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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. Zoebee, No my comments about dishonesty were not aimed at you. Unfortunately, the poster has chosen to delete what she originally said...another indication that she understands the dishonest nature of what she intended...which makes it difficult to understand why there are such deep feelings on this issue. Again, my comments were not aimed at you. :smile2: .
  2. Stuck for me feels like it's getting stuck just below my sternum and usually involves pain.
  3. And sticking it to her co-workers because where do you think the employer is going to get that money from? Certainly not from their own pockets. My husband has short term disability through his job for medical reasons. Hating his job isn't a medical reason. If someone has to lie...whether it's the provider or the consumer...in order to get those benefits, then it's fraud, no matter how you justify it. My last word since I learned long since that dishonest people will always justify why they aren't 'really' dishonest in order to get what they want and there's no reaching them. Flame on, Johnny. .
  4. Yeah, I had 8 and couldn't eat solids so they took out 1. They'd still like to put 1/4 cc back in on my 1/13 appointment just to make sure and I may let them. Maybe that will give me the 'full' feeling? .
  5. ElfiePoo

    Stay at Hosptial?

    I went in at 6 a.m. (surgery at 8 a.m.) and was discharged by 2 p.m. They actually kicked me out 2 hours earlier than they usually do because I was doing so well and wanted to go home. .
  6. Is this because you haven't reached your sweet spot or is it because that sweet spot changes on a monthly basis? I'm pretty sure I'm at my sweet spot. I get stuck if I don't chew well or take too big of bites, but otherwise I'm ok. At first last week I felt full after my meal (right after my unfill), but now I don't; however, I am limiting myself right now to 1 cup of food at a meal and am content and not hungry for about 4 hours afterwards so I'm guessing that's the sweet spot. I was kind of assuming that once I get to that point, I won't need further fills for months. .
  7. I don't think it has anything to do with someone being jealous of your looks. I think it has more to do with the fact that fat people tend to be invisible. Even though at 260 pounds I was still fat, when I went from 330 to 260, I suddenly became 'visible' to those around me. People started commenting on how nice I looked or commenting on my outfits. Despite the fact that the way I dressed had not changed. In fact, many of the clothes were the same. I just had them taken in. The best thing you can do is arm yourself with the dress code policies and when a complaint is made (and you know you're in compliance), hand them the dress code and ask them to point out where you've violated it.
  8. I'd file a complaint because it's actually none of her business. It is not up to the surgeon to decide whether or not this surgery is appropriate for you...despite what some with god-complexes believe. If she's not even the surgeon, then it's none of her business at all. It is up to you. .
  9. What I find even more interesting and telling about this thread is that the posts where the OP made the original claim that she didn't want the disability because of surgery but because she hated her job...and the one where she tried to justify the fraud...have both been deleted. So 'someone' recognizes it as fraud. .
  10. You don't need an MD after your name to know it's fraudulent use of insurance when someone says they don't want the disability time off because of their surgery but because they hate their job.
  11. ElfiePoo

    My Surgery Dec 28th (Part 1)

    Viv, Yes, in the grand scheme of things, there were far more critically ill patients needing care *BUT* you also had just had surgery and were in need of care. There was no excuse for their treatment of you on the day of surgery or while in the hospital. As for not letting you walk around, sounds like the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. I'm glad you're home and feeling better. P.S. My cousin is an RN and she says you don't ever really want to be in a hospital if you expect to get good care. There just aren't enough nurses to go around for all the patients. .
  12. My doctor lets his patients determine how often they get a fill, but prefer they allow 2 weeks between fills. I had my first fill at 4 weeks post op, a second fill two weeks later and then a third fill one week after that. The only reason I had a third fill so soon was because I wasn't experiencing any restriction, not even right after a fill and they wanted to check to make sure the fill actually went in. It did, but they decided to top me off with 2 more. I did go back in a week later and have 1 cc of that last 2 removed since I couldn't eat solids. Now I'm good. If you can cancel without penalty, I'd make the two week visit at each fill. That's what I did. .
  13. Every insurance company has different requirements. I'd call your customer service number and ask them. Many times they won't pay if it's for elective surgery, but if you have really upscale coverage, it just might. .
  14. But you don't want to get paid for being out because of surgery. You said you wanted to be paid because you hate your job and want a break. You can justify it all you want, but the end result is fraud. If your boss decided to cheat you in your pay by padding the taxes taken out (but putting it in his pocket) with the justification that most employees goofed off on the job so he's just taking back what he 'deserves', would you be so amenable? Probably not. It's never ok when *we* are the ones getting screwed. .
  15. My doctor uses my surgery weight. I use my weight the day I went into my consultation because just the act of making the decision to do this caused me to start monitoring my eating. I don't worry what their paperwork says. .
  16. ElfiePoo

    Cheated yesterday...

    Nellie, Are you on a diet? If so, then yeah you cheated. We all 'cheated' on diets and that's why we're where we are. The band isn't a diet. We should be able to eat like normal people. No good or bad foods when eaten in moderation. So you ate half a piece of pizza for New Year's Eve. Even normal weight people would have a slice...or even two. Congratulations on eating in moderation. Move on. :biggrin: .
  17. My .02...if you can keep Water down, give it 24 hours. If you can't keep water down, call your doctor immediately. .
  18. One of the reasons insurance costs are so prohibitive in this country is because people abuse the system. Sorry if this ticks people off but to ask an insurance company to pay six weeks disability just because you need a vacation really is fraud. <putting on flame retardant jacket> .
  19. and too blasted much to drink! Argh! Is anyone else having difficulty drinking their 64 oz of Water? I used to drink almost a gallon of water a day and now I'm having difficulty getting in 64 oz! I can't drink 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after a meal or with a meal and I 'forget' at other times. I've tried just about everything to remind myself, but other than the hot cup of tea I drink first thing in the morning, and *maybe* 16 oz of water in the evening, I'm not drinking all day. Any hints, tips or tricks for how to remember? .
  20. My problem is that I forget. I have Water bottles all over my warehouse and office figuring I'll walk by one and think, "Oh yeah and drink some." Shoot...it's like the dust in my house...I just don't see them. :biggrin: .
  21. ElfiePoo

    Warning - Female topic

    Yep, they did. I've been checked for everything from cysts to cancer but no answer. I really haven't missed the bloating, cramps, messiness and just general blech every month. What a way to start the new year. :biggrin:
  22. That was just for men who get squeamish about such things. :biggrin: Let me start by saying that I am not a sweet eater or junk food eater as a general rule. I'm not an emotional eater. I just eat to excess. First bite in my mouth at a meal and I can't stop until my belly feels 'full'. However, for the last week, I've had several Cookies a day which I put down to the holidays which I associate with 'food'. Twice, it was more than a few cookies with last night being the worst. Especially when I calculated the calories of those particularly rich homemade cookies this morning. :tongue2: Each cookie was about 400 calories!!! Good grief...no wonder I haven't lost anything this last week even though I'm eating a fraction (in volume) of what I used to...and no wonder that in past years I'd be 15 pounds heavier after the holiday season! But I digress... I haven't had a period since my youngest son's birth 17 years ago. They assumed, after a lot of testing, that it was due to my excess weight...even though I weighed no more after the birth than I did before I got pregnant. I did have a 'period' of two hours with passing a few clots about a month after surgery, but since then nothing. Ta Da! Woke up this morning and Happy New Year...I have my first official TOM in 17 years and I recognize that this last week of unrecognized craving for sweets (and feeling bloated) was the warning. I'm marking my calendar so I have a heads up next month and won't fall into the 'sweets' trap again...and if I do have a craving for sweets will make sure to give into it with sugar free hot chocolate (which is so sickeningly sweet it kills any sugar craving). .
  23. ElfiePoo

    Warning - Female topic

    Definitely not that. I found a new doctor about a year ago and she was concerned about the lack of periods so she did an intensive hormonal workup and I'm not even showing signs of perimenopause. Interestingly, I've suffered from hot flashes off and on since I was 16, which they believe is hormonal, but they've never found a reason. Fun fun. .
  24. Everyone is different. I had 3 cc's on my first fill and could still eat anything and everything. Two weeks later, I had another 3 cc's put in. French bread became difficult, but otherwise no problems. A week later I had another 2 cc's put in but was unable to eat any solid food, so a week later they took out 1 cc and now I'm great. I have a Realize band. .
  25. ROFL. I normally don't make resolutions for the same reason...although I am *not* a guy and not afraid of commitment. :biggrin: Making a resolution about losing weight is a bit too much like dieting for me and I've sworn never to diet again. .

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