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Everything posted by BJean

  1. Jessizzle, you sizzle. Consenting adults is what we're talking about. And that's one reason why it should be legal, so that we can make sure that consenting adults are the people involved in that business and not young girls and boys that are being taken advantage of.
  2. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    It's really interesting to read the different instructions that people get for eating before and after a fill. My doctor has never suggested any kind of restricted meals before or just after a fill. I get my fills late in the afternoon. I don't eat a lot on that day simply because I know I'm going to be weighed and I don't want to be embarrassed. After the fill I usually enjoy something I really like because I know that in a few days or a week I will be feeling much more restricted and I won't be able to eat more than a few bites at each meal. I have never felt more restricted when I have just finished getting a fill. I can tell when he takes the fill out and puts it back, but I don't become more restricted right away. The Body Bugg is a device that you wear on your upper arm that reads how much energy you are expending every day (or as long as you wear it). To get a true reading on how much you're taking in vs. how much you're burning, you have to log onto a website and enter everything you have eaten while you wear the Bugg. It is really cool and it lets you know more accurately what it takes for you to actually lose weight. Everyone I've know who has used it faithfully for at least a week or two has lost weight. It's a great little monitoring tool. I did find wearing it pretty annoying though after about a week at a time. And it did get tedious logging in my food intake. But it seriously helped me and I had the best weight loss while I was using it than I've had since I got the band. And yes, it is expensive.
  3. Kat, I think you're the best! Thanks for what you said. I hoped someone would understand what I was trying to discuss. Patty has said that all one must do to go to heaven is to admit that one is a sinner. She said that if we admit we are sinners, we admit that Jesus died for us, and that God figures that we now have demonstrated enough faith to be accepted into heaven. I have always had a problem with that verbiage. When I was considering joining the Southern Baptist church in our little community, the preacher kept saying all you have to do is to accept Jesus and then you will be saved. I kept asking questions to get some clarification. It just didn't make any sense to me. And nothing that has been said here has made it clearer. It isn't that I have a problem believing in God or believing that Jesus died for my sins. It's that I have a problem with people who say that all you have to do is admit that you're a sinner and accept Jesus and you have a passport to heaven. Like the rapist/murderer that Kat speaks of, for instance. He can say (even in his heart) that he is a sinner and that he accepts Jesus and he can even go to church and become a deacon and pay for a pew on the front row. But as soon as he gets out of prison, I guarantee he will be plotting another murder and rape of another child. He is screwed up in the head and nothing God or Jesus can promise him will make him well. A frontal lobotomy might or shock therapy or castration might, but pedophiles aren't people who are able to be rehabilitated. As Christians we are expected to love him in spite of his sins. I find that ludicrous. I totally understand the reason that the little girl's family should forgive the man. That kind of "forgiveness" is not to excuse the man. It's so that they can let go of the hate that has their stomachs tied in knots and the blinding rage that they live with every day. It is not an easy thing to "forgive" a man like that. But it is a valuable tool that they can use keep from allowing that man to continue doing damage that family.
  4. Personally I would never believe that I could stop and get a drink from a glimmering hot spot on a highway in the summer. And I can grasp the concept that the sky visually seems blue to us because of many natural wonders of the earth. And I can imagine infinity. But what we're really dealing with as people is our lifetime here on earth is how we conduct ourselves in our lifetime and where we go from here. The concept of heaven: that's a good thing to try to imagine and I'm sure most of us think about that from time to time. But back to the here and now, regarding churches, you believe that we if we do choose to join others in worship, we must be very careful. I honestly can't tell by what you wrote, exactly how we are expected to join others in worship without offending God unless we join your particular Assembly of God Church. And to clarify just a little more, you believe that all one must do to be sure that one will go to heaven upon death, is to have faith in God because if we believe in God we will "have faith in Jesus" and that assures us a spot in heaven? You're saying that we don't have to be baptised or go to church to get into heaven, right? And since we are all known by Jesus and God to be sinners, and he doesn't expect us to go through life without sinning, we don't have to worry that being a bad person or a sinner will keep us from getting into heaven just as long as we have faith in God?
  5. Faith isn't as simple as you would have us believe, patty. Faith is not just the concept of believing in God because God said that we should believe in him. That would be an easy and uncomplicated task. But the fact is that it is much more complicated. One also has to believe and have faith that God actually said what is printed in the Bible. Which requires a lot of believing, because we know that God did not physically write the Bible wherein he was quoted as having said that we must have faith in Him. We know that only people here on earth were physically capable of writing the Bible. So what we're actually expected to have faith in, is other people. And for many of us, that is very difficult. To explain a little further, we know that the Bible we have always had access to contains the writings of people who say they were spoken to by God, i.e., it was written by people who claim God spoke to them and that they are quoting him directly. And our current day Bible is part and parcel the edited writings of those original writings. That book of parables and teachings, the book that has become our Bible, the one book that we are asked to put our whole faith in is the same book that was not physically written by God, but it was written by people and has been interpreted and edited by people over the ages - people just like you perhaps.
  6. So patty, you claim that all you have to do to get into heaven is to "have faith" in God? If so, what words would you use to define "having faith"? What does "having faith" consist of exactly? Also, you say that the greatest enemy to man is organized religion. You said, "When I said those who mistreated your ancestors were not 'true' christians, and that they were in name only, I meant that they were just like all other religious people (religions) out there." And yet you said that you are involved in organized religion. How exactly did you choose which religion to be involved with? How does one determine how to pass your test for choosing a church to go to? Since you seem to have peculiar knowledge about all religions, it would behoove us to check with you before we affiliate ourselves with an organized religion. Is that correct?
  7. Having native American genes, I am thoroughly disgusted and offended by patty's remarks about my relatives having been included in any way. They were slaughtered and their land was taken from them and they were segregated and forced onto reservations where there was little opportunity for them to survive in any decent fashion. Furthermore, the people who came to America were persecuted for wanting to practice a different religion. This is proof positive that separation of church and state is necessary. That is the foundation of our country. They didn't come here hoping to practice a religion that excluded others. They wanted a country that promised freedom from religious persecution. That's what our country was founded on. That and war. And religion has been the basis of many wars. Oppression by people who claim to worship and believe in whatever god they worship, goes on to this very day. People have to understand that belief and religion should not be required by one group over another. The only way we can be assured of that is if our government has no power over people's religious beliefs. Demanding that "In God We Trust" be on our money and "...under God" be in our Pledge of Alliegence, and that we allow manger scenes to be displayed on the lawns in front of our government buildings is oppressive and constitutes using taxpayers money to endorse Christianity, thereby forcing a particular religious belief on every taxpayer in this country. The argument that Christians are in the majority in this country is lame. That has nothing to do with it. The way the government is run and our laws are constructed and enforced should be based on our Constitution - not on the Bible, the Koran or any other religious document. At least not if we are to be a free people.
  8. BJean

    Oprah's an idiot

    You should write a letter to Oprah suggesting the blow up replica. Maybe she'd get pe'oed and have you on her show.
  9. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    I'm not sure who your questions are directed to, but if you were talking to me, here are my answers and comments. You must be pretty tall? I am pretty short. I weigh less than you but can't get into a size 8 or 10 jeans. It was great getting into normal sizes though! And my goal is to get into a size 10 Petite. When I was younger I wore an 8 Petite, but I think that's an unrealistic goal for me these days. Yes, I have hit a plateau as well. I bounce around up a few lbs. and then down a few but basically have hovered around the same weight for many months. I'm going to have to seriously cut back again and step up the exercise to get past it. Good luck to you! And congratulations on the success you've already had.
  10. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    I agree with your doc - diets are bad. I always regained weight when I went on a diet. Got me where I am today. I misunderstood, I thought you were asking if I gained the weight back after dieting. I don't know about the Lab Band. I have regained some lbs. over xmas, but I feel certain I can take it back off again, whereas before the band, I probably wouldn't have lost those pounds. Good luck! If you're writing down everything you eat, you might consider the Body Bugg for additional information. You can order it online or get it at 24 Hour Fitness. I learned a lot when I wore it. I just got tired of keeping track of everything I ate.
  11. Carrie I do think that people can be pounded over the head with a Bible and be convinced to adopt certain beliefs. That's the foundation of most organized religions. That's how they continue over the years and how they grow. The smarter ones will always question what they have been told though. And that is healthy. That is how people go about forming their own beliefs, instead of just adopting the preachers or their parents or a friend's or their spouses. You obviously went through that healthy process. Didn't you find it interesting when they revealed that even Mother Teresa had doubts?
  12. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    The reason that Adkins works is because it is mostly protein. If you have the Lap Band, it is probably difficult for you to get enough protein, especially if you are severely restricted. So my doctor doesn't discourage an Adkins type diet. His dietician has always stressed that we eat our protein first at any meal. And also the reason that they suggest adding a whey protein shake if you are having trouble with hunger. The actual Adkins diet is so restrictive that when I have gone on it, by the book, for a long time, and I finally start craving carbohydrates and get out of control and eat them exclusively for a while, then yes, I certainly have regained the weight. Hence the Lap Band surgery.
  13. Some 30 years ago my evangalist BIL had a favorite and popular topic for his sermons. It was his promise that we were close to the second coming of Christ. He had lots of education, books, pamphlets, Biblical readings and such to back up his theories. He was certain at that time that it wouldn't be 10 more years before heathens would be left behind to suffer while Christians would rise up to the heavens. He loved the quote (threat) about wives and husbands being separated because one was a baptised born again Christian and one was not. This Christian nation was raised on fear. It is one of the single most important reasons that preachers and religious zealots make my stomach turn in spite of the Lap Band. They take their fear mongering and threat of hell to the bank every Monday morning. People are lambs, like it says in the Bible. I find it very interesting that the question about legalizing prostitution has turned into such a hot discussion about religion. Once again, it's most people on one side and Ron, er Pattygreen, on the other. I wonder if this thread will go on for as many pages as the earlier one of a similar nature. Calmer heads have definitely been involved this time and I believe it has been a more effective discussion.
  14. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Has anyone NOT done the Adkins diet? It usually works for me if I don't stay on it for too long. If I do try to lose a lot of weight with Adkins, after a month or so, I go berserk and eat carbohydrates non-stop for a month. Like a freak without nature.
  15. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Oh don't I know it!! Some things just won't last 32 chews. But if you do it, things even like a piece of chicken or steak or just about anything, won't wind up being big enough to get stuck. It's been a Godsend for me. Great idea to write it on your hand! Whatever it takes to get us to our goals.
  16. BJean

    Oprah's an idiot

    Seems to me you can count the implant-less actresses in Hollywood with two hands. I admit that I did not see the show in question nor did I hear Oprah's comments. But I have heard her make inappropriate comments on other shows. With audible intakes of air throughout the audience. Hence the fact that I wasn't surprised. Kate Winslet is very beautiful. Great actress. And very gracious in interviews. She also digs Leonardo Di Caprio and I agree with her. Jachut you make some really strong points about what we've come to accept as beauty! The dazzling white teeth can really blind you sometimes. And in addition to the enhanced boobs in the Dallas area, the number of women who have had face lifts is amazing. Some are done quite well and if you didn't know them pre-surgery, you might not guess that they've had it. But too many of them are so bad you could consider them grotesque. My MIL's friend had one, which turned out fairly well, then 10 years later had a second one. The same doctor (10 years older) did some irreparable nerve damage and now she looks like she's had a stroke. Yeesh! What price vanity! I didn't know that Oprah had spoken so negatively of surgical procedures for obesity. I thought she just said it isn't something she would do. So... my viewpoint was coming from a place that of relative ignorance regarding Oprah. Sorry peeps. I watched her show for years, but no wonder I lost interest.
  17. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Thanks. It took me many painful PBs to realize exactly why my doctor and dietician were telling me to slow down, take small bites and to chew, chew, chew. An interesting aside is that Nancy Reagan once claimed that she stayed slim by chewing each bite 32 times.
  18. BJean

    Oprah's an idiot

    I don't find it weird at all that Oprah commented on the real-ness of Kate's boobs. Oprah sees Hollywoodland up close and personal everyday. It's tiring to see all the phoniness that is cranked out of Hollywood and onto the big screen and thrown into our faces everyday. If it weren't for that, implants would never be the topic of conversation like they are nearly everywhere these days. Dallas is chock-a-block full of artificially enhanced breasts. It is relatively rare to see a young woman without them if she is pretty, slim and either has her own wealth or has some guy or parent supplying the cash for the surgery. It's everyone's right to dislike or like Oprah and to voice opinions. She puts herself out there everyday and in a very open format. That being said, I agree with Green and I do think that she is very good at what she does. Let's face it, she's one of the most powerful women in the United States - in face she's darned influencial all over the world. I believe that she has evolved from being a small town girl into a highly glamorized powerhouse media producer. And she's now like many of you have said, really, really full of herself. I occasionally try to watch her, but I find most of her shows really boring and a waste of time. But I've really enjoyed some of her shows on health and nutrition. I don't criticize her for choosing not to have WLS when in fact, there's probably been a lot of pressure on her to have surgery. I also don't expect her to criticize me for having it either. As for the two books where she was fooled by the authors, you're giving her way too much credit. She has a powerful and effective staff lining up her shows (and her books) but I doubt very seriously if they have the ability to verify facts stated in random books. It is encumbent on the publishers to do that. Just like newspapers must verify that their reporters stories are true. She was sucked in, just like the publishers and many, many readers. It wasn't cool, but it also isn't all that surprising. As for the Texans who sued her because she dissed beef, remember folks, she won.
  19. BJean

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Sounds like you're a little too restricted, especially if it tightens up like it does sometimes after a week or two. However you might try something before you give up on it and get an unfill. Try taking very, very small bites and then chew each bite 32 times before you try to swallow. 32 times is a whole lot. Most foods are completely disentegrated by the time you've done that. Consequently, you can get it down without a problem. However you have to wait a little while between each bite - like almost a minute - to see if whatever you just chewed is going to feel stuck. That stuck feeling doesn't always happen right away and you don't want to find out the hard way! If you go very, very slow with this, you may only be able to eat a few bites at each meal or when you're having a between meal snack, but that's okay because you'll be noticing a nice weight loss in good time. When you can't eat very much when you are this restricted, high protein snacks between meals are important so that you don't break down and eat something like a shake or ice cream that is high calorie because you're so hungry. Patience is the key. 32 chews is hard to do sometimes, but it is very important. If after trying this really slow methodical eating, you're still only able to manage liquids, I'd call the doc and see what he says. The good thing is that you will have already given it a lot of effort and you can tell him about it.
  20. Plain, you're pretty funny, dude. Is a Fluoride Dope the same as a Fluoride Junkie?
  21. Green I love reading your posts. It beings some intellect to the table as well as some civility. Beth, I have to agree with you about Donna's comments not seeming rude and certainly not rude like Ron's, er I mean pattygreen's.
  22. Ebony that's awesome! Thanks so much for updating us. It is wonderful that you took the time to think everything through and that you were ready for the conversation that you and your DH had. I am so happy that you are on the same path again!
  23. EXCELLENT POST GREEN! Very well stated and quite obviously true.
  24. Funny Green! And Plain, why am I not surprised that you seem to have personal knowledge about cash muting the squeeking springs! You animal!
  25. Ebony: What a great post. You express yourself so well. I think your husband is a very lucky guy to have you. And I am sure that he knows it. Sometimes we all kind of feel that we might be missing out on something exciting and ego-boosting by being married to the same person for so long. I can imagine that having been in the military and understanding so clearly how short life can be, a person might want to sow some oats before it's too late. I also think people who have had to deal with the death of a family member or sometimes if someone experiences a life-threatening illness themselves, they come out of it a little wilder because they think they don't want to die without having some fun and excitement, and as Green put it "a little strange". When this is the case, it really isn't about the spouse, it's about the person who has these feelings. It can be very hurtful but when you understand that it is an inner struggle that he's having, and that it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you as much as ever, then it is much easier to deal with. You sound like you have a very healthy and good relationship otherwise, and that will hopefully be the thing that helps you both through get through whatever it is that has been happening. Best of everything to you. I am very impressed with your story and how you have chosen to handle it.

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