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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. Zero. Just the idea of exercise stresses me out. :smile2:
  2. ElfiePoo

    No Motivation =(

    I try to set a routine and then don't vary from it. I get up at the same time every day and I eat at the same times every day. I'm not motivated every day either and operate simply on the 'put one foot in front of the other' and just do it. I'm 10 months postop and have only lost 35 pounds...mainly because I was overfilled for a couple months and then unfilled, during which time I just maintained. Somewhere in there I finally realized that I had to figure out what my problem was with food because the band only helps with portion control *when* you have restriction. The rest of the time, it's up to us. Now that I believe I've discovered my issue, and know how to deal with it, I'm once again losing and have control over my food issue and I'm taking it 'one day at a time'.
  3. Just a cautionary note on the sugar free stuff. I've had blood sugar issues all my life...first hypoglycemia and now diabetes. Perhaps that's why eliminating the carbs are so critical for me. One other thing I've found in the last year is that many sugar free products (i.e. pudding cups) are also a no-no for me. Not so much because of blood sugar but that sweet taste, sugar free or no, sets me craving more...and too much sugar free stuff can be a bad thing too. I can't have the Jello chocolate pudding cups in my house because I will devour all 6 of those little buggers one right after the other. .
  4. ElfiePoo

    what's wrong? :(

    10 minutes? Not sure I understand unless you mean you take a bite and wait 10 minutes before you take another. The only time constraint put on me was that I should finish eating in 20-30 minutes and then push the plate away. When I had too much fill, it would take me so long to eat because I'd take a bite and then have to wait out the stuck feeling before taking another bite. I'd eventually give up cuz I got tired of it. .
  5. ROFLMAO! Relax, Christie, and just have fun! .
  6. ElfiePoo

    so i have been naughty

    Wow...I have to say that I never thought of myself or other fat people as 'disgusting, repulsive slobs'. I hope as I move towards, and attain, my correct weight that I never think that way of those still struggling to control their eating. I disagree about people being fat because they lack discipline. This is mainstream's society's view of why we're fat. They believe we are lazy and weak, lacking in willpower. If that was true, then why do so many successfully go on diets and lose their excess weight, sometimes taking a year or two to do so, only to gain it all back? I know quite a few people who've done this. I know a number of people who are incredibly disciplined in every area of their life except when it comes to food. Some people are emotional eaters. They turn to food when they feel stressed because it comforts them. For some people it's an addiction, just like gambling or drinking. Some are always 'hungry' and it's not head hunger but actual physical, stomach growling hunger. The truth is that fat people are no different than than the slender people in our society. It's just our particular demon can't be hidden. .
  7. My doc had me back on solids at 2 weeks but I've heard of people being back on solids a few days after surgery. The best way I know to deal with hunger is to eat. Fortunately, I had a doctor who agreed. :smile2: My .02 for what works for me in dealing with hunger...protein and low carb. I drink a low carb, low cal Protein shake in between my meals and in the evening. I also do not eat potatoes, rice, bread, Pasta or flour products because they're high in carbs and even a small serving is enough carbs at one sitting to set me craving. I get my carbs in low carb vegies (think green) and low carb fruits. Also, I eat every 2.5 hours. Breakfast at 7 a.m, shake at 9:30 a.m., lunch at noon, shake at 2:30 p.m., dinner at 5 and another shake at 7:30. If I feel I need something to get me through the evening, I'll have a sugar free Jello or something similar. In the midst of all that I'm getting in my 64 fl oz of Water. I also find that hot decaf tea or a bowl of warm soup gives me a satisfying 'full' feeling. And no I'm not going to question why you got the band if you're going to overeat. *That* is why you got the band. It's just a piece of plastic until you have restriction...which is not to say that you should at least try practicing some restraint because in the end...even with restriction, you'll still have to exercise some self-control. :mad: .
  8. ElfiePoo

    Bread, Rice & pasta?

    My doc was all about balanced meals. The main part of the meal should be Protein, then vegies, then carbs (about 1/4 cup). Personally, I have to avoid bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes and flour products. I crave constantly when I'm eating them. When I eliminate them from my diet, I'm never hungry or craving. .
  9. I would try doing mushies for a couple days because you may have created some swelling with the difficulty you're having in eating. Then if you're still having problems with solids (chicken and ground beef are usually difficult for many people), I'd see about an unfill. The fact that you're having difficulty with liquids makes me think you're still swollen or are too full. .
  10. I routinely lift 25# and more in my warehouse and was told no more than 5 lbs for the first two weeks after surgery, then no more than 10# until 8 weeks after surgery. .
  11. ElfiePoo

    My Port has flipped

    There are a number of people here who have had their ports flipped and had to go in to have them flipped back over. One even said they're getting it done in the office under a local. For a couple months they thought mine was going to flip because it was turning on its side. Then it straightened back out. .
  12. Get rid of the sweets. They'll only get you craving for more. The more carb loaded you are (and everyone has a different threshhold), the more you'll crave them...and even with restriction, your band most likely will allow you to eat sweets to your hearts content. When I'm craving sweets, I eat a small apple. Some say eat something salty or fatty as that will kill the craving. Never worked for me. I wanted something sweet and the fruit helped. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    so i have been naughty

    Tsaleen, The book my doc gave me to take home from surgery had some recipes in it and one was for a chicken quesadilla. It goes something like this. Take one chicken quesadilla and chop it up. Stick it in the blender with hot chicken broth and puree. Add more chicken broth to thin as needed. <shudder>
  14. ElfiePoo

    so i have been naughty

    My point is that postop requirements vary so obviously there is no one right way to do things. Thus, scaring people with 'slippage' makes no sense. My personal view is that if you can't stick to the postop instructions because they're so restriction, then be honest with your doctor and tell him so. You might also ask why he's so restrictive when obviously other doctors are not. Don't keep your doc in the dark. .
  15. BB, Studies prove that women who eat 1200 calories a day will lose weight faster and more consistently than those who drop below. A bonus is that you get enough food so you don't feel hungry. I also eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 because it keeps my blood sugar stable. Since I'm eating (or drinking a Protein shake) every 2.5 hours, that also keeps the hunger at bay. I was fortunate, my doc didn't expect me to eat only 1 cup of food at a meal before I had restriction but did advise using some restraint (not pigging out) and making good choices. .
  16. Emjay, Just noticed your ticker. Congratulations on getting to goal! .
  17. I'm the same way even though I don't have restriction. I just drink a low carb/low cal Protein shake at 7 a.m. (when I get up) and another one at 9:30 a.m. By noon I can usually eat. On the days when I didn't do my shakes, I found it still difficult at noon. I'm wondering if making the stomach muscles work...even on liquids...has anything to do with it. Dunno...but it works. .
  18. ElfiePoo

    so i have been naughty

    If you read through this forum, you'll find that postop food requirements vary according to doctors. Some doctors put their patients back on regular food within days. My surgeon had me back on regular foods within 2 weeks. Some people are not back on regular foods for 30 days. And there are even some surgeons who make their patients stay on total liquids for 30 days. My surgeon has done over 7,000 band surgeries and been doing this for years. He has a band of his own. To date he has only had 3 slippages which turned out to be because these 3 patients were bulemics and seriously throwing up several times a day. He also warns his patients that if they get a flu or something where they're throwing up, to come in and get completely unfilled. When I asked him what the possibility of slippage (because people on here were scaring me about being on solids at 2 weeks), he said 'unlikely' unless I'm a bulemic or totally disregard the warning signs (getting stuck or urping up the stuck item several times a day) meaning I'm not chewing well or taking small enough bites...or maybe just that I'm overfilled. Yes, you should listen to your doc but if you do cheat, at least be reasonable and stop doing what you're doing if it causes you pain. .
  19. ElfiePoo

    so i have been naughty

    My surgeon puts his patients on the various stages over a 14 day period so by the end of two weeks I was back on regular food. I never had to go through bandster hell either because he tells his patience "eat if you're hungry". As someone who has a Lapband himself, he knows full well that if we could limit ourselves to a cup of food at a meal without restriction, we wouldn't have needed to do the band at all. He did, however, suggest some restraint and to make good food choices. .
  20. I forgot to mention my NSV moment this morning. I went into the bathroom this morning to brush my teeth and hair and as my eyes looked into the mirror, I noticed that not only is the slight puffiness in my face gone (almost looks slender!), but my eyes are bright and clear and I look healthier and happier than I have in a long time! Also, even tho the scales aren't moving that much, I tried on my vacation clothes (new) this morning to make sure I hadn't bloated my belly since I bought them and they're *loose*! Not sloppy loose, but very comfortably loose! I told my husband that I am sticking to Atkins while we're at Disney (since there are cafes and restaurants serving healthy foods). Also, with all the walking we'll be doing (6 day unlimited pass 3 of the parks and a husband who never says quit)...I figure we'll hit the parks at 10 a.m. and my husband won't want to stop until they close so I should come home lighter from all the activity! Yeah baby! .
  21. Morning banders! Day 4 and all is going swimmingly! Normally, my first week on Atkins and I'm bitchy, irritable, and craving carbs like mad. Nothing this time! It's already day 4 and I have so much energy and feel great! No cravings at all! I don't know if the band has anything to do with the fact that I'm not stuffing myself constantly with Protein the way I did in the past during this first week, but I'm also not feeling the desire to eat as of yesterday which means I had to actually force myself to make a meal. It amazes me when I actually get off the carbs at how crazy carbs make me! I don't know whether I'm at my sweet spot but I can still take normal sized bites, although I have to chew well or I start sliming. oops...gotta take the husband to work cuz I need the car today. Have a good one everyone. Melody
  22. Shammah: Good luck today with the surgery! Stacie: Congrats on your decision to go back to school. One week will go by quickly...hang in there!
  23. ElfiePoo

    Just had to share....

    After I lost 70 pounds I could tie my sneakers. Now, after another 35 pound loss, I can tie them so the bow is on top of the sneaker and not off to the side fat lady style. :smile: .
  24. At this point, I don't exercise or go to the gym. I'm just trying to create a more active lifestyle...one I can live with for the rest of my life. I'm amazed at how many hours some of you spend in the gym because I'd have to give up something I love doing (quilting, gardening, weaving, etc.) in order to do something I detest. I do swim laps for an hour one day a week during the school year at the high school's pool but that's about it. I'm looking for other activities I like (possibly Zumba) that I can do at home 1-2 days a week but more because they're fun than because it's just exercise. To those who love killing themselves at the gym and sweating for hours a day every day...more power to you...but it's not for me. :smile: .
  25. If you listen to the 'experts', they'll say no more than 2 lbs per week. Bah humbug. How fast you lose depends on how overweight you are to start with. The more overweight, the faster you'll lose on a 1200 calorie diet. As you get closer to your goal weight, it will slow down and it all evens out. How much sag your skin has depends on genetics, how overweight you were and for how long, and age. I wouldn't worry about it. .

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