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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo


    A slider is any food that goes immediately through the band and a lot has to do with its texture. Foods that clump (e.g. bread and cake) or foods that don't break down no matter how much you chew (e.g. eggs and ground beef) tend not to be sliders. My experience with 'chewing things to mush' is that it doesn't matter when it comes to my protein and vegies. I can chew those suckers to mush but because of the texture, they're not going to slide through anyway. They'll sit on that band at least long enough that my hunger goes away...and that is the purpose of the band. .
  2. I had the same problem post surgery and after every fill...until I figured out that it was the glue from the steri-trips and the band-aids or tape. Now I just avoid the tape and tell doctors I have an allergy to it. Good suggestions above but you might want to hold off on the baby oil as most are just mineral oil and comodogenic (clogs the pores) and a cause of contact dermatitis in many people. I used to use it as a body oil until I realized that the tiny pinprick rash I got across my stomach was directly related to the baby oil...and it didn't matter what brand I used. I have an aesthetician's license and the only oil I use on my clients is fractionated coconut oil because it's extremely light, non-comodogenic, and absorbs quickly into the skin. Any oil, including the plain vegie oil you cook with is better than mineral oil. .
  3. I'm fortunate to have a husband who lets me choose what to order and then I just take my portion and leave him with the rest. I don't have a problem resisting the free bread, taco chips or biscuits that they put on the table but if I did, I know he'd tell them to not bring any and do without just for me. When I'm out with friends, and if it's a restaurant I know and I know the serving will be large, I ask them if I can just have a half portion. Most of the time they have no problem with that. Many times, they'll also take a little something off the bill which I think is very generous. What most people don't know is that the reason portion sizes are so huge is because it doesn't cost the restaurant that much more to double the portion. The greatest cost in running the restaurant is non-food related...and most restaurants in the U.S. have figured out that the bigger the portion, the more likely the people will be to return. If they don't take anything off the bill, that's ok too. At least the uneaten food wasn't tossed in the trash. If that's a no go, I get a takeout box with my meal and immediately remove all but my portion. I'm not big on leftover restaurant food so it's not a temptation at home and I know my husband or son will eat it later. Zen, I also have a tough time throwing away food. It just offends me when there are so many starving people in the world. Then one day I realized that by that rationale, throwing it out was really no different than stuffing myself with more food than my body needed. It's still a waste of resources. .
  4. ElfiePoo

    I NEED Scolding...

    Don't be so hard on yourself. If you're still hungry, then you haven't hit your sweet spot. When you do, that hunger will disappear after a meal. In the meantime, if you want to try to lose any weight, it's going to take sheer will power and dieting. You'll still have to diet after you hit the sweet spot, but at least then it's easier because you're not always fighting the hunger. Hang in there. .
  5. ElfiePoo

    What is my Problem?

    Mattie, Yes this has happened with me but I am extremely carb sensitive. Not the carbs found in vegies, but I've found I have to avoid the types of carbs found in sugar or wheat products. I'm pretty sure it's because of the impact they have on blood sugar levels. I also discovered that I had to eliminate the artificial sweeteners because just the taste of 'sweet' started the cravings. .
  6. After trying everything I can think of to lose faster, I've finally made peace with the fact that I'm only losing 1 lb. per week. I don't know what to tell you other than to track what you eat in something like fitday.com so you have a realistic (and not just vague) idea of what you've eaten. It helps when you're in a stall or losing only 1 lb per week (like I do) to be able to go back and see 'why'. You might find you're eating more calories than you should...or more carbs than you should. With that track record you have the ability to 'tweak' your calories and carbs to see if you can get the weight loss moving again or faster. Over time you'll realize that you're doing it all correctly and your body is just going to lose as fast or slow as it wants to and you're just along for the ride. That's my experience. .
  7. ElfiePoo

    i need hope :(

    Ditto...except I'd say if this is how he treats you before marriage, it will only get worse. Everything you've written about this 'fiancee' has red flags flying all over it. Is this really how you would define 'love'? If so, then carry on. If not, walk away. .
  8. And, like clockwork, two weeks following my fill I'm so tight I can't even eat solid foods. Since Tuesday afternoon I've mainly been eating Protein drinks with the occasional yogurt. Then yesterday I forgot I was tight, took a gulp of Water and it immediately rebounded up and out my nostrils and mouth. Fortunately I was not out in public. My husband and my son's wife just left to drive 12 hrs to DC where my son is staying at Walter Reed hospital. I wish I could have gone but the arthritis in my hip would just make me miserable on such a long drive. Oh well, 4 days of just *me* will be lovely. .
  9. Denise: Congrats on the 3 years and how well you're doing! Renee: My doctor had me back on solids at 2 weeks so I doubt you did your band any harm...and I'll just ditto what Shammah said. Hang in there, once you get to your sweet spot, the hunger goes away. Do yourself a favor though. Think of restriction as a cessation of hunger. Don't look for the band to physically restrict how much you can eat...doesn't work that way for most of us. Many people end up overfilled and deal with constant stuck and urping episodes because they're too full. Not good for the band. .
  10. ElfiePoo

    Restriction vs Vomiting

    Mimi: Are you taking small (baby spoon sized) bites, chewing well and *waiting* in between bites? I've noticed after my last fill that this is very important. Also...the Water...most times I can just glug it but sometimes my band is so tight that it goes down and rebounds...so now I sip slowly. Kassy: Not unusual to get 'clogged' on something like bananas. They tend to be pasty and gluey. The only way I can eat them is to take a teeny bite at a time. .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Restriction vs Vomiting

    Yes...^^^THIS^^^. Good post, Jachut. .
  12. ElfiePoo

    When to stop eating?

    I measure out my portions (3 oz Protein, 1/2 cup vegies...maybe 1 cup if I'm hungry) and when I'm finished that's how I know I'm 'full'. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    Restriction vs Vomiting

    What do you mean you're too tight and have no restriction? Define 'restriction'. .
  14. Denise, Well on the bright side. If your mom really is doing that poorly and her daughters keep dragging her around, she won't suffer long. This is not the type of behavior that will keep her around. Feel free to rant. Sometimes it feels good just to get it off our chest and keeps us from going to the person causing it and slapping some sense into them...if only that was possible, eh? Oh...and NO I'M NOT PREGNANT! Bite your tongue! I turn 55 in June and I'm soooo ready for another baby or two or three but I'd rather they were grandkids, thank you very much! No period either. Haven't had one since I got pregnant 19 years ago. I'm just ready take a vacation from the whole weight loss thing and just keep focusing on the blood sugar levels because that's really why I got the band in the first place and at that I've been successful since I no longer take insulin and am controlled with diet alone. I'm just so tired of focusing on weight loss with so little result. Yeah, I know, a pound a week is nothing to sneeze at, but it just seems to take so much effort and I'm tired. Eh...just ignore me. This is probably my February blahs. .
  15. Amazing...just truly freaking amazing. I have been in such a blah mood this last week, not wanting to do anything...even eat. My calories were ranging from 800-1000 (vs the 1200 I usually have) and mostly in protein shakes...AND I GAINED 3 LBS!! I know that I was eating 3000-4000 calories a day to maintain a weight of 260 lbs...so this just boggles the mind. I'm going back to bed and I may not get out until spring. .
  16. Denise, Is it possible that your mil really isn't as ill as she says she is? I have a 70 year old aunt who's been at death's door several times and was even had hospice nurses coming out...which didn't seem to stop her from going out to country bars and line dancing, traveling all around the country with her sisters...or taking enough medications to kill a stable of horses. My .02...you and your husband have tried to be the voice of reason but as long as she's going to allow herself to be influenced by the daughters, you can walk away with a clear conscience...unless she's gotten to the point where she really is mentally incompetent and is being led astray. Only you know best on that score. A cruise to Hawaii? Wow...the Hawaii part sounds nice, but cruise? No thanks. Not enough Dramamine in the world. .
  17. Nothing to update around here. I'm into my usual February blahs. Too late to do this year, but I told my husband we need to plan a two week February vacation to visit my son and his wife in Florida every year. Spend a week with them and a week just traveling around the southern part of the state...where it's warm! I'm only weighing myself once a week since it's too frustrating to see the daily ups and downs, but it should be interesting tomorrow since I've not been eating enough this week and I know it. The 'blah' extends to everything. It doesn't help that I haven't been able to do Tae Bo for the last few days. The pain in my left shoulder is a constant since I got my last fill and I think it's affecting how I stand, sit and lie down because I've had a constant headache and my neck into my shoulders is getting stiffer. The heating pad and hot shower helps but I'd kill for a hot tub! C'mon spring!
  18. Rosey: Welcome to the thread. Shammah: Hey, when Hilda isn't at her sweet spot, I figure no gain is a bonus because the hunger is constant and I'm white knuckling it most of the time. So a big pat on the back to you for no gain! MeTime: Glad to hear your shoulder pain is gone. Good for you for making good choices when you went out to eat...and a steak wouldn't have been bad by the way. Elcee: I hope you're having a wonderful time this weekend! Denise: Congrats on not eating with all that stress around you! Life sounds like a soap opera! .
  19. ElfiePoo

    Any one else disgusted?

    Disgusted, no. Shocked yes, but mostly because I recognize that I used to eat that way without really thinking about it and wondered how I ever put away that much food. I mean, even with my band at the sweet spot, I could put away that much food if I wanted, but without the hunger I don't want. .
  20. ElfiePoo

    My Biggest Fear Is Coming True . . .

    Hang in there...for most of us it takes several fills. Remember, it's not the number of fills but the quantity. The band does have a little more 'work' involved at first due to needing fills, but at the end of 2 years, sleeve and band patients are comparable as far as success and weight loss...and band patients didn't have to chop up their insides. We (band patients) have a slower start because we go through a learning process along with getting the fills. .
  21. There will be many situations in the future that are so tempting and, as you've discovered, portioning out *before* we eat might save us from overeating. Don't beat yourself up...just move forward. .
  22. Leigha, Sorry...peanut butter Cookies went to work with my husband and the locusts (his student workers) ate them all! I don't usually get bored (plenty to do but don't feel like doing any of it), but when I do, baking is where I go. Fortunately, there are any number of things I can bake that don't tempt me and anything with Peanut Butter is safe <BLECH>. Keep those sugarbaby videos coming. I can't believe how big she's getting! I do have to say though that she still looks like you could strap a handle on her and use her as a dust mop.
  23. ElfiePoo


    I was going to post a response but you were so ummm...eloquent and descriptive.
  24. ROFL...did you remember to put your current activity level in? .

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