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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    Quickly losing control :(

    Welcome to my world (although I'm not confined to just 'lean' meat). My diet in order to keep from being hungry and to be insulin free is Protein and low carb vegies (all vegies have carbs by the way) like broccoli, green Beans, salad. No grains, fruit or starches. Yeah, I miss them (particularly the fruit) but I don't miss taking insulin more so I have a different motivation. Anyway...if you don't have a metabolic disorder (e.g. hypoglycemia, diabetes) that is immediately impacted by these types of carbs, then it's certainly less harmful to 'cheat' with a piece of fruit than some kind of junk food. So, and obviously only my .02, have that piece of fruit if it keeps you from the junk.
  2. I would agree with you about the band being 80% willpower and 20% band for those the band works for (it didn't for me so it's still 100% willpower ). I would also agree with your 80/20 for bypass patients...initially. When they're about a year or so out, the honeymoon is over. Bypass patients are expected to lose about 2/3 of their excess weight just by virtue of the surgery. After that, whether or not they lose any more...or keep themselves from gaining it all back...is up to willpower. While their bypass may keep them from stuffing themselves at one go...it won't stop them from grazing their way through the calories. Also, many bypass patients find that they don't get dumping syndrome from the sugar (so, no deterrent there)...or after enough episodes of dumping, their body learns to deal with it and they no longer get the dumping syndrome. All I'm saying is that even if someone gets the bypass (this is for those who think it'd be 'easier'), at some point it will require them to make good choices and put the fork down. There is no free ride. By the way...congratulations on your 100 lb loss! .
  3. ElfiePoo

    No Pre-Op Diet

    The preop and postop diet will vary and seems to be based on whatever that particular surgeon's opinion of what a good preop and postop diet is. I've talked with a number of people on this forum and others, and there were people with only 50 pounds to lose who had to do a 4 week liquid preop diet and some who had 200+ pounds to lose who only had, like me, to do Clear liquids the day before surgery. I couldn't find any pre-existing medical conditions that made any more sense out of it. That said, everyone should do the best they can to follow their surgeon's rules...or find a surgeon who has rules they can follow. .
  4. Connie, I hope this makes sense...but I was banded 17 months ago. The band never did work for me and I finally had it out 2 weeks ago (mainly due to the phrenic nerve pain it was causing). It never consistently controlled my hunger and it certainly didn't control my quantities *BUT* I don't regret it at all because what it did do was make me work harder at trying to find out exactly why I eat and how to fix it...and I did. What I discovered is that I don't need the band...but that's not the point. I may not have worked quite so diligently and reached that point if it hadn't been for getting banded! Ok, so the band will not stop you from grazing all day if you like *BUT* you might, because of going through the process, be more mindful of how you're eating and not thoughtlessly (as you put it) eat all day. It might be what you need to make your head finally commit to getting control of your eating and create new, better eating habits. That would be worth the money, and not half as expensive as hiring someone to act as food police for you (which would do the same thing) yes? .
  5. ElfiePoo

    What types of veggie in Phase 2

    Phase 2 of 'what'?
  6. Agreeing sorrowfully as I look down at wrinkly legs, bat flaps on the arms and we won't discuss the 'girls' who, if they continue to droop will be on talking terms with my knees. .
  7. ElfiePoo

    Dukan diet

    No, I'll either have a salad or the vegies although since the vegies are so low carb, you could have both if you could really eat that much and/or felt that hungry. Lately I've been having 2 scrambled eggs for Breakfast and a large salad for lunch with 3 oz of Protein (partly cheese, partly rotisserie chicken cut up and maybe a chopped hard boiled egg) and blue cheese dressing. Then dinner is 3 oz of meat with a cup of vegies like green Beans, broccoli, asparagus, etc. .
  8. ElfiePoo

    Stopping BP meds

    Definitely find a new doc! There are some really good ones out there. .
  9. Oh well, at least if you're stalking me, you're one of the nice ones.
  10. I don't care if they have 50 pounds to lose or 250 pounds...I'm not in a position to judge whether or not they should get the band. Statistically, the ones who do best long term seem to be the ones who have less to lose so if that's the case, by all means do it early before the really horrible eating habits set in. Let's face it...at one time we all were *only* 50 pounds overweight...and look where dieting got us. Wouldn't it have been nice if we'd had help early on? .
  11. Depends on the insurance company. I had my band out 2 weeks ago due to constant phrenic nerve pain. However, it never did anything to restrict how much I could eat and was not consistent about controlling the hunger and this was documented in my monthly visits to my surgeon's office. As a result, the insurance company sees this as band failure (even if there had been no phrenic pain) and is willing to do the revision to the sleeve. When I went to the seminar I knew the band would not last for life and that there were a high percentage of complications where the the band had to be removed/replaced. So I asked the surgeon whether insurance would pay for it. Obviously, he said he couldn't give a definite answer, but the insurance person sitting in on the seminar said they'd never had a refusal by the insurance company to replace a band due to complications since this wasn't considered a second surgery, but rather a continuation/correction of the first. They also never had a refusal to pay for a revision to sleeve or bypass from band as long as it was documented that the person put forth effort into working the band and it was more band failure than the person's refusal to make changes. .
  12. If you truly are 'binge eating' (which is different than just overeating) then, like anorexia, it is a mental illness and needs to be treated with therapy. The best thing you can do is see a therapist because it doesn't get better on its own. I wish you well.
  13. ElfiePoo

    Lap Band Surgery

    Pam, There are pros and cons to every issue and its best to be informed on both, so don't get too discouraged at the negatives. Just look at it as part of the overall picture. Pros Least invasive of all WLS Reversible Adjustable Much shorter recovery period and return to normal activities More likely you will be able to eat in a 'normal' fashion (depending on how tight you set your band) .
  14. ElfiePoo

    Stretching of your pouch

    According to my surgeon, it would take a lot of long-term, consistent overeating to stretch the pouch. Liquids won't do it because they slide through relatively quickly. Even when my band was overfilled I had no trouble glugging down a full glass of water. I don't understand the reasoning of going on liquids for 2 weeks prior to a fill, although you might find that after the fill that's all you can do for a day or two. Again, that was never my problem. My fills never kicked in for almost 2 weeks and then I'd wake up one morning barely able to get shakes down for a day or two. Just listen to your band. .
  15. Hey there, Vicky, I've been following your posts on the other threads (no I'm not stalking you ). Glad to see you posting here! .
  16. ElfiePoo


    Why is he now making you wait the full 6 weeks? If it's just because he can't be bothered, I'd be tempted to ask him how he'd like to be bothered with a lawsuit when you lose your job because of his ineptness . Only half serious here. If I ran my business the way some of these people ran their practices, I would've been out of business years ago. I'd just be perfectly honest with your employer about the physician's ineptness and apologize profusely for making the mistake of taking him at his word. Sorry you have to have this additional stress. .
  17. ElfiePoo

    need idea for exercise dvd

    I tried Zumba because it looked like fun, but it just made me feel so uncoordinated and awkward. Then again, I'm still struggling to stay in step with Richard Simmons. Rhythm is *not* my strong point. Tae Bo is another one of my favorites but, again, can't keep up at his pace but I still get my heart working. .
  18. ElfiePoo

    Stopping BP meds

    My surgeon always referred me to my primary care for any care that was non-band related because they have a longer, more consistent history with you than the bariatric surgeon. If they don't normally check your BP, logic would suggest they're going to refer you to your PCP...or should. .
  19. I forgot to drink my water yesterday. Wondered why I felt so tired and out of sorts last night and through the night just had some major joint aches. It's amazing how dehydration can kick your butt...and how quickly! Lots to do today and I'm still just feeling wiped so hopefully, as I get hydrated again, I'll get my energy back! Hope your day is starting off beautifully! I posted a "why people own dogs" video to my FB book. Every morning should start off with a laugh. Have a good one! .
  20. But are you hungry? The band was not designed to restrict food (even though many surgeons 'sell' it that way). Some people do get physical restriction, but at the cost of constant stuck and sliming episodes (yes, there are exceptions). It was designed to put pressure on the vagus nerves which tell the stomach to stop producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone. If you're hungry after eating a reasonable meal (according to my surgeon that's 3 oz of Protein and 1/2-1 c. vegies), then it's time for a fill. .
  21. ElfiePoo

    Band vs. Sleeve? Why did you pick band?

    Rainy, If someone tells you they can reverse it, then they're not doing a sleeve. Sleeve involves removing most of the stomach and there's just no way to put it back. Have you checked out verticalsleevetalk.com yet? Perhaps you'll find some of your answers there. I know I did. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    Need Tough Love

    Yep...it's because they band our stomach when they should be banding our brain. Don't beat yourself up. Just pick yourself up and start again...right then. Don't wait for the next day. Remember, this isn't just about removing the hunger (which you may still be dealing with...you didn't say)...but you're changing a lifetime of bad habits. Keep working at it! .
  23. I would call myself 'irreligious' because I am a person of faith...not a member of a religion or a follower of man-made traditions. My husband is, by his own admission, a 'dirty rotten heathen' although he gets these wild thoughts every so often to start his own religion...something to do with all the tax benefits they get. .
  24. Oh wait...I think I forgot to tell you all about the *best part* of my one day hospital stay! Those on FB probably saw this but after the cardiologist and I had our chat and knew I was not spending another night, he left the room to do my discharge papers. Fifteen minutes later, the nurse came in with a puzzled look on her face and said, "I thought you decided not to stay?" Uh...yes? Then told me that the doctor didn't write my discharge...he wrote a DNR (do not resuscitate) on my chart and didn't discharge me! My husband didn't think it was funny but I have to admit I did. I tried to tell him that if I had stayed the night and something had happened and they didn't resuscitate me, he could laugh too...all the way to the bank since they had no signature from either of us authorizing it. Ok...so I have a sick sense of humor. .

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