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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    can i ever?

    I love celery and it is always my food of choice when I just have the 'munchies' because of its satisfying 'crunch'. I haven't had any problems with the strings. .
  2. Most likely we'll have the usual - baked ham, potatoes au gratin, beet salad, cheese plate with crusty french bread and apple pie for dessert. I expect I'll be able to eat even the ham if I chew it well. .
  3. Of course it is. Right now all you have is a piece of plastic inside you. It's not doing anything but sitting there and looking pretty...and will remain that way until you start getting fills. Even then, it may take several fills before you get any type of restriction...and then the restriction may only be temporary. At some point you'll get to the sweet spot. Time and patience. More power to you if you can eat as if you have the band. I couldn't and didn't. I told my doc that if I could eat 4 oz of food and live with the hunger, I wouldn't have needed the band. So, while waiting for restriction, I just tried to eat sensibly, but hunger? Nope...didn't even go there. If I was hungry, I ate. .
  4. ElfiePoo

    Can restriction just go away?

    Ditto everything you just said. I don't think it's a case of restriction 'going away' as it is of our swelling going down. Perhaps we've both been dealing with temporary restrictio due to swelling although 3 weeks of getting stuck and then nada? Gets me down sometimes but I'm hanging in there. .
  5. ElfiePoo

    About to give up...

    Your doctor cannot refuse to send your medical records to another physician. If he does, I would contact the medical board in your state. It does sound as if you need a new doctor. .
  6. Good morning, all. I saw a news report last night about studies they've done on compulsive eating. Granted, the studies are done on rats, but they seem to indicate that high calorie foods create a reaction in the brain similar to cocaine which may be one reason for compulsive eating. Studies are far from conclusive, but you know when I look back at my past bouts with seriously compulsive eating (over the edge, eating until my pants pop), that's the kind of eating I was doing. Anyway... Christie: I know it's been 3 weeks since your fill and you're thinking an unfill, but that's where I was last week. Then suddenly the PBing and stuck episodes vanished. Now, a week later I'm seriously thinking of going in for another fill because I'm not getting that "ok, I think I'm done" message anymore and yesterday I actually was able to eat more than I should have...but not could have. I stopped, but it was pretty clear I could've kept going. How much I don't know and I didn't want to find out. Anne: His crocs 'stuck' to the floor?? Wow...I have the opposite. My dog left his ice cube on the kitchen floor and it melted and when my croc hit it, wheeee! My foot slid right out from under me but I was able to save myself (which I probably could not have done 47 pounds ago!). Facebook - Farmville or Mafia War: My name is Melody and I am addicted to Farmville and Mafia War. C'mon over and friend me. I'm Melody Fawn Upham and my e-mail is rainbowmeadow@att.net and need all the neighbors I can get since I only friend people I know. Make sure you tell me who you are. TJ: Congrats on the halfway point! Awesome! Jacki: Wow! You look fantastic. Bet you feel it too! Leigha: Glad to hear your band is finally working. It is a journey isn't it? Bob: If you heard "check" and your name from me, my response is "it's in the mail.":biggrin: Well, time to head home and get lunch. Here's hoping y'all have a warm sunshiney day! .
  7. Just checking in. It's a rainy day here and just feeling blah. C'mon spring! .
  8. You've obviously never worn them. My daughter-in-law bought me a pair for Christmas 3 years ago and I wear these suckers everywhere...hence the multiple pairs of varying hues. They had a really great review from orthopedic doctors because they not only are good for the feet, but all the way up the back! Try 'em...you might like them.
  9. My doc's guidelines were 1 cup of food in 20-30 minutes. If it takes you longer than that, then you're 'grazing'. I can't ever remember being hungry, so I'd just measure out my food and when it was gone, I was done. After I had restriction, I noticed that many times I'd still have a couple bites left but something just told me that I was done. Hard to explain. The few times I ignored that little voice, that last bite kind of just sat there for 10 minutes until some moved out of my pouch. If all you had was 2 eggs, I wouldn't worry about it. If you had other things with that egg, then it'd be too much. .
  10. If your doctor said 1 cup, then he/she was talking volume. In my nutrition meeting, they said we should be eating one cup...and then the nut pulled out a plate with plastic food and it was more like 3 cups. Personally, I eat 2-3 oz of meat, fish or poultry and 1/2 cup of vegies and 1/4 cup of carbs. Sometimes I don't make it through everything.
  11. ElfiePoo

    Insurance Issues with Fills

    I'd call Aetna and find out why and ask them why they would delay the very thing you need to make the band work. Perhaps they're uninformed. My doc only charges $150 for a fill for people with no insurance coverage. .
  12. I had a really bad stuck episode last week and had the same aftereffect. A few days later it was gone. .
  13. In some ways this show is unbelieveable...a first grader not knowing what a tomato is...or not using forks and knives? But years ago I knew someone who was amazed that my 4 year old was using a fork and commented that her 9 and 10 year old still use spoons because they're too dangerous with forks. I love what this man is attempting to do but I do think half the attitude he's getting has more to do with 'what's that fur-ener think he's doing coming here and trying to teach us anything' than with what he's trying to teach them. John, sorry to hear of the backlash in the U.K. I'd heard great things about that program and it would be sad if they went back to the way things are just because the children refused to eat their lunch. I say let them refuse. No child ever deliberately starved themselves to death and when they're hungry, they'll eat. .
  14. Many doctors tell their patients they want them to eat 3 meals and no 'snacking' and this is translated into 3 meals and absolutely nothing...no matter what...in between. Please keep in mind that most doctors have little to zero knowledge regarding nutrition. It's just not part of their training. Sadly, even some nutritionists are not keeping up with the changes in the field of nutrition. Studies have *proven* that 6 small meals per day control and stabilize a person's blood sugar levels better than 3 meals. Stable blood sugar levels mean less cravings and hunger...and even if you aren't a diabetic, your blood sugar does fluctuate and can cause cravings and hunger as a result of that fluctuation. Most diabetics I know do 3 main meals and 3 mini-meals...not snacks. A snack is just something to munch on for the sake of munching or craving or whatever. The mini-meal is nutritionally sound and serves a purpose. Snacks are generally empty calories and/or high in carbs, sugars and/or fats. The mini-meal is high in protein and low in carbs, sugars and fats (when balanced against the protein gained). I'm putting something into my body every 3 hours, starting at 7 a.m. I am never hungry...never craving...and I never 'snack'. .
  15. ElfiePoo


  16. Bob, I wear Crocs, size small, and you can have your choice of crayola purple, sunshine yellow, neon green or brilliant tangerine. Oh and I have a pair in woodland camo. .
  17. ElfiePoo

    Naming your Band :-)

    Mine is 'Hilda'. Fans of 'Rumpole of the Bailey' will know that Rumpole refers to his wife, Hilda, as "She Who Must Be Obeyed". .
  18. I'm not quite sold on the idea that we don't drink for an hour after meals in order to keep from washing our food through the pouch too quickly because when that hour is up and we drink, we're doing the same thing...and we still have 4 hours to go until the next meal. The logic doesn't work for me. I don't drink with meals and wait for at least 30 minutes after meals to eat mainly because if I try to drink during this period, I get stuck episodes. Since I don't eat any solid food until lunch (I posted my daily meal plan in the 'banded, banding, band' thread), getting 20 oz of water in before lunch isn't a problem. After lunch, I just wait 30 minutes and then it's not a problem getting in another 20 oz before dinner since my mini-meal is another protein shake. Even if I chose to eat some cheese or a handful of nuts and waited 30 minutes, I'd still have plenty of time to get that next 20 oz in. Then no problem getting it in the evening for the same reason. .
  19. ElfiePoo

    forget calories?

    I agree in theory. However, there are a lot of 'hidden' calories that people tend to overlook. Some would say that a dinner of 3 oz of Protein, 1/2 cup vegies and 1/4 cup carbs (pasta, Beans, rice, potatoes) is a balanced, low calorie meal...but fry that protein instead of grilling or baking, add butter, cheese, sauces or dressings to your vegies and slather on gravies, butters and sauces to your carbs...and you can easily add 600+ calories to your daily count. Broil, grill or bake your protein, steam your vegies and learn to enjoy their flavors and not use them as an excuse to eat the butters and sauces...same with the carbs. I'm not saying you can't have these things...just be aware that they can take an otherwise healthy, low calorie meal and turn it into a nutritional (and scale) nightmare. I don't count calories and I do use real butter, etc. but I'm conscious of how much and how often I use them. In the last 18 weeks since surgery I've lost 47 pounds which is more than 2 pounds per week (granted 18 of it was lost in 3 weeks). I've been happy with that but now I want to lose 13 pounds by April 30th so plan on cutting back on these 'extras'. .
  20. I've loved my band from the day I went to the seminar (6 weeks prior to surgery) because it gave me 'hope' that I would one day get this weight off and live (and eat) like a normal person. Just knowing I was going to get the band changed something in my thinking to where I actually dropped 14 pounds in that 6 weeks before surgery and without any dieting. Each day with a changed outlook towards food...each pound down...make me love it even more. .
  21. My doctor doesn't have any special requirements either. He said to eat if I can or drink if I can't. Until my last fill, I could eat the same after the fill as I did prior to. My last fill though...wow. I was drinking Protein shakes for almost a week. Now, 3 weeks later and I'm finally back to where I can eat without worry (as long as I remember the 'rules'). .
  22. ElfiePoo

    Need some encouragment

    Whillow, Don't let your scale beat you up. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. The only thing I would suggest is to take a look at that 1 cup of food and dissect it as far as fats, carbs, etc. and make sure you aren't overdoing any of them. Normally I use real butter, regular dressings (blue cheese, caesar, etc.) on my salads and don't worry about those little extras because I said the band meant I would never have to diet again. However, as I just posted, I want to hit onderland by April 30th (about 13 pounds) for my sons commissioning as an officer in the army and I know that means cutting out these 'extras'. So my salad at lunch today will be vinegar and some McCormack's Salad Supreme seasoning. Believe me...the fat calories add up quickly.
  23. Annie, Here's my typical day of 6 'meals' 7 a.m. Double scoop protein powder in 2% milk (380 calories, 18 carbs) 9:30 a.m. EAS readymade shake (110 cal, 3 carbs) Noon: 3 oz protein, 1/2 cup vegies 2:30 p.m. EAS readymade shake (110 cal, 3 carbs) 5:00 p.m. 3 oz protein, 1/2 cup vegies, 1/4 cup carbs (pasta, rice, beans) 7:30 p.m. EAS readymade shake (110 cal, 3 carbs) 10:00 p.m. Normally I don't eat after my last mini-meal but if I'm really craving, I'll hold off until 10 p.m. at which time I decide whether I'm going to bed and can 'tuff it out' or whether I really 'need' that snack. It may consist of a couple crackers with cheese, a sugar free jello or pudding or, sometimes, a piece of good quality dark chocolate. I probably end up doing a snack only 1 or 2 nights each week if that. Oh and I make sure I drink a 20 oz bottle of water or Crystal lite betweek my 3 main meals. That, combined with my 4 oz water with Benefiber and my evening tea add up to my 64 oz of water. I do shakes for my mid-meal snacks just because I'm usually too busy to stop and eat...and with full restriction stopping is necessary when I eat solids unless I want to get stuck and start sliming. If you aren't much of a shake person, good mid-meal snacks are usually protein: a few almonds (10 or so) 2 oz of hard cheese (as opposed to cream cheese) Hard boiled egg (assuming you're the exception and have no problem with eggs) The purpose of the 6 meals is to keep the blood sugar stable which in turn keeps the hunger and cravings controlled. Protein is the key which is why you don't want those mid-meal mini-meals to be a typical 'snack'...even if it's sugar free. You want that protein. If something isn't clear, just let me know.
  24. Leigha: Not only do prone positions do badly with the band and eating, but slouching at the table is a problem as well. Glad you had a great time in N'awlins! I went during spring break one year and had such a great time strolling through the French Quarter. I'd seen pics of it during Mardis Gras but it was much more enjoyable during the daytime when there was actually room to walk down the streets. HB: 80 pounds? WTG!! Betsy: Congratulations on reaching 'onderland'!! Lizzy: Hey...3 pounds lost is still 3 pounds not gained! Christie: Have a great time...on the vacation and finding a new bra. Oh and give your new fill time. It's taken me 3 *weeks* to get past the swelling on this last fill. I was almost going to call this past Monday to get that .25cc taken back out cuz I figured I couldn't possibly be swollen this long. Wrong. Finally over the weekend and as this last week progressed, it's better. Only 2 stuck episodes this week and both my fault! Anne: I'm a diabetic and have found that 6 'meals' works best for me. I'll do a separate post follow this one to explain what I do. Gloria: At about 6 weeks postop I took my son to the Hot Dog House and found that, despite no fills, I got stuck on the first bite. I found on the second bite that I had trouble controlling the size of the bite so I went and got a knife and fork. Problem solved. From that day I stopped eating with my hands. I had a corned beef on rye last night and I used a knife and fork on that as well. Much easier to control the 'bite'. Bobbie: Welcome...the more the merrier. Hey, I'll be your neighbor (as well as FV neighbor). I'm Melody Parker Upham on FB. Just remind me who you are when you send the 'friend' invite cuz I only friend people I know. Bob: I hear you on Farmville. Usually I avoid these types of games after being seriously addicted to Final Fantasy Online 4 years ago. Fortunately, these one isn't nearly as fun but right now it's one of the ways I deal with events outside my control aka my friend who had the accident with the tree. As for not 'feeling' positive. Well stick around your lap buddies. I find when I'm feeling a bit down, just reading through these uplifting posts helps raise my spirits. I realize I'm not alone with all these 'feelings'. Let us help raise your spirits...your humor has certainly raised mine on numerous occasions. Now put the veal down! Update on Mark (my friend): He's awake and knows everyone but still having some short term memory loss...common in brain injuries. Nothing is being said yet about any type of possible paralysis but considering their initial prognosis was that he'd die, this is all good news at this point. JM: Be careful with trying to do too much too soon. Too many people think strep throat is just a sore throat...and it has the potential for being far more serious! Glad you're feeling somewhat better. Ok...a couple more responses and then I need to get moving. Friday is the first day of my 3 day weekends and lots to do starting with laundry, vacuuming and dusting. Have a great day y'all! .
  25. Good morning everyone! It's cool and crisp (more like a fall morning) here with brilliant blue skies and sunshine! Not a cloud in sight! The day is only made better (if possible) by an e-mail from my mom telling me they had a couple inches of snow. Since they're a bit southeast from us and about 2-3 weeks ahead as far as seasonal changes, I usually have to hear about how nice it is there when I'm still slogging through winter. I haven't gone in for an unfill yet, but I do seem to be doing better over the last several days as far as stuck episodes. I think I've only had 2 in the last 4 days (versus a few every day) and both times it was because I was distracted and didn't chew well enough. Minor episodes. I made grilled reubens with a home cooked corned beef on thin sliced rye last night for the family and, buoyed by my several good days, decided I was having one too. I left the saurkraut off mine because I knew it wasn't going down, grilled it really well and then cut it into 4 small pieces. The rye loaf was quite small so the size of the sandwich was probably 2/3 the size of a sandwich made on a regular bread. I took a small bite (heaven!) and chewed *thoroughly*. Then I swallowed that one bite in small increments so it wasn't going down in one mass. Yes I did eat the whole thing and with not one stuck episode or PBing! If I had crammed it into a measuring cup, it would have been just slightly more than a cup in quantity so I think I 'done good'. Granted it did take me the entire 20 minutes just to finish that sandwich and I have to say I was a bit tired of chewing and eating by the time I finished it so it's not something I'll do on a regular basis, but oh my gosh...what a nice treat! I said I'd never diet or exercise again, but I lied. My middle son (just turned 25) has been in the army for 5 years and 2 years ago they sent him back to finish his bachelor's degree. He graduates on May 1st, but his commissioning ceremony (lieutenant) will be on April 30th. It is my goal to be under 200 pounds by that time. I have 5 weeks. I can do this.

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