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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    Sara Rue is a LIAR

    The band can give you portion control *if* you've hit your sweet spot. At 7cc I still haven't hit mine and at 8.5cc I was too full. The band has yet to work for me as promised. I don't have any restriction and am not planning on getting any more fills because when I went above 7cc last time, I could no longer eat most Proteins or most vegies. Unfortunately I still had no problems eating potatoes, Pasta and rice. I've come to the conclusion that I'm pretty much on my own and have seriously been debating surgery to remove the band since it does cause some discomfort every now and again as it rubs under the skin. I've recently discovered that my problem is that I am addicted to carbs in the same manner that alcoholics are addicted to alcohol. If I stay away from them completely (except in low carb vegies and fruit) and keep my carbs under 35gm a day, I'm no longer hungry or craving. I lost 70 lbs 7 years ago and have kept it off and I guess I'll just have to do that again. So when I get down to 140, I will not give credit to the band as it will have had nothing to do with it. I know this isn't a popular view here but take a look around...there are an awful lot of people who are not losing. Kudos and congratulations for those who do, but the many people here who aren't losing is proof that the band may not work for everyone...just like JC, WW, bypass, etc. doesn't work for all who try it. Sara Rue obviously was not successful with her band so if she loses weight with JC, it will be JC that gets the credit as the right tool...for her. <done> .
  2. I managed to get through yesterday but only because I went to bed at 8:15 p.m. One day at a time. I feel pretty good this morning but am dealing with a nagging headache that woke me up in the middle of the night. One of the sure signs I'm starting carb withdrawal. I did eat an incredible amount of food yesterday but I know from past experience this is pretty typical for my first week withdrawing from carbs. I think I calculated that I ate about 3000 calories. By this next weekend, that will slow down. One thing yesterday did prove to me is that I definitely am not at my sweet spot. I have enough restriction that it's a problem if I don't chew well, but I don't have to chew as much as I did before and I don't have to take small bites. I can also eat *way* more than 1 cup. That's ok because I've come to the conclusion that the band is probably not going to be a help for my particular eating problem. From past experience, once I get the carbs out of my system, my daily calories are around 1200-1400 and I lose at a steady rate of 4-5 pounds per week. However, I'm also 100 pounds less than the last time I did this so I have no doubt the weight loss will be slower...and that's ok too. So, time for Breakfast. Hope you all have a good one. Melody
  3. Here's hoping the government never sticks its busy body nose into this arena, deeming parents to be negligent if their child is overweight. There is a *vast* difference between a parent who withholds food from a child and the parent of an obese child. That child's obesity is not just because of overeating. It's most likely a combination of overeating, eating the wrong foods and lack of exercise. Go through most neighborhoods in this country and you won't see children playing in their yards or on the playgrounds (which btw many cities are closing in order to cut expenses). They're in front of a tv. Also, keep in mind that not everyone can afford to feed their family fruits and vegetables as good Snacks. In a poverty home you'll find excessive amounts of rice, Beans, Pasta and other 'cheap' foods. I've worked at our local food pantry and one of the main staples donated to them and given out is prepackaged mac and cheese. Please let's not equate parents of obese children with parents who abuse their children. .
  4. Has to do with the referred pain and it is documented on several medical sites. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to go looking for them again. Which is not to say they shouldn't rule out a heart problem, but all you have to do is read through these boards to see there are quite a number of us who did/do have the referred pain. As I lost weight, it lessened but then I'd get a fill and I'd have it again. When I went down to 6cc's, it went away completely until they put 1cc back. I've since lost 5cc's and it only bothers me when I'm sitting in the front passenger seat of the car. Most likely because I'm forced into a position that pulls the band a bit more taught. Which doesn't mean that someone shouldn't make sure to rule out a heart condition. .
  5. ElfiePoo

    Sara Rue is a LIAR

    No need to be insulting by telling us we're making foolish comments. I'm very happy that you haven't needed a fill...but the fact is you are in the rare minority. For most people, the band is just that...a piece of plastic that is doing nothing until there is some restriction. Perhaps those who never need a fill were actually given a fill at surgery and they just don't know it. I've met a couple people over the last year who found out several months after surgery that their doctor gave them a fill during surgery...even tho they were told he hadn't. So we'll never know. We'll never know whether Sara rue has restriction or not. .
  6. From past experience, I lose best at 30-35 carbs. Over that and I have to deal with stalls. My carbs are only in the form of low carb vegies and the very *occasional* fruit. I do not deduct Fiber carbs as I found they also contributed to stalls. .
  7. ElfiePoo

    Sara Rue is a LIAR

    She may have done it without the band. If she had no fill in her band, then it was without the band because without a fill, there is no restriction and without restriction, the band is just a piece of plastic.
  8. Well say 'hi' to the sharks for me. Personally, I don't swim in anything that's no chlorinated...although I hear that hasn't stopped alligators in Florida from crawling into a few. Went to my first meeting. Not quite what I expected, but I'm going back and we'll see what happens. I'm doing very good today with avoiding those carbs. Can't say I'm not craving them, but every time I reach for one (like a cracker), I remind myself that it's my 'alcohol' and walk away. If I can get through this first week, the following week will be easier because we'll be at Disney where there are tons of things to do to keep my mind off food and I won't have ready access to food. Yeah I know there are food places all over, but it's still not as easily accessible as opening up a fridge. Oh goodie...it's 2:30 and I can have my Protein drink! That should help with the cravings! Melody
  9. Part 2...thank you if you're still reading. I met someone yesterday and had a 'ding' sort of moment. My new daughter-in-law's stepmother and I had an interesting chat at lunch. Apparently, 20 years ago she was almost 100 pounds overweight and started attending OA (Overeater's Anonymous) because she felt like a foodaholic. She had the same reaction to food that alcoholics have to alcohol. She could go a day or two without eating anything, but that first bite in her mouth for the day would send her spiraling out of control. That is *exactly* how I've felt about my eating. She realized that it wasn't all food. It was carbs and for 20 years has avoided them. She eats Protein, vegies and even fruit (fruit is restricted to 2-3 small servings a day if that). She does not *ever* eat potatoes, rice, bread or Pasta. Over the years I've made that same observation. I lost 70 pounds on Atkins. The first week was hell and I likened it to withdrawing from an addiction. I was bitchy, mean, nauseous, weak, dizzy, etc. This lessened through the 2nd week until by the end of that second week, the cravings stopped. I actually had to remind myself, and force myself to take the time, to eat. I never felt like I was dieting. Best of all, my blood sugars dropped to normal ranges without medication and my good and bad cholesterol numbers also dropped to the 'perfect' range. I was energetic, felt good and on a permanent mental 'high'. Then something would happen like a birthday party or a picnic and I'd think, "I'm doing well. I can have just a little bit of pasta salad." Then 'whammo'...within hours that craving was back and it was downhill from there. Just like an alcoholic. None of this is new to me. I've known this (my addiction to carbs) for years. I just never made the connection that if I want anything to change, then just like an addict I need to avoid my addiction...and it's not all food. It's just certain carbs (pasta, bread, potatoes, rice). I also realized that, like all addicts, I need a support group dealing with addiction and, while the bariatric center had a nice support group, they did not see eating as an addiction. So I looked up OA and found there's a meeting at 9:30 this morning...which I am going to attend. I'm also going to treat all carbs found in anything except fruit and vegies (low carb types) as an absolute no-no...not even for special occasions or as a treat. Alcoholics aren't allowed to have a shot of booze as a treat for being good. We know what happens when they do...and I know what happens when I do the same with that type of carb. I know that not everyone's weight problems are from an addiction but mine are and I need to face the fact that some foods are just permanently off limits for me because even with the band, I'm out of control. Right now I am physically and mentally craving carbs and am struggling not to just chuck it all in and eat until I pop. So I'm headed off to take a shower and go to my first meeting. I hope you all have a wonderful day! Melody .
  10. Morning everyone. I've made a commitment to try and get in here on a daily basis since I look at this as my support group. I used to go to one at the bariatric clinic but, not only is it a 1.5 hour drive, they've changed the time so that it's not possible for me to attend. Even if you all don't comment, just coming here keeps me focused on what I've done and why I did it (the band) and what I have to do to keep making it work. I have to admit that I'm wondering why I got the band because I don't see what it is doing for me...although I 'think' I might be at my sweet spot since I'm so tight in the mornings that I even have to drink my tea slowly so perhaps that feeling will change. If I take too big of a gulp, I'll find myself standing over the sink wondering if I'm going to suffocate before it finds its way back up and out. My son and I went to Arby's the other day and I had a regular beef and cheddar sandwich. I took half the bun off and ate it open face and I was full just two bites shy of finishing it off. I'd say it was about a cup of food. What I have been dealing with lately is this compulsion to eat constantly. I can't be overdoing it too horribly though as I've lost 5 pounds in the almost 2 weeks since my last fill but still it worries me. I have a feeling it is from the carbs and, as much as I don't want to, need to do an Atkins style carb withdrawal to rid my system of them and get rid of these cravings. End of part 1
  11. Remember...the band is not a magic wand. The weight will fall off when your eating habits change...less food, less junk...and when you have a more active lifestyle (which you may already have). I'm 10 months postop. I have a fairly active lifestyle but I do not exercise. By 3 months post op I had lost 30 pounds...and that's it until about June when I dropped another 32 pounds...which I immediately put back on in the next month from being too tight and eating slider foods because I was tired of being stuck several times on a daily basis. After my unfill I was fortunate to maintain the original 30 pound loss. Two weeks ago I had another fill and have dropped about 5 pounds but it's a struggle because I still do not have restriction and am beginning to think that sweet spot is 'in the head' and I may never find mine. At any rate, I wouldn't expect the weight to just fall off. Count on having to diet and exercise...or increase your activity in some way if you want it to start falling off. .
  12. But you have done the work yourself. Think about it...you weren't losing until *you* stopped eating the carbs. Now you are losing. The band doesn't stop you...you do. The band will let you eat most carbs. Ice cream is a fine example. Don't sell yourself short. It is your own will power that has made the difference here. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    poked 3 times and no fill!!

    I'd make sure this doctor knows his nurse lied. If she does this enough, and enough patients tell him, she'll be history. Here's hoping your port hasn't flipped! Good luck on Monday. .
  14. ElfiePoo

    Breakfast Ideas

    You all are so fortunate! My breakfast is usually a Protein drink which is fine since I'm not much of a breakfast person, but sometimes I would love to have some eggs and toast. I'm so tight in the mornings that I have to be careful when drinking my tea or I end up taking too big of a gulp and then standing over the sink to let it come gushing back out! It usually takes me 30 minutes to drink my hot tea and when I'm done I have to wait another 30 minutes before I can drink my protein drink because I feel too full. .
  15. It is most likely referred pain from some part of your band rubbing on your diaphragm. I had this pain in my left forearm from the day after surgery until about 2 months ago. It most likely quit because I'd lost enough weight that the band was able to sag a bit. A lot of people have this pain and it does go away as we lose weight. If you pay attention to it, you'll notice the pain is less or goes away completely depending on the position in you're in. When I was standing, no pain. Almost always had it when I was lying down, but if I pulled my left arm above my head and slightly twisted my torso, it would go away. Sitting in a car, it would ache horribly. You're never sitting as straight up in a car as you would in a chair at a table and I think that slight recline was just enough to cause the pain. Actually, I still get that occasionally. .
  16. PBing is 'productive burping'. It doesn't involve throwing up although there may be some sliming. What's happening is that the food is trying to go through the opening...and is...and the burping (the air coming up) is the way your body is clearing that little opening, allowing the slime and food to now make it through the opening. When I'm truly stuck, there is no burping. Just pain and lots of slime. I'll usually just sit calmly for a minute or two and try to relax and let it unstick on its own. If it doesn't, I'll take a huge gulp of Water which results in a rebound effect. I can feel it moving the stuff in my pouch and then the water and usually the offending object comes right back up like a gusher. This is not throwing up. Nothing is coming from my lower stomach and there is no heaving of stomach muscles. This type of throwing up is worrisome since there is the potential for a slipped band or erosion on the stomach by the band if done enough. .
  17. I'm one of the ones who voted 'no'...my reason was posted above. .
  18. Just because the parent gives the official consent, it does not mean that the minor has not also given their consent. If it's a case of a parent wanting the band for the teen and the teen not wanting it, then I agree that doing the band surgery would be the wrong decision. If the teen has been a part of the whole process from start to finish and makes the decision to do this, then it might be the right decision depending on the teen. As you said, studies are showing that for some teens it is a good option...just as it is a good option for *some* adults. .
  19. ElfiePoo

    Coughing coughing

    Speaking as someone who was too full for months...sounds like you're too full. I was getting stuck at least once (usually more) times a day despite taking tiny bites and chewing it to mush and then swallowing that bite in 2-3 swallows. When I finally went in to the bariatric clinic, they said that's a sure sign of being too full. The always ask if I've been coughing so I think that's another although I haven't had that particular problem. Call your doc. .
  20. To be honest...I don't know. I'm almost 11 months past surgery and I haven't lost any more at this point than I'd already lost by 4 months postop. For the past 6 months I've been dealing with all of the problems of being overfilled (without realizing it) and then unfilled. I felt myself fortunate to keep from gaining back everything I lost in the first 4 months but it has been a bit frustrating to just maintain. I would have to say that my band has yet to do its job. Perhaps I'll feel different when I find that sweet spot between being able to eat more than I should at one sitting and being so full I can't eat the things I need to (Protein and vegies). I thought I did on this last fill and passed up a fill last Tuesday. Now I'm wishing I had gone in. Oh well. I didn't expect the band to be this high maintenance. Then again, even if I hadn't done the band, I would still not have done the bypass so, since I guess I'm still ahead of where I was at this time last year, perhaps. .
  21. Denise: Beach? Geez...it's almost October! HB: I couldn't afford Disney either because we barely scraped up enough money to send my youngest son on his senior trip to Italy. He then spent 6 months arranging our trip with his two brothers and my husband's siblings for our 20th anniversary. I'm going to really enjoy this vacation because I didn't have to pay for it (thus feeling guilty at all the things I could/should have spent the money on). Christie: Don't make me hurt you. Popcorn is my weakness so I don't even have it in the house. Yes I knew it was a slider food. Lynn: Congrats on finding a doctor closer to you and I'm jealous of your trip to Tasmania! Have fun! Well, think I'm off to bed. My middle son (the one in the Army) is getting married tomorrow morning. He and his fiancee decided to do a very quiet ceremony at the courthouse with just us and her parents since he's being deployed to the middle east in two weeks. The official wedding will take place in the spring when he comes home on leave. So guess I'd better get my beauty sleep.
  22. And this is where we ultimately disagree. I believe the parent has the ethical right and duty to do what they feel is best for their 14 year old. They know that teen better than anyone else. But as I said in the other thread, I'm not going to belabor the point. We all have our opinions and one thing I've learned about internet interactions is that nobody's mind will be changed. So I throw my .02 out there and you can either agree, disagree or ignore it...just as I will do when reading the opinions of others. .
  23. Betsy, Making the statement that all young teens are not good candidates is like saying all adults *are* good candidates. It depends entirely on the person in both cases. I've gone to group support meetings at my bariatric center and they do have some young teens there. They're doing better than the vast majority of adults and appear to be (from their weight loss and what they have to say) more committed than the adults. I'm not going to belabor the point though since I know people have their own opinions and rarely change their mind. This is just mine based on my experiences. .
  24. You say you could have changed your lifestyle before you got to this point. Obviously you couldn't because you did get to this point. Or did you make the conscious decision to eat until you weighed 440 lbs? I'm thinking not. .

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