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Everything posted by BJean

  1. I'm a doofus. Right after I hit send, I realized what you were talking about. The fact that the thread shut down right after I responded to one of your posts I think. Anyway, I guess we're probably on the same wave length now. Different courses, but same wave length.
  2. I agree! It is amazing what people are capable of, isn't it. I too am in the D/FW area. I listen to several talk shows on the radio but not for political commentary, purely for entertainment. I can only think about and be involved in religion and politics for a little bit every day, otherwise it could become an obsession.
  3. Oops MrsFlipFlops, I was responding to a post by Cosmos. But you're exactly right. Neither you or I are going to change our basic beliefs on this subject. If we were all the same, this world would be pretty boring, wouldn't it?
  4. MrsFlipFlops what part of Texas? Not that it really matters. But I live in Texas and I was just wondering. I did wonder a little bit about what you said about pressure being put on black people by other black people for not voting for Obama. You said that it wasn't on TV that you had seen it. But that you had heard a couple of hours of call-ins on a radio program where they were doing that. And you said that you've heard friends doing it. I think it is kinda pitiful that people pressure other people in that way just because they want their candidate to win so badly. But people do all kinds of stuff to try to get folks to vote their way. How does your husband feel about friends accusing him of not being black enough because he isn't for Obama?
  5. What do you want me to say? That we did abortions when they weren't convenient and when we were all Christians? Well, that is true. Where were you going with your assertion? I didn't mean to shut you down. Post all you want. It rather sounds like you know what I said is exactly the point. All the pages of posts have come full circle anyway. Except maybe for your new and insightful thoughts on the ancient Babylonians. Which are so relevant to the discussion. Anyway, thank you for my new moniker "BJean the thread killer." Yay me.
  6. Who be bringin' up yo eff bombs, froggie??? Twern't me.
  7. BJean

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    froggi: I didn't say that Obama intends to cut taxes for the wealthy. I said he is for cutting the tax BREAKS for the wealthy that they are getting now. The wealthy are not paying the same taxes proportionally as the middle class pays. That being said, you seem to be very knowledgeable about his proposed tax plan. I guess I am not because I hadn't heard anything about those $500 and $1000 credits you're talking about and haven't heard about the possibility of some people not having to file taxes (is that what you meant when you said there would be 2 billion in savings due to not having to prepare taxes?)
  8. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Wasa: I actually do believe in tough love. I just think we need to understand the feedback we're getting and if it is not having the intended/expected results, we need to change our direction. It absolutely is not the best help you can give someone who is fragile and who is trying. Btw, Wasa, I'm curious... why did you have to have the sleeve put in and the band taken out?
  9. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Geeezoman! I am so happy that some of youse guys can read what I post and actually get what I'm feelin! I just hate the fact that I can't sum everything up in a couple of lines. I do not like that it takes me so long to say stuff. The admiration goes both ways. I'm getting to know some of you newer bandsters and I'm really liking you a lot. For a while there was a whole lotta teeth gnashing going on at LBT. I honestly do appreciate the kind words directed my way. Thanks.
  10. BJean

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    froggie, what does "ew McCain, sorry I don't agree><" mean? I am not being a smart a$$, I really don't understand and I really do want to.
  11. BJean

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    As for the Rev. Wright fiasco, that is laughable. Since when does a member of any congregation take the responsibility for things his minister says? It's only been since Obama ran for president. What a joke. If someone here is from Chicago, then they must realize that the church in question is a very popular church where many very successful black Americans have gone to worship. No one is holding them to the standard of answering for Rev. Wright's comments. Also, Obama never said that he was unaware of who Rev. Wright is. He said that he had never heard Rev. Wright make statements like those played over and over in the press. Those statements were blown up and taken out of context when he was speaking to the plight of black people in America. They were not made on a regular basis from the pulpit every Sunday. It is not insincere or surprising that Obama would back away from that kind of language. He had to back off. He had no choice. He was being crucified by the media and the Republicans (who are still beating it to death) for those clips of the Rev. Wright blasting the way blacks in America have been treated. No one can deny that black people have been treated badly in America. And if I were black, I'd be angry too. First you say he's really Muslim. When that won't stick, you accuse him of endorsing his preacher's raw, hateful, angry remarks. Neither of those things should stick to Obama because they are not true.
  12. BJean

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    You wondered how Obama is going to raise the taxes in order to fund his proposed programs. He's said it over and over and has been very forthright about it. Which I think is commendable because he could definitely lose some votes in the process. He is planning on cutting all the tax breaks for the wealthy - you know, the ones that the rebublicans have put in to effect since they've been in power. He's also planning to stop all the tax breaks for the corporations like the mega-wealthy oil companies. Good grief, if you all are so rich that you need to worry about him making you pay your fair share, you definitely should stick to your guns and vote for McCain, because if you are wealthy, you've definitely been getting a ride while the republicans have been in power. We've managed to not just increase the number of BILLIONAIRES in tihs country, there are many, many more now than when Bush took office. For middle America, things have gotten worse and the rich have been getting richer. If that suits you, definitely vote Republican. As for the Bush legacy... he promised to cut taxes and he ran on the idea of less government. Which is also something McCain talks about. The fact is that since Bush has been in office, we've had MORE government, not less. And the only real tax breaks have been in the form of refunds - whoo, hoo. What all did you buy with your big checks?
  13. It is interesting to hear someone say that black people are putting pressure on each other to vote for Obama. I personally haven't seen that. In fact, I have noticed just the opposite. Guess we've been hanging out at different TV spots.
  14. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Brandy the reason I thought many people were being vitriolic was because that is how it sounded to me. I don't know how many times I've read posts about people who do things to get around the band. They sabbotage their band and then can't understand why they aren't losing weight. I didn't think that you were one of those people. Maybe I didn't read enough of your posts. But I was under the impression that you were actually having problems reaching your goal and that it wasn't for lack of trying. Lots of people have problems with the Lap Band. I think many people at LBT find that scary and they react negatively when they hear about problems because they haven't had those experiences and they just don't want to think that it could happen to them. They think if they do everything just like the doctor directs that they couldn't ever face a situation that is uncomfortable, dangerous or non-productive. I do understand why they feel that way. But I did feel that you were reaching out for some answers and what you got was criticism. Don't take it personally. We have to understand that what people post has everything to do with their experiences and what they think and much, much less with what is happening to you or about what you're thinking. Hang in there darlin'. You may find yourself back on track and feeling well without changing much of anything. This road is a process and it isn't the same for everyone and it is laced with lots of side trips for lots of us.
  15. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Brandi I just came back to this thread to check in. Good grief! I can't believe what's been heaped on your head. Encouragement is one thing - slapping someone in the face is another. Some of it reminds me of one hilarious doctor who told my mom that she needed to exercise... by pushing her chair away from the table. Har-de-har-har-har. That's really helpful. I believe we both have some issues that we aren't dealing with. I believe that you and I both take on a lot of other people's problems and sometimes that doesn't leave a whole lot for ourselves. (By other people I mean family members and friends.) But that isn't the whole answer either. The one thing that I was told when I was told "this is only a tool", was that I wouldn't be hungry. Yeah, right. I have broken knees and both need to be completely replaced. Like I can really obsess about running a marathon. Or tramping on a treadmill. Right... Every other day, I do any combination of Water aerobics, the recumbent bike, upper body free weights and floor exercises for at least an hour. Those things are helping, but my metabolism actually is shot and it is very hard for me to burn enough calories to get it to any reasonable level of burn again. (I've been told this by my doctor and by my exercise therapist.) The one thing that I have been told and that I have proven is that I can no longer skip meals. I have to take in enough calories or my very efficient body (at saving fat for the times that I don't eat) will shut down any weight loss possibility. So much for thinking that not eating was a good thing. This whole diet thing is complicated. Everyone wants to believe that it is simply calories in, calories out. But in fact it is not that simple for everyone, just MOST people. I too have considered the possibility that all my obsession with dieting and weight loss could be planting the seed in my mind that I will fail like I have in the past. That has made me want to just continue my exercise and eating decent food and getting on with my life and stopping the infernal obsession with losing weight. Btw, if you will take a serious look at the numbers game with the lap band, many, many people have an approximately 40 lb. loss in the first 3 to 6 months. Then they plateau and begin the battle. Many stay at that weight for a couple of years. Some people after the second year go on to lose more. The younger you are and the fewer medications you're on, the higher the rate of success. This is not a simple thing and for others to dismiss your frustration out of hand and decide that you are a slacker because you're not willing to do what they have done to succeed only proves that they have no idea what you are going through. Please don't let it get you down. You are not alone. We are not freaks of nature. Hmmm or maybe we are. We have unique problems that many others are unfamiliar with. I know Wasa thinks she's the expert on banding, but she obviously is not. She may have enjoyed a large measure of success and I congratulate her on that, but to judge you, me and others so harshly is pretty darned unattractive. I'm right beside you, girl. I'm not giving up the fight, but I'm also not going to accept comparison with others who are far younger and have far fewer medical and probably emotional issues than I have. No excuse, just fact. I don't care if they understand or not. They have to live in their skin and I have to live in mine. I am darned happy with what I have accomplished and I am not going to feel like a failure no matter what they say. I hope you won't either!
  16. Hey Babe, I'm not shooting the messenger! I am sure that Americans everywhere have thought about it. I just hate the fact that we are living in a world where people use violence to gain power. It has become an epidemic. A person should be able to run for public office without having to worry about some nut job shooting him. Just like kids should be able to go to school without having to worry about an idiot toting a gun on campus and firing away.
  17. This discussion has taken a gross turn for the worse as far as I'm concerned. I wonder if anyone has given any thought to the fact that the forward thinking liberal types are the ones who always get asassinated? I mean that right wing racist from Little Rock was shot and paralyzed, but who else other than people who care about change and the underdog has actually been assassinated? Why is it that no one is concerned that John McCain might be assassinated? Or Geroge W. Bush? Or Dick Cheney? They certainly have the ability to rile people. Guess they just don't rile the wrong people. As far as colorful language is concerned, I agree with Jack. I guess in a debate it often means that objectivity has gone out the window and raw emotion has taken over. But I don't agree that it is always a bad thing. Sometimes it is good to vent. Not good to the people who are offended by bad language of course, but obviously in this day and age where every other word in movies and on the radio and on TV is colorful, we need to consider the source and turn off the TV or don't read a thread any further if it contains language that offends us. In some social circles, colorful (or if you prefer, foul) language is not only acceptable, it is expected and a part of everyday conversation. I guess I'm a live and let live kind of person. Yeah, in fact you might say that I feel that way even about killing a presidential candidate. I say let the man live. Give him a chance. Beat him fair and square or sit back and see what happens. Assassination bothers me one hellofa lot more than foul language.
  18. Well Elenation I wasn't actually thinking about Hamas as far as negotiation and diplomacy are concerned. I was referring to the big uproar that came about when Bush was in Israel meeting with their leaders and made an assinine comment about Obama wanting to talk with our enemies. And then John McCain jumped on it and backed up the president and even went further with it. He even at some point declared that Obama has no business speaking about the war in Iraq because he's never been in the military. Good God. I know things get said in the heat of the moment, but the guy is so off the wall on that it is scary. I actually used to think I liked McCain but again I was wrong. Like I said, I've learned a lot and am still learning. I wish politicians would treat each other with some level of respect. Debate the issues, drop the personal garbage. But I'm dreaming if I really think that could happen. Although I'm hoping Obama will be so cool that he makes the others look like idiots for making such outrageous accusations and declarations about him.
  19. BJean


    brandy I have a hard time with it too. But afterall, we're just people with the human condition of having emotions and physical limitations that make us prone to certain behavior. None of us is perfect. The best we can to is to stay open to learning and to keep an open mind when something sounds new or different. Thank you so much for your kind words.
  20. Well the one good thing is that Fox is so obvious with their bias, they sort of do the rest of us a favor. We don't have to work very hard at trying to figure out whether their reports are fair and unbiased. With the others, it is sometimes a little harder. I'm not talking about the political pundits, like Hannity & Holmes, Chris Matthews, Jon Stewart, etc. We ALL know who and what they are. They can be fun to watch and hear just like it is fun to read and watch here. We learn more sometimes, when we are exposed to different viewpoints from our own, doncha think?
  21. Well I certainly do not share YHO, Jack. IMHO Fox news is more biased than all of the other networks put together. And yes, the other networks certainly do show some bias from time to time. It just doesn't ALWAYS seem to be their agenda, as it is on Fox. Again, IMHO. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so to speak. There are some things "reported" on Fox that because you agree with the things that are said and the way they say them, you do not even notice how slanted they are. And I am sure that the same is true for me on the other networks. The really sad thing is that when I was young, the news was just that... the NEWS! Nowadays, what we are fed as news is packaged sound bytes used to shock us, dismay us, enthrall us and mostly to influence us. And of course, it does. Newspapers have always editorialized, although they used to try to be somewhat fair. These days, it is common to know that each rag is 100% _____________ (fill in the political label). The fact that we are discussing it is a very good sign that Americans are on to them! Hoo-ray. It's a start. Which brings me to another topic that I noticed in an earlier post: Please don't think that Obama has made an issue of his race. He did not enter the race because he thought that Americans were ready to elect a brown person. He entered the race because he is a very intelligent man, he has better hopes for this country and he thinks he can make a difference. He is as tired as many of us are, of the way this country has been run by the Republicans. It's a dirty job, after all, this running for public office and being our country's top elected official. Who would really enjoy some of the awful stuff that comes with the territory? You have to be a darned strong person (or have some darned strong arms propping you up) to get you through the entire ordeal. I don't know what you've been reading or listening to with regard to Jimmy Carter. How in the world you can find fault with what he's doing around the world is completely beyond me. That some people can be so naive as to think that the answer to peace on earth is to bomb any country you don't agree with, is way beyond me. Just exactly when did working with your enemies to reach a peaceful coexistence become passe? This last 7.5 years has rekindled the hawk in us Americans. It was NOT 9/11 - that event did not make us puffed up and wanting to beat every other country to smithereens. We didn't feel that way after 9/11. We felt like we wanted to go get the perpetrators. We wanted to take them out and put an end to their threat. Our president and his cohorts have made invasion of other countries seem like a logical solution to many of us. They've made us think that talking with our enemies is somehow unpatriotic and stupid. Well, war is stupid. Fighting and aggression that kills people is stupid. It reminds me of another thread on spanking at LBT. People think that sometimes you have to hit your children. I say you have to outsmart them. You have to be smarter than your enemies. It gets you so much farther into a beautiful future than being the biggest bully on the earth or than bullying your kids does. As for the accusation that I am not credible because I have chosen sides, it's okay. I have defnitely chosen sides and if that makes you not read my posts I'm fine with that. I used to believe that being Democrat or Republican didn't matter, I believed that only the candidate mattered. But I have been here for a long time and I have a whole lot of experience and I have witnessed many presidents and I have voted for Republicans and Democrats. I will admit that I haven't voted Republican often because I have I been sorry that I did every time. It did take me a while to learn, but I do know the score now.
  22. BJean

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    Btw Mrs.FlipFlops, I have no problem with the president using prayer and his good judgement based on his faith to help him handle the duties of the office. But that is quite different from having a powerful group from a particular faith making decisions for our nation. Again, if he had a group of Bishops and the Pope who were telling our president what to do, I think you might wonder exactly when we elected them and exactly what their motives are. I know there are those who think that the Pope is infallable, but I am not one of them. And as for Bishops, the horrendous priest/child molestation scandal speaks for itself. And as for churches contributions toward helping the needy, I have no quarrel with the good works of any church. I am proud of the voluntary contributions and hands on projects in this country to benefit the needy (not all of which are faith-based, by the way). Any group or individual who wishes to help his/her fellow Americans gets high marks in my books. But all of that can certainly be done without any political strings attached. If someone is contributing personal service or money to help others, it should not be done for the reason of gaining power - in any form.
  23. BJean

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    Katw: I'm with Green, I enjoyed reading your post very, very much. I thank you too, for posting it. Scholars have been debating the existence of God for decades. It would be pretty amazing if we unearthed something no one had ever thought of before here at LBT. The best we can do is to provide some kind of understanding between the believers and non-believers, and to learn to accept each others' beliefs instead of getting defensive and accusatory. Atheists have it easy because they have a good body of science to support their thinking, but as for feelings about religion - whether it is intuition or a very real experience one has had, like MrsFlipFlops said, "You can't just throw that out the window because you don't feel it too."
  24. Erikalyn: Where exactly did you get all that stuff about Obama? I scanned it. It is a load and I mean a LOAD of crap. So much garbage has been floated out on the 'net and it has been debunked over and over. Where have you been?? The Republicans cannot just stick with the actual political issues. Because if they stick with the issues and be honest about what they intend to do, they will lose big time. They have been playing this game for many years. They don't attack a man or woman's stand on the issues, they attack the person. And they don't even attack the person with real facts. They go as far out on a limb with outright lies as they can without everyone shouting them down. They go just far enough so that those who are looking for a reason not to vote for someone will believe what they have circulated in the press and on the 'net. They go just far enough to shock people into believing the bad news without getting serious enough about it to learn the truth. Well, I gotta admit that in several races, it has worked. I find it horribly disgusting and I do not respect anyone who jumps on that kind of personal attack and either agrees with it or believes it without learning the truth. We should not put up with those kinds of political tactics. We should do all we can to prove that dishonest personal accusations have no place in our political races. The only way we can seriously give them that message is to get out the vote and drum them out of office!
  25. BJean


    You have to be smarter than your children. You have to understand what is motivating the bad behavior. That does take time, as mentioned above. And it takes a lot of thought and creativity. There is always a reason that a child is acting out. It is not that they are just bad children to the core. They are having some kind of problem and it is motivated by something that is usually not always obvious. Swatting a child is something that you're doing for YOU. Not for the child. If you put the child first, and think about what is best for the child, hitting them is not the best answer. Especially long term. Helping them solve their problem, the one that is causing the bad behavior, is what you must take the time to do. If you think that just making them take a time out alone is the answer, it is not. The time out is not only for them to have a cooling off period, it is also for you to have some time to figure out what is really going on.

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