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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. Thanks Betsy. I have actually begun something new and I'll put it in the bandsters thread rather than derail this one. Right now it's going to be trial and error to find what will work with the body I have now (insulin resistant *and* middle aged). ;-p Melody
  2. It's been a *long* year for me. I went back and looked at my notes and realized I lost 33 pounds on my own before surgery and a year after surgery, I'm now up 2 pounds from that...despite eating a fraction of what I used to eat and eating better than I used to. So a month ago I got super serious and started logging everything I ate through FitDay.com...1200 calories, low carb, walked 2.5 miles the first week and by the 4th week worked my way up to 3.5 miles...brisk walk. As of today I weigh a couple pounds higher than I did at the beginning of the month. My regular doctor says that due to my age and insulin resistance, it will 'take time'. A month of eating right and exercise and I gain weight? How much 'time' do I need? My bariatric people asked me if I want to do a bypass...which makes me think they don't believe me when I show them my food log and tell them I'm walking 3.5 miles a day. Hell, if someone told me they were eating 1200 calories, low carb, a day and walking 3.5 miles and actually gained weight, I'd probably figure they were lying too. So...and sorry for the rant...no it's not going well. On the good side, I do have restriction and may actually have been at my sweet spot for the last month since I can eat about 3-4 oz of Protein and 3/4-1 cup of vegies and I'm content to my next meal. I may have to find a new doctor in the next month since I actually had to push her to do some hormone tests and thyroid test (beyond the traditional T4) to see if there's a problem there that may be causing the lack of weight loss. Her reaction gave me the impression that she also thinks I'm 'lying' about my eating and exercise. As I said...very frustrating. .
  3. ok...not the same as Medical Weight Loss. 500 calories and just Protein? That's not much food at all as protein is high in calories. .
  4. Is it the same as "Medical Weight Loss"? I went on it a few years back. Seems to be controlled calorie (worked out to be between 1100-1200), low carb and low fat...but not "OMG I'm dying here" *low*. It was ok. .
  5. Call your doctor. If there's still Fluid in your band, you should have some taken out. You shouldn't have any difficulty drinking liquids. .
  6. My doctor had no rules other than to be mindful of the fact that it does contain lots of hidden carbs (depending on your choice of drink), many times will give you the munchies the next day, etc. I have to be honest that I didn't pay much attention to what he said (cuz I don't drink) so these are just the high points that I remember. .
  7. ElfiePoo

    stomach apron

    To the OP...if you have diabetes, many insurance companies will pay since you're prone to skin infections and slow healing. Many will also pay if you have documented (through your physician) cases of infection underneath the apron. .
  8. ElfiePoo

    stomach apron

    OK, now I don't feel so weird. I feel the same way. I've only had a couple surgeries in my life and only 2 in the last 40 years (c-section and band)...both of which were comparatively minor compared to the type of cosmetic surgery we're looking at after losing massive amounts of weight. I recovered very quickly from both with little to no pain (without pain meds) but I don't like the way I feel after coming out of anesthesia or the recuperation time. I know all of those things will be worse with the cosmetic surgery. Since I will never wear a bikini in public and I generally wear 3/4 length sleeves and capri length pants, I'm thinking a body shaper might do me well. .
  9. That band does not just magically impart weight loss genes into your body after surgery. It's just a piece of plastic until you start getting fills. Of course you can still eat anything you want. The only reason you felt tight originally was due to swelling. I don't know what size band you have but if it's a realize band, you most likely won't get any real restriction until you're up around 8cc (in a 14cc band). Getting stuck does not equal restriction. It just means you aren't taking small enough bites or chewing well...or possibly it's just one of those foods that have difficulty due to texture (bread, melted cheese, etc.). .
  10. Believe it or not, I corrected both my good and bad cholesterols by doing Atkins. Took 2 months of eating nothing but Protein and under 20 carbs a day (ate a large salad made only with spinach leaves and oil and vinegar 2 x a day with my protein). At first my doctor was horrified but I'd read enough about Atkins and heard enough from others who had the same results that I thought I'd give it a try. Figured it couldn't be any worse than taking statins. On the plus side, I was also able to get my blood sugar levels to a normal range without medication. .
  11. Stacie, Post anyway, sweetie! I mean, really, isn't this forum a support group? How can we give encouragement if we don't know you're in need of it!? You're getting heartburn even with an unfilled band? What does your doc say about that? Have they done an upper GI (forgive me if you've already posted something on this awhile back) to find out what the problem is? I feel your pain...really I do. {{Stacie}} Melody .
  12. ElfiePoo

    2nd opinion

    The bariatric doc is at a loss. They want me to go to the nutritionist. I see no point since I showed them a printout of my food log and they agree I'm doing very well on making good choices and on controlling the quantity. A week ago someone from the clinic called and asked if I'd lost any weight since my visit. When I said 'no', she asked if I wanted to consider a bypass. I get the feeling that they think my food log was made up and I'm not exercising. *I* would think the same thing if someone had told me they were eating 1200 calories, walking and not losing weight in a month. My regular doc who specializes in diabetes says 'it just takes time' although I have another appointment on Nov 22nd and she's going to do a thyroid test and a couple hormone tests. I thought eliminating carbs right down below 30 would help since that's how I lost 70 lbs a few years back, but even that doesn't seem to be helping. Very frustrating. I got on the scale this morning and I'm now another pound heavier. To be honest, I just want to cry. I've never worked so hard at losing weight as I have this last month and *nothing*. Fortunately, I long ago cleaned out my pantry so I don't even have the ingredients to make a batch of Cookies to drown my sorrows in and by the time I go to the store to get the stuff, I'll have come to my senses. Ok <shaking myself off>...think I'll go online and see if I can find a Zumba class to work off my frustration. They're like fleas around here so that shouldn't be a problem. .
  13. I'm here. Just too depressed over this lack of weight loss to post anything. Once again my scales are up. I don't get it and to be honest I'm getting to the point where I don't give a damn anymore. How can I not only *not* be losing, but have actually gained weight when I'm eating 1200 calories a day and walking 3 miles (in an hour) per day??? I use fitday.com to log *everything* (right down to breath mints) so I know there aren't any hidden calories. The band is working in that I eat my portion and I'm content to my next meal so that's not an issue. I just don't understand the lack of weight loss. .
  14. ElfiePoo

    2nd opinion

    I don't get it. Why would you give up before you've even gotten to the point where the band is doing anything? .
  15. ElfiePoo

    2nd opinion

    Interesting...because for the last month I have been eating 1200 calories a day and walking 3 miles at a brisk pace (unable to talk while walking) every day. As of this morning, I am once again 3 pounds *heavier* than when I started a month ago. Don't be so quick to accuse someone of 'cheating'. .
  16. Your doctor should have no problem just starting you with fills again since their relationship with you really is a lifelong one...even though at some point you may only see them every year. My surgeon told me that typically they see their patients pretty frequently (every 2-4 weeks) the first year and the 2nd year only a couple times to tweak the band as they lose weight. Once the person is at goal, they generally only see them every 1-2 years, although they'd like the patient to come in at least every 2 years just to update and make sure everything is going well. .
  17. ElfiePoo

    Re-Banding Question. . .

    I see a lot of posts from people *worrying* about erosion and slippage, but have seen only seen the rare post where someone actually had a problem. .
  18. ElfiePoo

    Can your port move?

    Mine moved...but only in that it tilted slightly. If yours is actually moving 1-2", you might have it checked out. I wouldn't think that's a good thing. .
  19. After I lost 20 pounds I noticed my shoes didn't fit well anymore. Really bummed because just before surgery I bought 2 brand new pairs of tennies (to make sure they didn't discontinue that model as they usually do and then I can't find a comfortable pair)...and now they don't fit and I haven't even worn one!
  20. ElfiePoo

    potatoe Chips

    I *love* chips but they don't love me. Not sure how we got this mindset in our society that eating junk food is normal and to not eat it is depriving ourselves but I've decided that I deserve better. Now when I feel in the need for a snack, I'm reaching for a healthy alternative. .
  21. Eating 6 mini-meals vs 3 large meals does work with the band and it is not grazing. There are many of us here who eat this way. Also, the 'experts' are finally coming around to what the diabetics have known for a long time. Six small meals is better for you than 3 large meals because (a) you're eating something every 2.5 hours so you're less likely to be hungry and (:thumbup: it helps to stabilize the blood sugar which will lessen the cravings. Spoiltmom, have you ever done Atkins? The bonus with Atkins is that you can eat even if you think you're hungry. Stick to it for 2 weeks and you'll find that you don't even want to eat. I've been struggling to eat a normal diet where my carbs are somewhere around 80gm a day and just not losing weight. I finally gave up and dropped my carbs down to about 20 this past week and I've been losing a pound a day. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    Confused and discouraged

    Fred, Bottom line is that the band is just a tool. Whether a grazer or just a problem with portion control, we all still have to practice will power. One of the things that might help you with your grazing is to go low carb (under 30gm a day) and make those carbs vegies only. I find my desire to eat lessens the longer I keep my carbs low. I do Atkins and after a week or so on low carb, I find I actually have to force myself to eat. Good luck to you. :thumbup: .
  23. I had surgery in the morning and came home that afternoon. We stopped at the store and I walked around slowly. Then we went to my mother-in-law's. Then I slept for a couple hours. The next day I was back at work for half a day. I never took pain meds even in the recovery room when they asked if I wanted them and never took them at home. I did take a few aspirin (liquid tylenol) a few times, but that was it. Nothing more than soreness or discomfort (when I tried to use my stomach muscles for sitting up). I really think the fact that I was moving pretty normally made all the difference. .
  24. ElfiePoo

    Bypass vs Banding

    I think it would be hard to make any qualifying statements about when people lose as there are too many variables - how much and how often you get your fills, how compliant you are with your diet and band guidelines, age, activity level, etc. I'm surprised that the bypass people have not lost more than you and have hit a plateau. I belong to a list that is mainly bypass people and their weight loss during the first year was staggering. Then again, most were over 400 pounds so the initial weight loss would be huge. Perhaps your acquaintances don't have as much to lose...or perhaps they're eating high calorie foods/wrong foods, etc.? .

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