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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. I *DETEST* exercising. In the last 10 months post op I have made brief attempts at exercising but always give up after a few times. I've tried Richard Simmons, Zumba, weights/treadmill at the fitness center, calisthenics at home, swimming, etc. I find all of it *mind numbing boring*. Perhaps because it's just exercising for the sake of exercising. Yes, I know there is a purpose (get fit, lose weight) but my brain still sees that as pointless and exercising just to exercise. So I'm going to take another approach. I've always wanted to learn karate and just discovered my future daughter-in-law is a 5th degree (?) black belt in Tae Kwan Do. She introduced me to her instructor and I'm going to start beginning classes tomorrow night. It's exercise...but with a *real* purpose. I'll actually be learning a new skill and self-defense...not just bouncing around on the floor to get my heart rate up. Hopefully, this will eliminate the boredom because I'll be learning new skills/techniques constantly. .
  2. ElfiePoo

    Help! I've overeaten

    Zen, I love sushi but found it's too fibrous for me.
  3. I think those who lose without a fill are the exception and yes, count your blessings! I'm 10 months post op and have only lost 40 pounds and it has been a struggle. I've yet to find my sweet spot...that place where you have restriction without being too full. I had to have 2cc taken out (1 was just put back in after 7 weeks) because I was too full...or maybe just too filled too fast...and am working my way back slowly to find that sweet spot. Congratulations on your loss, ladies! .
  4. I never went through bandster hell. I am fortunate to have a surgeon who also has a band and his advice until restriction is "if you're hungry, then eat". He said it doesn't make sense to tell people they can only have 1/2-1 cup of food just because they have a little piece of plastic inside them...until that little piece of plastic helps them be full with that amount of food. What he did stress...making good choices from the start. Balanced meals Cutting back on carbs (not eliminating) Eating Protein first/vegies second/carbs third (if you still can). Minimum 60gm protein per day Minimum eight 8 oz glasses of Water per day What I've learned, in addition, over the last 9 months is to keep the unsweetened treats to a 'rare' thing (i.e. crystal lite drinks) as even these unsweetened treats create a cycle of craving. I try to drink water or decaf unsweetened tea most of the time. I'm not a diet pill advocate because of all the bad side effects to them. To the person whose doctor pushes the pills and doesn't give fills...find another doctor. .
  5. At 9.5cc, I'm surprised someone hasn't figured out that you most likely are too full and the constant pbing, etc. has also most likely caused swelling which only makes the problem worse. I was at 8cc and made them take 2cc out after playing around with taking it out at .25cc at a time and not having any relief. Immediate relief. The surgeon said I was most likely swollen/irritated from the pbing, sliming, etc. and just needed to let my stomach calm down before attempting another fill. Last Saturday, after 7 weeks (could've been sooner but I held off), they put 1cc back in. No sliming, pbing or anything and I do have some slight restriction because I do have to make sure to chew thoroughly. I'm almost certain I'll need more fill...and may even get back up to 8...but I'm going to take my time because I don't show an immediate effect from a fill. Sometimes it takes 2 weeks (don't know why but it does) before I get results after a fill.
  6. Zen, The left shoulder pain is actually referred pain from some part of your band rubbing on your diaphragm. As you lose weight, this will lessen and the pain will go away for the most part. I had this pain from the day of surgery until I lost about 40 pounds. I had 1cc put in my band this past week and the pain was back for a couple days, but it's gone this morning. I guess just the loss of a couple pounds is enough to put some slack on whatever is rubbing. I absolutely understand missing your old buddy, food...but it does get better. Unfortunately, it's mostly a head habit and one you'll just have to learn to get over...maybe replace it with a new buddy? My new buddy starting tomorrow night is Tae Kwan Do. I don't know if I'll ever be as much of a friend with TKD, but a better class of friends is definitely needed if I want this to be a permanent life change. Make sure you're getting a minimum of 60gm Protein a day. That helps with cravings. If you have to, drink a Protein shake. I make the EAS protein shake with unsweetened almond milk so it's about 130 calories and 3 carbs but it's 25 gm of protein. It really does help. .
  7. ElfiePoo

    Pain meds after surgery

    I have a low pain tolerance but when they asked if I need some pain relief when I woke up in recovery, I said 'no'. Didn't need any the rest of the afternoon but I figured I might need the prescription they sent me home with. I didn't. I was back at work for 4 hours the next day. Then full-time the day after that. May all surgeries be so easy and painless. .
  8. My .02 and not meant to offend but sounds like they weren't really friends, they just liked having you around as the 'fat' friend. Now that you aren't, your usefulness has ended. Move on...no loss. Make new friends. .
  9. Yeah. I finally said the heck with it and made them take me down to 6cc. I stayed there until I was sure the pbing, sliming and reflux were a thing of the past. Just had 1 cc put back in yesterday and so far so good. .
  10. Dottie, If you wait until after the holidays, will that give you time enough to recuperate before next fall? If so, I'd be tempted to wait for the other knee surgery (assuming you aren't in a lot of pain with the knee now) and keep losing weight. I'd think recovery from surgery would go better with less weight on the knee, yes? Melody .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Inches V.S. Pounds

    I've only lost 35 pounds in the 9 month since surgery but I can see my body physically rearranging where I hold the fat...most likely because my diet has changed. So, even though it's only 35 pounds, I'm down 3 sizes in pants and almost 3 sizes (I like 'em loose) in tops. I'm even wearing 1-1/2 size smaller shoes! I no longer really care what the scale says. I'm going by the physical evidence of my body.
  12. ElfiePoo

    Frustrating and Venting

    Everyone's body and metabolism is different. The biggest favor you can do yourself is stop comparing your losses with others. Your doctor probably already told you (or should have) to stop worrying about losing weight right now because your body is healing. Optimum weight loss for most people is on a 1200 calorie diet. Below that and your body starts to get more efficient at burning calories and weight loss slows. You may be below that amount since you're so soon postop. Might as well get used to it because most people, until they get restriction are up and down on the scales. Even after restriction, if you aren't watchful about what you put in your mouth...meaning calories and not quantity since a milkshake isn't much but it's close to a day's calories...you still won't lose weight...or worse will gain. Be patient. You've taken the first step. The rest will follow. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    My head.......

    I used to say the band won't help with head hunger but I'm not sure that's true...at least in my case. After 9 months experience with the band, having too much fill and taking it down to try and find that sweet spot again, I think it does. Seven weeks ago I got so sick of PBing, sliming and urping that I had them take me from 8cc down to 6cc. During that time I had no restriction whatsoever and, even though I was never hungry, felt like my stomach was this bottomless pit that needed to be constantly fed. This morning they put 1cc back in and that 'emptiness' and head hunger vanished! I had a salad and Protein for lunch and I'm having a bowl of lentil Soup for dinner even though I really didn't feel the need to eat. The band is helping with the head hunger in my case because I don't even want to eat. .
  14. ElfiePoo

    How many eggs?

    Before band, I would eat 2. After band, only 1...assuming my band would let me eat even that. Most mornings I'm so tight I can only manage a protein drink.
  15. ElfiePoo


    My surgeon has been doing this for a very long time and when I asked him about stretching the pouch, he said too many people worry needlessly about this. You'd have to seriously overeat every day for a very long time (he said 'years') before you'd stretch your pouch. He said if you were eating this way, you'd most likely have band erosion problems from the constant PB'ing, sliming and throwing up you'd be doing from not listening to your band *long* before you stretched your pouch.
  16. Oh crud. My left shoulder pain is back. I certainly haven't missed *that* over the last 7 weeks. Guess the answer is to lose weight fast so it'll stop rubbing on my diaphragm.
  17. ElfiePoo

    Please respond!

    Yeah...that's how I ended up with an overfill. My band fluctuated from day to day and it was a royal pain in the behind. I'm not sure what you do long term except eat as the band lets you. On those days where you have no restriction, assuming it's a temporary thing, hold on to your self-control and wait it out. That's what I'm going to do this time around rather than go in for a fill...and end up with too tight of a band all the time.
  18. ElfiePoo

    So what's for dinner??

    Just had 1cc put in my band, taking me to 7cc and I'm not feeling any pain...I mean hunger. So I'm having a bowl of homemade lentil soup and *maybe* a small slice of homemade french bread.
  19. Same here. It's been raining all day and I know this means I'll have to mow on Monday. Now you'd think I wouldn't have a problem with that since it's a riding mower, but I still hate to mow. ;-p
  20. Aw Denise. I am so sorry you're going through all this and yes, it does suck to not lose weight or gain when all you can eat is liquids or mushies! I know that just cuz it's a liquid or mushie does not mean it's necessarily low calorie, but my head says they should be! Feel better! Melody
  21. Good morning my fellow banders! The weather here is gorgeous...and has been for the last week. Typical fall weather and no humidity! I feel human for the first time in months! I went in for my fill this morning and was surprised that they wanted to give me 1cc to take me up to 7cc. Apparently, based on their records, I was having no problems before at 7cc and, since I said I'm slipping further into the darkside, they wanted to get me as close as possible to the sweet spot before I go to Disney. Let me tell you. I can already feel the difference! For the last 7 weeks I've felt like I have a bottomless pit inside me. Not hungry...just never 'content'. Within 15 minutes of that fill, I was and am still (3 hours later) 'content'! I'd forgotten that this is part of what the band does. Their scales confirmed that I have not gained or lost a pound in 7 weeks despite no restriction so at least I'm not playing catchup! With the shopping NSV of yesterday and no longer feeling like I need to fill the pit, I'm extremely motivated. Add to how good this cool weather is making me feel and I think I'm going to go drag my honey out for a walk again today! Have a good one everybody! Melody (ElfiePoo)
  22. Most of the time I drink decaf iced tea (no sugar). When I want 'flavor', it's Crystal Lite Cherry Pomegranate although over the last 10 months I've found it to be somewhat overpowering so I use 1/2 packet in a 16 oz bottle of water. When I really crave the fizzy, I drink the Faygo Sparkling Water (grapefruit).
  23. What a day! I went shopping for clothes this afternoon and was dreading it. Usually I spend hours and come home with only one or two things that actually fit...and I'm not always thrilled with the material, look, color, etc. but fat people can't be picky. ;-p HUGE HUGE NSV moment. I picked out 5 shirts, two lightweight dress type slacks and a pair of capris in less than 30 minutes. Not only do they all fit beautifully, but I *love* the colors and the way they look on me! <drum roll> Bonus moment...the pants were 14/16 and the shirts were 1X!! Yeah I know they've changed sizing so fat people won't be dismayed at what size they're actually wearing (obviously they think we're stupid too), and I'm guessing the 14/16 pants were actually 18/20 but I haven't worn an 18 since high school!! Actually the only reason I think I can now is because I've lost the oversized hips and butt that I've carried for most of my adult life. Going from a size 26/28 to a 14/16 and a 3x to a 1x made my day! I am so *high* right now! Think I'll go drag my honey out for a nice fall walk! .
  24. I know I've been MIA but a lot has been happening over the summer and I guess I've just been so overwhelmed by it that I've been hiding in stupid mindless facebook solitaire games. At the end of July, I ended up having 2cc taken out of my band because it was decided that PBing, sliming, etc. several times a day (when I was taking small bites, chewing well and swallowing in several pieces) meant I was most likely too full. Rather than continue to deal with that until I made my way down to the sweet spot, I chose to just go below and start over. Then I thought I might wait to get the next fill until after I came back from our Disney trip in early October. Well, 7 weeks later I have been able to eat whatever and how much I like for the last 7 weeks! Guess I must've learned some good habits in the previous 9 months though as I have not lost or gained a single pound. Whew! I have noticed that I've begun to slide a little more to the dark side though so I made an appointment for Saturday to get a small fill. It probably won't help with restriction but at least I'll be able to get another small fill as soon as I get back from Disney. Hummingbird, no I haven't gotten another dog and I don't think I will since it looks as if I may have to get a job. However, we found 3 small kittens (about 5 weeks) abandoned in one of our outbuildings (think the mom might've been hit by a car or killed by a raccoon) and decided to keep the little male. After a month of no success in finding them a good home (and husband getting progressively irritated at tripping over 3 more animals), I took the two females, who had very friendly dispositions, down to the local non-kill human society where I know they'll find a good home (since they spay them and make the people pay a $75 fee to adopt a cat). The male, named Beelz (short for Beelzebub) is attitude with fur and claws and they said since he's antisocial and drew blood (from me), they'd just put him to sleep. Couldn't do it so we took him back home and told husband to 'bite me...I just lost my dog and I'm not putting this little kitty to death'. A month later and the little monster (the most feral of the 3 and who hated me the most) is now sleeping in my bed. Interestingly, just like Sophie, he comes and stares at me around 10 p.m. to let me know he's tired and "we" need to go to bed...and then curls up against me exactly where Sophie used to. Made me cry for the first week or two but now it brings me comfort. Then about 4 weeks ago, my son's mother-in-law died from a blood clot to her lung after minor surgery. She was only 49 years old so it was quite a shock to everyone. The world will be a sadder place with her gone because she was such a loving wife, mother and person in general. Why God takes these people and leaves the toxic ones is beyond me. <sigh> On top of all of that I think the economy is finally taking my business under. At this point it's going to be a race to see if I can sell our warehouse (which we had to sign for personally) before our sales go down so far we can no longer make the mortgage payments. Since we live in the most economically depressed state in the country and the most depressed area in the state, I'm not holding my breath. Now to figure out if we can let them foreclose on the building without going bankrupt since the building is the only thing that hurts us financially. Any experts on this type of thing lurking out there? So I've started looking for jobs locally (HA!) but let me tell you...*nobody* wants to hire a 54 year old woman who's been out of the job market for 15 years and they don't look positively at the fact that I've run my own business during that time. I'm crossing my fingers for an academic advisor position at the local community college (where I'd rather work anyway), but prayers would be helpful. Well, better get moving. Need to bail out our other kitty from the Vet where they're treating her for a bacterial infection in her ear. Good grief...she's an inside kitty...how does she do this?! Then off to see if I can find some end of the summer bargains on clothing for my Disney trip. The upside...I can actually shop in a regular store now! Woohoo! Have a good day everyone! Melody (ElfiePoo)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
