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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. Cleo... The band has not worked for me in the way I expected either. I did tons of research, asked questions, researched more, asked more questions. I did not go into this uninformed. At almost 1 year postop, I am still only down 30 pounds since surgery. Some people are emotional eaters or sweet eaters. Some graze all day. My weight problems are because I love the taste of food and could put away enough food at a meal for 3 people. I got the band because, after all my research and questions, I came away with the belief that the band would stop me from eating excessively by making me feel 'content' after eating. To a certain extent it has for limited periods because I was able to take off 30 pounds and have kept it off but then that temporary feeling is gone. As it stands right now, despite eating a 1200 calorie low carb diet and logging everything that goes into my mouth at Fitday.com and doing a brisk one hour walk every day, over the last month I've lost 7 pounds, gained back 10 and lost 4...making me 5 pounds heavier than when I started. The temporary feeling of contentment that I had a week ago has vanished. But I'm not giving up. I keep hoping that I can find that place between not enough and too full because I know this is my last chance. I'm 54 years old and have tried it all and I will never get a gastric bypass. In my opinion there are worse things than being fat...and that's one of them. I'm sorry for all the trouble you've had with your band, but don't give up. See if you can find another, experienced, bariatric center where you can get fills and, since your band is so small, get your fills in very small increments and then wait at least a month before the next fill. It sometimes takes me weeks to get a reaction after a fill. .
  2. Kab, The sweet spot will not help you lose weight except in how it controls your intake. So if you're already dieting (controlling your intake) and exercising, you should have lost something over the last 2 months. I would suggest logging everything you eat into something like Fitday.com to make sure there are no hidden calories that are boosting you above the 1200 mark. .
  3. Morning bandster buddies... What a roller coaster ride over the last couple of weeks. Went off for vacation two weeks ago at 223#. Came back a week later and had gained 5 pounds. Then over the next few days gained another 4 pounds, weighing in at 232 on Wednesday. Not a happy camper since I had been more careful and logging what I was eating and doing a brisk walk for an hour each day. This morning, the scale tells me I'm down 4 pounds so I'm once again at 228#...the point I was at before I started carefully watching my food intake and exercise. Bah Humbug. I have an appointment with the bariatric clinic on Tuesday and I'm taking in my food journal and exercise log. I'm back to wondering whether the band was the right tool for me since I never feel hungry. I just need something that will stop me from taking that next bite. The band did that for me when I was overfilled but I was also getting stuck on a regular basis to the point where I would get hungry because I couldn't eat enough nutritional food. Perhaps there's a middle ground that I missed before so I'm not giving up yet. Have a good one y'all...I'm headed out for my morning walk. Melody
  4. Oh and I'd do a search online for your doctor. Many times you can find sites that have them listed and the ability to leave comments. That's how I chose mine. I read all the comments for various doctors and he had the highest number of 'excellent' comments regarding surgery and after care. .
  5. Fills should be done based on what *you* are feeling, not what the fluoro shows or whether the PA *thinks* you have enough fill. I'd call and tell them you want to make an appointment with the doctor. If they refuse, I'd send a certified letter to the doctor that only he can sign for because he may not have a clue what his gatekeepers are doing. If that is ignored, I'd find another doctor. .
  6. Just in the mornings or all the time? What type of solids...all or just certain ones? Take tiny bites, chew thoroughly. If you're still getting stuck at 2 weeks post fill, you might have them take out a tiny bit. .
  7. ElfiePoo

    Ciao for now!

    Maestrita, Don't leave. If all the polite people leave, the nasties will take over. I've never figured out people who believe in the tough love approach but I generally ignore posts from this type of person. Please stay. .
  8. ElfiePoo


    It's a slider food. It breaks down very quickly...even if you don't chew well. .
  9. ElfiePoo


    I think sometimes people just get tired of dealing with the day to day issues of the band. Weight loss comes secondary to wanting to not have to deal with sliming, pbing, etc. At this point I would just drop it. I know if I had a 'friend' who was always going on at me about my weight or my band, I'd probably drop them. Your friends need to find their own inner motivation, as everyone of us knows from well meaning parents. .
  10. Denise: Praying that your c. diff doesn't come back! What a PITA! HB: Isn't it nice when other people notice our weight loss? It's such a bummer to stay on a diet for 2-3 months, lose 20 pounds or so and nobody sees anything different even though we can! .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Eating before bed or laying down...

    I give a minimum of 3 hours. Not just because of the acid reflux, but I read somewhere that one of the problems people have in getting to sleep is that they ate a very short time before going to bed and their body's metabolism is revving up to deal with that food. Once I quit eating in the evening, I had no trouble falling asleep. Staying asleep, however, is another issue. .
  12. Well I did not get up and walk this morning. I overdid it yesterday and my ankles and sciatic were killing me. By the time my husband came home at 6 p.m. I was feeling suitably guilty at not walking so hauled him off for an evening walk in the rain. We did 3 miles (18 minute miles) and by the time we got home, it was dark but walking on a dark fall rainy night is heaven in my book. Oh and I admit to being a grocery cart voyeur. I'm always looking in people's carts. .
  13. HB...really...I'm laughing *with* you. :smile: .
  14. I drink right up until I take that first bite, then no more until about 30 minutes after a meal. I do this only because I get end up sliming if I try to drink while I'm eating. I also wasn't told, nor need, to take small sips. Although occasionally I'll take a big gulp and my throat will just lock up and all i can do is stand over the sink and let it run back out. .
  15. My doctor had me back on regular foods by 14 days postop so I could eat anything. .
  16. ElfiePoo

    100 calorie cupcake

    This is one of the reasons I hate this show. If they choose to go for that advantage (the 1 lb chocolate chip), they have to eat cupcakes until they find it? I'd be more impressed with the show if they had them participate in physical activities to gain access to that advantage. Some might say, "well they can refuse to participate". Sure they can but if they're one of the slow losers or someone who is at greater risk for leaving, they may feel boxed into a corner. As for the 100 calorie cupcake recipe...they can keep it. You show me a fat person with an eating problem and I'll show you someone who will make a batch of these...and eat the whole batch. .
  17. ElfiePoo

    Help-I'm Really Hungry

    I'd clarify with him whether he meant 'no carbs' or 'no high carbs'. Since he/you specified 'no veggies grown under ground', you may still be able (and should) eat low carb vegies like salads, broccoli, etc. Even Atkins, a proponent of a low carb diet stressed the addition of low carb vegies to his diet. You need the Vitamins and minerals found only in these foods. .
  18. ElfiePoo

    Help-I'm Really Hungry

    Until you get some type of restriction, you will still be hungry because the band isn't doing its job yet. My doc's advice was, "If you're hungry, eat...but make good choices." .
  19. ElfiePoo

    Help-I'm Really Hungry

    You do know that baby food fruit probably had more carbs in it than some fresh cooked vegies (i.e. broccoli)? :smile: .
  20. Ashleigh, Why would you think you fell off the wagon? If your salad was only about 300 calories, you're fine. Falling off the wagon would be ordering a double with cheese, fries and coke. :smile2: .
  21. I try to keep my calories at least around 1200 and if I'm having a day where my choices drop me below that (e.g. fish is a lot lower calories than red meat), I'll drink a low carb/low cal Protein shake or two. I use EAS chocolate powder mixed with almond milk so it's around 5 carbs and 160 calories. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    Question about Restriction

    Excellent post, Elcee! That's exactly how I ended up being overfilled and what I ate when I was. I ended up having them take me back down to 6cc (was at 8.5) and just stayed there for 7 weeks letting my stomach and band rest before going back in and getting 1cc in. To the OP...I can still eat as much as I *want* and anything I *want*. The difference is that I measure out my portions (3-4 oz Protein, 1 cup low carb vegies, 1/4 cup starch - rice, potatoes, noodles, bread, etc.) and put my fork down when it's gone...and I'm content and stay that way, usually to my next meal 5 hours later. Some days I find I need something mid-meal and I'll drink a low carb/low cal Protein shake. That boost of protein gives me back that satisfied feeling and still fits within my daily calories/carbs. In the past, there would have been no satisfied feeling so the band must be helping with that. . .
  23. Salad stuff (radishes, mushrooms, lettuce) Broccoli, brussel sprouts, green beans, cabbage Eggs, fish, chicken, ground beef, steak rice, baby yukon gold potatoes almond milk
  24. Thanks, Bob. With me, it's always been carbs but I've been keeping them low at 40-65 and I've lost on that in the past, just more slowly than I would've if I'd dropped them below 30. Plus, I'm eating the way I was back in the early part of the year when I was steadily losing. The only thing different now is that I'm walking every day...and that just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not giving up but it is frustrating. :smile2: Oh...and Bob? Please...give warning before you post the g-string pic. There isn't a man alive that looks good in a g-string. .

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