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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    "My kids just don't like vegetables!"

    Jenn, I didn't think it came off as nasty. .
  2. ElfiePoo

    Band Failure

    If you're eating small portions, exercising and following doctors orders, you will lose...but then that was true before you were banded. What the band has apparently failed to do is control your hunger so you don't overeat...if I understand you correctly. Unfortunately, it does affect some that way. I recently found out that eliminating grains, starches and (of course) sugar eliminated my hunger. Wish I'd found out before I got the band. .
  3. ElfiePoo

    Surgical consult

    My .02...I think the underlying reason so many doctors try to steer people away from the band and into bypass is that they believe the person will not make any changes in their eating and will fail at the band. The reality is that the same will happen with bypass. There's a honeymoon period where you'll drop a lot of weight, but if you haven't learned to control what you eat and how much you eat, you'll put it all back on. .
  4. We used to have the type of insurance that required a referral to any specialist from our primary physician. I wanted to take my son to an allergy specialist since it was apparent he was having allergic reactions to various things. His primary physician at the time refused, saying 'the specialist can't do anything for him that I can't'. I told him that I wanted it entered into his chart that he was refusing and then I wanted a copy of his records. I got the referral...and then went looking for a new doctor. While some primary physicians believe they are God and can refuse to send you to a specialist (or referral for band surgery), the reality is that when confronted with the possibility of a lawsuit, they'll cave. Never leave your medical care in the hands of the physician...especially when they're part of a system that gives kickback bonuses to doctors who hold their referral rates down (yeah...it happens way too often). .
  5. Unfortunately, their hands are tied by 'laws'. However, her response of 'contact the federal government if you don't like it' leaves a lot to be desired. .
  6. ElfiePoo

    What is your goal weight?

    To be honest, while my ticker has a goal weight, I really don't have one. I look at my WOE as a lifetime change...not a diet. So I eat this way because it's healthier and keeps me from taking insulin anymore. Losing weight is just a bonus and I'll take whatever I get. I've actually been far more consistent in making good choices since moving my focus from weight loss to health and diabetes control. .
  7. ElfiePoo

    "My kids just don't like vegetables!"

    <putting my flak jacket on> *We* turn our children into picky eaters by giving in and letting them eat what they want. Giving in and letting our children control what they eat starts when they're infants. When a child refuses to eat something, and the parent gives in and makes them something they do want, the parent is basically telling the child it's ok to refuse food you don't like and replace it with food you do...even if the alternative is not as healthy...or healthy at all. Many parents do it because they're afraid their child will starve. No child will deliberately starve themselves. At some point, they'll eat because they're hungry. If our children wanted to go play in the middle of busy traffic, would we let them? Of course not. So why would we let them dictate what they're going to eat? .
  8. ElfiePoo

    Unrealistic goals

    Maybe. The closer we are to our 'ideal' weight, the slower the weight comes off because there's less difference between what it takes to maintain our ideal weight and what it takes to maintain our current weight. For example (all things being equal...and they aren't), my body supposedly needs 1545 calories to maintain my ideal weight of 130 (Ha!). To maintain my current weight, it needs 1953 calories. So theoretically if I drop my calories by 500 per day to 1453 calories, I should lose 1 lb per week since it takes a 500 calorie reduction per day for one week to lose one pound. If I can find a way to expend 500 calories, then I can increase my loss to 2 lb per week. Drop it another 500 so I'm eating 953 calories and I can lose 3 lbs per week. Woohoo! Ok...it looks good on paper but the charts don't take into account whether someone has a slow metabolism, is insulin resistant, or anything that may make these charts unrealistic. The best thing you can do is to set smaller, short range goals and don't expect to lose more than 1 lb per week. Do that and you'll be elated if your losses go beyond your expectations rather than disappointed when you're not losing as fast as you think you should. .
  9. Heather, Has anyone ever told you that you look like 'Rose' (the stalker neighbor) in the show 'Two and a Half Men'? You could be a dead ringer! LOL...not that you look like a stalker, but that you look like the actress. .
  10. Some people lose fine on a restricted calorie diet that is still high in carbs (which yours is). Some of us would lose *very* slowly. I was eating 1200 calories and about 30-45gm carbs. I was averaging a bit less than a pound a week and then *only* if I was consistent. Have a couple bad days and I wouldn't lose anything that month. Over the last month I've dropped my carbs down to <15 and eliminated all grains, starches and (of course) sugar. I was aiming for 1200 calories but found that my hunger completely disappeared when I got rid of the grains and starches, so now I'm around 900 calories and losing about 2 lb per week. Personally, I'd just drop your carbs and you should start seeing some loss. .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Protein in Urine and Anemic

    Protein in the urine can be an indication of chronic kidney disease. There are a number of diseases (e.g. diabetes, hypertension) that can cause the kidneys to fail over time. Your doctor should be looking for causes. .
  12. ElfiePoo


    After 16 months I am getting my band out in one week due to phrenic nerve pain. However, I still do not regret getting the band because I have learned so much! I used to be the first one done at the table because I'd take a bite, chew 3 times and swallow. Now, even though I have a complete unfill and *could* return to the same shark-like attack on my food, it's become habit to take small bites, chew well (not to mush) and eat slowly. I also learned to eat 3 meals a day rather than several meals a day and stabilized my blood sugar to the point where I was off all my insulin as of December 2010. The most important thing I learned...the source of my hunger...and knowing that it can be controlled without the band. So despite having to go through another surgery to have it out...not one regret. .
  13. I keep reading about more and more bypass patients...and sleeve patients...getting the band to control the hunger. If hunger is an issue, the band may help with that. As Reverie said, you should take a serious look at your eating habits because the band might not be the answer...or it might be. .
  14. ElfiePoo

    How many carbs?

    Right now my carbs are less than 15. I only eat green, low carb vegies. No grains, starches or glutens. Obviously no sugar. .
  15. ElfiePoo

    Pool, Jacuzzi, Hot Tub.....

    Mine said no baths or hot tubs until my incisions were completely healed. .
  16. ElfiePoo

    my port came lose

    Hmmm...that's odd. Usually, only elective surgeries need preapproval. A complication or a problem isn't 'elective' and shouldn't require pre-approval. It's not like they're going to be able to refuse to fix the problem, no? .
  17. Even with my struggles with the band over the past 16 months postop , one of the major changes I've made in my eating habits is that I never eat at fast food places unless I'm traveling and then only if I've forgotten to plan ahead. Prior to the band it wasn't unusual for me to eat out at Arby's, McDonald's or any number of fast food places several times a week as a mid-meal 'snack'. Laughable now when I am so conscious of the fact that the 'snack' was more calories than I can have per *DAY*. But I digress. One of the things that has come out of this is not just better eating habits and weight loss, but a cleansing of my taste buds. My husband used to say I had steak with my salt and I had to consciously refrain from salting foods to 'my taste' when cooking for others. Last night, I realized as I placed the meal on the table that I had not put any salt in the meal. Oops. Even my husband, not a big salt eater, sprinkled some on the food on his plate. I used to enjoy eating out but the last time my son and I went out to eat at Joe's Crab shack, I sent my cup of clam chowder back because it was too salty. My son said later that his was fine, so I think it's just that I'm no longer used to the overuse of salt in fast food places and restaurants. I've noticed that this now extends to other things. The other day I was jonesing for a cherry pomegranate crystal lite. I avoid SF stuff for the most part because the sweet taste gets me craving for more sweets. This time, I ended up pouring half the bottle into another empty 20 oz bottle and diluting both down with more Water because it was wayyyy too sweet. I think this is a good thing. .
  18. Yesterday was my preop physical and a week from tomorrow, the band will most likely come out. To be honest, ever since I eliminated the grains, starch and gluten from my diet, I haven't been hungry at all despite eating about 900 calories a day so I'm not sure I need the band...or maybe never needed the band since my hunger is apparently controlled by excluding non-vegie carbs. In any event, my band doctor is pretty impressed that I lost 10 pounds this past month without a fill in my band. No joke...so am I! Denise: Tell us all about your trip! Some of us have to live vicariously! It's overcast and cold here. I think I'll go take a nap. .
  19. ElfiePoo

    Diabetes & the Band

    I'm a diabetic also. The band did nothing for my hunger and I 'worked' at finding that sweet spot. I discovered, a bit by accident, that when I dropped my carbs down to below 30 and eliminated all wheats, glutens, grains and starches and stuck only to Protein and low carb vegies, within a week all my cravings and hunger went away. My doc and I had a long conversation about this today (in my preop for getting the band out next week) and she said that would make sense. When we're insulin resistant, every time we eat carbs (especially the ones that have an intense and immediate reaction on our pancreas such as grains and starches), our pancreas floods our system with even more insulin which will cause a physical craving (hunger) for carbs. When we stop that production or minimize it, our body starts utilizing the insulin that is already being produced by our pancreas. My .02...one diabetic to another. I'd try the above approach before resorting to the band (or while you're going through the process of getting approved for the band). You may find you don't need it. If you'd like more details, just PM me and I'd be happy to help. .
  20. In my seminar, my surgeon told us what we could expect in coming years with the band. He said for the first year or year and a half, we might come in once a month. After that about once a year (and they recommend at least that) up to 5 years post op and then it varies depending on the person after that. .
  21. ElfiePoo

    soft drink

    After 4 weeks my surgeon had no restriction on carbonated beverages. He did say that some people get a lot of gain and pain, some don't...so just do what your body requires. Personally, even the diet sodas are high in sodium and they aren't designed to quench your thirst...just the opposite. They're designed to make you crave even more. I finally ditched all the SF drinks and went to unsweetened tea or coffee or Water. Oh, occasionally I'll have a SF drink but I make sure it's a rare occasion. I really helped in controlling the cravings. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    No drinking through a straw?

    Before I could go home on the day of surgery, I had to eat and drink something (Jello and broth). They put a straw in my broth and in my Water glass. I have less gas with a straw than without because the straw doesn't allow me to 'gulp'. That's not true if I use a straw in carbonated beverages. It almost seems like the straw causes more bubbles. .
  23. The joys of banded life. The band can tighten or loosen a bit on its own and unless you can't drink Water, I'd just go with the flow and wait for it to loosen again. .
  24. ElfiePoo

    LOL moment

    Definitely a 'keeper'. .
  25. Has anyone else noticed that as you lose weight, you hit these stages where you suddenly feel like you're living in a stranger's body? All day today I've felt out of sorts and I finally realized it's because I feel like I'm living in a stranger's body. My sense of balance is off and I feel awkward. The simple act of sitting down or standing up is sort of 'off' and just a bit clumsy. I know in a day or so, this will go away but it's almost like my inner ear is having difficulty adjusting to the weight loss and sometimes just needs to catch up. I'm hoping this means another whoosh on the scales...although with my luck, I probably inhaled the carbs from the baked ziti and garlic bread I made my husband and son. .

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