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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    Worth the read

    This is pretty much what the nurse at my bariatric clinic told me last Tuesday when I had my last fill...and something I've learned over the last 6 months when I went right past my sweet spot without even realizing it. The band, when it's at the right restriction, should allow you to eat most foods if you take small bites and chew well and eat slowly (putting fork down between bites). It will give us that initial sense of fullness because when we take that 'one bite too many' we go from fine to uncomfortable. What it also does, is to send a signal to the brain that we're 'full' and gives us that satisfied feeling that eliminates the desire to eat. This article put it so much more clearly for me and I realize now that at one point I was at my sweet spot...but at the time was looking for the wrong thing. If someone is constantly sliming or urping up their food, then they may be taking bites that are too big, not chewing enough, are eating past the point of 'full' or are overfilled. Don't give up Cleo. We've both struggled with understanding this band and trying to get it to do its job. I think a big part of that is understanding what it is actually doing and then paying attention to our bodies so we recognize when it actually is working. :wink2: .
  2. They're looking for information. Good for them for wanting to be well informed. :wink2: .
  3. ElfiePoo

    Not drinking while eating??

    I wouldn't worry about it while you're on liquids. Afterwards, I'd get into the habit because at some point, when you get close to your sweet spot, it will drinking while eating will most likely cause you to get stuck. My doc says I can drink right up to that first bite...then no more until 30 minutes after eating. That's only to prevent getting stuck. He doesn't go with the whole 'you'll wash your food through more quickly' because he said it doesn't stay in the pouch that long anyway because as soon as you start drinking again, it will wash right through. It has more to do with making your body kick out the hormone that says 'enough'. I don't even begin to understand all of it. .
  4. Be patient...you'll get there. I'm almost 1 year postop and still haven't found the right spot. At some point I passed it (looking for the wrong thing?) and had an unfill and started working my way up again. I guess I've been fat for almost 40 years...a few months won't make that much difference, eh? .
  5. To be honest, I see nothing wrong with the way you're eating. The diabetic community has been saying for a long time that it's better for us to eat 6 mini meals, rather than 3 main meals. The only thing I'd do differently is to avoid eating carbs (e.g. potatoes) as one of your mini meals. Eat Protein. It will help keep you satisfied longer whereas the carbs, particularly those in potatoes and flour products, will start you craving more carbs. At the main meals, make sure you're getting your protein and vegies in. Here's a typical day for me... Breakfast: Low cal/low carb protein shake made with unsweetened almond milk. mid-morning: Protein shake or hard boiled egg or 2 oz of cheese (sometimes with a multigrain cracker or two) Lunch: 3-4 oz of protein, 3/4-1 cup low carb vegies (e.g. broccoli or a small salad) and 1/4 c. starch (Pasta, potatoes, rice, beans) mid-afternoon: same as mid-morning Dinner: Same as lunch mid-evening: same as mid-morning. At my main meals, I eat my protein and vegies first and, if I'm still 'not content', I'll eat my starch. Since my last fill two days ago, I'm not even eating this much...most likely due to temporary swelling. .
  6. ok...first, at 4 weeks postop it's highly likely that you have not yet reached restriction and at 3 days post fill, you're getting stuck on some things because of temporary swelling...and getting stuck will continue to irritate the band area and prolong the swelling. Change what you're eating...eat softer foods. You said you can eat what you did before but then said it took you 2 hours to eat a massive bowl of Pasta. First, why are you serving up 'massive' bowls of anything? That's just an invitation to eat. Second, if it took you 2 hours to eat it, then you really can't eat what you did before because I'll bet in the past you didn't take 2 hours to eat that same sized bowl, yes? You shouldn't be taking more than 20-30 minutes to eat your meal. If you are, then you're grazing. Some ground rules for making the band work... Portion out your meal according to what you know you *should* be eating. Don't go back for seconds. Take small bites, chew well and put your fork down between bites. You should be able to finish your meal in 20-30 minutes. Don't drink once you take your first bite and not for 30 minutes afterward. Pay attention to your body. When you reach a good restriction, you'll just know you've had enough and when you take that bite too many, you'll know it because it feels like it's kind of stuck in your throat (but isn't). I eat every 2.5 hours. Protein shake for Breakfast, then two main meals. In between my meals and once in the evening I'll have a healthy 'snack'...a Protein Shake, 2 oz of cheese, hard boiled egg or something similar just to keep my blood sugar stable. .
  7. Mine just says be kind to the band. Eat however we're able to. On most fills I had no problem eating normally. With this last one at 8cc I'm pretty tight (more than usual) in the morning, so I'm sticking to soft foods. Not a problem at all since I don't feel like eating anyway. .
  8. Mine just says be kind to the band. Eat however we're able to. On most fills I had no problem eating normally. With this last one at 8cc I'm pretty tight (more than usual) in the morning, so I'm sticking to soft foods. Not a problem at all since I don't feel like eating anyway. .
  9. ElfiePoo

    Help with Exercise~

    After the one goes off to school, stick the other in a stroller and go for a walk. Richard Simmons or Zumba DVD's at home if you're looking for something more strenuous. Sit ups, leg lefts (front, side and back lifts), pushups on the wall, step ups on the bottom step of a staircase. If you want to spend more money (but less than a gym membership), a rebounder is fun and great exercise. .
  10. I would tell your aunt to update her knowledge. As with any type of surgery, there are risks but they are lower than those having gastric bypass. Results aren't in yet, but my doc believes that time will show the band has less risk than sleeve because it's not as invasive. We are at high risk for early death and a number of medical complications already just because we're fat. The older we get, the fatter we're likely to get, making our risk for early death even greater. Some of the medications we take to deal with diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. also put us at risk. I know a woman who's taken glucophage for 15 years and is now in need of a liver transplant because the glucophage destroyed her liver. It is nice to have a supportive family, but please don't let them make your medical decisions for you because they don't have to live (or not) with the consequences. .
  11. Finally! Stepped on the scale this morning and it said 225.5...solid! It was driving me crazing that 2-1/2 weeks of increased activity has not driven this blasted scale down. After my fill yesterday morning, I found I was a bit tight by dinner but I could still eat solid foods (shrimp scampi) if I took small bites, chewed thoroughly and waited between bites...although I found I needed to stop after eating about 1/2 cup of food. No problems with even a desire to eat yesterday. Pretty much how I should be eating. I have no clue how tight my band is today but I'm going to do the kind thing and have a protein shake for breakfast now that I've had my mug of hot decaf tea. We'll see what lunch brings although I'm going to stick to softer foods just in case. Nice because I have a butternut squash sitting on my counter, begging "eat me" so I think I'll stick it in the oven and roast it. So, off to have my protein shake and by then it should be light enough to go for my walk. I've managed to do a 3 mile, one hour walk, every day for the last 11 days and now, with the weight loss, am motivated to continue. It averages out to 1 mile in 18 minutes and my goal is 1 mile in 15 minutes. Have a good one y'all! Melody .
  12. Leigha: Ooooo...a 'published' author...congratulations! Meant to say earlier that I liked your nature pictures but you really don't have to do the Marlin Perkins "Wild Kingdom" type of nature walk. Christie: Congrats on the 5K! Must've been fun doing it in a ball gown and tiara. No heels though, eh? :cursing: Shad: You're looking fantastic! How are the rest of you doing? Melody .
  13. OMG...ROFLMAO!!! "Budgie smugglers"??? BAHAHAHAHA! Melody
  14. With the lovely chilly fall weather I've been in a soup kind of mood -- chicken and rice, chili, tortilla soup, etc. To adhere to the guidelines for the band, I'll make sure to ladle about 3/4-1 cup of filling (rice, chicken, vegies) into my bowl and then ladle in the broth. I drink the broth first, then finish by eating the solid stuff. This way I'm not drinking with my meal. :cursing: With chili, I just ladle out 1 cup and eat as is. My family eats exactly as I do and meals are usually pretty much the same - Protein fixed in a variety of ways (baked, broiled, steamed or Foreman grilled), steamed or roasted vegies and potatoes, rice, Beans or Pasta. I only fix dessert when we have company. .
  15. ElfiePoo

    Low carb???

    I think the reason they stress low carb (usually means less than 60-65gm a day) is because eating too many can set us up for craving more...a vicious circle. I've always been particularly sensitive to carbs, both from a craving standpoint and blood sugar levels so I try to eat low carb just because I feel better. .
  16. ElfiePoo

    4 oz only?

    If the literature says '4 oz', it should mean by weight. If they're talking volume, it should read '4 fl oz'. The realize band literature says '4 oz'. My doctor says 3-4 oz of Protein, 1/2 cup vegies and 1/4 cup starch...obviously more than 4 oz and 4 fl oz (which is 1/2 cup). I just use common sense. I don't want my band so tight that I can only eat 1/2 cup of food at a meal or keep me from eating things like broccoli or salad (which it will do if I get that tight). .
  17. ElfiePoo

    My nsv!!!

    Congratulations on onederland...and working out even though you didn't feel like it! .
  18. Hang in there...as someone already said, you may be reaching the point where even the tiniest amount will give you instant restriction. Prior to becoming overfilled and having some Fluid taken out (now working back up to restriction), I went from no restriction to being not able to eat anything but sliders with just .5cc. .
  19. ElfiePoo


    We just came back from Disney and I rode all the coasters with absolutely no problem! That was a great NSV moment for me because I didn't 'just barely fit'...I fit comfortably! First time in 17 years that I've been able to ride the coasters! Woot! I was a bit worried about those that had restraints that went over the shoulders, fearing the bottom part would push against my port, but they were all fine. Enjoy! .
  20. Only as long as he promises to *not* put on a Speedo or G-string...yes? Melody .
  21. ElfiePoo

    Lapband or Vertical Sleeve

    Coco, My doc gave us a print out of lots of stuff during my seminar and it said that while intial weight loss with the sleeve was greater than the band, at 3 years postop, weight loss was about the same in the two groups. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    Unusual Day

    Jillian, Don't be too hard on yourself. My doc told me nothing more strenuous than walking 2-3 weeks and absolutely nothing that would bend/stretch the abdomen too much since everything was still healing in there. I had no pain after surgery, but I did get tired out more easily during the first two weeks. I just thought I was overdoing it too soon in trying to return to my normal activity level...no exercise but I'm usually on the move all day. You might try backing off on the exercising and just focus on movement, like walking. Maybe add even more protein into your diet. During my first month, I was probably taking in 160gm of protein each day (through protein shakes). .
  23. In my first bottle of Water for the day (since I tend to drink that one more quickly than the rest), I put a packet of benefiber. It's clear and dissolves completely so I don't even know it's there. I started doing that when I reached the point of too full where I couldn't eat my vegies at all. .
  24. I would demand a fill. If he doesn't, you have two options...either find a new doctor or threaten to report this jackass for fraudulently installing a band and refusing to do the followup that actually makes it work. It's a bit like selling you a car with no tires. I would ask the 2nd doctor 'why' he's not giving you a fill. According to the band literature, fills should be given if you're hungry and able to eat to excess. If you're losing weight without the band, bonus...but as we all know, that won't continue to happen long term for most of us. As for seeing the surgeon...I had/have very little contact with mine. He saw me at the seminar, on the day of surgery and at the 2 week post visit to check my port and incisions. All the rest of my visits have been with his nurses, who do the actual fills. Addendum: Just read the 2nd post where someone compared this to selling you a car with flat tires. ROFLMAO...GMTA. .
  25. I get to be Batty Dwarf...as in 'batwings', although my son would say I'm also quite batty as in 'bats in the belfry'. .

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