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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    not sure!!!

    Many sleeve and bypass people are going back in to get the band...because the band does what neither of those two will do...eliminates hunger. The band works by putting pressure on the vagus nerves, which tell the stomach to stop producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Before a meal we get normal hunger. When we're at our sweet spot (cessation of hunger), the additional pressure of the food on that banded area makes the vagus nerves tell the stomach to stop producing ghrelin...and the hunger is abated for 4-5 hours. The cessation of hunger helps us choose to put down the fork, choose the right food, choose not to eat between meals. Sure it's hard work to make that choice, but the band is not a magic bullet. Bypass and sleeve aren't either. All you have to do is go to the various boards where the predominant weight loss method is sleeve or bypass to see how many of these people *never* lose all their weight. They only lose what they would have as a result of surgery. In the case of bypass, they expect 2/3 of the excess weight to be lost as a result of surgery. The rest is up to the patient. It's rather horrifying how many bypass patients actually regain all their weight plus more. Ask them why and they say 'hunger'...because bypass does not control the hunger. With vertical sleeve, they remove the stomach that produces the ghrelin but within a year of surgery, the body learns how to start producing it again...but the experts believe by a year post surgery the person will have lost the vast majority of their excess weight making them healthier than they were prior to the surgery. In both of these surgeries, there is low expectation for the person to ever achieve total weight loss. I think if you look at the statistics (wishing I had kept the link to the website but I'm still looking for it), you'll find that at the end of 5 years, the prognosis for bypass and sleeve is no better than band. It's just that the initial loss is greater. .
  2. Unfortunately, it can be defeated. I hang out on another board that is a bypass board and it's frightening how many of these people only lose the weight they have as a result of surgery (2/3 is the expected) and never lose the remaining weight. Worse, how many have regained the weight plus more. From what I can tell by their posts it's because they expected the band to control how much they eat and what they ate. To a certain extent it does but self-control still comes into play. .
  3. Yes and it is becoming quite common according to my surgeon. The reason is that the bypass does nothing to deal with the 'hunger'. The band works by putting pressure on the vagus nerves, which then tell the stomach to stop producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone. When we get to our sweet spot, the additional pressure of food in our pouch on top of that band, sends the message to the stomach. Then we're able to go 4 hours or so until our next meal. With bypass, the stomach is still producing ghrelin which means the person is still 'hungry'. Same with the vertical sleeve. They remove the part of the stomach that produces the ghrelin, but the they're finding that about a year after surgery, the body has found a way to start producing it again, so the hunger is back. Those with cooperative insurances are able to go in and get the band. Which tells me that the band should be the first stop in the WLS. .
  4. ElfiePoo

    Still hate my band

    Something to consider when thinking about getting a revision to a vertical sleeve or a bypass. In both of these surgeries, the stomach continues to produce ghrelin (bypass) or learns how to start producing it again after the stomach is removed (vertical sleeve). They are beginning to see a number of bypass and sleeve patients come back for a band in order to control this hunger. In the case of bypass and sleeve, you still have to control what you put in your mouth and how much. Neither surgery absolves the patient of responsibility. If the posts on a few other forums (mainly bypass and sleeve people) are any indication, many of these people only lose the weight they would have as a result of surgery but never lose the rest. Quite a few end up gaining the weight back. Yes there are some successful people, but if you read their posts it's because they understand that they still have to use self-control and put in the hard work. WLS...whether band, bypass or sleeve...is not a magic bullet. At some point *we* have to put in the hard work and if we don't/won't, well then we'll just have to get used to being fat for the rest of our lives. .
  5. ElfiePoo

    Still hate my band

    No...your bitterness read that into it. All one has to do is read the posts on the LBT to know that many people have the wrong expectations of the band. They *expect* the band to stop them from overeating or choosing the wrong foods and that is not what the band does. The band, with the addition of the food sitting in our pouch, puts pressure on the vagus nerves, which tell the stomach to stop producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone so that we can go 4 hours or so without being hungry. We still have to *choose* to put the fork down and not overeat just because we can. We still have to *choose* not to eat the wrong foods. We still have to *choose* not to graze. Yes, we still have to use self-control *BUT* if the band is doing its job in removing the constant hunger, our self-control stands a chance. Yes, there are people who never get that cessation of hunger...maybe even when they are overfilled...but I also think that a lot of people who claim the band is a failure really don't understand what the band's role...and what their role...is in the whole process. If someone truly believes the band has failed them, then I would suggest they get a *complete* unfill. They'll either find no difference in their eating...or discover that the band really was working...just not according to their previous expectations. .
  6. ElfiePoo

    Still hate my band

    Fluffy, Your bitterness is overwhelmingly apparent to any who read your posts and if you don't want the advice and help here and you're convinced your band is useless, one has to wonder why you stay. I *ask* because not everyone does know whether they're working their band right and it's not because they're stupid. It's because they might have been misled as to what to expect or look for. .
  7. ElfiePoo

    sweet spots

    14cc band. I had my first fill at 4 weeks postop. It took me a year post surgery to figure out what the sweet spot was (not physical restriction) and correct an overfill and get to my sweet spot (cessation of hunger). .
  8. ElfiePoo

    what am I doing wrong

    Mattie, I agree with you. I think the ethical thing to do would be for the surgeons to tell the good, the bad and the ugly so that the person can make a more informed decision. Unfortunately, too many are more interested in 'making a buck'. Some just aren't very good at communicating how the band works because they don't really know. Even they think the band works by physically restricting what we eat...which is why some patients are told they should only eat 6 bites or 1/2 cup of food and be 'full' for 4-5 hours. .
  9. Just my .02, but it sounds as if you may need a slight unfill. You should be able to eat your meal in 20-30 minutes. If it takes you longer and you're still getting stuck...yeah probably an unfill. I have 6cc in a 14cc band and am at my sweet spot. I did have 7.5cc but was constantly getting stuck, a sign of too much fill according to my surgeon. Good luck
  10. ElfiePoo

    what am I doing wrong

    I thought the same as you and I told my surgeon I wanted all the Fluid out (since it was causing phrenic nerve pain) and we were making plans to do a vertical sleeve. Within 24 hours of all the fluid being taken out, I was ravenously hungry. I was reminded of what I dealt with prior to the band. Apparently, I've had some amount of help from the band since the day of surgery because I didn't notice when that hunger disappeared. A week after the unfill I went back in and they were only able to put 6cc in. Within *minutes* my ravenous hunger disappeared. I'm now a believer. I'm sorry, but I don't believe the band doesn't work for *most* people. I think, perhaps, the correct way of saying it is that the band does not live up to the *expectations* of many people but, yes, there are some it doesn't work for. Why that is, I'm in no position to judge. .
  11. ElfiePoo

    what am I doing wrong

    Possibly two reasons. The first being that many of these surgeons don't have a clue how the band works. They're in it for the money. Period. When my surgeon uses the term 'restriction', he means that when the band is working (appetite suppression), I will be content with less. .
  12. ElfiePoo

    what am I doing wrong

    No...the band works because it puts pressure on the vagus nerves which tell the stomach to quit producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone. So when we eat, and have reached that sweet spot, what we're getting is appetite suppression that should last about 4 hours or so. You need to change your definition of full from "can't take another bite" to "content and no longer hungry". You may still be *able* to eat the same quantity you could pre-band, but without the driving hunger, you have a greater chance of putting that fork down...and that's what our job is. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    Still hate my band

    Swirl, The sad truth is that the band does not work for everyone but why do you believe it hasn't worked for you? I think sometimes when people say the band isn't working for them, it's because they are expecting the wrong thing out of the band. I'm not saying that's the case with you, but why do you believe it's not working for you? .
  14. ElfiePoo

    Left Shoulder Pain

    Phrenic nerve pain. Some part of your band is rubbing against your diaphragm which sends a referred pain to your shoulder. Mine has nothing to do with eating and everything to do with the position I'm in...usually reclining but it also does it when I'm sitting in the front passenger seat of the car. I've had it since the day of surgery and no fill. The only solution is to remove it...and that I won't do. .
  15. Happy Saturday...not. It's freakin' snowing again. I am looking out my front window and the snow is coming down so fast and hard that I'm going to qualify it as a blizzard. It's not even the 'right' kind of snow. If it was, I'd be out building Calvin and Hobbes type snowmen. I'm in just that kind of mood. Does anyone else get tired of dealing with weight related stuff. Maybe because I lose weight so slowly. It really gets too be a bit of a drag sometimes when you know you're doing it right and you still only lose 4 pounds in a month. Ok, that was my little whine for awhile. Off to do some Tae Bo. Maybe it will perk me up. .
  16. Leigha: I've just subscribed to your Youtube. Looking forward to more of Sugarbaby. She's my dog 'fix' since my husband doesn't want a dog (never did). .
  17. That has been the hardest part of the journey over the last year. I realized at some point that I literally have to change my lifestyle because it was always centered around food pre-band. Still working on it but it's getting easier. .
  18. ElfiePoo

    Red Lobster

    One of my favorite places. I'm at my sweet spot (no hunger for 4 hours after a meal) and not overfilled so I can eat pretty much whatever I want...even the biscuits. My son and husband don't like them, so I always tell the waitress to bring just one biscuit because I know what will happen if she sets the basket down. I love their clam chowder, so I'll get a cup of that and eat it first and then just pull some a few vegies and about 3 oz of grilled lobster and shrimp off my husband's plate. Since those platters are enough to feed 3 people, he's hardly starving by sharing with me. .
  19. ElfiePoo

    Calling all bloggers!

    Alien, How do you like wordpress and do you have the free version? What do you think of it. I've been looking for a blogging program for non-weight related stuff I do. Feel free to e-mail me at melody@dmci.net. Thanks! Melody
  20. I used to do the evening snack thing, but to be honest, it never resolved the issue. After I finished my sugar free Jello, I just wanted another and another. It had nothing to do with hunger and everything to do with bad habits. I find the only thing that helps is to keep my hands busy. So I needlepoint, quilt or scrapbook while watching tv in the evenings. It's working so far. .
  21. ElfiePoo

    Measuring food

    My doctor recommends 3 oz of Protein, 1/2 cup vegies and 1/4 cup starch (although the starch is optional) for lunch and dinner. For Breakfast, I do bacon and eggs. My calories come in around 1200 a day. I always weigh and measure. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    eating after fill

    My doctor's advice is "eat what you can eat". To go gently while discovering how the new fill changes things. Until I was to the point of getting overfilled, I could eat normally right after a fill. .
  23. ElfiePoo


    Change your expectations? You lost 14 pounds in one week. Fantastic...wonderful...but accept that this was a 'gift'. It's possible after such a loss that you won't see another one for a few weeks. Maybe you will...but don't *expect* it. .
  24. ElfiePoo

    what am I doing wrong

    I think this is something we need to keep saying over and over because the message is getting lost or misunderstood. Too many doctor's still talk about 'restriction' as only being able to eat 1/2 cup of food and being satisfied for 4 hours without emphasizing they aren't talking about physical restriction. Too many banders believe they're looking for the band to make them put the fork down and aren't listening at all to whether or not they're hungry. The band's job is to take away the abnormal hunger. Without the hunger driving us, we have a better chance of eating less at meals and not eating 24/7. .
  25. Some people are back on solids within days of surgery so I doubt you've screwed up your band, but you really need to get your head around the idea that the band *does not* take the place of self-control and willpower. All it does, when you get to your sweet spot, is remove the hunger. It will not keep you from eating just because you want to or tell you when to stop eating. By the way, it is the vertical sleeve that is more like the stomach stapling. The only real difference is that now they remove the unused part of the stomach. .

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