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Everything posted by BJean

  1. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    LilMissB.A., I hope you posted your last sentence tongue firmly implanted in your cheek. I am really pleased to know your bro survived his tours and is living (happily I hope) with his significant other in L.A.
  2. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Yes, I know it wouldn't be free, Elenation. But when you look at all the things that we spend money on, this is a tiny little drop in the bucket. That's why you didn't hear McCain saying that he's against it because it would cost too much.
  3. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    P.S. Saying they want to come up with a better plan is a usual tactic. They mess with it long enough and the media goes onto something else. Then it never actually gets done. Once again, are you going to believe what they're sayin' or are you gonna believe your lyin' eyes?
  4. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    I hear ya, Elenation. Actually we do have a really big problem with our armed forces being so beaten down and depleted from this war. No one wants to reinstate the draft and I'm sure people would be totally up in arms about it if someone suggested it. Some of the reasons that people are diving out of the military instead of staying in is because of the way that they have been treated and the way that they have been taken advantage of. These people haven't done one tour in Iraq, they've done numerous tours. And they are not all regular Army or Air Force - many of them are "reserves". Why should anyone choose the armed forces as a career when we treat them this way? NOT giving our veterans help to go to college after their tours isn't going to discourage them from staying in. That's a crock! IMHO If we offer them help to get their degrees while they're in, that's an incentive to stay in. If we treat them better while they're in, they're more likely to stay in and make it a career. If we make it look attractive to our young people to make it a worthwhile career, then we won't have such a huge problem on our hands. By NOT offering educational help to people who have finished their commitment to our country, you aren't incentivizing those people to choose the armed forces as a career, you're treating them the way they were promised they would be treated. Giving them help to get their degrees only helps those people who already gave their time and did their duty for this country. Those who never intended to make it a career will probably be getting out, no matter what... unless as I said above, it is made into a job that ensures that they can be respected, make a good living for themselves and their families, and be treated fairly when they are expected to do an unpleasant job in the line of fire. The fact that we needed to employ mercenaries to do some of the jobs in Iraq says a whole lot about retention of our military and how we have treated our young people who agreed to do their duty for their country, and who have been misled and lied to by our government.
  5. BJean

    Which type are you?

    There are some really good posts above. One is from snowbird, one from Jack, very cool one from oh juli, one on point from losingme. They are all very constructive and witty and fun to read. That is far different from name calling and flaming someone out of frustration. I know you, laurend and Jachut, among others were very frustrated with Brandy's responses to your suggestions. So you, and others, let her have it. Then you said it was "tough love" - but I think you were just sick and tired of hearing someone whine. You've done the work. You've learned the lesson. You've broken the code. So what the hell's wrong with these whiners, right? I get it. Personally, I think you're lucky Jachut - you got a gut full and all you have to do is excise it with a rowdy PB. (I'm no psychologist but you might have exchanged your overeating behavior for your overspending behavior - all completely about control - something you may think your husband has way too much of.) (And if so, that's certainly one reason to take it out on someone here.) Laurend I totally understand what you're saying and I'm sure you're right as far as it relates to me. And as for snowbird, I'm down with that!!! Semi colons rule!! :thumbup:
  6. Bias, laurenw? Yes, but it's bias born from greed and it is a blatant disregard for Americans and for America and its' future. And this from men who are so quick to label others as unAmerican and unpatriotic. Aw heck, I could be Michael Moore. :thumbup:
  7. You're so right about some people voting for a guy because of the way he cuts his hair. I heard a guy on the radio this morning yelling about the fact that people think that if they vote that's all they have to do - their job is done. He was making the point that we really need to work at keeping our elected officials in line and focused on what we, the people, want. He is totally right. I wonder when was the last time any of us wrote to our congressmen or president to voice our opinions about their actions? We really need to not just elect a person and then go about our business and later complain over a Starbucks that they've done something we don't like. We need to make our voices heard. I've been a legislative aide and I do know that they listen to their constituents. Many of us have been guilty of just complaining about this administration and feeling helpless and victimized. What we should have been doing is spending as much time telling them what we think as we spend here at LBT! I am guilty as charged. And I'm ashamed of myself. It's been so unpopular to talk about politics. We've been made to feel unpatriotic if we criticize our president and governmental policies. That is just wrong! They're representatives of us. We are their bosses. We need to exercise our rights as American citizens. We should stop allowing the media to be our voices. We have the power, we just forgot or didn't realize that we had it. There needs to be a political movement in this country that wakes us all up and gets us seriously involved.
  8. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    You're undoubtedly more knowledgeable about this than I am but I understood that the deal was that the Dems were wanting to up the benefits (money) for education assistance for honerably discharged military folks. The reason is because the amount that they were being allowed was seriously insufficient for the cost of college today. It was way outdated. McCain and Bush basically decided that they did not want to give our men and women who have served in the military anymore assistance for college than they were already eligible for. Obama backed the bill to up the ante. When you put it into perspective, the number that was being suggested to help our veterans for furthering their education was a pittance compared to the money that we spend in Iraq each week. Now that just doesn't seem right or fair. There have been other issues in a similar vein with regard to taking care of our military where Republicans didn't want to ensure that our military men and women are well taken care of after serving us - and in so many cases, risking life and limb. I do not understand how they have the gall to send our people to Iraq and Afghanistan - and potentially Iran and God knows where else - and then not be supportive of every opportunity to help these people when they return. It is a travesty and we shouldn't put up with it.
  9. BJean

    Which type are you?

    Fat people are very efficient at storing calories. The fatter they get, the better they are at it. That means that they definitely are not moving as much as a slim, faster fat-metabolizing physical machines. Most of us fat people become very good at avoiding exerting more energy than is necessary for any given task. All of this is true. Running in marathons will probably result in a person developing a great metabolism and a slimmer body. Some marathon runners become just as fixated on exercise as fat people do on meals. Being slender and in good physical condition is much more attractive than being fat and out of shape. All things we know to be true, right? However there is also another truth that we can mention here: people who are good at heart and who have compassion and understanding are generally more popular and nicer to spend time with even if they are fat than rude, boastful skinny folks who enjoy throwing their success in the faces of those who are having problems. Sometimes our hormones get the better of us - another truth. So what's your excuse for running off a perfectly nice person? Do you feel powerful? Do you feel that you're really smart for being able to one-up someone? What's your motivation, you people who are enjoying yourselves at another person's expense? Why do you dislike Dr. Phil so much? Does he hit a nerve sometimes? Well you've been able to hit a nerve. How does it make you feel to be in the company of Dr. Phil? Maybe Jachut won't be the only one who's apologizing for being grumpy or whatever, but I have been very surprised at what's gone on here and on the recently closed down thread. I think both of these threads have gotten completely out of hand. It's fun to banter back and forth, but once you realize that someone is getting hurt, don't you think it's time to mend some fences?
  10. BJean

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Fanny As: That's a great tip. I'm gonna look for it at Walgreen's. Your eyes look terrific.
  11. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    As for Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter, do people really listen to them and do what they say? That's a truly scary concept. I'll bet it's no different for Republicans if they think people embrace everything Michael Moore says is a fact.
  12. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Me too Denise! And good job again, Kat. You're right on, of course. They call this road to "sobriety" () a journey I think because of all the twists and turns along the way. It is not like gastric bypass or other methods. It is different and although we do have some guidance by the doctor's office, this procedure is relatively new in the U.S. Everyone is still learning and some doctors are a lot less knowledgeable than others. The jury is still out on the big picture of whether it is the solution to everyone's overweight problems. We do need some mentoring and helping each other and that's why this website has been so beneficial for so many of us. Thanks for taking the time to jump into the fray here!
  13. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Oops did I go a little rad when speaking of the opposition? Sorry, didn't mean to offend elenation. I do feel very strongly about the subject. I do feel outraged when I put the past 7 years of Bush's reign of terror into perspective and I admit that I am angry. So if I came on too strong, I apologize. I respect you too and one doesn't win over any potential votes by being totally obnoxious. I believe you said it quite well laurenwhite. I used to like McCain too when I thought he was sounding more and more like a moderate who spoke the truth and bucked the machine. When he showed his true colors and sold out, like I believe Hillary Clinton sold out, I was very disappointed and he continues to disappoint me nearly every time he opens his mouth. Darn it! I do look forward to the debates. I know they will each be coached to the gills, but it will be interesting to see them side by each. And elenation is right, there's little doubt that I'm a Demo at heart. As much as I would like to think that I keep an open mind, when I find myself disagreeing wholeheartedly with everything the Republicans say and present to the world, it's pretty darned obvious who I am - and a Republican I'm not.
  14. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Well since you must fundamentally agree with McCain, Elenation, I can understand why you think it is perfectly fair for McCain to say that Obama should not speak to matters of national defense or foreign policy. If he can get the general public to buy that B.S., then he may win some votes. But it is absurd and insulting and hateful and disrespectful and not in the country's best interests for him to say something like that. Just as it was inappropriate as heck for Bush to make the statements he made in front of the Israelis. To disrespect someone who may well be our next president, to our allies and enemies alike, is irresponsible and assinine. But as far as I am concerned it is not beneath Bush - it's what I have come to expect from him. And he never seems to disappoint in that regard. Unfortunately it looks like McCain is going to fill Bush's shoes perfectly. Making the claim that not authorizing funding for veterans' furthering their education so that they will not leave the military is really, really self-serving and disgustingly obscene. There should be plenty of incentives to entice young men and women to serve our country. Republicans have always taken the tack of keeping the people down where they want them, time after time. I hope you are one of the extremely wealthy in this country because if you aren't, you should dig a little deeper when you're being so generous to these individuals, and figure out exactly what they are doing to you in their greedy grasp for power and privilege. I figure the way they sleep at night is when their head sinks into the pillow and they shut their eyes, they are like Scrooge McDuck, they count all the money flopping around in their banks, starting with $1 million...$2 million....$3 million.... and I'm only half kidding.
  15. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Yay Tommaney!!!! You Get It! Awesome.
  16. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    I don't want to take the time to go through Brandy's posts to pull out all the other things she said just to prove something. She started this post explaining from the beginning, saying that there are many threads out there for people who have problems with the band. She was talking about how the advertisments would have everyone believe that it is a simple gizmo that works for everyone once you get it installed. She was wanting to discuss the fact that it doesn't work that way for her and she wondered if others have found themselves in a similar predicament. From the beginning people have assumed that she's flawed and lazy and sabbotaging the band, and that there's nothing whatsoever wrong with her band. My point is that just because many people have success with the band, doesn't mean that everyone does. And it may not be all that unusual for people to not be able to figure out the combination of proper restriction/hunger abatement/exercise, etc. Brandy seemed to be wanting to open a dialogue about that. I believe she was hoping that there is some key to breaking the code that she's having trouble with. You all answered that there's no secret to it. You just stay really restricted, don't eat much and exercise a lot. Okay. I have no quarrel with that. But you went on to accuse her of things that are very insulting and hurtful. And then you say that you did because you think all she needs is some tough love to jolt her into reality. I believe that there is a place for discussing the reasons for people being disappointed in their band and not achieving the results they hoped for. By understanding that others have had similar experiences and are struggling in a similar way, maybe we can figure out if we have failure due to unreasonable expectations or if there really is something out of adjustment or some kind of trouble with the band that is brewing. Perhaps an enlarged esophogus is the problem. At any rate, I've read lots of threads where people have been attacked when they complain of being disappointed with the band. There are always a bunch of really successful people who give them hell and tell them how they have it right and all you have to do is exercise and eat very small amounts of food. I know because I have been on both sides of the story. I lost a lot of weight very quickly and I sneered at those people who I thought were obviously sabbotaging their bands. Now I'm on the other side of the story, stuck, unable to get the other 20 lbs. off. I AM exercising. I AM taking in hundreds of fewer calories, and yet I am stuck. Trust me, you can't understand it if you haven't gone through it. And it is extremely difficult to put into words. Especially when you are bombarded from all sides when you try.
  17. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Thanks Michele I've spent a lot of time in Tulsa and I do know about the religious climate there. lauren: Thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't sure about the actual rules of conduct about the national anthem, although I do know what the military thinks. Of course they salute or take off their hats for lots of things that civilians do not. I am completely disgusted by people making a big deal over this because those are the same people who support McCain, and just as you said, McCain is a man who does not want to give our military a respectable amount of money to attend college after the war. (Obama supports addtional money for verterans to attend college.) We spend more money in a week in Iraq than what some legislators were wanting to add to the entire program for higher education for veterans. Which Bush also rejected as well. He has no problem spending billions every week and making our military go to war, but forget helping them afterwards. They truly have some nerve, don't they? No wonder they can't win by just debating the issues. They know they are in a weak and vulnerable position when it comes to the real issues. So they get down and dirty and attack the man, his experience, his religion, his life as a child and his even his wife. How do they sleep at night?
  18. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    kimaly: I wasn't targeting your post when I wrote my last one. It was written just as a general message. I do not know if Brandy is a wimp who is an "I can't" person as you characterized her, or if she is having serious issues right now. You've decided that she's just lazy and not willing to work hard enough to get what she wants. I have a right to disagree with your opinion and your post. And you have a right to disagree with me and mine. Let's let the chips fall where they may and not get angry with each other. It's pretty much a philosophical issue, your experience and beliefs influencing your posts and my experiences and beliefs influencing mine. It's no different from a religious or political discussion, really. And neither you or I or any of the others know for sure what is actually going on or what the answer really is for Brandy. If Brandy's situation is more like yours, then you are right and I am wrong. C'est la vie. It is still of interest to me and I still have every right to voice my opinion.
  19. BJean

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    LilMissB.A.- thanks. What I have observed is that some people who profess heartfelt patriotism or Bible thumping religion are the ones you have to watch out for. Some of the patriots are the first to want to take our children to war and the religious ones are the ones who will screw you to the wall in business. When someone in Texas prefaces their bid for a job at my house or business with their claim that they are "a Christian-faithed business" we all step back a couple of steps because it's often the first clue to their unscrupulous character. Never in a million years would I have thought this would be the case in my country. What in the world has happened to us? Why have we chosen to use patriotism and faith as tools to hurt others? It is truly a sad state of affairs.
  20. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    I consider all of you people who have come down so hard on Brandy as friends as well. That has nothing to do with my reaction to your harshness. And I wasn't patting anyone on the head. I just wasn't beating anyone up for having a difficult time. Maybe you all think that working with the band is a simple thing. Just like you may believe that losing weight is a simple thing. If so, more power to you and hurrah that you have discovered the key to being slim and eternal happiness. Some of us are not that successful and just because you've found the key to greatness and decided that the band is your everlasting friend, doesn't mean that we all have discovered that or that we all even can. Everyone is different. We all have different problems and body chemistry. If you've bought into the notion that losing weight and embracing the band is simple, you need to understand that for many people, that is not the case. Some of us even have complications related to the band. Some have undiagnosed problems with our thyroids, pancreases (pancreasi?) and even metabiological disorders. You can't claim to have a clue why another person is having problems. So to accuse them of simply having crappy habits and crappy, shitty socially unacceptable behavior as the reason for their difficulties, is "a load". I see nothing wrong with encouraging someone and sharing your stories of success. I don't even have a problem with calling someone on the carpet when they're struggling with the idea of exercise and proper diet. However that's not what I observed here. It seemed to me that no one tried to understand why Brandy was having so much trouble - you just figured her for a lazy, socially inept person who has no clue about how to use the band. If being snotty and strutting around with a superior attitude is what you consider socially acceptable behavior then keep it up and win friends and influence people - if you think you can.
  21. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Let's see. Does that qualify for being immature enough to go uncalled on? You let me know. You seem to be an expert on immature posts. Go girl! I can't wait to see what you come up with next. This is fun! :grouphug:
  22. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Jachut: "Shut your gob and move your ass"? Ok. I will certainly abide by your rules and be as sweet and charming as you obviously are. Please. If I ever get out of line again - especially if I ever spout out any "verbal raspberries" that you find unattractive, please let me know. I live to be dressed down, just as I am sure Brandy does. And as I am sure whoever else you disagree with does. I thank God everyday that there is someone out there that I can depend on to keep me straightened out. I didn't intend to get into a peeing contest but yes, I decided this was a good time for sarcasm. What else is can you do in a case like this? (Besides, I certainly learned from the best!) :lol::biggrin::redface::tongue::lol::lol::lol::tt2::lol::lol::lol::grouphug:
  23. BJean

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    I loved your post Kat817 - as usual. And I thought your post was very insightful taz. We would all do well do read them and learn from them. Yes, I was very put off by kimaly's remarks to Brandy. And yes, I was trying to make her think a little more about what she said. I do realize that it is not my job to do that. And Kat817 and taz certainly did it so much better than I did. But the heat that has been put on Brandy when she has been posting from her heart and has been willing to put her feelings out here is really insensitive as far as I am concerned and uncalled for. I know some of you think that hitting someone in the head (like you "coulda had a V8" or slapping you because you "think you're important" - as we've seen in a couple of current TV commericals) is really cool. I do not think that loving someone that tough is appropriate and I sure don't think it's cool. Now kat and taz... they're way cool. P.S. Some of you seem to think tough love is only good for you to do. It's not so good when I do it, huh? You might think about why successful tough love sessions are done by FAMILIES under the guidance of a professional, or in professional counseling sessions.
  24. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    I've had a lot of fills. The doc always takes out the amount that is already in the band and sees what is there. He compares it with the amount that he put in the time before by looking at my records. Then he has a good feel for how much to add. Usually it is a very small amount that he adds each time. He is always very cautious. And I have my fills included in the total amount I paid for surgery and all other related stuff, dietician, exercise physiologist, etc. Because he is so cautious, I have only had to have an unfill one time over the past 1.5 years. Sometimes things can change internally that can make your fills seem tighter or looser. If you lose weight, your can need more fill added. If you experience other changes (some people do when they fly, among other things) the fill can seem tighter and you can need to have some fill removed.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
