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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ElfiePoo

  1. ElfiePoo

    I'm confused!

    If you're taking small bites, chewing well and waiting between bites...and not drinking with your meal...then you're too tight.
  2. Please, do your research *before* you get the band. You'll be much more satisfied with your decision and your band and be in a better position to work with your band. It absolutely amazes me how many people get banded and then are surprised/stunned/disappointed/angry that they are not magically transported to the land of 'skinny' where they are never hungry again. You may not have had your surgery yet, but read through the posts on the postop lap band board. Not only will you be better informed, but you won't be one of those people who regrets their surgery a week after they've had it. When you get your band, you will probably notice a lack of hunger for a few days (maybe not) because your stomach is still dealing with the trauma of surgery, but when that swelling goes down...and until your first fill...you will be hungry if you stick to the doctor's diet recommendations. It just is what it is. You'll most likely be hungry until your second or third fill or even longer depending on your doctor's policies regarding fills. This is not a bypass. You will not magically drop 50 pounds in a matter of weeks without doing anything. Our weight is about calories in/calories out (assuming you have no medical conditions that would affect this such as thyroid issues). You either have to decrease your calories, expend more (through exercise) or a combination of both. Be informed. Let this decision be something you *do*...not something that just happens to you. .
  3. ElfiePoo

    100 lbs in 4 months

    Way to go! You must feel awesome! .
  4. There isn't anything I don't know postop that I didn't already know preop...at least so far and I'm 9 weeks postop. I read the postop forum for a long time before I ever became actively involved so I'd be aware of the problems people faced after surgery. It was better preparation than all the information my doctor gave me and he gave me considerable. .
  5. Diet experts used to say that tea, coffee, etc. didn't count because they wanted you to drink 'water'. Now they say they do count. I figure, if it has water in it, it counts. :smile2:
  6. If that's how the band is supposed to work, most of us are screwed because if we could stop after 1 cup, we wouldn't need the band. The band, when you have restriction, should give you the stop signal. Now that I have restriction, I don't have to 'work' at it. If I take that one more bite, I'll pay for it with immediate feedback. I almost killed myself laughing one day when I made a mental connection between how I felt taking that 'one bite too much' and a clogged toilet. Then you don't have restriction. That's where I was a couple weeks ago. If I had wanted to, I could have eaten to excess the same way I did prior to banding. Now, it doesn't matter what I want. Hilda (She Who Must Be Obeyed) tells me to stop and if I don't, I get immediate painful feedback. I'm finally at my sweet spot with 7 cc's in a 12 cc band. I can finish my 1 cup of food in 20-30 minutes but I have to eat slowly, take small bites and chew *well* (to mush). I do not drink with my meals, 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after. I stay full (meaning I don't feel the need to eat) for about 4 hours but I also drink a low carb, low cal Protein shake (25gm protein) about midway between my meals and after my last meal of the day. *Can* I graze if I wanted. Yep and that's where our own self-control has to come in. Whenever I get the urge to graze, I drink a glass of Water or crystal light. That usually makes me feel full enough that I don't want to eat anything else. If it's a sweet craving, I drink a cup of sugar free hot chocolate. To be honest though, I think that extra Protein Drink between meals helps because I rarely get the urge to graze or eat between meals. When you hit your sweet spot, you won't be able to eat that sub even if you wanted. That's the beauty of the band.
  7. ElfiePoo

    What Is ur calorie Intake?

    Calories needed for weight maintenance will vary with the individual since we vary by age, height and activity levels. It will even vary depending on your muscle mass. I want (at least that's the plan now) to maintain at 140. For my height, age and activity level, I won't be able to eat more than 1800 calories a day to do so. To the OP...right now my daily calorie intake is anywhere between 1200-1700, give or take a few calories. . .
  8. I'm 5'3 and my goal weight is 140 which is a healthy range *but* if I get to 160 and I think I look and feel good there, then I'm willing to revise it. .
  9. Finally! I haven't stepped on the scale in a few days but today is Monday and yippee skippee....229! I knew that stupid thing would have to move at some point! Down 7 pounds! I'm going to take the mental high and not weigh myself until next Monday. .
  10. ElfiePoo


    To be honest, I don't count calories...too much like dieting. That doesn't mean I'm not mindful of them. What I did do was go to the Mayo Clinic site (just click on the link) and put in my age, height and what I 'want' to weigh. Then it asked for my current activity level. That gave me a total daily calories to maintain that weight. In my case, based on all of the above, I can eat around 1800 calories a day to maintain a weight of 140 lbs. That means if I eat around 1800 calories a day, I will lose weight because I'm very obviously over that. After 40 years of dieting and counting calories, I can keep a rough estimate in my head of whether I'm in the right daily range. I took one day's eating (I journal what I eat) last week and did an actual calorie count just to make sure my mental calculator was on target...and it was. .
  11. ElfiePoo

    Swapping Vices?

    Which just goes to prove that food is an addiction. Alcoholism, obesity, gambling, smoking, etc. run through my family. I have one uncle who didn't have any of the above but he was obsessive about his diet and exercise. He ended up in therapy where he learned that, in his case, it was also an addiction. He still runs in marathons and still enjoys working out, but there is a balance in his life now. Any compulsive behavior taken to extremes is a problem. I belong to several WLS lists although this is the only one I actively participate in and there are always a few people who very obviously have traded their food addiction for an addiction to physical exercise. Some would say it's the better trade, but an addiction is still an addiction. The key is 'balance'...in our eating and in our life. .
  12. ElfiePoo


    Thanks! That is one of the things I miss with my scrambled eggs. I don't overcook them so they aren't dry, but the texture definitely is different cooked in Pam vs cooked in butter. I'll have to pick some up next time I'm at the store. .
  13. ElfiePoo


    I had my first fill of 3 cc at 4 weeks post op, another 3 cc's 2 weeks later. Then, because I had no feeling of restriction at all, a week later they took out what was in the band to make sure there really was 6 cc in there (there was) and put back an additional two...which pushed me over. So a week after that they took out 1 cc which puts me at 7 right now. When I was too tight, I had them remove some. Yeah, I could've just existed on Protein shakes and lost beaucoup weight, but to be honest I just want to eat like a normal person. Losing the weight is sort of incidental. By day 3 of complete liquids I would've killed for a salad. :smile2: Before restriction I was eating less, but not like I am now. Now I'm able to stick to that 1 cup of food per meal and be completely satisfied for 4 hours, but I do continue to have a low cal, low carb protein shake mid meals just to keep my blood sugar stable. I really think that extra protein (it's 25 gm per shake) really helps. It also takes me 20-30 minutes to eat that meal because I have to concentrate on taking small bites, chewing it to mush and then waiting between bites or else I'll have to deal with a stuck episode...not fun. .
  14. ElfiePoo


    That's 7 in a week, but I'm sure some of that was from not being able to eat solids for 4 days because I was too tight. What I'm doing differently this week is keeping it simple. I posted this in another thread but this is pretty much what my menu looks like... Breakfast: Protein shake made with milk and 1/2 banana OR 1 scrambled egg, 1 slice of toast and I use a bit of butter on the toast Snack: Low carb/low calorie Protein shake (I do Isopure 1 scoop in a cup of water) lunch 3-4 oz tuna or chicken mixed with a bit of lite mayo and stuffed in a tomato or with some lettuce. OR 3-4 oz grilled chicken in a salad and yes I use real oil in my dressing Snack: Low carb/low calorie protein shake DINNER: 3-4 oz protein (grilled chicken or steak, baked fish) 1/2 cup low carb vegies such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, green Beans, cabbage, etc. (sometimes it's more like 3/4 c) 2 Tbs or 1/4 cup rice, potatoes, Pasta or beans Snack: Sugar Free chocolate Jello pudding And if I'm really craving sweets at any point during the day, a cup of sugar free hot chocolate. I usually eat 6 times a day because it not only keeps my blood sugar stable and prevent cravings, but it 'mentally' gets me from one meal to another as I'm 'eating' every 2 1/2 hours. Keep in mind that I am at restriction and that is making all the difference. I am full after one of the meals above whereas before I did not. I'm hoping this will mean I will continue losing but I'd be happy with 2 lbs a week! Oh and I don't go to the gym. My activity level hasn't changed from preop to postop so this is all through changing the amount of calories I'm taking in. .
  15. Cat, You don't need to 'diet'...but you do need to make good food choices. It's possible to eat less but eat more calories if you make bad food choices too often. If you aren't losing weight, and your activity level is the same as preop, then despite 'eating less', your calorie intake is the same as it was prior to your surgery. Hang in there...it does get better once your band is working with you. I'm about 9 weeks post op and have lost only 17 pounds...and 7 of it this last week since I've reached restriction. .
  16. ElfiePoo

    Help I need ideas PLEASE!

    I have to keep it simple. Too much thinking about food just makes me want it all the more. So here's my sample menu: Breakfast: Protein shake made with milk and 1/2 banana OR 1 scrambled egg, 1 slice of toast and I use a bit of butter on the toast Snack: Low carb/low calorie Protein Shake (I do Isopure 1 scoop in a cup of water) lunch 3-4 oz tuna or chicken mixed with a bit of lite mayo and stuffed in a tomato or with some lettuce. OR 3-4 oz grilled chicken in a salad and yes I use real oil in my dressing Snack: Low carb/low calorie protein shake DINNER: 3-4 oz protein (grilled chicken or steak, baked fish) 1/2 cup low carb vegies such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, green Beans, cabbage, etc. (sometimes it's more like 3/4 c) 2 Tbs or 1/4 cup rice, potatoes, Pasta or beans Snack: sugar free chocolate Jello pudding And if I'm really craving sweets at any point during the day, a cup of sugar free hot chocolate. I usually eat 6 times a day because it not only keeps my blood sugar stable and prevent cravings, but it 'mentally' gets me from one meal to another as I'm 'eating' every 2 1/2 hours. .
  17. ElfiePoo

    Ready 2 give up

    And if it was that easy, they would not have needed to get the band, eh? :blushing: Some banders believe you must exercise and count calories to lose weight...and that may be true of them. If I believed the only way to take this weight off post band was to 'diet' (count calories, weigh/measure, etc.) and 'exercise' (as in formal exercises vs an active lifestyle), I would not have bothered with the band...because if that's what it takes, then I already know what the end result will be. Another failure. That doesn't mean I expect the band to magically whisk away the pounds just because it's there. It means I get to deal with food like a normal weight person because it gives me the 'stop' signal that I didn't have before and that they do have. My husband's family are all normal weight people. There's not an overweight person in the bunch so I use them as examples. Normal weight people do not obsess about exercise or counting calories. They eat when they're hungry and they don't when they are not. They don't go to the gym 5-6 days a week or obsess about whether or not they're doing cardio. They take walks when they feel like it and for enjoyment. They scrub their floors, mow their lawns, garden, paint, swim, ski and do other activities they enjoy...and which are capable of keeping them fit and healthy. They don't think any food is a bad food and don't have a problem with having a 'small' piece of dessert on occasion although Desserts and sweets do seem to be a rarity in their daily lives. None of them are junk food eaters and none of them eat at McDonald's, Burger King or other type of fast food place. When they go out to eat, they go to a restaurant...and when they do, they generally eat only half their food and take the rest home. Will I lose weight more slowly than the person who hits the gym 5-6 days a week for 1-2 hours and counts every single calorie that goes into their mouth? Absolutely. Do I care? Not a bit. I'm creating a lifestyle I can live with for the rest of my life...and that does not include 1-2 hours at a gym every day and counting calories or denying myself 'bad foods'. Now, I do have a 'daily calorie budget' in my head because it helps me make good choices. For example, based on my height, age and activity level, I would need about 1900 calories per day to maintain a weight of 140 lbs...which is what I want to weigh and it helps me choose how I eat. There's a calculator here that's simple enough to use if interested. Just put the weight you want to maintain in the space instead of your actual weight. For example, in the past I might have had two eggs scrambled in butter, 2 slices of turkey bacon and 2 slices of buttered toast for Breakfast. This morning I sprayed the pan with Pam (a vegetable spray) and had one scrambled egg and 1 thin (1 oz) slice of toast with about 1 tsp of butter. The bread was homemade so I weighed a thin slice a few days ago just to make sure I wasn't really eating 3 slices of bread in one. I also occasionally weigh out or measure a food just so that 'visual' I have in my head stays accurate. Too often what we think is 1/2 cup is actually 1 cup.
  18. ElfiePoo


    Mine told me they'd fall off on their own, so as the edges curled, I just trimmed them off. Three weeks post op I pulled them off because the only part still sticking was directly on the incision. As for less scarring, I'm amazed at how little scarring and how my scar is disappearing.
  19. ElfiePoo

    Question for Diabetics

    My sugar levels were never under control because I never ate consistently enough for my Insulin to work effectively. On the day of surgery, my sugar level was 294. Now 2 months post op, as a direct result of eating less (and thus less carbs as well), my morning level is 145 and it drops to about 92 at my lowest during the day. I was taking 50 units of Insulin in the morning, but am now down to 30. At some point I expect I'll be able to discontinue the insulin completely and keep my sugar levels under 100. It takes time. .
  20. Rachel, Can't help on why you can't eat, but instead of mashed potatoes, try yoghurt perhaps? It's better nutritionally and might even go down more easily. Glad to hear you are on the mend! .
  21. They've been using the band in Europe for quite a while longer than here in the U.S. so the data is there. The band has a failure rate of 44% in the first 10 years due to leaks, erosing, etc. *BUT* they don't specify what percentage of the faulty bands are due to abuse by their owners and what part are the fault of the band. Personally, none of that matters to me. Without the band I know I will still be fat...or fatter...the day I die and the day I die may be sooner than later since obesity, and its medical comorbidities, do shorten our life span. .
  22. ElfiePoo

    Craving Sweets Help

    sugar free hot chocolate works for me. It's so sweet that one cup kills the craving. .
  23. ElfiePoo

    heartburn? ow!

    Funny...that's kind of what I think being 'stuck' feels like...a painful heartburn. If you had surgery a week ago it's possible you still have restriction from swelling. When you ate the egg, it's possible it got stuck and you irritated it some more and may have swollen more. Thin soup is good but sip it 'slowly'. I'd also call your doc's office and let them know. That's what they're there for. .
  24. Too funny. I had a stitch on one of my lap sites but none of the others. They used steri-strips. I forgot to ask my doc about it at my 2 week visit so around week 3 when all my steri-strips started falling off, I snipped the stitch and pulled it out too. .
  25. I was first surgery of the day and was sent home 2 hours earlier than they normally do because I was up and around 2 hours earlier, eating earlier, etc. They didn't give me anything for pain in recovery because when asked "on a scale of 1 to 5, how's your pain" I apparently said 'zero'. Never needed it in the room over the next 4 hours either. I did pick up the pain med from the pharmacy on the way home because I do have a low pain tolerance and figured I'd need it, but I never did. The *only* thing I missed from not staying in the hospital was those wonderful little things they put on your legs to massage them. OMG...was that ever heaven! .

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