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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. Happy Anniversary, Bob. You have done amazingly well since a year ago! .
  2. When I woke in recovery, they asked if I had any pain and did I need something for it. I didn't. Never needed anything up to the time I went home. I did fill my pain meds (Vicodin) but never needed to take them. I was back at work the next day but did get tired more quickly so only worked half a day. The day after that I stayed the whole day. .
  3. ElfiePoo


  4. ElfiePoo

    Ok lets talk sleeping

    No special instructions following surgery. I can only sleep on my side. I found if I tucked a pillow or two under my belly for support, I was fine.
  5. Paranoia is setting in. Everytime I pop back in here, people disappear. Really...I showered this morning! Come out, come out wherever you are! Melody
  6. I received a call 3 days after my surgery from his surgical nurse, checking to see how my incision was, if everything was going ok, etc. .
  7. Look on the bright side. At least the problem will be solved! :thumbup: .
  8. I went back to the prep room at 6:30 a.m. and he waited in the lounge where they had a tv with cable and coffee and tea. Fortunately, nobody else was there that early so I'm sure he turned the tv to some news channel and didn't even miss me. Around 10 a.m., I was out of surgery and back in my room and he came and sat with me until I sent him down to the cafeteria for something to eat around noon. At 1 p.m. they discharged me. My husband's first wife died at home of cancer and he was her main caregiver. I'm sure I was 'easy' compared to that. .
  9. ElfiePoo

    Caloric Intake???

    Research has proven that those on a diet of 1200 calories lose more weight, more consistently (fewer plateaus) than those eating less. The lower you drop your calories, the more efficient your body becomes (metabolism slows) at hanging on to the calories you're eating. It's a survival mechanism. Obviously, as evidenced by famine victims in third world countries, your body will eventually have to give in and you'll lose weight, but why do it the hard way? I read about people on this forum who spend 2-3 hours per day every day on strenuous exercise, eating 800 calories a day and I just shake my head. Seems to me they're doing it the hard way but then each to his own. .
  10. ElfiePoo

    Confused Re: Foods

    Pasta and rice are sliders for me. Breads, if I take small bites and chew thoroughly *and* swallow that bite in several swallows, are fine. As Jachut said, there is nothing wrong with any of them and are part of a balanced diet. However, some choices are better than others. Brown rice is better than white. Whole wheat is better than regular. As a diabetic, I find that brown rice and whole wheat pasta and breads have less effect on my blood sugar than the others. My lunch and dinner are about 2-3 oz of Protein, 1/2 cup of steamed vegies and 1/4 cup carbs and I always start with my protein. Some days I am tighter than others and don't make it through the carbs...and that's ok. Some doctors advise cutting out all carbs in the form of rice, potatoes, pasta and bread but the reality is you will not stay on that way of eating for long. I know. I lost 70 pounds on Atkins. Yes, I felt better and suffered no ill effects but I *missed* them until it got to the point where that's all I could think about. I've never put the weight back on but my understanding is that is not the common result when people go back to eating carbs...most likely because they're binging due to the previous deprivation. The sensible approach is to 'eat all things in moderation', making good choices. good luck. . .
  11. Been there. Done that. Fattening up everyone around me. :thumbup: .
  12. After 10 months I no longer say 'just do it'. Some people just won't be successful with the band because the band isn't the right tool to deal with their particular issues with food...or they just don't have the patience to deal with getting to the sweet spot or the difficulties that vary from day to day with the band (sometimes too tight, sometimes not). If you're a compulsive eater, the band will (when it's working effectively and that can take months) most likely not help. Yes, it will control how much you can put in your mouth at one sitting, but if you wait an hour or two, you can eat again. Drink Water with your meals and you'll most likely slide your food right through and be able to continue eating. If you're a sweet eater, the band won't stop you from eating sweets or even making wrong choices. As I've discovered in the last 10 months, if you really want to lose weight, you will have to diet and you will have to exercise or at least increase your activity significantly. You may get some initial weight loss without either of these things, which will most likely be dependent on how overweight you are to start with, but at some point it's back to the old grind. What the band will do is *help* you to eat moderate portions and feel satisfied *but* only when you hit restriction. If you're looking for something that will let you eat pretty much the way you do now and still lose a lot of weight...then consider the bypass. However, keep in mind that even it will only help with some of your weight loss. According to the seminars I attended, gastric patients lose 2/3 of their weight just by virtue of the surgery but that last third requires dieting and exercise. I'm not trying to convince anyone not to get banded...but you really need to think about your particular eating issues and decide whether the band will help. It's a tool, not a magic wand. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    Second Thoughts

    I saw my surgeon for the last time about 3 weeks after surgery when he was making sure I was healing well and everything was ok. He told me that he hoped he'd never see me again because if he did, it meant I was having difficulties that would most likely need surgery. Fills are done by either a tech or the same nurse who assists him in surgery. They only do fills on Tuesdays and I drive about 80 miles one way to the bariatric clinic. Once I hit my sweet spot, they tell me I probably won't need to see them but every 6 months or so as I lose weight and need (or maybe not) an adjustment to the fill. Why do you think your band is malfunctioning? No offense intended but having the band removed seems an overreaction. Remind yourself why you had this done...and then just tell yourself that it is done and move forward. .
  14. Congratulations, Christie! A pound is a pound! I know what you mean about not realizing you ever looked 'that big'. I was sorting through some digital pictures last night from two years ago and I was horrified. I had no idea I was ever 'that big'! However, I also know that was only 35 pounds ago and it has really motivated me to actually diet and not just watch what I eat because I'm still 'that big' in the sense that I still have about 100 pounds (or a little less) to lose. I know in another 30 pounds I'll look back at pics of me now and be horrified. Melody .
  15. Just a guess but I'd think it's more likely that you are a bit swollen but in any case I'd take it easy on what you eat for a few days. Feel better! Melody
  16. ElfiePoo

    Excess Skin fears!

    I managed to read about half the page and then had to quit because what he's saying just isn't supported by known facts. As so many have already said, there are many factors that play into whether or not you'll have excess skin: age, genetics, how overweight you were *and* how long you've been overweight, etc. The men and women in my family tend to look much younger than they really are as they age...just good genetics. My grandmother looked 70 when she was 94. My mom is 72 and looks like she's in her 50's. I'm in my mid-50's and as I age, the disparity between my actual age and my true age becomes greater. At 47 I took off 70 pounds. Yes, I lost some of the sagging skin (again good genetics), but not most of it. I can tell from losing 35 pounds over the last 10 months that the sagging skin I have now will need surgical help. It's really bad...and that's from being seriously overweight for 40 years and stretching my poor skin up to 330 pounds. No amount of toning is going to help the several inches of sagging skin on my arms or belly. .
  17. Christie: I feel your pain but you may be right about something being stuck. 'Hurling in the bushes?? Sounds like you're lucky you weren't hurling in the hall! LOL. Stacie: Sounds like your band is tight. The idea to go back to liquids and/or sliders might be a smart choice. It's been cool here for the last couple of weeks so I've been 'sliding' away with Soup for my main meal. Goes down easy, nourishing *and* filling. Have you talked to your doc about your low BP? That's nothing to mess with. It's just as bad as high BP! Denise: Yeah...I'm thinking Tai Chi is the way to go. It looks graceful and calming and right now I need something to help with stress. Since I can't sleep, guess I'll go pack customer's orders. Then at least I won't feel guilty when I need my afternoon nap. Oops...just heard my husband yelp. Beelz (our 3 month old kitten) is apparently bouncing around on the bed. He should be thankful. Usually he's trying to eat our feet that move under the covers. ;-p Melody .
  18. ElfiePoo


    My surgeon said that expanding our pouch would take months, possibly years, of abuse...and you'd be in pain during that abuse. He said carbonation is less likely to cause expansion than stuffing yourself with food continuously. I love carbonation and when I really really crave it, I'll drink Faygo carbonated Water (grapefruit). I've found I have to sip slowly because if I take a huge gulp like I would've pre-band, the pain is incredible and I usually end up standing over the sink and letting it all foam back up and out. Not an event I want to repeat on a regular basis...and yes, it was the most painful thing I've experienced to date with this band. Also not something I'd like to have in public because the reaction is almost instantaneous. .
  19. I went in at 6 a.m. and was on my way home at 1 p.m....two hours earlier than they usually do because I was doing so well. I went home and slept the rest of the day, no help necessary although someone was there and offered to get me Water, etc. I was back at work the following day for a few hours and then full-time the day after that (desk job). No after care necessary by anyone. .
  20. ElfiePoo

    Driving after surgery

    I was fortunate to have someone drive me for almost a week after surgery and since I found myself protecting my stomach when we braked and accellerated, I'm glad I did.
  21. Denise: Ouch on the 'graft' spot and take it easy on salty stuff. Then again, didn't they used to rub salt into the sailors backs after whipping them raw (as a way of healing?)? I know...TMI and no help <bg> Dottie: LOL on the babies in diapers analogy but I'm one of those who'd rather wait until one was out before dealing with another <g> Well I went to my first (and last) Tae Kwan Do class tonight. It's just a little more confrontational than I want. I think I need to find a Tai Chi class. ;-p
  22. Denise, I know it doesn't help but keep repeating, "this too shall pass". What a pain in the butt about the sliming but could've been worse...you could've had 'witnesses' to the sliming. That's always my fear on eating out. ;-p Melody
  23. ElfiePoo


    It is not uncommon for people to not lose...or even gain wait until they get some restriction. Remember, until you get your fills all you have is a little piece of plastic inside you that is sitting there doing *nothing*. That said, 9 lbs in one week is *a lot*. You might want to use something like FitDay.com to track what you're eating and find out where those extra calories are coming from. .
  24. Sheer, Why do you feel it is not tight? I have a 14 cc Realize Band and was told that most get restriction between 7 and 8cc although it varies by individual. .

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