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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    In fact, I didn't used to be so sarcastic. I used to actually use logic in a good way. But I got burned, bad, by an extremely conservative right winger one too many times. Now I have fun biting back. I've never understood why Republicans believe that Al Gore invented the term "global warming." I am glad you post things that you find interesting and that support your viewpoint. But I'm sorry if you have no stomach for someone disagreeing with you or trying to point out an opposite viewpoint. I guess I like you better than you like me. C'est la vie.
  2. BJean

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    Ok. We're straight now. We may as well all get on board with this one because a well thought of meteorologist, who has a talent for predicting hurricanes, has spoken out saying that humans don't have an impact on the weather, at least global warming. And just to prove he's right, he says all the research that has been done by scientists, who are in agreement about the atmosphere and gobal warming, is all about grants. Really? How convenient. What I don't understand is what harm, exactly, will it do if humans live a cleaner, safer life? The only obvious harm I can see is that it will harm the corporations polluting our environment in the pocketbook. And we might all have to tighten our belts (so to speak) because of corporations having to spend money to comply. That's a huge sacrifice for something that Dr. William Gray says is no threat to our environment. Ok. I get it. Thanks for the heads up. I'll watch this space in 10 or 15 years and be awed by Dr. Gray's brilliance.
  3. I've read most of this story, although I skipped some of it. Is it just me, but is it normal for a girl to bench press 450 lbs? The missing piece to the story of her being railroaded into LB surgery, might be that she was seriously ill with a bad case of diabetes and/or many other serious medical conditions that could have been life threatening. That doesn't make a lot of sense though because of her activity level. If she were seriously ill, how could she pull up fences, replace barbed wire and bench press 450 lbs? (All before breakfast, right?) Furthermore, if she really was gilding the boy cows, building the barn, making hay bales and all kinds of farm work, why the heck would she need to or want to lift weights? This story smells. It reminds me of some of the stories you hear people call in to talk radio shows. I know people who concoct stories just for the fun of it and my niece even wound up having one radio station send her prizes for having the most sad and moving story. She didn't want the prizes but was too embarrassed at that point to tell the truth... that she made it all up! I think I may have mentioned this in an earlier post. I saw that this thread was still going today and it really tickeled me. I'll bet Diesel is laughing his(?) a$$ off to see it still going.
  4. Nazi's sought to control people, in every aspect of their lives. Outlawing women's right to choose is that same kind of self-righteous wanting to make people live by the rules you believe are right. As for men's right to control his partner's fertilized egg, once he jettesons his little baby makers out into the world he loses control of those little guys, who have one thing in mind. If he wants control, he should make sure he knows where every little guy is at all times. Once one of them has invaded a woman's egg, the woman's physiology is in the driver's seat. She owns the process of turning the fertilized egg into a healthy human being. Everything, every decision, every healthy or unhealthy process must be decided by the woman. Once the fertilized egg has been cooked to full term and it is a viable baby, then the father must take responsibility for one-half of the baby's welfare and the decisions involving the baby. That's life, folks. Or do you think that you can also tell women which vitamins she must take, whether she takes a sauna while she's pregnant, whether she goes skiing, or whether she hibernates in a quiet room? At what point do you really think your control of the baby making process ends?
  5. You thought he sucked as a governor, until you saw him as president and now you KNOW he sucks? What that your point?
  6. BJean

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    These are pubic service announcements! :smile2:
  7. I meant to tell you, Jack, that your post directed at me earlier was actually spot on. As for the last one, you're hilarious! I don't think that Obama can be justly compared to Hannah Montana. I believe that Americans want to feel that they have the power to throw the bum (W) out and they want desperately to feel united with other Americans and they certainly do not want to feel disenfranchised like they did in the past two elections. If one man can step up to the plate and say all the right stuff, how is that a bad thing? I doubt that very many Americans expect very much from politicians anyway, so if he does let them down, it was fun while it lasted. Which is more than I can say for what we've been through with the current crop of ne'er do wells.
  8. I quite agree, Chris. Everyone has a right to speak their piece here. I had no intention of making it personal. I thought I was responding in kind. luluc: The only channel where I heard a favorable report on Huckabee's appearances was on Fox and they claimed that at one of the places he spoke, the place was filled. They did not mention how many seats that particular place held. From the video, it looked very small. But that could have been wishful thinking on my part. It reminded me of the size of a church chapel only configured more in the round. For the life of me, I cannot understand why, after everything has been said and done, people still believe that going to Iraq and being in Iraq could be the proper course of action by the U.S. To insinuate that people who want us out of Iraq are unpatriotic is really unfair and inflammatory and quite the opposite of the truth.
  9. green: wouldn't it be amazing if Obama were to run a clean race, all the way to the end? I've never seen it happen completely in this country. It always winds up down and dirty, but I'm going to cross my fingers! At the very least, this is shaping up to be a very interesting race to the White House. It will be interesting to see how Obama handles the suggestion by McCain that they limit their campaign spending.
  10. luluc I went home early yesterday, turned on the TV and witnessed something that I've never seen in my life! They showed the 17,000 strong throng of people watching Obama and then they showed the outside of the building where thousands more stood, wanting to get in. They showed people from every direction pouring onto the streets trying to get to the building to get to see Barback Obama. It was, had to have been, record breaking this early in the race. I have lived through many presidential elections, the life and death of two Kennedy's, the life and death of Martin Luther King, the marches on Washington during the 60's, the Kent State massacre, the horrible marches all over the country in support of integration, and nothing compares to what I watched yesterday in support of one man. It is in a word, phenominal. I don't know what could possibly slow or stop this momentum, but it made me want to jump for joy at the possibility of this country coming together behind someone who has a good heart and a good brain. Hallelulah and Amen!!!
  11. Chris: Please don't accuse the Democrats of being stupid for trashing Bush at this point - the Republicans are still trashing Clinton constantly and he's been out of office for a long time. They claim that it is because he's married to Hillary Clinton who's running. Well, grow up. They may have similar goals and political aspirations, but they are not the same person. Nor is McCain the same person as Bush even though they share similar goals and political aspirations. Head to head, McCain has no chance against Obama.
  12. Good point, Grace. Although I do believe that people can change if they want to.
  13. BJean

    Lots Of Gas And Back Pain

    Thanks for asking about my bro and dad. My brother is fine. My dad passed away from complications after a surgery. (Not related to Crohn's) It's interesting too. They have come out with information just in the past couple of days, about a drug that is sometimes used during cardiac surgery that they've learned is killing people. Their kidneys shut down and it can happen years after the original surgery. My dad's kidney's inexplixibly shut down. He had to be put on a respirator and dialysis. He died a month later. My brother is checking to see if that drug was used on my dad. At the time, Dad's doctor was completely baffled (so he said) by the episode that killed him. He claimed that the surgery went perfectly.
  14. BJean

    Lots Of Gas And Back Pain

    virginian: thank goodness! You didn't mention any of the other symptoms so I had no idea if you had the pain that is also one of the first signs of Crohn's (besides the one you did mention). Crohn's is not something that many people are aware of athough it is not all that uncommon anymore, but it's definitely not something you want and I am so glad that you checked it out and are confident that you don't have it! :tongue2:
  15. Speaking of money, have you heard the challenge put forth by John McCain to Barack Obama? Seems Obama has been vocal about limiting funds used in campaigns, so McCain says that he will limit his spending, will Obama? Of course that's to be expected from someone who is sorely lacking in funds compared to Obama. Not too surprising that he's using it as a campaign strategy. You better believe that if McCain had the kind of funding arsenal that Obama has, he would use it and he would have never raised the question!
  16. BJean

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    Now wait just a darned minute there, Green! Are you talking about me giving up not only my beautiful car, but also my perfume? Are you outa your frickin' bird? Let's get back to talking about saving the whales, umkay?
  17. BJean

    Lots Of Gas And Back Pain

    You are very smart to suggest that all symptoms and complications need to be charted. I wish someone was spending as much time doing that as others are spending time and money on advertising that suggests that anyone who is overweight should go get the Lap Band. My doctor (LB surgeon) just had his book published on LB surgery. I don't know if it will have a cross country release or if it is meant to be used by doctors. His advance copy just arrived and I'm sure I'll learn more about it soon. If it is something that can help LB patients, I will pass that information along. I want to interject something here that I hope has absolutely no bearing on your post or problem. That is that my dad and my brother both have Crohn's Disease. The problem that you mentioned that you've had to deal with sounds very much like what their early stages of Crohn's dealt them. Since you are like I am, and really like to research things and get all the information available, I'm telling you about their experience for what it's worth.
  18. BJean

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    The reason it is relatively easy for me to paint one party and one person with the same brush is because without the power of the Republican party behind George W, he would not have any power at all. The party stalwarts pretty much run things behind the scene and that's a fact. What that means to you and me is that we get whatever they dish out regardless of what George W. personally believes. So I get nauseous when anyone praises him for doing one thing or another. Particularly when much of what good is said about him is put out by spin doctors - and if it's the only "news" a person listens to, often because it is what makes us feel comfortable and secure, we buy it hook, line and sinker. I have a sneaking suspicion that if John McCain were to be elected, he would have much more power over the party and would have much more input on which direction the party takes on most issues. That is one reason why so many Republican bigwigs are unhappy with John McCain as their candidate. He doesn't appear to be the "yes man" that George W has been. Now for me, that would be a welcome change, unless and of course, what John McCain decides as the "decider", is as bad for the country as what the Republicans have been for the past 7 years. I think that a more moderate approach is called for from the person who holds the office of president. I believe that all citizens should be able to rely on their government for some semblance of fairness and truth. Of course, I am still probably too naive for the game. P.S. You go, green.
  19. Cool beans, Elenation! Isn't America great!?
  20. Ooops, Elenaton, you might want to steer clear of the thread about global warming. Think of your blood pressure. Sorry, I just cannot stop speaking out when I think it is necessary. I am not an evil, mean-spirited person. I am sorry that my posts come across that way. I do feel very strongly about the Republican agenda. It is diametrically opposite from mine. You feel just as strongly about Democrats. You've been at least as outspoken against the Democratic candidates and agenda. And that's what this forum of Rants & Raves is all about, isn't it? I may disagree with you (even vehemently) but I am glad that you have the opportunity to voice your beliefs here and I respect you as a person. I am glad to sort of get to know someone with strong feelings about the things going on in our country! Btw, If you had an understanding of my personal background and experiences, you would not question my need to express myself in the things that I post here. That being said, I am truly sorry if I offend you or anyone else here. I honestly mean that.
  21. BJean

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    Are you aware of some of the environmental decisions that Bush has made while in office? I mean actual decisions, not the things he SAYS he wants? He has favored big business over environmental concerns all along the way. If that is what you want and expect from your president, then okay. But please don't kid yourself into believing that just because a lot of people are moving toward a greener world, and criticizing Bush in the process, that Bush has done anything to improve our environment just because he says he's concerned (which he has said). I firmly believe that if Bush (and the Fox network) were to come all out in support of addressing global warming issues, it would be much more acceptable (and real) in most Republicans' minds. Of course I can never conjur up a scenario where that might actually happen. It is contrary to what the party stands for. I don't mean to be insulting at all, I honestly do not. However the record speaks for itself.
  22. Anyone read the online blog yesterday about the push to make John McCain use Condi Rice for his Veep? Those Republicans! Trying to dream up their own dream ticket. Personally I believe that if they run Condi for VP, it will backfire and they'll wish they hadn't. They can run some very negative anti-Condi ads showing her saying some really nutty stuff over the past 7 years.
  23. BJean

    Lots Of Gas And Back Pain

    That does sound radical, but if you are not "one with your band" I can completely understand it. I haven't considered RNY, but I have wondered if some of my problems with my immune system have to do with the LB. Have you considered the "sleeve"? My LB doc is doing more of those now than the LB. I believe it is nearly as effective as RNY, but don't quote me. I assume the reason he's using it in lieu of RNY is because of risk factors. But you know what they say about assumptions. Of course if you just don't like having something artificial residing in you, then it makes sense that RNY is the best answer. I have always been scared to death of it because of all the horror stories, but I am absolutely sure that they have perfected the surgery and are far more proficient at it than when it was first being done (that prompted the negative stories). I wish you the very best and hope that your new surgery is the perfect answer for you!
  24. Wine? Oh the sins of the wicked. I hope Obama is good and that the outing gives her an opportunity to think for herself. :cursing:
  25. BJean

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    What a relief. Ice is back. No global warming. I'll sleep better tonight.

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