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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. If your band will let you, just increase the calories you're taking in. If it won't, get a slight unfill so you can. .
  2. To be honest, you just don't have a case. Save the money you'd waste on a lawyer and get your fills instead. At 1.5cc, all you have is a little piece of plastic inside of you but it's not doing anything. It's not the fault of the doctor that you aren't getting your fills. .
  3. If I had it to do all over again...I would seriously reconsider the sleeve even though it's more invasive and has a higher risk of infection, leaking staples, etc...all a greater problem for me since I'm a diabetic. This endless parade of visits to the clinic to get fills, aiming for restriction, is wearing thin. I'm getting close so catch me in another month and I may be in a more positive frame of mind than I am tonight and might say just the opposite. :thumbup: .
  4. I think you can call the state licensing board to find out. It would be worth a call. .
  5. The postop program varies according to doctor. Mine did each stage for only 2-3 days and I was back on regular foods in 2 weeks. I'm now 3 months postop, have 8cc in my band (still with no restriction) and am down only 14 pounds since my surgery. I don't worry about it. The fact that I haven't gained back the 28 pounds (total) that I've lost says that I am being successful at eating less and making good choices *despite* not having the band working for me yet. And yes, as we get older, the weight doesn't come off as quickly. I don't understand what the physiological dynamics are but I know it's more than just becoming less active as we get older because I'm actually more active at 53 than I was at 25...and when I dieted at 25, the weight just melted off. Not so once I hit my mid-40's. .
  6. Bell, Once you have restriction, the band will prevent overeating, which in turn will help us lose weight. The band won't make us go in and get our fills (and push reluctant doctors who want to take months or years to get to restriction...or use it as a carrot/stick reward for weight loss). That's up to us...and until we get restriction, we're doing it on our own. I agree there are a lot of unhappy people here who are not losing or even gaining, but if you read their posts carefully, you'll find they don't have restriction and they're in the same boat they were before getting their band. The band won't make good food choices. That's up to us. The band won't stop us from eating slider foods or junk or sweets...which all tend to be sliders. As someone has already said, I believe those successful with the band are those whose obesity is mainly a result of overeating because they were always hungry. Those who eat for emotional reasons or who eat excessive amounts of junk and sweets are going to find it much much harder. .
  7. We got the band because we couldn't do it on our own...and until the band gives us that restriction, we're still doing it on our own. Stop comparing yourself to others. While some people are motivated just by having the surgery, that's not common. Most of us don't start losing until we actually get some restriction. You'll get there...and in the meantime, stop looking at yourself as a failure. You're not.
  8. I had restriction for about 2 weeks after surgery. Then it went away. .
  9. I just bumped a thread called "calculating your calories" which gives a formula for calculating how many calories you need to maintain a specific weight. This will vary by individual because you have to take into account your height, age and activity level. I think you can go to the Mayo Clinic's website and they have a calculator as well. Just put in your goal weight and it will tell you how many calories you would need to maintain that weight (usually around 1800-2000). Drop down to 1400 and you can see how you'd lose 2 lb. plus per week. Hope this makes sense.
  10. bumping for those interested
  11. To calculate your own personal daily caloric needs, the Harris Benedict Equation is the most accurate way of doing so. Women Multiply your weight in pounds times 4.3 Multiply your height in inches times 4.7 Add these two numbers together and add 655 to them. Multiply your age in years by 4.7 and subtract them from number you got above. This is your Basal Metabolic Rate. MEN Multiply your weight in pounds by 6.3 Multiply your height in inches by 12.9 Add these two numbers together and add 66 to that. Multiply your age in years by 4.7 and subtract from the number you got above. This is your Basal Metabolic Rate. WOMEN & MEN Multiply your basal metabolic rate by the number that corresponds with your activity level. Sedentary: Do not exercise at all and sit at your job all day, multiply times 1.2 Somewhat active: Exercise 2-3 times a week or walk while on your job, multiply times 1.375 Moderately active: Exercise 5-6 days a week, multiply times 1.55 Active: Exercise every day and are active at your job, multiply times 1.725 Strenuous: Exercise every day and are extremely active all day, multiply times 1.9 This is the number of calories you need per day to maintain that weight. So, if you know the weight you *want* to maintain, use that weight in your original calculations.
  12. Restriction is not a 'cop out'. It is why we get the band. Great...another doctor who thinks it's a placebo. No offense, but your doctor is an ass. If 'restriction' (the purpose of the band and what it does) is a 'copout', then getting the band is a copout and and as a responsible professional, he shouldn't be doing the surgery on anyone. Sorry...I have a low tolerance for stupid doctors who, above all, should know better. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    Very bad day

    We've all 'been there, done that'. It will get better when your band is actually working with you. Just take each day as it comes. Sounds like you are back on track and recommitted so give yourself a pat on the back. Remember the old days when (if you're like me), you'd 'blow it' and then continue to blow it for weeks or months? .
  14. ElfiePoo

    8cc's the charm?

    I have a Realize band and it holds 12cc. They told me they've never seen anyone hit restriction before 8cc but just about everyone has it by 9cc. I have an appointment in 2 more weeks if I need it. Here's hoping I don't.
  15. 3 months post op and just had my 5th fill putting me at 8cc's. Here's hoping it's *the one*. The fact that I'm holding steady and not regaining the 28 pounds I've lost says I'm still making good food choices and eating less than I did prior to the band, but still...looking for some real restriction for longer than a few days and some serious weight loss due to it limiting my quantity. .
  16. Well I can't say that's true of me. I've been posting on the post lapband board quite a bit. I went in for another fill this morning which puts me at 8cc. My doc doesn't have any restrictions on a liquid diet after a fill and I was a bit bummed to find I didn't feel any different in regards to 'full' from before the fill when I ate lunch this afternoon...but we'll see. I swore I was not going to diet or count calories but after running the numbers to calculate how many calories I'd need to maintain a weight of 140 vs a weight of 232 (given my height, age and activity level), I was a bit horrified to find it's only a difference of about 500 calories or so. Shoot...that's the difference between all the little extras (butter on my toast, cream in my coffee, etc.)...and they add up quickly. So I may bite the bullet and put myself back on my diabetic diet which is pretty balanced, low in carbs (but not too restrictive) and easy to follow just so I can monitor my calories more closely. What a PITA, but I am so tired of yo-yo-ing between the same 7 pounds. I want some weight loss here, dang it! .
  17. Take smaller sips of water and I'd wait it out a few days as long as you can drink water and Protein shakes. It's most likely swelling.
  18. I use Dulcolax...two tablets and within 6 hours...voila! I like it because there's no stomach cramping or other side effects that I got with some of the others. I'm happy to say that I haven't had to use anything since 2 months postop. Guess that means I'm finally getting enough Water in. .
  19. ElfiePoo

    infected bellybutton?

    Call your local hospital. They can either refer you to a free clinic (assuming there is one), or you can just go to the ER. They can't turn you away because you can't pay...and pus from your belly button is serious and could become life threatening if untreated. .
  20. ElfiePoo

    Fluid Intake

    Same here. Before surgery I drank so much water I sometimes sloshed when I walked. No joke. After surgery, it was a battle just to drink any water...and not because I felt too full, but because I wasn't thirsty and didn't remember. I have 7.5cc in my band and can still gulp down water without any restriction so that's not an issue. I carry around an 18 oz water bottle filled with crystal lite. My favorite flavor is cherry pomegranet or the green tea & honey. I find if the water is flavored, I'll sip from it more.
  21. ElfiePoo

    2nd fill 2day

    Isn't restriction wonderful?! .
  22. ElfiePoo

    infected bellybutton?

    Erin, I have a deep 'inny' bellybutton and even at 330 pounds I never had what you describe...and I don't clean my belly button other than to aim the shower attachment into it to make sure I get all the soap out that may have run into it. Twice in the past I made the mistake of taking a Q-tip and a bit of Water and gently swiping it out but both times it resulted in a very sore belly button and clear liquid oozing out and crusting around the opening until it 'healed'. My doc said it didn't need to be cleaned out and I was just irritating the tender skin. So I stopped and have never had a problem again. Pus is sign of an infection. Get yourself into a doctor immediately. .
  23. ElfiePoo

    what would u do?

    What would I do? Find another doctor most likely. If I had to wait 2 weeks to see my doctor and another 3 to get a fill? What a PITA...and a waste of time. If I think I need a fill, I just make an appointment, although they're pretty busy so it usually is a week or two until I can get in. For that reason, I've been making regular appointments every 2 weeks figuring I can always cancel if I don't need the fill. Then, if I need a fill, they do it right then and there. .
  24. ElfiePoo

    Throwing up all the time

    I'd go to the ER. They could at least do a scan to determine if you have a blockage of some sort. I'd also call around to other bariatric clinics/surgeons to see if they accept your insurance since ultimately, if this is a band problem, only they'll know how to deal with it. A general surgeon is likely just going to suggest removing the band completely and that may not be necessary. Problems for 6 months and now this? What is in your current doctor's head that he hasn't addressed this issue!?
  25. Yes and yes. I'm not quite 3 months post op and I am rarely aware of my port any more. .

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