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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. I would go back to them and tell them you *need* a fill. If they refuse, I'd find another doctor who actually understands what the band is and how to utilize it and who will listen to you. My doctor said my fills were completely up to me. If I'm hungry and struggling to control how much I'm eating because I do not have restriction, then it's time for a fill and only I know when that time is. .
  2. I plan on investing in Spanx. Even if I could afford to pay to have recon. surgery on my breasts more than once, I just don't want to deal with the pain or surgical risks more than once...and I certainly don't want to have to deal with the sag after I have gone through surgery. If you get a full upper body garment, it helps eliminate/decrease the toll on your back because it provides more support than a mere bra. .
  3. This makes absolutely no sense to me. *If* the band is giving you restriction, which in turn limits how much you eat, and *if* you're making good food choices, I don't understand how your "body is not responding to the band like it should." I would encourage you to keep a daily food diary. Many times when people actually write down what they've eaten, they get a shock at how poor their food choices were and/or how much they've actually eaten. It sounds as if your doctor is saying that *you* aren't responding to the band the way you should and his answer is to control what/how you eat by removing your choices. .
  4. I used to do the Slim Fast low carb but then found better options. EAS Protein powder has twice the protein for about the same number of calories and it's just as low carb. Just a thought. .
  5. ElfiePoo

    November Knockouts DATA - update

    Please add me. I hope this is the right place. I wasn't sure if the intro info was to be put in the group listing or here, so you may see this twice. LBT NAME: ElfiePoo Height: 5'3" Surgery Date: 11/3/2009 Starting Weight (preop diet): 260 (but had no preop diet) Surgery Weight: 246.5.0 lbs Current Weight: 241 lbs
  6. I haven't had any fills (first one is tomorrow) but I do have some restriction with my band already. I had some of this same problem and then made a startling discovery. I didn't realize that I had become a bit of a sloucher when I sit. It's not obvious at first because I rarely rest against the back of a chair so I give the impression of sitting upright. However, after one bout of food feeling stuck, I pulled my shoulders back, sucked in my abdominal muscles (causing my back to straighten) and voila!...down went the food. So now I make it a point to be conscious of my posture while I'm eating. No more 'stuck' feeling. .
  7. It will go by so fast! I remember thinking that the last week would drag. It didn't. The day of surgery was just suddenly there. Now I'm 4 weeks postop and I can't believe it's been that long! Good luck to you! .
  8. I've only lost 5.5 pounds since surgery (4 weeks ago). I know I'm eating more than I will after I have my fills, but I'm not worried about it. I drink my Protein shakes through the day and eat a regular meal at night. I try to keep it to 1 cup of food total, with the majority being vegies and protein. When I'm 'hungry' (and I mean just a need to eat and not true hunger), I just drink a big glass of Water or crystal lite. That usually gives me the full sensation I'm after. I have had to be careful to chew well and take small bites since I do seem to have some restriction just from the band. Bread doesn't go down easily. I get my first fill tomorrow and I think I'll be bidding farewell to it for some time. Can't wait. .
  9. I meant to post sooner, but time has just gotten away from me. I had my surgery on 11/3 so I'm now 4 weeks post op. I've been doing solid foods since the start of week 3, although I usually do shakes during the day and eat a normal meal in the evening, watching portions. I started this whole process 10 weeks ago and at that time I officially weighed 260 lb. Six weeks later, by the date of my surgery, I was down to 246.5 even though my doc didn't require a preop diet. Now, one month later, I'm at 241. I had a one day menstrual cycle yesterday (first one in 6 years and only the second in the last 17 years), and I know I'm holding some Fluid so I'm looking forward to the scales doing another drop here in the next few days. If it doesn't, no biggie. My clothes (and skin) are hanging on me and that tells me far more than the numbers on that scale. Like Scooter, I had no pain after surgery and took no pain meds. I was back to work the day following surgery and have continued on in the same manner since then. The last week has been less than optimal when it comes to food choices as my father-in-law died last Wednesday and when I'm not at work, I'm at my mother-in-law's. Eating was sort of hit and miss although I did watch my portions and still made good food choices with the rare bite of a special food. My darling husband always did his duty and ate the rest, saving me from myself. The only really bad choice was to eat a piece of raw broccoli with some dip on it. Oh boy...that one stuck for about 30 minutes. Talk about pain. Oy! So, note to self...avoid the raw vegies for awhile longer. Both of my older sons left today for their own homes, so tomorrow I am going to get back to a more structured eating schedule...a must since my first fill is tomorrow. I can hardly wait! Activity wise, this is my busy season (I own my own business) and by the time I get done lugging around 10-25# boxes for six hours, the last thing I want to do is go hiking with my husband. So I've been calling that my 'activity'. However, my 17 year old discovered my old Tae Bo DVD's and wants to start doing them with me. I'm thrilled since he needs to lose about 30 pounds and I could use some 'stress' relief in the evenings...and picturing someone I'd like to punch out while I'm doing Tae Bo is real stress relief. :smile: Ok...that's my update. .
  10. Patience, I've been thinking about you. How are you and your band doing? .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Help! Need a diet

    Is this an insurance requirement...or the doctors? If the doctors, I'd find another doctor. If the insurance company, sorry to hear they still don't get it. :confused: However, I lost 70 lbs by going low carb. The only carbs I ate were in the form of green vegies. The plus side was that I could have bacon, butter and real oil on my salads. Some would say 'oooh...unhealthy', but my cholesterol levels actually improved and once I got the carbs out of my system (about 1-1/2 weeks), I actually had to remind myself to eat because I wasn't craving anymore. .
  12. I would let your husband know that having these types of food in the house is very hard for you right now and ask him if he would please not bring it into the house...and not let his brother do so. We may have to deal with these temptations when we leave our home, but we shouldn't have to deal with it in our own home. If neither complies, start spraying air freshener around the house to cover the odor. They'll probably take it elsewhere. :confused: .
  13. Stick around Scooter...most people mean well even if their delivery could use some work. .
  14. Please do not try to explain away other people's experiences with psychobabble. I had no pain after my surgery. While still in recovery they asked what my pain level was on a scale of 1 to 5. I told them 'zero'. I was not given pain meds then or in the few hours until I was discharged. Nor did I take pain medication after I went home. I didn't 'forget' the pain. I never had any. .
  15. My doc is leaving it up to me to decide when I need a fill. According to him, if I'm having problems with controlling how much I eat, and I feel hungry, get a fill.
  16. ElfiePoo

    Totally disgusted

    Ditto. My surgery was 11/3 and I've only lost 4 pounds to date. My sagging skin and clothes say differently so I'm ignoring the scale. .
  17. ElfiePoo


    Our lives will be full of choices like this. The diet restrictions are just an arbitrary recommendation based on the variety of diets people are placed on after surgery. Some people are back on solids after a few days. Some not for a month. As my doc told me, we know our bodies better than anyone because we live with them day in and day out. Normal weight people also look forward to the great food at thanksgiving. None of my husband's family...or even extended family...are overweight. They live healthy, active lifestyles and eat in moderation. They do the same on Thanksgiving but they definitely look forward to the special foods that they only see at this time of year. It doesn't mean they're obsessed with food. Your wanting to partake is no more an obsession...and kudos for not eating more than 1/2 cup! .
  18. ElfiePoo

    A little confused

    Ok...my .02. Is the band about how fast we can lose the weight...or losing the weight and actually keeping it off this time? I'm almost 4 weeks post op and I've only lost 4 pounds in that time *but* my clothes are hanging on me (so is the skin) and I've lost several inches from my hips, waist and belly...oh and feet. Best of all my sugar levels have come down from a morning reading of 350 to 145! That number on the scales has been the demise of most people's diets because when it doesn't come down as fast as they think it should considering how they've 'deprived' themselves...or worse yet they gain a pound or two...they head to the fridge for comfort. I have a very expensive triple beam balance scale that is very accurate so I know it's not the scale. I have no clue why the scales aren't reflecting what my clothes are, but that's ok. At some point they're going to have to drop because I don't know of any size 12 that weighs 240 lbs. :Yawn: Do yourself a favor. Kick the scales to the curb. In the grand scheme of things that number doesn't mean anything. .
  19. I have to say I agree with Tarajim. Our doctors are not infallible. They should be looked at as nothing more than another source of information and guidance...but ultimately we know our bodies better than they do because we live with them day in and day out. The original post op eating plan given to me by my doc and nut was one full week each of liquids, mushies, purees and soft before going on to regular food. This is what the Realize Band folks teach and this is what my doc and nut teach. However, when I questioned my doc about the rationale for this approach (since I was doing so well), he said that he was doing so well after surgery (he also has a band) that he used his own judgment and only stayed on each phase for 3-4 days and, since I know my body better than he does, to use my best judgment when deciding what to do. My doc also lets me decide when I want my fills although he doesn't do the first fill until 4 weeks post op (which is this Wednesday)...but I can come in weekly to get another fill until I reach the point where I need/want to stop. As with any medical condition, it is our responsibility to research as much as possible and, while I love my doc and his entire staff and feel they gave me (and continue to give me) excellent information and care, it is through this list that I have learned the most and knew the right questions to ask from the beginning. There are all types of doctors out there and to just willy nilly support them? No can do. What I can do is share my experience and personal knowledge. They're adults and what they do with that is up to them. As for providing support...Amen to that. Some posters tend to be a bit brutal in their response which is unnecessary. We can be truthful (even when the truth hurts) and still remain compassionate and caring. .
  20. Yep, I was doing so well that I was only on each stage for 3-4 days before moving on to the next. By the end of week 2, I was back on regular foods. I'm still doing quite well but I still do Protein shakes through the day and only do a regular meal at dinner. .
  21. I've tried Miralax and others and the only one thing that works for me is to take 2 Dulcolax. Like clockwork, 12 hours later and I have results...without cramping, gas or some of the other side effects I've had with some of these other products. Most important...drink your Water. It helps your intestines keep things moving along. I found that (not drinking enough) was my problem. Unfortunately, some days, it still is. I realized at the end of yesterday that I'd only had about 4 cups of water along with 1 cup of sugar free International coffee. .
  22. I think the pain will vary with individuals. I always thought I had a low tolerance for pain, but I had a c-section with my youngest and 10 hours after they opened me up, I was pushing my little IV pole down to the nursery sans pain meds. So maybe not. With my band, they never gave me any pain meds after I came out of surgery because I never had any pain. I picked up my pain med prescription, but never used it because I never had any pain. I was back at work (desk work) for a few hours the day after surgery and back to full days of regular work by day 2, although I did have to monitor some of the things I was doing because of my lifting restrictions. I'm now almost 4 weeks post op and have not had any post op problems. No pain with eating, although I'm careful to chew well and take small bites. No vomiting. Piece of cake. .
  23. I haven't had any fills yet but have restriction just from the band with certain foods. However, if I drink while eating those foods, that restriction disappears because the Water is helping the food slide through. Are you drinking with your meals? .
  24. I get my shake powder from Sam's Club. It's called EAS and I have the dutch chocolate. You mix it with milk. Someone said you can also get the individual ready made cans which seem to be less calories, but I haven't found them. At any rate, this is the best tasting stuff I've found and it's only about $30 for a 5 pound bag. I also have some Isopure chocolate powder but it doesn't taste as good and it was $70 for a 3.5 pound bag (ouch!). The only good thing is that it mixes with Water so the carbs and calories are much lower, making it a good in between meal protein pick me up. .
  25. ElfiePoo

    reality check after banding

    My husband named my band 'Hilda' (as in Rumpole of the Bailey's wife). For those who don't know, Rumpole referred to his wife as "She Who Must Be Obeyed". :Yawn: .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
