time just taking it very, very slowly. Man, oh man, it can be great! You can get so hot that you almost can't stand it. If that winds up happening, and you're both very hot, the rest will happen one way or another. But if one of you gets the least bit apprehensive or uncomfortable, the other one should quickly back off. Spend several sessions of this non-threatening petting and believe me, you'll know if you have any real problems popping up (so to speak) that you're going to have to deal with. This is not HIS problem or YOUR problem, it is something that both of you must share as a loving couple, one way or another. Going slow in this area definitely wins the race!
  15. BJean

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    Elaine that's funny about having the doc cut your tags off during surgery. My dad had a large one on the back of his leg and he begged the doctor to promise to take it off during surgery, which the doctor did. After surgery, when my dad was able, he checked to make sure the tag was gone. He was really ticked off to find it still there in all its' glory. Doctors do not like to bother with them. Even the dermatologists don't like to deal with them. They are just little irritants to those of us who grow them. I can't imagine having the fortitude to snip them off with sissors or clippers. I could bite a bullet and let someone else do it for me, but I don't think I could perform that procedure on myself. Bitter, you got grit girl!! And I'm with you about the Botox. I can often tell when someone has had those treatments (they're de rigeur in Dallas). Yes, they look a bit younger but they also have no facial personality. What has the world come to? :help:
  16. These last posts since zannie signed off for vacation have been great. All have made excellent points on different sides of the picture. I think zannie will appreciate them when she gets back. But I gotta tell you guys, if I didn't know better (in my heart, I guess) I would think that the whole zannie story was made up. It just keeps getting more and more insane. Like just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. Gawd my heart goes out to the whole family. Elaine I loved reading your posts. Terri: I have been uncomfortable with the "whore" label we've put on the hussy too. But Green made the good point that we're here trying to comfort zannie and having us as her allies against the other woman is far more comforting than for us to show any sympathy for the skank. I really do believe that it isn't a one-way street and that the husband isn't a victim. I think zannie's complaint should be with her husband. After all, her contract and vows aren't with the other woman, they're with her man. In a perfect world, women would stick together and they wouldn't be home wreckers, ever. But the world isn't perfect and our primal urges are stronger than we are sometimes. I just keep hoping that the 3rd person in this whole affair will continue to act like a maniac and zannie's husband will realize how insane the whore is.
  17. Geez, you people are truly facinating!!!
  18. We need to learn how to handle the turkey neck syndrom like Kate Hepburn and Barbara Bush did - loose fitting turtle neck sweaters and multi-strand pearl necklaces.
  19. BJean

    Whats the worst you've heard?

    BlooEyez: Good for you!!! You're no longer allowing creepy people influence your decisions about how you eat! You've put you in charge!! Congrats. Most of us really struggle with that.
  20. BJean

    Thread Killers

    All ya gotta do to get some of those folks engaged is to open a thread entitled something like.... "The Beatles are more popular than God" or "Thank God that abortions save lives" or "The Bible is passe" or to really drag them out of the woodwork..."Does anyone feel orgasms in their port?" :bounce: As for the Ron Crusano comment Mark, good grief man, bite your tongue! :speechles
  21. lepez: Is that really true, a party to a lawsuit (divorce or other) can supoena a phychologist and make him/her produce his notes in court? I thought that was only in the case of a homocide. As for forwarding the emails and having someone else copy them, I suggest that she be very careful about that. It is much better if she would take care of the copies of these emails herself. You don't want stuff like that floating around with others to read. If she cares one shred about her husband, and if the marriage stays in tact, it's a mighty huge elephant that they'd have to bury. I'm not saying this even so much as to protect her husband's respect from others, but also because if other people read these highly personal emails, they become a party to their relationship in a way. It's sort of like one friend bellyaching to her other friend about some awful something-something her husband did that hurt her feelings, or was stupid. The friend forms a strong opinion about her husband and what a stupid louse he is. Then when the wife gets in a good mood toward her husband again, the friend is still thinking he's a jerk and the wife doesn't want her friend thinking those awful things about the man she loves. Not well put, but you get the point.
  22. Zannie: I know how it must have felt to find out that he was continuing to talk to her through emails. Terrible! Just remember that your husband has been told many things to make him feel better about himself (as simply a man) than he has ever felt. Nevermind that it is all stuff that this wack job woman is using to get him. As phoney and ridiculous as it all is, it still feels very flattering and it can be a major problem in your husband getting her put back in the place that she deserves. When she reveals enough of her true self, he will be good and done with her. And he'll feel like a complete idiot for having fallen for it. Now this could come soon or it could come sometime much later, probably after a divorce because you will get worn out with it. Hopefully she will continue to pull idioitic stuff and it won't take too much longer for him to see who and what she really is. We all have very fragile egos and nothing feels much better than for someone of the opposite sex to find us attractive and smart. Hang in there. You are actually doing very well. Just keep your own self-esteem in good shape and keep on looking out for yourself and your kids. I'm pulling for you and no divorce!
  23. BJean

    Thread Killers

    What tha? Have they been censoring??? Well, we three need to come up with something really ghastly and contentious! I sure miss TOM. He always seemed to manage getting people's pants in a wad. :ranger:
  24. BJean

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    newgirl07: Hey doll, I know I responded badly to your very sweet post. I think that aging is such a shock to me that I do not appreciate the idea of a 60 year old man with a much younger woman. Honestly there is absolutely nothing wrong with that relationship as far as I'm concerned. I am just jealous on 2 counts: the first is because you're 37 and have your head screwed on better than I did at that age, and second, if something should happen to my husband, I'd like to think that the available 60 year old men would find me an attractive mate. With someone like you around who finds a 60 year old male a viable and attractive mate, my chances are zero. The fact is, if something did happen to my husband, I doubt if I would want to hook up with a man again full time. But I might like to hook up with a man your age for a rowdy night or two though! :heh: Just don't feel too badly about our cantankerous posts here. Afterall, damnit, we're old and we don't accept it! It really isn't anger directed at anyone in particular, just the world in general for not appreciating our wisdom and wrinkled, blemished beauty. :phanvan

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