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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    420 news...

    P.S. You do know that hanging out with dope smoking fiends will eventually be your ruination? And that it is the gateway drug to all other illegal concoctions? I'm only telling you this so that you won't spend too much time with those druggie friends of yours.
  2. BJean

    420 news...

    Ooh, and having "ganja" illegal is working so well for us here in the U.S. Yeah, right. Btw, does this mean you've stopped smoking? Of all the things we can do for our health, it seems that not smoking is the single most important thing, according to doctors. I will admit to having a fag about once every couple of weeks. I kid myself into believing that one cigarette can't hurt you. I also have the silly notion that one brownie doesn't make you fat.
  3. Green you definitely do not sound like someone who would enjoy jury duty. I have been on a grisly murder trial (we had her skull and bloody clothes in the deliberation room) and a traffic accident trial (rear ender) that were both very interesting. The process of the deliberations is pretty grueling though because with a few exceptions, everyone on the jury wants to do the job they're expected to do. So it can be a long, drawn out affair. We actually had a woman who we were pretty sure was being paid by the Defendant's attorney on the murder jury. Fortunately we had a foreman who was extremely savvy and he put her in a position where she couldn't argue with the fact that the killer did it. Otherwise I am sure that we'd still be debating it today. That's one reason you might not enjoy it. You would be frustrated by overwhelming stupidity.
  4. Dynamo, I'd wager that a lot of Americans have feelings and information that they often don't make public because it is such a volatile topic. Most people I know don't want to discuss it because, like with religion, there's always someone in the crowd who likes to viciously shoot down everyone else's beliefs. Few people are prepared or want to defend their ideas when there's a person lurking who is just waiting to pounce of them.
  5. I haven't seen the likes of Obama's tremendous momentum surge in a presidential election in many, many years! It has been incredible to see so many people endorsing him and sending him money when everyone seemed to think that Hillary had it in the bag. What do you know, green, that I don't know? Oh well, there's not enough internet space for that... just tell me the high points about Obama that have impressed you the most. I know all the trash that has gone around the internet about his being a radical Muslim, not Pledging the Allegience, not using the Bible for his swearing in, etc., is just that - trash. But what about him makes you think he's the man who can do the best job?
  6. BJean

    Before and After Pics

    Kat now don't you and Green go all rodeo on me without including me IN!
  7. BJean

    Before and After Pics

    Am I the only one who has noticed the photo that Trixie posted with her very first post? I mean really, who's kidding whom? Perhaps Trixie is a real jokester and getting a huge kick out of riling people. Good luck Trixie on losing 67 lbs. (or 47, or even 37) by April. I'm sure you're being very honest with yourself!
  8. BJean

    420 news...

    Anyone besides me think that all the chemicals added to tobacco during processing may have a lot to do with the level of toxicity in cigarettes? Years ago the Macrobiotic Diet people claimed that if you didn't eat red meat and sugar, tobacco was not processed in the same way in your body as it was if you did eat red meat and sugar. If you wanted to smoke, according to them, just don't eat red meat and sugar and you'll avoid the health risks associated with tobacco products. It may be interesting to note that maryjane (how long since you herd that?) probably isn't laced with the same chemicals as commercially produced cigarettes, and consequently perhaps the usual marijuana joint doesn't have as many carcinogens as a comercially produced cigarette. I do get your point though, Jack. And exactly how genuinely scientific can those studies be since most marijuana smoking is illegal? I'd love to know exactly how they set up a study like that and who participated. Freedom = people being able to claim and publish just about anything.
  9. There are some rules about registering and voting that do seem to put people off. I agree with Canada. One shouldn't really have to declare and align with a particular party. I used to know why they did this, but I've forgotten I guess. It honestly doesn't make sense from a freedom to choose standpoint. I believe it is discriminatory anyway. Why it is anyone's business which party you choose to align with? I am registered as one thing and my DH, DD, DS, DIL, and SIL are all registered as another. They were all called to serve on jury duty - even multiple times - and I wasn't called. After 8 years, I finally got a summons last year. They use your voter registeration to register you for jury duty here. I couldn't help but scratch my head over that one. Jack may have the answers for you.
  10. BJean

    Lots Of Gas And Back Pain

    Embarrassing for sure! It's amazing how it can sneak up on you and before you know it - oops!
  11. Eeeeeuuuuu! I hadn't heard that one. Some of these people are scary!
  12. BJean

    Where's the gang?

    sallyjo: Congratulations on your very successful banding and subsequent weight loss! Sorry to hear you had to have the gallbladder surgery, but it was probably really nice to have someone check on the band and find it in good shape. I am sorry about your daughter's need for a new liver. We will sure keep you and her in our prayers.
  13. BJean

    Where's the gang?

    leathea g: What a moving testimonial! I am so glad that you wrote and told us where you are on your road to good health! You've been through some really tough stuff and I really admire the fact that you have stuck by your guns and are fighting to get where you want to be. It can't have been an easy road and it must take quite a lot of determination. Most people might have just given up and given in. You're a strong woman and you deserve to be recognized for being such a pillar of strength - no matter what. I know you and I disagreed a couple of threads, but I always respected your input, and I want you to know that I missed you too and that I am really glad that you came back to let us know how you are. Best wishes for the fantastic success that you definitely deserve!
  14. If you vote for a candidate, doesn't that mean you're voting for the man? I mean you're going to get his political party if you vote for him. I can't imagine anyone actually blindly voting for one party or other without regard to who is actually on the ticket. By the same token I can't imagine voting for the man without regard for his political party.
  15. I am very disappointed that Edwards dropped out. I had high hopes for him. I guess I'm not the only one who is speculating that his wife has been unable to beat her cancer. I hope we're wrong.
  16. I've been doing more research on Obama and I'm surprised to say that he may be my choice.
  17. Whoever it was that was complaining about Mitt's wealth, just remember that McCain's wife inherited big money.
  18. Marjon I'd still vote for you. I don't necessarily agree that most of Edwards' supporters will get behind Obama. Once Obama and Clinton get a debate going just between the two of them, the lines will be clearer.
  19. I was surprised that Edwards dropped out. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have a lot to do with his wife's health. Recurring cancer is pretty ominous. They were trying to be very upbeat and proactive about her being able to battle cancer this go 'roung, but frankly, I don't think it looks very good. They have small children and even if she is able to get a clean bill of health again, those kids need their parents right now.
  20. BJean

    Parts is Parts...

    nina: How depressing!! trish: Just the other night on House, they did a story on this very subject. Dr. House managed to harvest a heart from a woman who was not a candidate to donate a heart because she had Hep C. The man who was dying obviously wouldn't have minded a bout with Hep C if it meant he could get her heart and continue to live. It was an interesting concept.
  21. Derick I so agree with you on finding Obama exciting because he has been able to fairly single-handledly "bitch slap" the Clintons. Hoo-ha! His message is one that Democrats have always SAID they want to put out there - unifying the country, making us all proud to be Americans, etc., but few Demos have been able to accomplish. Maybe this man has the ability to actually do it. The Republicans never have been able to unify the country and they never will. It is all about one word, greed.
  22. I agree that the Democrats are better campaigners too. Not perfect, but better than the Republicans generally at keeping to the issues instead of horrible personal attacks that they are famous for. (Yes, Democrats have been known to stoop to that level too.) But the Republicans are better at getting elected. They know how to pull the strings... whatever it takes.
  23. Elieneation: Good for you! That's what I like. Expressing your feelings and not being afraid to make them known. You're a Repubican. You don't like any Democrats. Fair enough. Many people have gone on about Bill Clinton's philanderings and dumb handling of them as if his behavior is the Democratic party's behavior and belief system. That's pretty offensive to most Democrats since I don't know any Democrats who endorse Bill Clinton's inappropriate sexual behavior or his lying about it. I hated Richard Nixon's Dirty Tricks, foul language and all that he represented, but I don't believe that ALL Repubicans are that mean and nasty.
  24. BJean

    The Weight Watchers Cycle

    I agree, green. There is definitely a social aspect to these groups. That works for some and doesn't work for others. If people need that kind of social interaction and support I am glad that there are groups available for them.
  25. Charleston mom: What were your symptoms with the erosion? Thank God you went when you did! How long had you had the band?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
