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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. Sounds like you need a fill despite the stuck episodes. Our bands can be tight one day and not the next. We can eat something one day and it will get stuck the next and fine the day after that. Just something we have to deal with. Also, change your expectation of 'full'. Eat your allotted amount of food...then wait. I know few people who can go 4-5 hours without feeling hungry. A more reasonable expectation is to go 2.5 hrs, eat a small 'snack' of Protein (hard boiled egg, Protein Drink, or 1-2 oz of protein), wait another 2.5 hrs and then have your meal. If you can do that, then you're good. If you can't, you might need a fill. .
  2. ElfiePoo

    Fatique/sugar drops

    Do you know what your calories are averaging? I ask because I went on straight liquid Protein for 10 days a year or so ago and discovered that I felt horrible (fatigue and shaky) below 1000 calories, but when I bumped my Protein drinks to get me over that, I felt much better. .
  3. ElfiePoo

    Excess skin??

    1. How much loose skin do you have with the lap-band. In my mind I thought that since the band is a longer process that there wouldn't be as much skin, is this true? How much loose skin you have depends on so many factors. How long you've been overweight, how much you have to lose, how fast you lose, age and, more importantly, genetics. Exercise will help tone the muscle under the skin but it won't do anything about the skin. 2. I weigh 267 right now and I was wondering what you think would be a reasonableweight, I'm 5'7 and have a large frame on top of that. I was given a formula (and I don't remember where) that gave a 'rough' way to figure out what you should weigh. Basically take your height in inches and convert to centimeters. Subtract 100 and that would be your ideal weight in kg plus or minus 6kg. Plus for large boned and minus for small boned. That would put you at 127 lb. Keep in mind that's a 'rough' estimate. Factors such as age and muscular structure will affect this by quite a bit. 3. Please tell me of the success you have had, it would really encourage me:thumbup:. I've struggled this last year to get this band to work with me and have had my ups and down. I never gave up and now, after a year, I think we've finally come to terms because the scale is once more going down. *Patience* is key. 4. What's the worst thing you have expierenced as a result of being banded--I just want to be prepare!:thumbup: The constant pain in my left shoulder - phrenic nerve pain. Be aware that it is not uncommon and for some it will go away. For some it doesn't...even after years. In the last couple of weeks mine has gotten quite a bit worse. Only happens when I'm lying down or not able to sit straight up in a chair (car seats put me at the wrong angle). .
  4. ElfiePoo

    Left shoulder pain

    Itchy...yeah...mine was sort of an itchy but almost painfully so. Now it just plain hurts like a deep ache. .
  5. Bless me father for I have sinned. I've had a spaghetti squash sitting on the counter for the last few days and last night it's cries to "eat me" were finally heard. I decided to put it out of its (and my) misery. Man...10 carbs for a cup of squash. I know, some of you would be saying that's not bad, but that was my entire daily total right now so it doubled what I should've had yesterday. Oh well...could've been worse. I almost went to the movies and took my big refillable popcorn bucket. :thumbup: So I'm down another 1 1/2 pounds today. Not holding my breath since I know I have massive water weight shifts and could wake up tomorrow 4 lbs heavier but I know my daily carbs have been under 10 and my calories are coming in around 1100-1200 (not that I'm counting them, but it just seems to happen) which means I'm being a very good girl with no 'just a little cheat won't hurt' moments. Blood sugar levels are still running consistently between 110-145...not bad since I was having trouble keeping them below 200. I can only attribute this to the fact that I'm also controlling the protein grams too. Amazing. I have to believe too that the band is helping because in the past I ate much more when I was doing low carb. Now less seems to satisfy me. Now if I could just get rid of this blasted shoulder pain! .
  6. ElfiePoo

    Fatique/sugar drops

    Actually, the two types of diabetes are Type I and Type II. Type I is usually diagnosed in children or young adults and occurs when the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin to control blood sugar levels. Type II is more common and occurs because the pancreas isn't producing enough insulin or the cells are ignoring the insulin (insulin resistance). This is what the vast majority of diabetics have and is mostly caused by the bad habits of our carb/sugar laden, sedentary society. Hypoglycemia is not the opposite or a different type than hyperglycemia. It is the precursor to hyperglycemia. Abuse the body enough by ignoring it and most likely it will progress to hyperglycemia. Just wanted to clarify because I've heard people say, with a sigh of relief, that they have hypoglycemia which is so much better than being a diabetic...as if somehow the two are disconnected...and they aren't. :thumbup: .
  7. ElfiePoo

    Fatique/sugar drops

    As someone who was hypoglycemic from around puberty up until sometime in the last 6 years when it progressed to hyperglycemia, I would take these hypoglycemic incidents as a warning from your body. Many people go long hours between meals without hypoglycemic incidents. Sure they're hungry, but they don't get the blood sugar swing. If you do, then pay attention because it means your body is warning you of a potential problem. 40 years ago the doctors and nutritionists were still convinced that a diet high in carbs was the answer to all ills. I learned through trial and error to just ignore them. It's how I discovered Atkins (and that it works) back in the early 70's. Some other things I discovered through trial and error...and that now the diabetic experts have finally come around to... Eat every 3 hours. It helps stabilize the glucose (BG) levels. Mid-morning, mid-afternoon and in the evening, I'll have some type of Protein - a hardboiled egg, 1-2 oz of cheese, 1-2 ounces of chicken/ham, low carb/low cal Protein Drink made with almond milk...something with protein and minimal carbs (minimal as those found in eggs...not flour products). Spread your carbs out through the day. Carb loading at one meal will cause the hypoglycemic incidents. Keep your carbs low. That level varies by individual. When I'm not trying to lose weight, I still can only consume about 45gm of carbs a day. Over that and I start having blood sugar issues. Some people can eat more. You'll just have to log what you eat and pay attention to what gives you problems. Avoid caffeine. It seriously messes with the BG levels. Don't skip meals. Not only does it mess with BG levels but you'll have more of a tendency to grab something on the fly that will mess with you even more. When you are having one of those shaky, dizzy, cold sweat hypoglycemic incidents *do not* reach for candy. It will make you feel better quickly, but it will drop you even further as it works through your system. Cheese seems to work the fastest at relieving my symptoms. I found out only decades later from an endocrinologist that it's because the Proteins in the cheese break down more easily than those found in meats, poultry, etc. Be nice to your endocrine system. I wasn't despite knowing all these things were a solution to my problem so now I get to deal with hyperglycemia. .
  8. ElfiePoo

    Left shoulder pain

    Hi Cindy, No, it's definitely related to the band...and it's not uncommon. There are people who have been dealing with this for years. It has to do with some part of the band rubbing against the diaphragm...phrenic nerve pain. I didn't have a problem putting up with it when it was just an irritation, but now it's full fledged pain that interferes with my sleep and is causing frequent headaches as a result of tensing from the pain or sleeping in an odd position to alleviate the pain. .
  9. I am now a little over a year postop and I've had almost constant shoulder pain since the day of surgery. It only happens when I'm lying down or riding in the passenger seat of the car (maybe because of the way the car seat back is molded) or if I try to take my arm and move it behind my back. Everyone says it will go away. It hasn't. When I first mentioned it to the clinic, they looked at me like they had never heard of this happening and yet, from this thread, it is a common occurrence. I'm going to call my clinic tomorrow and tell them I need to see the surgeon because they either need to take the band out or fix whatever is causing this pain to continue and worsen. I've actually woken up in the night crying from the pain...and this is from someone who never took pain meds after the surgery. .
  10. ElfiePoo

    These banners are killing me...

    Nope...only see ads for Protein drinks and band ads. .
  11. I've been thinking about you because I know you struggled with this band as I have. Just wondering where you're at now and if you've found a way to make it work? .
  12. Woohoo!!! Congratulations, Christie!!! Are you going to Celebrate by buying another pair of boots? .
  13. ElfiePoo

    Turned away for cheating

    I'll second that. I had my surgery through Barix Clinic and my surgeon does *only* band surgery and does not require a presurgery diet. When I asked him about 'fatty liver', he said all obese patients have fatty livers. There will always be the risk of the liver cracking when they do the banding...whether you do or don't diet. He's had patients weighing 500 pounds with very fatty livers who had no problems...and patients weighing closer to 200 pounds with less fatty livers who ended up with a cracked liver. Sounds like a toss of the dice to me. The bottom line is that you do what your physician tells you or risk the consequences...or find another surgeon. I did seminars with several surgeons before choosing this one. The others had up to 6 months of special diets, classes, etc. (not required by insurance) and for which they charged extra (that insurance would not pay for). .
  14. I can't take even the smallest pill (from experience) without getting stuck. Fortunately, I don't have regular daily medications other than insulin, which is injectable. When I get a headache, I just crush the Excedrin Migraine tablet (only thing that helps) to a powder and just pop it into my mouth along with a good dose of Water. Not pleasant but over quickly. .
  15. Deb, Another thing to exercise...patience. Stop looking for immediate rewards. They're just a source of frustration. IMHO, less than 600 calories will, in the long term, cause you to lose more slowly and with more stalls. Perhaps bump your calories up a couple hundred and see what happens? If that doesn't work, you may have to bump them up more. I know there are people here eating 800 calories and losing, but I have to eat above 1000 calories. You'll need to work to find out what is best for you. Also, careful with the exercise (not sure what or how much you're doing). My surgeon said nothing but walking for the first month. No lifting weights...no bending or stretching that would pull at the port area...etc. because it needs time to heal. .
  16. I'm down another 2 lbs this morning but I think I'll only change my ticker on Mondays...just to be sure it's not a water weight fluctuation. In any case, it's thrilling to see the scale going down for a change and not just standing still or gaining! I think I'm going to call what I'm doing a modified Atkins instead of the Optimal diet because I just cannot eat all the fats they require (almost twice what I eat on Atkins!) in the ratio for my height and bone structure. Even on Atkins I was always conscious of additional fats outside those found in the protein itself. So, since I know the protein has been driving up my glucose levels, I'm just watching the protein now, same as I watch the carbs...and it seems to be working. Interestingly, my daily calories are coming in at around 1200 even though I'm not counting them. When I read about other people struggling to stay on their WOE while a spouse continues the bad eating habits (junk food, carb loaded, etc.), I thank God that I have a husband willing to eat the way I do. When we got married, I weighed 210 lb and my husband weighed 160...perfect for his height and build. Over the last 20 years, he's ballooned up to 203 with almost all of it in his belly. Now that we've been eating healthier, he's become involved in a fitness program for employees at work and logging everything he eats...and dropped 10 lbs in the last month! Just makes me even more determined to continue working at losing this extra weight! .
  17. Stacie: I think you have the perfect attitude about making sure you're doing all *you* can and here's hoping they find out what the problem is and *fix* it. Christie: I'm doing the happy dance with you! So exciting to be so close to Onderland! .
  18. Unfortunately, yes...and all that means is...it's winter and the mice are moving into their winter housing from the fields. I have 2 cats and still have mice. I usually tuck D-con in places where the cats can't reach but if I start seeing droppings on the kitchen counters then I know it's getting really bad so I lay out the traps. A couple years ago, I put a trap under the kitchen counter, turned away and *snap*. Got one. Tossed the dead mouse, set the trap, put it under the counter...this time I actually reached the light switch...*snap*. I'm not kidding...I caught *ELEVEN* mice in the space of 10 minutes! I was freaking! The mice have either gotten smarter or that was just a freak occurrence because I've never had that again. .
  19. Just looked this up on YouTube. Looks like fun with less complicated dance steps than Zumba. .
  20. ElfiePoo

    Hey Cleo...

    A 4 cc band...wow. From others, it seems like the 4cc is pickier when it comes to fine tuning it. There can be as little as a .1cc difference between sweet spot and overfill and finding it is tricky. I am so sorry you've had to go through all of this and haven't found that happy place with your band. I hope this new doctor can find some way to help you. :thumbup: .
  21. Thanks for the clarification. My mind was heading off in the wrong direction. What are bollywood classes? I can't help but think of the Indian bollywood films. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    Medical ID Bracelets

    Interesting. Wonder why a need for antibiotics just because you have a band and I'm on regular anti-inflammatory medication so don't understand that one either. The fluid, at least for me, is no biggie. I can still chug a liter of Water. Wonder if this is another one of those things that vary according to band mfg. .
  23. My .02...I'd wait. I have the opposite problem. I feel nothing for two weeks after a fill and then all of a sudden "WHAMMO". So now I wait 3-4 weeks for a fill just to make sure I don't end up overfull again. .
  24. I just have to say that every time folks refer to their nutritionist as a 'nut', it gives me a giggle. Melody .
  25. Bahahaha...thank you for putting this in the proper perspective for me. Oh Leigha, I am so sorry you even have to deal with this. Just remember that you are a strong woman and can handle this no matter what the decision is. {{Leigha}}

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