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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    Protein bar of choice

    My .02...I'd ditch the idea of a protein bar and just eat regular food. I generally start my morning with either an egg and 2 sl of bacon or a low carb/low cal Protein Drink (depending on how tight I am in the morning), lunch and dinner lately have been 3 oz of protein and 1/2-1 cup of low carb vegies. The 60gm guideline is given because we're healing from surgery. The amount a normal person needs varies according to which expert you're talking to. I'm not sure even they know how much we 'need' although most seem to be somewhere around 40 for women and 50 for men. However, even if you're trying to boost your protein, you're better off doing it by actually eating protein. .
  2. ElfiePoo

    need advise abt band

    I was on solids at 2 weeks and I've heard of people on solids right after, so I have no clue how they decide. Yes, it is normal to eat as much now as you did before the band...and if you're like many of us (the number seems to be growing), the band won't physically stop you from overeating. What it will do, when it's filled to the proper level (and that varies by person) will allow you to eat a reasonable meal and be satisfied with less and stop you from being hungry for roughly 4 hours +/-. Hang in there. Just be kind to your band right now. Most band doctors prescribe a low carb diet once you're back on solids, so I'd try to start making changes in your eating habits now. You might find that the head hunger is less or gone completely just be removing processed foods, wheat products and sugar from your diet. Good luck. .
  3. I disagree with the band not helping with hunger. Mine does. I eat pretty much what you do - 3 oz of Protein and 1/2 cup (or 1 cup if I'm really hungry) of vegies and I can go about 4 hours before I start feeling hungry again. I look at that as normal hunger. I was told that if I got hungry sooner, try eating a protein snack (hard boiled egg, 1-2 oz of cheese, etc.) mid-meal. If I was still hungry, then it was time for a fill. During the first 6-7 months postop, I had mid-meal protein Snacks...but now that I've got my blood sugar under control, I can go 4 hours before the hunger starts coming back and even then it's just twinges to remind me I'm coming up on dinnertime. .
  4. Hey Zen...is it possible they can go slightly over the actual band limit since there's Fluid in the tubing? I dunno...just a thought. A 4 cc band? Wow...I didn't know they were still doing bands that small! .
  5. Elcee, Good to hear from you again, but sorry to hear about the troubles you're having! Good thoughts winging your way for your son's health! I can sympathize with you over your daughter's job search. My son has been going through the same thing since he graduated from high school last June and I find the whole process so frustrating. He's spent hours filling out their online apps, because they no longer take them in person, having to refile every 3 months. When he finally did get an interview, it was a 30 minute interview on the phone! I just don't get it. Have fun on your weekend getaway...and don't eat too much chocolate! .
  6. Good morning, folks. It's a bitterly cold day here in the mid-west so I will blame that for my morning's brain ramble. For some reason I got to thinking about Punxatawney Phil and the whole if he sees his shadow, it's another 6 weeks of winter. If he doesn't, it's an early spring...and I think they made a wrong assumption this year. They're 'assuming' that spring will be early because Phil didn't see his shadow...but does that really count when there's so much snow on his 'door' that he doesn't even show his furry little face? Personally, I'm betting on a longer winter when he can't even be bothered to come out and yawn. .
  7. Some people are fortunate enough to get enough pressure just from the band. The rest of us need varying amounts of fill to stop the hunger. If the band is enough for you, then you're ahead of the game. Congratulations! .
  8. ElfiePoo

    So What happens.....

    Every doc has different regulations. My surgeon had me back on solids in 2 weeks but on day 5 I was still doing mushies. Remember, you're still healing and the last thing you want to do is get stuck...a very real possibility even without a fill because you may still have swelling. .
  9. ElfiePoo

    How Is This Possible

    Step away from the scale. Our body weight shifts daily and if it's bothering you to see that shift, I'd only weigh once a week. I weigh only on Monday and that's when I change my ticker as well. I no longer get on daily because my weight can fluctuate as much as 5 lbs from one day to the next and I can tell myself all I want that it's Water weight, but it's still demoralizing.
  10. A big ditto to those who said to give yourself time to heal. Don't stress too much about the weight right now. If you're having trouble sticking to your postop diet, just pick yourself back up and get back on that wagon. We're human and we're trying to change a lifetime of bad habits. .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Food Diary

    It's scary, isn't it? But good for you for taking the time to log what you were eating and now at least you can see how to fix it!
  12. ElfiePoo

    Sabotaging couch?

    dinner at the table was a requirement in our family and, even now that it's just my husband and I (the youngest still lives at home but he's an adult with his own life schedule), we still sit down to dinner. I always set the table as if we're having company...candles, place mats, etc. On the rare occasion when he has to work late and I sit in the living room and eat, I've noticed that I'm less content through the evening. Maybe because I don't have a conscious memory of eating? So I'm making an effort to eat at the dining room table even when it's just me. It actually seems quite festive with some music in the background and candles lit on the table. . .
  13. But it's not all one sided. There is no body language here so it's difficult to read a person's intent. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt unless they start name calling. The truth is that no matter how polite someone is, there's always someone else who chooses to believe that person is rude. .
  14. ElfiePoo

    slow weight loss...fill?

    What are you eating during the day? I found that when I eliminated wheat products and kept my carbs below 60 (with my carbs mainly coming from vegies), the head cravings went away after awhile. .
  15. Hi Nicole...welcome to the thread! Maybe you're one of the lucky ones who are helped just with the band! .
  16. My surgeon said about 3 oz of Protein, 1/2 cup vegies and 1/4 cup of starch if I'm still hungry. Most day I'm good with the protein and vegies...and will actually just increase the vegies instead since I like to keep my carbs down. Works well for me since I have no physical restriction. .
  17. ElfiePoo

    Which diet is better?

    Steph...just to clarify...if you aren't eating vegies, then it's not Atkins. I know some people think I'm beating a dead horse, but it's innocent comments like this that lead people to the wrong assumption as to what Atkins is. Please understand, I'm not making a judgment on your eating plan...whatever works for you and I know many people doing well on a paleo diet (which is what you're doing if you're only eating meats)...but it's not Atkins.
  18. I think you're smart to speak to a therapist. This may just be a difficult thing for him to deal with...or may be a reflection of something deeper and it's just an excuse. I'd try and get him to see the therapist with you. .
  19. ElfiePoo

    Crap...too tight?

    My surgeon and many of his staff are also banded and I really think that has made a huge difference in how they approach their patients. Good luck with your unfill. Hope it's enough but not too much. .
  20. ElfiePoo

    decided to do the Atkins diet

    My apologies then. We'll just have to disagree on whether or not a diet that is 60% fat and low carb is healthy. Only time will tell. .
  21. ElfiePoo

    how much to eat a day?

    According to your signature line, you're only 5 days postop? At 5 days postop, I was only allowed mushies so the egg, sausage, and Protein bar would be no-no's. Did your doctor give you a postop diet? .
  22. I think both of the previous posters had the right of it. I do know that once I went above 260 pounds, my periods stopped completely and the doctor said it was due to my excess weight. Of course, they can't figure out why I didn't get them back even though I'm supposedly not menopausal. In response to your thread title, "Oh God I hope not because I'm ready for grandchildren, not children!" .
  23. ElfiePoo

    decided to do the Atkins diet

    Ditto to that! With the band controlling my hunger, I have greater hope that this time I won't put it all back on. .
  24. Exactly! Years ago I did the whole Optifast thing for a month and lost nothing. I actually gained 12 pounds on Weight Watchers in one month. In both cases, I was a stickler for exactness...no cheating. Despite that I don't feel the need to bash OptiFast or WW. I just say whatever works for you. Jackie, I'm with you on the patience. I guess if I had the 'patience' to spend 40 years getting fat, what are a few years of patience in getting to a healthy weight. When I look at it like that, it seems unreasonable to complain about losing 1 lb a week. So no more whining...I'll accept what comes knowing that at the end of it all, I'm creating a healthier way of eating which means a healthier body. .
  25. ElfiePoo

    decided to do the Atkins diet

    I believe I made some relevant points that (1) Atkins is not a 'fad' just because people start it with enthusiasm and then fail. That describes every diet out there; and (2) If Atkins is not something someone can stick to for life, then what chance does any bander have since this is virtually identical to the diet prescribed by most band surgeons. The *only* difference is that band surgeons tend to also go low fat (30%), while Atkins is 60% fat. It is, therefore, illogical to suggest or state that Atkins is a fad and not something one can stay with for life. .

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