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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. Heavenlei, Yes, there are risks involved...but there are just as many, if not more, risks involved in being obese and comments like "you can do the work yourself" just show how little they understand what you're doing because the band doesn't take away our responsibility to "do the work" ourselves. We still have to choose to put down the fork and choose the right foods...but the band helps by taking away the hunger. People who don't deal with constant hunger don't...and never will...get it. In the end, you know why you've decided the band is right for you and that's the only person who really matters. .
  2. Every doctor has different requirements and only they know why. I only had to do Clear Liquids the day before surgery. You might ask your doctor for his reasons. It may make it easier to comply if you know there's a good reason for it. .
  3. ElfiePoo

    Second thoughts... again

    It's different with everyone and you also have to keep in mind that some people are getting filled too tight because they're trying to make the band physically restrict what they eat and go well past the point where the band is doing what it's supposed to be doing...curbing hunger. That was me before I understood how the band worked. Once my surgeon convinced me that my stuck episodes were a result of being overfilled...and took out almost 2cc...I was able to eat just about anything as long as I followed the rules of small bites, chew well and eat slowly. .
  4. My doctor had me back on solids at 2 weeks post op, but even when I was on the couple of liquid days, my doctor wanted me aiming for 1200 calories even if I had to drink Protein shakes to do it. Since I was hungry within a day or two after surgery, it was not a problem. .
  5. Since the day of surgery my band has been causing phrenic nerve pain (some part of band rubbing against the diaphragm causing a referred pain to the left shoulder/upper arm). I've given it 16 months to resolve like others have, but mine is just getting worse so they're taking it out. .
  6. ElfiePoo

    Carbs = downfall

    I found the best way to get rid of the cravings was just to accept that, at least for me, certain carbs are like alcohol to an alcoholic. Once I limited my carbs to the low carb vegies and stopped using anything that had sugar, wheat or gluten in it, my cravings actually stopped. .
  7. What Vicky said. If the doctor is asking why you haven't scheduled, then the scheduling person is pulling a power play. Let the doctor know. I would go down and wouldn't bother talking to this woman. I'd ask to see her *boss*. As for how simple or not it is to take out, I'm having mine out on the 23rd of this month. My surgeon said it may be as simple as laparascopic incisions and removal...just a reverse of how they put it in...or it may need one bigger incision depending on whether or not they find adhesions which can't be dealt with laparoscopically. .
  8. Atkins is just low carb (usually 30gm, although some people can go up as high as 60gm per day) and about 60-70% fat. At first it's just low carb vegies for your carbs. At later stages, as you get closer to maintenance, you can add in fruit. At maintenance you can add in grains although he says they are not necessary. I know people who've been on Atkins for decades and still only eat just vegies or vegies and limited fruits. I eat bacon and eggs or just eggs for breakfast cooked in a bit of butter. lunch is usually a salad made from bibb lettuce (when I can get it) or romaine with a hard boiled egg, .5 oz crumbled bacon, .5 oz shredded cheese and 2 Tbs full fat blue cheese dressing. dinner is either the same (when I'm on a salad kick) or just 3-4 oz of Protein with 1/2-1 cup of low carb vegies (broccoli, green Beans, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, asparagus, etc.). Vegies are usually steamed and then sprinkled with parmesan cheese or a bit of lemon pepper butter or vinagrette made with olive oil. meat is fried, baked, grilled, roasted, etc. Other things I've eaten interchangeably for lunch or dinner: tuna or chopped chicken mixed with mayo and celery on tomato wedges, mini-meatballs with a sour cream/cream stroganoff type sauce or a fettucine alfredo sauce (basically butter, cheese and cream) and a side vegie, crustless quiche with cheese and mushrooms, ham and cheese rollups. I have a lot more. I also make caulitaters which is nothing more than roasted cauliflower that is then put in the cuisinart with some butter and a bit of whipping cream. Yes, they still taste somewhat like cauliflower but the texture and satisfaction is the same as I get with mashed potatoes. I have a tweaked recipe for Dr. Atkins Revolution rolls which I make when I'm jonesing for a hamburger on a bun and a flax muffin I make when I really am feeling the need for something more reminiscent of a 'sweet'. Perhaps instead of eating like your children, your children should be eating like you. .
  9. ElfiePoo

    Is This Right???

    I have 24/7 access to my doctor/nurse/nutritionist and all I have to pay are my co-pays or deductibles. Personally, I would tell the doctor that they can keep their 24/7 service and support groups and you'll just do the office visits for fills/problems which are covered anyway by insurance. Then I'd call the insurance company and let them know what the doctor is doing. Based on their agreement with the insurance company, they may not be allowed to do this. .
  10. Wonderful! You recognize that your craving was just an emotional pacifier! That's good! Once we know *why* we eat, we can begin to create new, better, habits. Don't give in to that craving! All it does is load the bad (sugar) carbs back into your system...which will create more cravings for sugar. All I can do is tell you what I do and perhaps there's something here you can use or will give you ideas for other strategies... These emotional cravings for sweets are not just necessarily emotional. I know when my adrenalin gets going from stress, it affects my blood sugar levels...which in turn cause a *physical* craving for carbs due to excess insulin being kicked out. My doctor told me to eat Protein because it will help raise my blood sugar but slowly...unlike something sugary which will do the same thing but then drop you even farther right after. I usually eat 1-2 oz of cheese...and then just white knuckle it until my blood sugar levels stabilize. I usually feel much better within 15-20 minutes and am able to resist that craving. I'll drink decaf tea, coffee or chicken broth...or just warm Water. It's soothing in the belly. I talk myself down from that food precipice. I sit comfortably, close my eyes and then deliberately focus on relaxing every part of my body. Then I start talking to myself...perhaps just chanting a mantra such as "I am in control. For this moment I can do this. Food does not rule my life."...whatever works for you, but the focus being on deliberately taking control and choosing to not let emotions dictate my life. Like the alcoholic, I've learned to take it one moment at a time. All I need to do is get through this moment. You can do this Fran! .
  11. ElfiePoo

    How many calories a day?

    I'm between 900-1200...the difference depends on whether or not I eat Breakfast. .
  12. According to band literature, the criteria for getting a fill is not whether or not you lose weight...it's whether or not you're hungry. If they start making noises about not giving you a fill because you're already losing quite nicely, I'd tell them they need to read the 'Operators Manual' for the band because you're hungry and you want a fill. .
  13. ElfiePoo

    I am failing

    As Heather already said, if you're eating because of cravings or just to eat...the band won't help with that. One way I've eliminated the cravings is to eliminate all wheat, gluten, sugar and sugar free products (cuz the artificially sweet still makes me crave sweets). If you're hungry, you need a fill. When the band has enough fill (and that will vary for each of us), the hunger should go away. .
  14. I started doing this awhile back and then kind of forgot. Anyone want to share what they're eating? You might note what type of diet you're on (WW, Atkins, low carb/low fat, low carb/high fat, etc.). B: 1 egg cooked in .1 oz butter, 2 slices bacon L: Chefs salad made with romaine lettuce, 1 oz chicken, .5 oz shredded cheese, .5 oz crumbled bacon, hard boiled egg and 2 Tbs homemade full fat blue cheese dressing D: 4 oz poached cod loin drizzled with lemon pepper butter, 1 c. brussel sprouts Snack: SF Jello with .5 oz whipped cream Diet: Atkins - 900-1200 calories depending on whether or not I'm hungry that day. 20-30gm carbs. 60-70% fat.
  15. B: 2 egg omelet with 1 oz cheese L: Chef's salad with hardboiled egg, 1 oz roast chicken, .5 oz shredded cheddar and 2 Tbs blue cheese dressing D: 3 oz cubesteak and mushrooms sauteed in butter, 1 cup asparagus Snack: SF jello
  16. About 10-14 days (lost count) ago I decided to drop my carbs even lower than I had been doing to see if I couldn't shake up the weight loss. So instead of doing 30-45 (sometimes up to 60 when I was seriously jonesing for some winter squash), I've stuck consistently to less than 20. Calories are pretty much the same...averaging out at 900-1200 per day although last weekend I did eat 1800 on Saturday and 2300 on Sunday. As of this morning, I'm down 13 pounds in that time period! This after averaging a pound or less a week over the last 16 months. I'm not going to get my hopes up that it will continue but I feel goooood this morning. Clear headed, energetic and, best of all...not hungry despite a complete unfill! I'm hoping that lasts as well! C'mon world...bring it on! I'm 'floatin' like a butterfly, stingin' like a bee' this morning! .
  17. For those who get grief about eating a low carb, high fat diet...thought you might enjoy this article. .
  18. ElfiePoo

    Grandpa Frumpy

    ROFL...getting a lap. No *that* is a wonderful NSV moment! Congratulations Grandpa Frumpy! .
  19. ElfiePoo

    Lab-band and Atkins

    Actually, Atkins doesn't require a 'shedload' of vegies. If you ate that many, you'd be over your daily carb count. If I eat 1 cup of green beans with my lunch and a cup of cooked broccoli for dinner, I will be at my maximum 30gm of carbs (since there are scant carbs even in things like eggs). That's more than the carbs my surgeon's postop diet plan allows since he said 3 oz of protein and 1/2 cup of low carb vegies. I will agree that many people resort to Protein Shakes, deli meat and cheese...but that is not Atkins nor is it the only way to low carb. Nor should it be an indictment against low carb eating. I eat bacon and eggs for Breakfast, a chef's salad for lunch with roast chicken, hard boiled egg and cheese. For dinner I sometimes eat the same thing or I'll just have my 3 oz of protein and 1 cup vegies. I eat a very healthy and varied diet. It just doesn't contain grains or fruit...neither of which we absolutely need. The diet given out by the diabetic clinic I go to is almost identical to Atkins...except that they still buy into the low fat, whereas Atkins is 60% fat. I'm not trying to convince anyone that Atkins is the only way to eat. Just trying to clear up the fact that it's unhealthy. It's just a different way of eating. . .
  20. B: 1 egg in .1 oz butter, 2 sl bacon L: Chef's salad with romaine, hard boiled egg, 1 oz deli ham, .5 oz crumbled bacon, .5 oz shredded cheese and 2 Tbs blue cheese dressing D: 3 oz stuffed cabbage, 1/2 cup saurkraut and 1/2 c. mashed caulitaters
  21. ElfiePoo

    A Big Fat Debate

    I don't think the article was at all saying you can eat all the fat you want. What it was saying is that the medical/diet industry has demonized fat as the reason for obesity and heart disease when there is little to prove that is the case...and quite a lot that shows the opposite. Someone on another list I belong to said what most people will take away from this is that you can eat a high fat diet...as much as you like...and/or you can do that in combination with a diet high in sugar and carbs. It appears they may be right if you believe the article is suggesting you can eat all the fat you like. I don't know of *any* law carb advocate that suggests you can eat *all* the fat you like. I don't agree that a calorie is a calorie. I (and most other long term low carbers I know) can eat 300-700 (varies by person) calories more on a low carb diet than we can on a diet where calories remain the same but the carbs jump to over 100...which suggests that all calories are not created equal. .
  22. 1 week to the preop...2 weeks to surgery...and counting. The time is flying by. I've been hanging around on a couple of the vertical sleeve boards as well as reading some medical reports on the long term results (and possible complications...some leading to a need for a bypass) of the sleeve and have to say that at this point the sleeve is not for me...even if it means struggling with my weight for the rest of my life. That's ok...my blood sugar is under control and my weight is still coming down now that I'm sticking consistently to my diet. No cravings or hunger despite the unfill <knock on wood>. So life is good. Now if spring would just get here (she says as she's looking out at the 3" of snow that fell yesterday). .
  23. ElfiePoo

    A Big Fat Debate

    Margarine is just one example of why people should take *everything* the nutrition and diet industry (including FDA) spout as gospel. For decades they told people margarine was better. Now, they're saying butter is better than margarine. Glad I just continued eating butter for all those decades. .
  24. ElfiePoo


    I discovered that my cravings were directly linked to carbs (most likely because they affected my blood sugar levels) and when I consistently kept my carbs below 30gm per day, eliminated all wheat/gluten from my diet and eliminated sugar free stuff, my cravings finally went away. .
  25. Sure...this is a typical day for me now... B: 1 egg cooked in .1 oz butter and 2 sl bacon (.5 oz) (I've done the Protein shake for breakfast instead when pressed for time) L: Chef's salad - 1.5 cups (or so cuz I really don't measure) romaine, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 oz deli chicken or ham, .5 oz bacon crumbles, .5 oz shredded cheese, 2 Tbs blue cheese dressing (homemade and full fat) D: 3 oz protein (baked, broiled, fried, grilled, whatever) and 1/2-1 c. vegies (green Beans, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts or just a salad) Lately I've been on a salad kick so I've been eating chef salads for lunch and dinner. I think the fat content just makes it feel like I'm not dieting *and* keeps me satisfied for 4 hours or so (and that's even with a complete unfill in my band!). You can also do the 3 oz protein and 1/2-1 c. vegies for lunch instead of the salad. My protein might be a 3 oz burger 1 oz of cheese melted on it...or possibly a sauce made with sour cream and half and half (like a stroganoff). I've done a grilled (love my Foreman grill) chicken breast (I always split them in half horizontally so it's more like a thin chicken picata) covered with homemade alfredo sauce (which is just butter, cream and parmesan cheese). I don't go heavyhanded on the sauces...maybe 2 Tbs and my fats regularly come in at around 60-70%. I record everything in fitday.com. Some people think that's too much work but it probably takes me 5 minutes to put in my meal each time. It's worth it. Many times people think they're following the plan perfectly, but don't realize those hidden carbs add up 1 at a time. If I can help more, feel free to ask. I use Atkins 1972 edition of his plan. I think it's easier and cleaner. Later books seem to have compromised and added far more 'allowable' carbs and I think it was to make it more marketable...but you can use any version. Amazon has all of them. I wouldn't use any version that was written after his death since the 'name' was sold and, seriously, how can you trust any corporation that also owns Cinnabon. .

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