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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. I'm on another forum where the vast majority are bypass patients and it's a bit horrifying to see how many are having major medical issues post-bypass, have regained all their weight and then some *and* are still taking insulin. Neither banding, nor bypass, will 'cure' you of Type 2 diabetes. The only thing that will do that is to change your eating habits. The only thing thing that has ever helped my diabetes and brought my glucose levels into the normal range is to go on a low carb diet. Yes, losing weight will help, as will exercise, but the low carb diet was the one that took me from taking insulin and having difficulty keeping my glucose levels even below 200 consistently to not taking insulin and glucose levels at 90-100. I've been having so much trouble with my band (really not doing the job it was designed for and causing me pain) that my surgeon's office asked if I wanted to consider a bypass. After doing the research prior to getting the band on all WLS options, I told them emphatically *NO*. There are worse things than being fat and after reading the bypass forum, I'd rather stay fat. Some people are quite successful with the bypass. Others have constant medical problems related to the malabsorption. Two people I've known since 3 months before my surgery last year have died...basically of malnutrition and organ failure as a result. You never know which side of the equation you're going to be on until after the fact and at that point, it's too late because you can't get it reversed. .
  2. Weight is the same this morning so apparently yesterday was not just water fluctuation. Pffft. I have an appointment at 4 p.m. today with the surgeon to see what we're going to do with this pain in my arm. I'm getting so little sleep that I'm not safe to drive a car for even 15 minutes, let alone the hour and a half to his office, so my son is driving me. I'm trying not to jump the gun but obviously all the scenarios are running through my head. At this point, the only solution I see is to take the fill completely out, but even then, I've had this pain since the day of surgery and it's gotten worse. Not this severe, but still...if the only way to lessen it is to get it unfilled...and I'm still left with any pain at all...is there any point in keeping it? Then there's the additional question of whether or not the insurance will pay to take it out. Deep breath. Hopefully he can come up with another solution. I mean, I know this is not uncommon and he's probably seen it before so maybe he has another trick up his sleeve. .
  3. Ok...I made it through the evening and didn't blow my diet. So today I'm going to be careful because I do not want another evening of broth. :thumbup: Sadly, and I need to go change my ticker, the 221 lbs did not last but then I really had no expectations it would. <sigh> My official Monday weight is...<no drum roll thank you>...228. :laugh: I am totally flummoxed. I'm walking an hour (now up to 1 mile in 15 minutes so a good pace) every day. I'm pretty active in the warehouse (moving, bending, lifting, etc.) for about 3 hours every day (been doing this for the last 15 years so doubt it's building any muscle at this point). I'm eating about 1000-1050 calories per day with less than 10 carbs and no more than 70gm of protein (which limits the fat as a result) and I'm not adding fats to my food. I even cut out the cream in my coffee! I'm not having bad days that overshadow the good days (at least for the last 2 weeks), but have been *perfect* at staying on plan. Maybe I'm being impatient, but good grief!! My doctor has done a T4 on me and said my thyroid is 'normal' but my sister's was normal and they did another test for some other markers in her blood and discovered she has Hashimoto's...one of the more common, and undiagnosed, types of hypothyroidism. So I'm going to make her do this one and guess we need to check and see if I've hit perimenopause yet. I know that will also affect the weight loss. As of a year ago I wasn't, but I'm at that age. Anyway...off to kick...I mean 'change' my ticker...up...again. Melody
  4. Shads, I am sorry about your mom but you and your sisters need to remember to take care of yourselves as well. Physically lifting and moving your mother, particularly if she can offer little help, on a daily basis will take a toll on all of you. Glad your stomach thing was only temporary. With everything else, that was sort of adding insult to injury, eh? .
  5. Three hours later and my belly is telling me it's dinner time. Not hunger...just sort of an empty feeling. I'm going to shut it up with some broth. Only 5 hours until my usual bedtime. I can do this. Call me weird but sometimes self-denial feels good. Does that make me a masochist? Hmmm...since I'm 'causing' the denial as well, it also makes me a sadist.
  6. I read a lot that people have good results using Gas X strips for the gas. Sorry I can't be of more help. I never took pain meds after I woke up in recovery and was visiting my mother-in-law that afternoon and back to work the next day. 10 days after surgery, if I recall correctly, I had just the usual sore reminder when I used my stomach muscles a little too hard or forgot and tried to sleep on my stomach. .
  7. If your doctor is in a practice with other, more experienced, doctors (who've done banding), I probably wouldn't worry too much. After all...everyone has to start somewhere. If he's on his own, I guess I'd be more comfortable with someone with more experience. Just my .02. I have the Realize band because that's what my surgeon uses. The choice of surgeon was more important to me than which band. .
  8. ElfiePoo

    Realize Band?

    My surgeon used to do Lap band, but now he only does Realize Band. I didn't ask why. The choice of surgeon was more important than which band he was using. .
  9. By the way, Betsy...you are looking fantastic!! .
  10. I've never really thought of rewarding myself with I hit my mini-goals. My last mini-goal was 224 but since I've been rollercoastering, I'm most likely not going to believe I've actually hit that goal until I hit the next one...which is 199. I guess for me, just hitting the goal is reward enough, although I have to say I would *love* to do the permanent eyebrow tattoos since I've always had very light eyebrows (strawberry blonde) but now that I've hit 54, they seem to be disappearing a little more each day. :crying: The only thing stopping me is the fear that they'll screw it up and then I'm stuck with a freak face. .
  11. ElfiePoo


    After every meal? Sounds less like stuck episodes and more like bulimia. If it ain't broke, don't fix it? Seriously, you say you're losing weight steadily. You admit to feeling a 'little' hungry but the question is, are you able to stick to your plan of eating or does the hunger get the best of you? Is it a constant hunger from the time you finish your meal until you eat the next one...or does the hunger start shortly before your next meal? If constant and you're finding it's getting the better of you, get a fill. If not, go back to my first statement. Even normal weight people feel hunger shortly before their meal. If you decide to get a fill, you can always get just a small one. Take it slow for 2 weeks after a fill. If you need to, do liquids for a day or two and then go to mushies. I never had any reaction right after a fill, but 2 weeks later, wham...I'd get the restriction. Take small bites, chew well and *wait* after you take a bite to see how your band deals with it. *Never* take another bite if you feel even the slightest pressure...it will just make it worse. Just wait and let it settle...and it usually will. When it does, take another. Sometimes my first bite will go down hard...not stuck, just pressure. When it eases and I take the second bite, it generally does just fine. You'll be fine...don't be afraid based on the posts here. The scary ones stand out but there are many who never get stuck or PB. .
  12. ElfiePoo

    i feel bulemic?

    I think the reason most docs warn against Protein shakes is because most people are not satisfied by them when used as a Meal Replacement. However, right after a fill...and even up to two weeks after a fill...when you might be swollen, they're a good alternative to constantly getting stuck...which will in turn continue to keep the band area swollen. It's a vicious circle. As someone else said, read the label carefully. Some of those Protein drinks are killers in both calories and carbs. I use the chocolate EAS powder from Sam's Club. It's the only one I've found that tastes good to me. I mix it with unsweetened almond milk to keep the carbs and calories down (30 cal and 1 carb, I think). .
  13. We went to my mother-in-law's this morning to see her off on her visit to another relative and she had a crockpot of Beef bourginon (sp?) smelling up her house along with fresh made rolls to take along. Then we came home and my husband put on a pot of lentil soup, followed not too long after by the aroma of fresh rolls in the oven to take to work for 'Soup Monday'. As a result, I've been struggling with the desire to eat all day. After looking at my fitday journal, I've apparently lost since it's only 2:30 p.m. and I've eaten what I've allotted for my daily protein, fats and carb grams. I guess it's going to be herbal tea and broth this evening. I *will* make it through this day!!!! Melody .
  14. Christie...does that make you a 'cougar' with a boy toy? Not sure at what age a woman becomes a 'cougar' but in any case...you go girl! Melody .
  15. I think you understand it perfectly. There is no magical spot that causes you to drop weight more quickly.The sweet spot merely means that's the point where you are content with your meals after eating your portion and are content for at least 3 hours afterwards. If you're already watching what you're eating and working out, you may have to change things up a bit. If you're not already doing so, I would start logging everything you stick in your mouth in something like Fitday.com. You might be eating more than you think you are. You may have to increase or decrease your calories. You might have to lower your carbs. It may be that you are building muscle so it may look like a stall to you but in fact, you've been losing fat...you just can't tell because you're also building muscle. Just keep working at finding what works for you. .
  16. It's a good thing I'm not letting the scale rule me. I woke up this morning feeling like I'd lost 10 pounds since yesterday...nope, gained 2 lbs. :crying: That's ok. Unlike previous months, I can already see a difference. The pants I bought last winter *after* I'd lost 32 pounds, no longer fit! My belly is once more going down (yeah!)...although that means my boobs are too now that they don't have a little shelf to sit on. Best of all my blood sugar levels are finally coming under control...and without medication! I'm still taking my morning Lantus, but the mealtime insulin is a thing of the past! Yeah baby! I believe winter has finally decided to start heading this way. After a gorgeous week, it started to rain last night and it's still quite overcast and raining now...and quite chilly. Figures...we still had another day or two of cleaning out the pole barn. Oh well, at least it has a roof over it so we won't get wet. Have a good one y'all! Melody .
  17. Aww Shad...hope you're doing better now! Here's what the Mayo Clinic says about dumping. It's not something I've ever had. On the first day of a rapid diet change, like going from a carb loaded diet to no carbs or vice verse, within hours I just get (warning TMI) explosive diarrhea and my body will clean itself out but none of the other side effects they talk about with dumping. .
  18. ElfiePoo


    Mmmm...love the baby gherkins. One of my favorite Snacks - pickle rolled up in a slice of ham and cheese. .
  19. Elcee, She may be talking about mini-meals. Much of the diabetic community has come around to the idea that 6 small meals are better than 3 large because it keeps your blood sugar stable. I eat 6 meals, about every 2.5 years. Breakfast, mid-morning snack (usually an ounce of cheese or hard boiled egg or Protein drink), lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner and evening snack. If I tried to do 3 meals, 5 hours apart, my blood sugar levels would crash. Some of the non-diabetic community is starting to look at that as a better option to just eating 3 meals, as well. .
  20. Depends on what time you go to bed. I try not to eat for at least 4 hours before bed or else I end up with heartburn in the middle of the night, but perhaps that's just me. Why not just cut back a meal...or eat your first meal earlier in the day? There's no hard and fast rule that says how many meals we need to eat. My last meal is about 6 p.m. .
  21. Hey party girl...dare I ask why it looks as if you're putting your boots 'back' on in an elevator? .
  22. Ditto what everyone else says about talking to a marital counselor. He may (without even realizing it himself) be using your weight loss as an excuse for deeper unhappiness. In any case, counseling may help determine whether or not this can be fixed. .
  23. ElfiePoo

    i feel bulemic?

    PK, Welcome to my world. If you can get liquids down and your fill was less than 2 weeks ago, I'd try and stick it out for at least 2 weeks (from your fill date). Go back to the mushies level. Then *slowly* reintroduce solid foods. It may be just that you're swollen, first from the fill and now from the constant PBing and urping. If after two weeks you're still having problems, have them take some of the fill out...maybe 1/2cc. I spent several months overfilled and lost nothing because I resorted to slider foods (pasta, potatoes, etc.). However, the constant struggle to get anything more solid past the band most likely irritated it and made it very difficult to get anything past it. Like you, I felt like a bulemic because it was happening with every meal. I finally went in and had a partial unfill. Best decision I ever made. .
  24. My internal medicine doctor's nurse had the sleeve the same time I had my band. A year later and she's down about 150 pounds. She lost weight so quickly that I originally thought she had the bypass. We talked for a bit last time I was in and exercise came up because I was a bit frustrated that I was walking 3k a day and still getting nowhere with my weight. She said she wasn't exercising at all and didn't plan to until she was either within 50 lbs of her goal (still had 100 pounds to go to goal) or stopped losing weight. So it sounds as if it's typical of just about any weight loss method. Depending on the person and/or how much they have to lose, they might not have to exercise 'at first' in order to lose weight, but at some point they will. .
  25. ElfiePoo

    No fill !!!

    Remember, though, that this isn't about whether the doctor thinks you're doing great based on weight loss. It's about how you're doing controlling your hunger. If you've lost this weight on sheer willpower and are hungry, then not so great and you need them to give you a fill. If you're not struggling with hunger and pushing through on sheer willpower, then wonderful! Oh...and congratulations on the weight loss. That's phenomenal! .

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