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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. I see you did tell him...but my .02...I would not have. I really don't understand why some feel the need to tell their 'dates' that they've had, or are having, weight loss surgery. If you were having (or had) some type of gynecological procedure, would you feel the need to tell them? It's none of their business. .
  2. Nicole, I've been banded for over a year (about 13 months) and even when I was overfilled and getting stuck constantly, I had no restriction (in the sense of being limited by quantity) and still never felt 'full'. I was on the verge of getting a revision to the gastric sleeve and, due to the phrenic nerve pain I was dealing with, had the doctor remove my fill. I figured why not...it certainly wasn't helping me by eliminating the hunger or restricting the quantity I could eat. Major learning experience and so glad I did! For the week following that unfill I was constantly, ravenously hungry. I'd forgotten what I dealt with prior to the band. So I went back in and had them give me my fill back. Obviously they couldn't give me back all 8cc but they did give me back 6cc and within minutes that roaring hunger was gone. For the last year I have been 'waiting' for this band to do its job...not realizing that it already was because I was looking for the wrong thing. I was waiting for it to limit my quantity. What I understand now is that it doesn't limit my quantity by physically restricting how much I can eat. It limits my quantity by making me feel 'satisfied' on less by putting pressure on the vagus nerves which control the production of ghrelin (the hunger hormone). I can still eat as much as I could prior to being banded. The difference is that I'm not driven by my hunger to do so. I'm 'satisfied' with less. Yes, there are some people who get physical restriction...but I'm beginning to wonder how many of the banded who have failed have done so because they're one of those who are waiting for that physical restriction...and will never have it. So I'd stop 'waiting' for that feeling of fullness and actual physical restriction and start paying attention to how you 'feel' when you're eating. .
  3. Celebration time! I got up this morning and I felt particularly 'skinny'. I didn't get too excited since I've felt skinny before but stepped on the scale and found I'd gained. Well, I had to wake my husband up and make him get on the scale to make sure it was right because the scale says I weigh 219!! That's 4 more pounds just since Monday! Finally, this scale is continuing to head in the right direction. It is just amazing to me that such a 'little' change (dropping my daily protein grams down to 60) can have such a major effect! I may yet make it to 199 by the end of the year! They've set a surgery date for me - Dec. 22nd - but I think I may hold off. I still have some pain in my arm with 6cc in my band...but not nearly as much as I had with 8...and it seems to have lessened just a bit this past week. Now that I know how I should be feeling when the band is working, I don't think I need that other 2cc back. I'm definitely not hungry (now that I was reminded of what real hunger is). Rather than putting myself through another surgery with all the risks, I think I may just give it a bit more time and see if the pain continues to lessen. Yeah baby...doing the Snoopy dance right here!
  4. ElfiePoo

    So, here's the issue.....

    I agree it sounds like your doctor wants his patients to see fast results, but we know from experience what happens on such restrictive diets...they don't last and then we go overboard in the other direction. You will still lose quickly on a low carb diet where the carbs come from vegies (no Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, etc.) without having to eliminate the fat. There's absolutely no reason that I can think of to avoid pork, red meat or dairy products like cheese...and, in fact, it is these higher fat foods that will make you feel more satisfied after a meal. Low carb and low fat diet is a recipe for disaster for most of us, but if you can do it more power to you. .
  5. ElfiePoo


    Too funny...never noticed the plus or minus before...and will be sure to ignore it in the future. Too much like high school popularity contests. .
  6. ElfiePoo

    why am i hungry ?

    Yes. The band puts pressure on the vagus nerves which in turn shut off the ghrelin (hormone that makes us hungry). Some people (a rare few) get enough pressure just from the band. The rest of us need fills...some a little...some a lot. .
  7. Shad, don't complain. I wish I'd lost more in my face and neck....but noooo...where'd I lose it first...yep, the 'girls'. Melody .
  8. So, Denise, your early Christmas present is that your mil will not cook? I'm sorry but your post made me laugh. I'm sure dealing with the reality of it isn't quite as funny but if you could see it from 'this' side. Melody
  9. ElfiePoo

    Why am I losing weight?

    The only reason for getting a fill is if you're hungry. If you aren't hungry, then your doctor is right...no need for a fill. congratulations on the weight loss! .
  10. ElfiePoo

    Does the fill evaporate?

    What Bob said. I don't see how it's possible for liquid in an enclosed system to evaporate. .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Pure protein

    I like the EAS powder I get at Sams Club. Everything else I've tried has a nasty after taste. .
  12. Good morning! Well, despite trying to cut my thumb off while slicing the fruitcake I'm sending to my son, I finally finished packing up everything to go to the post office today so I made the deadline for getting his stuff to Afghanistan on time for Christmas! My mother-in-law was sweet enough to help my husband make his camo stocking, thank God, because my expertise at sewing stops at quilt making. I think today we may rearrange the living room to make room for the Christmas tree, although I'm still not sure I'm setting it up this year. Nobody here (except me) cares if we have a tree and no family coming home this Christmas and I have a major worry that our Beelz, the demon kitty, will pull it over in his kitty exhuberance. So off to breakfast, then the Wii Fit for an hour and then 'dusting' (aka rearranging furniture as it's known in our house). Have a good one y'all! Melody
  13. Leigha and Shad both...love your haircuts and you both look gorgeous! Red is definitely sexy...(says the redhead ). Melody
  14. Hi there, Laura! I agree...using your ex's 401k to get a band is an excellent use of the money! You dropped some of your dead weight in the divorce , now (thanks to him) you can drop the rest. Absolutely agree about some things being private. For me, not telling them is perfectly acceptable, but I (note the emphasis on 'me') would have a problem with lying about it. If I got stuck at the table, I'd just say 'something went down wrong'...cuz it did. .
  15. My doctor never talked about eating in terms of volume. It was more like 3-4 oz Protein, 1/2-1 cup cooked vegies or a salad and if still hungry 1/4 starch. If you've eaten more than a cup, then it is what it is, but I wouldn't drink something just to clear out your pouch. If you're worried about 'stretching' your pouch, I would stop worrying.
  16. ElfiePoo

    I'm lost......

    My first followup appointment was 2 weeks postop. I saw the surgeon at my seminar...again right before they knocked me out for surgery (for about 2 minutes) and at the 2 week appointment. I did get a call from his surgical nurse about 4 days after I went home, asking how I was doing and whether I was having any problems. After that, for the last year, I only saw his surgical nurse for fills until I went in with the complaint about shoulder pain so bad I was considering having the band taken out. They have a better idea than you as to what makes that band slip *BUT* even if it's 'old hat' to them, it's not to you and they really need to work a little more on their bedside manner. .
  17. You know it's going to be a questionable day when you're awake before the coffeepot timer gets the coffee going *and* the auto thermostat turns the heat up. Well the scale is still 'maintaining' this morning but I'm good with that. I figured the caloric difference between what I need to maintain my current weight and what I need to maintain my goal weight is exactly 1000 calories a day so if I stick to 1100 calories, I *might* lose 2 lbs a week. That means no bad days of 1800 calories. That's almost too depressing to think about...so I won't (a la Scarlett O'Hara). Today is my final 'get it all together' day for my son's Christmas package. Supposedly, if I don't get it in the mail by Dec. 1st, they don't guarantee it will get to Afghanistan before Christmas...and as usual, I left it until the last minute. So today, I have to vacuum pack the beef jerky we made, wrap his gifts, bake the fruitcake and finish sewing my son's stocking. I had this bright idea to take some old ACU's (camo jackets) that he threw out (and I rescued) to make him a Christmas stocking. My husband made a replica of his 2nd Lieutenant's bar to put on it and an orange ribbon (like the one on his hat) that identifies him as Signal Corp. Then I'm going to make a second one for his wife...and make her a 1 star general. We bought extra stars so everytime he gets a promotion, she gets does too. So, a very busy day and I should get on with it. Melody
  18. Jacki: Don't know what to tell you about 'not telling' your stepdaughter. I would do something stuid and it would just slip out so I don't even go there. Plus, I wouldn't know how to explain to my kids why lying is not ok, but I was doing it. Understand that I'm not making a judgment on you or your child raising methods here...just that it would've been a problem for me. Heck, we didn't even do the whole Santa Claus or Easter bunny thing here for the same reason. Stacy: Good vibes (see me wiggling my fingers in voodoo queen fashion? Here's hoping that it's something totally unrelated and you don't lose your band! Just curious...if they do have to take it out, are you considering revision to a sleeve? Melody .
  19. oops...just noticed this is an old thread and I already responded.
  20. ElfiePoo

    Not Dropping Weight??

    My doctor told me not to worry about losing weight for the first month after postop. It was more important to get my Proteins in and heal. There may be a slight transition period on weight loss/gain, but it will stabilize out. Personally, I think 1000-1200 is more doable long term than 800-900 but that may be just me. .
  21. ElfiePoo

    Shoulder Pain

    The shoulder pain may also be your body's way of saying something is wrong. I'm over a year postop and I've had the pain since my surgery. It's gotten worse with each fill and really only hurts when I'm lying down or put in a position where I can't sit completely upright. It's to the point now where I either have to find the source of the pain or get the band removed because it's interfering with my daily life and with my sleep. The plan is to go back in for a laparoscopic look at what is rubbing where and hopefully fixing it. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    Have not exercised

    Yeah...like my *feet*! .
  23. I'm thinking 'NUT' is a good name for these folks. Yes 100gm of carbs would not qualify as 'low carb'. Some people go as high as 60, but I've never heard of anyone 'low carbing' above that and even then, those doing 60 were more 'maintenance' low carb. I think Betsy keeps hers under 30. Right now I'm keeping my carbs below 25 but am starting to slowly creep them upwards so I can have more vegies (green beans, broccoli, etc.). You could easily start out with 40-45 carbs and that's enough to easily have vegies with your meals but you'd want to track your food in fitday.com because there are hidden carbs in so many things and it's easy to add another 20+ carbs in without even knowing it. For example, a sugar free mint is 2 carbs. Have 10 of those little puppies through the day and there go your carbs! Some foods, like eggs, have carbs in them...minimal but when you add them to all the others...yep no more low carb. My days don't vary much: Breakfast is always 2 eggs, 2 sl bacon because it gets me through the morning. Lunch is always 3-4 oz of protein and a small salad or a cup of low carb vegies Dinner is the same If I need it, I'll eat either eat 2 ounces of cheese mid meal or a low carb protein drink made with unsweetened almond milk. My calories come in around 1200 and carbs are about 25. .

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