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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    how much should you lose?

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to not compare yourself to others. How fast you lose depends on a number of variables including how much muscle you have, your activity level, whether you're insulin resistant, yada yada. Same with the pain level postop. Some people talk about taking pain meds for several weeks after surgery. Others, like me, never needed them even when asked in the Recovery Room...and I can be a big baby when it comes to pain. .
  2. ElfiePoo

    So Skeptical

    I would never have considered having my surgery outside the U.S. The surgery is just one small step of the process. The after care is a *major* consideration. In the last 11 months I've been to my doctor 10 or 12 times tweaking my fills to get to the right point. Worst case scenario...can you afford to go to Mexico once a month...or more...until you get the right restriction? .
  3. ElfiePoo

    Horror Stories

    I know the statistics for the band are significantly better than they are for the bypass but I think people tend to lump them all together. The death rate for the band is about 1 in 2000...for bypass it's 1 in 250. Yes, there is always a risk of death any time you go under anesthesia...but what are your chances of dying of some obesity related disease? .
  4. ElfiePoo


    It is pointless to try and second guess why you're having difficulties. If you were fine up until now and things changed suddenly, call your doctor. If you are not keeping liquids down, then call your doctor...NOW! Dehydration will only make things worse, not to mention you can create serious medical conditions...or death...from not being able to drink. My .02...if I was doing fine and then all of a sudden started having the problems you are, I would be a bit leery about a doctor who would make me wait 10 days to see him and would be looking for a new one. .
  5. I went to a couple, hoping I'd feel differently (went to WW years ago), but I didn't. I find more support here and I'm not one of those who finds value in being accountable to others. .
  6. Morning bandsters... It's a gorgeous fall morning here in the midwest. Yesterday was our first day back home from vacation and I spent it just lazing around. I did manage to get most of the laundry done but that was about it. Fortunately, my mother-in-law invited us to dinner so I didn't even have to go to that trouble. I'm a bit less tired this morning and am hoping to ease back into my usual routine a little bit more. I have a lot to do but I am not going to ruin my week's vacation by running around like a stressed chicken trying to do it. What gets done will get done...and what doesn't, won't. Have a good one y'all! Melody
  7. Why are you throwing up? When I told my care providers that I was getting stuck at least once, sometimes more at every meal and that I was having trouble eating solid proteins (meat, chicken, etc.), they told me I had too much fill. Getting that unfill was the best thing I ever did. .
  8. The best part is you don't have to get it 'all' off! I still have almost 100 pounds to go and can shop in a regular store (yeah size 18's!), fit nicely in a theater seat *and* just came back from Disney where I not only fit into all the rides but was even able to pull the belt so that I had 5-6" of strap hanging after I pulled the belt tight! .
  9. ElfiePoo

    What am I doing wrong!!?

    Sources vary for how much of our diet should come from carbs, but keep in mind that these 'experts' just turned the several decades old food pyramid on its head. Nutritionists are self-styled experts who tout the latest 'theory' and generally believe in the 'one size fits all' diet...refusing to recognize that our dietary requirements are unique to all of us. At one time I wanted to be a nutritionist. After several semesters, I discovered that they don't really know what they're doing. They're just pushing whatever the current belief is. Doctors are generally not trained in nutrition at all. Most 'experts' believe that 45-65% of our diets should be in carbs, so for a 2000-calorie-a-day diet, this amounts to about 225 to 325 gram of carbs a day. I discovered many years ago that I have problems with stabilizing my blood sugar levels if I go over 60. Normally, I try to keep them around 30-35. Some people, like me, respond very well to low carb diets (under 70-80gm per day). Others respond well to the 45-65% range. The best any of us can do is to find a number and stick to it for awhile, paying attention to how we feel, whether we're losing, etc. Then adjust accordingly. . .
  10. ElfiePoo

    What am I doing wrong!!?

    There could be any number of reasons you're losing so slowly. Hard to tell just from what you posted, but here's my .02... Studies show that women who eat 1200 calories a day lose more and at a steadier rate than those who eat less. Just because a prepackaged food says "Lean" or "Healthy Choice", it doesn't mean they are. With very little extra prep time, you can put a piece of steak, chicken or fish on a Foreman Grille (or fry it in a pan), toss some fresh or frozen vegies in a steamer or make a salad. If you want to add some carbs, it can be as easy as heating up a package of Uncle Ben's precooked brown rice. Nutritionally, it will always be better than the prepackaged stuff (and taste better). Alcohol is *very* high in calories. A couple of drinks, depending on what they are, can put you easily over a day's calories...so can a 'little' cheating. Your best bet is to use something like Fitday.com (my personal favorite) and track everything you put in your mouth on a daily basis. Your total calorie intake may surprise you. What's your activity level? The more sedentary, the fewer calories your body needs to maintain your current weight. .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Set off security

    Went through the metal detectors at the airport twice in the last week and didn't set anything off. I have the Realize Band. .
  12. ElfiePoo

    My Doctor Won't Tell Me

    If you have no problem with not knowing, then no problem. I see my doctor as nothing more than one source of expert advice. Ultimately, *I* make all the final decisions in my medical care and I can't do that if he/she keeps me in the dark about any aspect of that care. If my doctor told me it wasn't important, I would firmly explain to them that while it is not important to them, it is to me. Go with you're own comfort zone. .
  13. So, we're back and I am beyond ticked. Not only did I stay on my low carb eating plan, but I walked *miles* every day...and I gained 5 pounds! My husband and I shared all of our meals, with me taking a smaller portion so it would amount to no more than 1 cup of food. Omelet for breakfast and hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken (breading removed) were the staple along with a big salad. The dressing had more carbs than I would've liked but it still wasn't too bad. I did end up eating carbs with my meal as I found that the increased activity and no carbs were leaving me with not enough energy to walk around the parks all day, but I made sure that it was no more than 1/4 cup. I drank nothing but water all week. We opened up the parks in the morning and shut 'em down at night and spent the whole day walking. Not a sauntering type walk either because we didn't just stroll from one building to another. No, we went to things in order of interest even if it meant traversing back and forth across the park. Plus we never had to wait in line more than 15 minutes for anything. Oh and our room was in the farthest building from the main building and transportation. My husband put on his pedometer and calculated that just doing a round trip from our room to transportation was 1/4 mile. We were 'lucky' enough to be dropped off and picked up at the farthest point from the main entrance to the parks as well. Yippee (she says in a deadpan voice) and he calculated those at roughly 1/4 mile round trip. So I walked...and walked...and walked. And gained 5 pounds. WTH?! :thumbup: I'm kind of depressed about that this morning, but putting it down to the fact that I was totally carb free the previous week so adding in any carbs was going to affect that original loss. Plus I'm sure there are lots of hidden carbs and calories when you eat out. So, deep breath...and move forward. Now that I've 'broken in' my feet and legs with the walking, I'm going to try and continue walking every day. The weather is certainly nice enough now to do that. S'long and good riddance to the hot humid days of summer! Well, off to unpack and do laundry. Have a good one, y'all! Melody
  14. Stacie: Deep breaths...it's just a bump in the road. You've come so far and you are not the woman you were before the band. You know you've developed some good habits...including self-control cuz as the chocolate mousse told you, it still comes down to you. :thumbup: See there...I just read your next post that shows the positive woman you are. :thumbup: Denise: Sliming in a jury box? Is this a personal experience...or just a comparison? I was sitting in the food court at our resort this week and a piece of chicken stuck just long enough to start me sliming. I didn't have time to do more than grab a napkin before the slime just came hurtling out. Thank God for an empty cup, lots of napkins, a husband with quick reflexes and an almost empty dining area. Christie: I don't think it's weird at all that you see all men as attractive now. I think when we don't see ourselves as attractive, we don't allow ourselves to see the opposite sex as potential mates...sort of a fear of rejection. Our subconscious just convinces us that we're not interested. Bob: Many insurances will pay for the surgery on the excess stomach and (for women) boobs since the area underneath is prone to major bacterial infection. The doctor just needs to document that it is for a health reason. I spoke to my insurance company (BC/BS) and they said that the fact that I am a diabetic is enough for them to approve both. Bat wings, elephant skin on legs, etc. is all considered cosmetic though.
  15. At the last minute I decided not to bring my computer since I knew it would be difficult to resist 'working'. Best decision I ever made. The flight down on Saturday morning was uneventful. Smooth flying, no screaming kids, nobody behind me kicking my seat. I even managed to grab a 1.5 hour snooze out of the 2.5 hour flight. We grabbed a shuttle to our hotel and our room was ready for us so we had time to unpack and get lunch before heading to Disney. Our son met up with us around 3:30 p.m. and we spent the rest of the day riding some of the tamer coasters. Thank goodness I am down 37 pounds from last year at this time because we must've walked miles! And yes, I did stick to my low carb eating! Today we drove down to Tampa and spent the day with my son and his wife. It's 5 p.m. and we're getting ready to head back to Orlando and spend the next 5 hours or so at Hollywood Studios since it has extended hours for resort guests. Woohoo...Tower of Terror here I come. I love being able to fit into the roller coaster seats too! This alone is enough to keep me on track as far as my eating! Probably won't be back on before I get back so you all have a good week!
  16. Christie, I am so glad you had a nice time...and so glad you found your 'real' happy face. :smile2: The cruise sounds like a blast...particularly since you feel so good about yourself. You know, when we feel good about ourselves, it shows in our face and demeanor and we become attractive to others as well. .
  17. That's a great NSV! I'll find out tomorrow if I need a seat belt extender. We'll see. ;-p Husband is taking his computer. I'm not taking mine but I may still be able to check in on his. Have a good week everyone!
  18. Morning bandsters! Oh wait, it's afternoon. Does anyone else feel the need to make their homes spic and span before they go on vacation? I don't know what it is but I have to have it clean before I go so I've been up since 5 a.m. scrubbing bathrooms, vaccuming and just tidying the house. Somehow I found myself cleaning out the fridge too. Now it's time for my nap. Still doing well on Atkins induction. Today's the final day of my first week and I feel fabulous. This morning my scales were still sitting at 223.5 and I'm not going to weigh myself until I get back from Disney. Here's hoping that another week plus walking for hours every day will show a stunning loss when I weigh myself next Friday morning! Ok...nap time and then packing suitcases. .
  19. ElfiePoo


    What the previous poster said. I'd also ask your doctor why he's telling you to do 800 calories a day when studies *prove* that women on 1200 calories lose more quickly and steadily than those eating less. I'd also tell him that if you could've stayed on 800 calories prior to restriction, you would not have needed the band. But then that's just me. .
  20. ElfiePoo

    Drinking while eating???

    This is an easy fix. Don't put a glass of Water at your place setting. :thumbup: .
  21. ElfiePoo

    What's for Breakfast?

    My breakfast this past week has been eggs and bacon or an omelet with green peppers and mushrooms. Interestingly, before my unfill (from being overfilled), I wasn't able to eat eggs at all from the time of surgery right up to the unfill. I don't know what's changed because now at 7cc I can eat eggs...and I can eat breakfast. I used to be too tight in the mornings and would just have a Protein shake. .
  22. Rebecca, You've lost 30 pounds in a month and you're eating less than 1000 calories, it is very likely that your body is becoming more efficient with those calories because it thinks you're starving. Studies show that women who eat 1200 calories a day lose more steadily than those who eat less. Why not try increasing your calories to 1200 and see what happens? .
  23. As someone else said, it's too bad they can't band our heads because that's where most of the problem is. You just need to get your head in the right spot...and, unfortunately, that's something we all have to deal with all by ourselves. If you know you crave carbs, eliminate them from your diet except for the type of carbs found in low carb fruit and vegies. You'll most likely find the cravings go away eventually. If you go on a strict low carb diet (under 30 gm) with these carbs being in vegies (not fruits) for two weeks, usually the cravings disappear after a week. Then you can begin adding back the low carb fruits. If you're like me, potatoes, rice, flour products...even in very small portions...will just set you craving again almost immediately. .
  24. ElfiePoo

    Feeling so down today!

    Make sure you're getting your Protein...60-80gm minimum. I'm eating way more than that because in addition to what I eat, I'm drinking 50-75gm in 2-3 low cal, low carb Protein shakes. I'm never hungry. .

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