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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Why are YOU Fat?

    kathys: you've gone to your seminar, I guess? I hope it was a good one and answered a lot of your questions. One of the things they told us, over and over and over, is that the band is just a "tool" and that we still have to exercise self-control. I didn't really listen. I thought that it would be easier. I am disappointed that after a year with the band, I am not slimmer. Another thing they told me, over and over, is that this is a two-year process. Well, I have to stop feeling disappointed and start realizing that I am way ahead of the game than when I started this process. Although you hear many of the same things over and over on this forum, it is interesting to know that we really are individuals with different approaches and success rates. It's important that we not judge ourselves by other people's progress - just be inspired by them. Good luck to you on your journey. Believe in yourself and take good care of yourself and in spite of past failures in weight loss, have faith that you will be normal again. Allow yourself 2 years in which to accomplish your goals. You can do it, honest you can! I don't mean to sound preachy, just supportive and sharing. It is a journey filled with many ups and downs. But for practically everyone who posts here, we're glad we have the band tool.
  2. Voondabah: I am like Carlene, a somewhat conservative Democrat. And Voon, you and I agree on several important issues. I believe the only way the Republicans can win this next Presidential election is if they back off from all the religious issues they've brought to the forefront and insist on cramming down our throats. When I read a post above where someone said that the political left scares them, I wonder what actually scares them? The extreme right wing conservatives have managed to cause much more death to Americans, many more limits on our personal freedom, much more national debt, and much fewer benefits for most Americans than any left wing Democrat has. Under this regime, the rich have been getting very, very richer and the poor have been getting poorer. I would be willing to bet that the gap between the rich and poor in this country has widened by a huge amount since the Republicans took over, and that the middle class is shrinking. Explain to me why you're afraid of the Democrats. Is it because of something they've actually done or not done, or is it because your party is turning this country into exactly what you think it should be?
  3. Green: since my unfill, I'm riding on willpower too. Not too easy either! I'm going to get a fill next week, but this time easy does it! And when you're able I know you'll take it easy too. Gotta baby that reflux. Sorry you have a cold. How's the lift healing?
  4. Well your last statement, gadget, is one that I disagree with. Humanity definitely is granted by other people. Without parents, humanity doesn't exist. Until a child is able to sustain life on its' own, it is NOT an individual human being. A fertilized egg in a petri dish is not a human being. We may not agree on when a person becomes a human being, but you can't disagree with the fact that a fertilized egg cannot exist outside the womb. I believe that until it is an individual, it is not an individual. Once again though, I reiterate that it is not your job to decide whether or not a fertiflized egg in my body is an individual human being or even humanity in and of itself. This all has to do with nature and you're making it religious by putting your "beliefs" in the mix. (Although I understand that you disagree with that.) As for slaves, you really don't understand why that is such a disgusting premise to put forth, do you? I know that you intend to shock people into believing there is a parallel, but what you're doing in this regard is really quite ugly as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad I was out of the mix for a while because both Marjon and Green posted some fine observations. I will shut up again. This whole discussion has come full circle and I don't see that there is much to be gained by my participation. If gadget keeps it up, she makes my arguments for me anyway. Thanks btw.
  5. So you are arguing that since the government is too intrusive already, that it's okay that they go even further? Huh? No I didn't suggest that God specifically creates unintended pregnancies - I figure you believe he creates ALL of them. Am I wrong about that?
  6. BJean

    September Bandsters

    Nile: If you need an unfill, please do not hesitate to get one. I had one and I can't believe how much better I feel every day. I have not enjoyed the weight loss success that you have. I have fought the band instead of using it. I never in a million years thought that I would have this problem. But part of the problem was that for many months I was extremely overfilled. I was missing out on nutrition for all those months and I was hungry all the time 24/7. When you obsess about food and begin to eat empty calories because they're the only thing you can keep down, you're in trouble. But the thing I learned that even with a lot less fill, I am not gaining weight. I am getting my feet back on the ground and trying not to beat myself up, and I am repositioning myself for success. If we are overfilled there are miriad complications that can plague us. I don't want that to happen to anyone. If you're at goal or smaller, and you are still eating too little to maintain, you should not fear getting a fill. Preserve your health! You're in control. If you did happen to gain some weight, you can always get a fill. The most important thing is to stay completely healthy and energetic!
  7. Gadget: you injected the phrase that, "...women should be forcibly impregnated", to make it sound like I was arguing that point. I was not. My argument related to the issue of legally forcing a pregnant woman to carry a baby to term that she does not want and cannot provide for physically or emotionally, so that infertile women can have more babies to choose from, for adoption. That is quite different from forcibly impregnating women. But if you'd like to change the argument, let's go! Actually it seems like I shouldn't spend time arguing with you since you often seem to change opposing arguments to sound like something they aren't. It's all a part of the spin that anti-abortion proponents like to toss out to make abortion seem like the worst thing in the world for women in general and the nation as a whole. In fact, it is not. It can be a very good thing. It can be a life-saving thing. It can be an extremely simple, quick procedure that can be the best possible decision for a woman and her mate who absolutely cannot deal with an accidental, unwanted pregnancy. That is true no matter how much you like to demonize it. But all of those arguments take a back seat to the argument that I believe is the most important of all. That is, the government should have no power to compel, by law, that a woman be forced to make a medical decision, one way or another, with regard to her body. The government is not God. We are not God. It seems that you believe that our perfect God intends and is responsible for millions of women being impregnated every day. I just absolutely do not believe that. I believe that human nature causes sperms and eggs to unite, and I believe that human nature is not perfect.
  8. That's right Mrspruett! We won't let you get away with just sitting, lurking and fuming! We need your thoughts!!!
  9. All of my comments were absolutely not directed at you, gadget. The African American comment was, of course. That's a point where we will just have to agree to disagree. I believe it is an extremely far-out and inflammatory position and it is pretty much meaningless as it relates to my arguments. I absolutely do not refuse to look at the "parallels" that you would like to think are important and relevant - I have looked at them for what they are. As for the rest, I was speaking to a point that someone else made. Getting personal may be the best way for you to make your point, however, it isn't my style. Besides, we've gone there before and you and I both know that you are not going to win me over to your "arguments" nor am I going to win you over to mine. C'est la vie. Did I say that right, green? You know your French better than I.
  10. What is a freecell? I had no idea you were a painter, green. I am too, of sorts. But I don't follow that dream for some reason. I can get an awesome natural high from painting and yet, my paints sit idle and dry up... weird.
  11. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Lizgroover: I had read so many posts here where people said their doctors had them only eat liquids or mushies after a fill that I got worried that my doctor had forgotten to tell me about it. I went through all his literature and ... nothing! So I asked him and he said that unless you get a really large adjustment, there is no problem with eating pretty much whatever you feel like eating after a fill. But he did say that sometimes if someone gets a large fill, or haven't had a fill for a long time, the area can get swollen and sensitive and that in those cases, we should probably take it easy for a day or so. I was very relieved because many times, I was hungry after a fill :hungry: (often because of scheduling, I had missed lunch).
  12. L8BloomR: Please do not think that my above post was directed at you. You have made the noble statement that if women learn that there are many couples who want babies in this country and that there is a shortage of available babies, that it could give them a comfortable alternative to abortion. However that is very different from making it legally mandatory for women to bear unwanted children so that women who can't have them will have a bunch of babies to choose from.
  13. Just because there is a shortage of "available babies" for adoption, that is not a justifiable reason for women to be legally bound to go through an accidental, unwanted pregnancy to full term!!!! That is completely ludicrous. Just because some women are in the unfortunate position of being unable to bear children, doesn't mean that other fertile, capable women who find themselves in the unfortunate position of having an unwanted pregnancy, should be legally bound to bear children for those who can't! If you believe that every fertilized egg is a living, breathing human being and you can't stand the idea of any fertilized egg being destroyed, that's one thing. But to compare abortion to slavery, and to say that because there aren't enough abandoned babies in this country that abortion should be illegal, just says that you are extremely desperate for reasons why you think it's your job to be the pregnancy police. And there is absolutely no arguing that a fertilized egg cannot survive without its' host mother. Furthermore, even once a baby can survive outside the womb but it is found that there is a life in jeopardy, it should still be a decision between the mother, doctor and the sperm doner (and their God), whether an abortion is warranted or not. A MEDICAL DECISION OF THIS MAGNITUDE SHOULD NEVER BE DECIDED BY ANY OTHER BIASED GROUP OF PEOPLE, OR ELECTED GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS OR SUPREME COURT JUSTICES.
  14. BJean

    Why are YOU Fat?

    kathystrick: I don't know why we have so much trouble loving ourselves and taking care of ourselves. Something just creeps into our minds that makes us feel like we aren't worth working on. So we give up and give in -to the draw of the temporary highs that food gives us. I feel like such a junkie loser sometimes. Like I said earlier though, I believe it is bigger than one big, or many small, emotional problems. I think there are definitely genetics and/or body chemistry at work. When we understand all of the stuff that drives us to eat uncontrollably, we will get it fixed and be normal by society's standards. In the meantime, we need to not beat ourselves up, but just love ourselves and do the best we can.
  15. Dynamo! That's fantastic. Two weeks of R & R~! Hope you have a great time! I'm with Michelle, Green, we would love to see your befores and afters. NM Sunshine: I'm with you, dude, BURN THE FAT CLOTHES IMMEDIATELY!
  16. BJean

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Michelle: It is so true! I know we aren't dogs... uh, I do know that! But as an example, my two Miniature Schnauzers are almost the same age and they are fed exactly the same food in the same quantities. Maggie is very strong, lean and all muscle. She's absolutely gorgeous and can take on anything and anyone. She would have made a great show dog if I had been into that. She has perfect posture, as dogs go. She can leap small buildings in a single bound, etc. Sophie is a smaller dog overall but she is ALWAYS hungry, on the prowl constantly for ANYTHING. She keeps her head down and is timid and not sure if what she's doing is making us happy. If she can't find a stray crumb or something to chew on, she will eat a Kleenex or paper plate or paper towel. She goes out in the middle of the night to hunt for bugs or whatever else she can scavenge in the backyard (I used to call her Beetlejuice) And she has large pones on her hips and weighs 2 lbs. more than Maggie even though she's smaller boned and shorter. Maggie is happy with one meal a day. Sophie never thinks she is fully fed. I tell people that Sophie takes after me and has an eating disorder. I'm only half kidding. :hungry:
  17. BJean

    Who have you had enough of ??

    ingyrob: Glad you're still here. Sorry you still have more dental work to endure. I have a friend who has lots of hangy down wrinkled skin just above her knees. I would like to keep losing so I can have that problem!! Keep up the good work! Do ya'll watch "Dancing with the Starz"? Anyone notice Wayne Newton's grimace? I worked with a woman who had so many tightenings she had a slit for a mouth. She was obsessed with those little verticle wrinkles above her upper lip. Green's brilliant for getting new lips. Frankly I was relieved when Wayne got voted off. I got uncomfortable watching him talk. When he had the 'stash and ponytail, he was much improved as far as I'm concerned. Kenny Rogers is another one who I believe got a bit too aggressive. Looked like he was almost in pain when it was first done. Guess it all relaxes after a while. But ouch~!
  18. BJean

    Whats the worst you've heard?

    Both my parents in law and all of my DH's siblings are slender. In fact, several are downright skinny. When they first saw me after my 40 lb. loss, no one noticed. I guess since I'm still overweight, they are still overwhelmed by my mass. Creeps. I have a feeling that I still embarrass them. Creeps. :tired I wish I could say they love me just for me, but being able to get your ass in skinny, heavily starched Wranglers is important to native Texans. Being a native Okie means never having to wear those uncomfortable crotch grabbers. Just give us a big Indian Chief blanket and we're ready to smoke pipes around the campfire. Hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya, hiya.
  19. BJean

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    Green: To think I used to admire a friend who could orgasm from a little nipple stimulation. Your mom puts her to shame! Did she carry a feather or some pepper? :heh:
  20. Wow Green sounds like you're definitely on the mend. I didn't know that sometimes they stitch inside your mouth for glamour girl surgery. This is all temporary and you'll be the envy of us all! Glad you're feeling better 'cause one day they'll take your drugs away and you'll have to rely on your good looks to get you through the day. :cool:
  21. BJean

    Why are YOU Fat?

    The thing I can't seem to get reconciled with is that there are millions of people in the world who have our problems but who do not use and abuse food in order to cope with them. That's one reason why I think it is complicated in a biological/physiological way. It ain't all just in our heads!
  22. serena: Your posts have touched my heart. I do not share my lap band experiences with friends or family either. I read and post often at LBT. It is informative and it feels like I have friends here. We are definitely not alone and there are many people who post here who have extremely interesting lives. I love that I am learning a lot from so many of them. If it weren't for LBT, I might feel a bit isolated. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and feelings with us and you will appreciate the other bandsters here as much as I do.
  23. BJean

    September Bandsters

    karey: I keep hearing great things about the Body Bugg. I'm tempted to get one for my DH and I. I bought the scales that give some of the data, but I don't use it like I should. I do think that the Body Bugg gives more info and inspiration. Keep up the good work. I'm sure you are at a plateau and given enough time and continued exercise, the weight loss will kick in again. 80 lbs. is bluddy (to quote green) fabulous!
  24. BJean

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Please excuse the mispelled words: psychological and physiological... I got in a hurry and didn't re-read my post until after I hit "Reply" --- dang! The program won't let me edit anymore. So much for credibility when one is putting forth one's blindingly brilliant revelation!

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