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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. I'm not sure where everyone is getting that the Realize band is triangular. My surgeon has a model of the stomach with the realize band placed on it and it's not triangular at all. At one time the Realize band was chosen over the Lap because it had a lower profile port. It's my understanding that the Lap has improved their band so it also has a low profile port now. In studies, the Lap band and Realize band are comparable as far as how well they work. .
  2. Yes, I am having my band removed. Not because it wasn't working but because I was one of the those who had phrenic nerve pain that was getting to the point where it was affecting the rest of my life and health. Yes, my insurance covers it and the surgeon didn't need preapproval like they did for the original surgery because this is considered a complication from the band and it's been documented in my records. .
  3. Sorry...I meant you need to look back at *why* you couldn't stay on a weight loss plan. What made you go off it? That reason may help you determine whether the band is right for you. .
  4. ElfiePoo

    If you think this board is bad.......

    Awww Dave...stay out here with us. We promise we won't get sexually graphic. I popped into the chat rooms a couple of times and had the same experience, although I just quietly left figuring it wasn't my type of crowd. I haven't been back since either. Mattie, yes there are some pretty hostile forums on the internet. I think the LBT is a pretty nice place with the exception of one particular person but I figure no place is 100% perfect and the 'ignore' feature works beautifully in such cases. .
  5. ElfiePoo

    A Big Fat Debate

    Shirley, I'm glad that 200 carbs works for you. I'd still be on insulin if I went over 30-40 on a regular basis. Same for the Protein. I stick to roughly 60gm protein per day because the body creates a glucogenic effect from excess protein. I discovered the truth of this one when I went to zero carbs and still had difficulty getting my sugar levels down. Atkins talks about monitoring fat intake as well and recommends around 60%. Over that and there is the potential for actually gaining weight as a result of excess fat. .
  6. Fran: Yes, the higher fats flies in the face of everything we've been told for the last 50 years. In recent years, more and more 'experts' are beginning to jump the fence. I posted a thread called "the great fat debate" and there's a link there that talks about this more. And thank you. Atkins is the only WOE that has ever been successful for me. This time though it's about controlling my blood sugar and the weight loss is a bonus. Amazing how it's difficult to *diet* when it's just about weight, but at the thought of losing my kidneys or feet, it's suddenly not so difficult. Mattie: Yes, *they* do say going without carbs that long is bad, but the truth is *they* haven't really read Atkins book or they'd know he isn't saying to do without carbs completely. The first two weeks are induction and the purpose is to get the excess carbs out of our system because once we do, the cravings stop. After that we add carbs back in but in the form of vegies. It's only later (and depends on the individual's tolerance for carbs) that we add fruits back in. At or close to maintenance, he says you can add grains back in but it's not necessary. I know people who've been doing Atkins for 25 years, have reached maintenance and still only eat their carbs in the form of vegies, maybe fruit and avoid all grains/starches. .
  7. 10-15 a week?? Maybe a month...yes? It's actually not that difficult. The higher fat (60%) helps keep me satisfied. .
  8. ElfiePoo

    Lab-band and Atkins

    Atkins can be simply done by keeping carbs under 30gm. You can do this no matter how little you're eating. Start with the Protein...about 3 oz (by weight). If you still have room, eat the vegies. .
  9. ElfiePoo

    is it bad

    Many doctors don't have a preop diet, so you're probably fine. I would stick to your preop diet, however, since it may just be a mindless "we do this with everyone just because" or it may be for a very specific reason based on your personal medical history. .
  10. This is just my .02 and 'impression'...not fact...but it seems like some are very successful because they have this mental "I just spent all this money and I will make it work" and others actually do get some restriction which limits how much they can eat and/or eliminates their hunger and desire to eat. Whatever works. In both cases, they're now able to exert the willpower and self-control needed to not just eat because they 'want' to eat. Even at my sweet spot when I was able to go 4-5 hours between meals without hunger and was no longer obsessed with food, I still thought about food...but the lack of hunger and appetite suppression made it possible for me to walk by that vending machine or drive by that fast food place more consistently and long-term. Did I do it perfectly? No...but certainly more consistently than before the band. The reality is that every WLS requires self-control and willpower. Band, sleeve or bypass...it's not a quick fix anymore than Weight Watchers, counting calories or any other diet is a quick fix. The *only* advantage I see to sleeve and bypass is that initially you lose a lot of weight fast...why may create its own set of problems. I think you have to ask yourself, if you could stay on Weight Watchers or any other diet long term, why are you overweight now? The answer to that question may help you decide whether the band is for you or whether you can do it without the band.
  11. Jackie, Have you ever had 'caulitaters'? When I'm feeling the urge for potatoes, this is what I have. I do Atkins which is a low carb/high fat (60%) diet. This won't work for a low fat diet. Roast or steam a small head of cauliflower. If you steam, make sure it sits in a colander for a bit to 'dry' out. You don't want it too wet. Mash with some butter. Slowly add whipping cream until you get the consistency of mashed potatoes. Salt and pepper to taste. It hits all the pleasure centers that mashed potatoes do. Even my husband and son love these. Yes, they still have a bit of the taste of cauliflower...not a problem if you like it. .
  12. ElfiePoo


    I don't know what the actual statistics are, but there are a lot of people here who have it and find it a tolerable 'irritant' that comes and goes...something they can live with. Some don't have it at all. Think positively and hope for the best. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    A Big Fat Debate

    Thanks. You know I never paid much attention to the whole 'trans fat' debate but after reading this article, I went and educated myself on 'trans fats' and realized...by eliminating wheat and gluten (just because I feel better without them and it's too hard to stay low carb and still eat them) and getting all my carbs from vegies...I don't have to worry about trans fats. Bonus!
  14. ElfiePoo

    A Big Fat Debate

    Actually, I think the article was making the point that it does make a difference. .
  15. I'm also getting my band out due to problems I'm having with it. Personally, if someone can get their head around removing half their stomach (which I'm still working on), the sleeve seems a better option. Yes the band is less invasive, but with the sleeve you're not constantly trying to find that sweet spot. Plus, I discovered on my last doctor's visit (maybe I was already told but forgot) that these bands were not really expected to last for life...that at some point many will find their way back into surgery to have them removed/replaced within 10 years or so. They still don't know how long they'll actually last. .
  16. I thought the thread title/subtitle meant you had to reschedule your surgery because the surgeon broke *your* shoulder and I was kind of like "WHAT?". Sorry you have to wait. .
  17. ElfiePoo

    emotions vs food lover

    I'm not sure if it makes a difference whether someone is an emotional eater or eats just because they love food...if the driving force to eat is not hunger, then the band may not help. Then again it might. Some people do get physical restriction to the point where they literally couldn't take another bite. Based on the posts, though, it appears that a lot more of us don't. .
  18. ElfiePoo


    I've had it (phrenic nerve pain) since the day of surgery (16 months ago)...getting worse instead of better. My band is coming out in 3 weeks as a result. .
  19. It's going to depend entirely on you and your reaction to them. Some people can eat them in moderation. Some can't either because it sets off an insulin reaction in the body which leads to major cravings...or because sweets are their trigger foods. .
  20. I did lose 70 pounds before I got the band and I did keep it off...but I never had a 'full' point...that point where you feel sated and know you've had enough. Within 30 minutes of eating a meal 3 people could've eaten, I was once again looking for food almost obsessively. I was led to believe the band would not only give me that full feeling, but would also control the quantity of food I could eat. Unfortunately for me, it never did physically restrict me and that full feeling even at the sweet spot was not consistent. .
  21. ElfiePoo

    Getting back to cabbage meals!

    Mattie, I used 1# ground beef, 1 oz bacon, chopped fine, 2 garlic cloves minced, 3 Tbs grated parmesan cheese, 1 egg and 1/8 c. dried parsley, salt and pepper. I used to put 1 Tbs dried breadcrumbs in, but I stopped using wheat products. I haven't really noticed a difference in leaving them out. .
  22. Well I'm all set for my preop workup on March 14th with my surgery scheduled for the 23rd. At this point, if he goes in and sees an obvious 'fix' so I can keep my band, he has the go ahead to do so. If he can't, then he'll remove the band and port. The decision to do a vertical sleeve will have to be made later. I still can't quite wrap my head around it. Since my insurance pays for psych visits, I went to my first one last week (same person who did my psych eval in 2010) and she agrees that until I am completely convinced, it is best not to move forward. I think I'm going to continue to see her until I do come to a decision...one way or the other. After getting my band out on Monday, I haven't had any issues with hunger although today I do seem to not be quite as content between meals as I was the previous 2 weeks before the unfill. It's possible it's all in my head but in any case, I'm not giving in to it. I am so close to being in Onederland for my son's wedding and it's a reachable goal. I have had the oddest thoughts lately on how I'm going to reward myself for taking off this weight. When my youngest son was 12, he took Irish step dancing lessons...something I've always been too heavy to do. I've decided that once I'm down to a manageable weight where I can actually do the step dancing, I'm going to take lessons. It's better than any cardio exercise!
  23. Leigha: I'm guessing you had insurance on your house so there's at least some good news in all this (she asks hopefully). Did they designate this as an arson? My mouth was hanging open at the story of your husband's ex. Did he hate his wife that he'd deliberately leave her in such dire straits?? My heart goes out to her. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment. Well, ok...my brothers bitch of an ex-wife does but I digress. Denise: You can't even stay away from us while on a cruise?? Lady, you are so addicted to LBT! I hope you're having enough fun for all of us! Deb: Wish I could get out and walk. It's still pretty cold here and not expecting it to warm up anytime soon. Jackie: How is your dad doing? Was this a temporary setback for him or does this look long-term? .
  24. ElfiePoo

    Getting back to cabbage meals!

    I *love* cabbage fixed anyway you can think of it (except creamed) but from my first fill I haven't been able to eat it. Who knew that you could cook cabbage to slush and it would *still* get stuck (and then it's yucky)! I had a complete unfill last Monday and guess what I brought home from the grocery store...yep...cabbage. I make low carb meatballs (ground beef mixed with a bit of bacon, parmesan cheese, egg and herbs) so I just used that. Parboiled the cabbage, rolled some meat up in each leaf, stuck them in my slow cooker with some saurkraut and a sprinkle of caraway seeds and let it cook all day. Yummy yummy. .

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