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Posts posted by tdslf1

  1. The point is we haven't been fighting the point that it is or is not a sin. Our point has been all along whether or not I or you or the church or legislator or anyone else has the right to choose what I or any female does with their body. Sure, you Catholics call it a sin, so would I if I belonged to the Catholic church. I argue that this is a country of choice and I have that choice right along with anyone else the things I allow or don't allow into my body. You or no one else, not even the govenment or a church has that right. Only I have that choice over my body. I can choose to have sex or not. I can choose to have a baby or not. My choice. That is the argument.

  2. They run into the corner with no where to go, idiocy is left. No logical argument can be had, no clear plan to execute. Just look at the priest tape. "I am not a legislator". His best answer. His only answer. And yet we should follow the path with no clear conclusion ? Words like abortion is murder are just words if they have no follow through.........What does he mean, put people in jail? Idiocy is left.

  3. Can't have it both ways. Either they knew and ignored it or they were led down the rosy path and now they get no respect outside those circles. That is what the douche baggers founder believes and he felt confident enough to carry that sign among them. They find it acceptable otherwise they would have sepreated themselves much more forcefully than they have done and called out their leader and his racist beliefs. Has anyone heard of him being called out by any of the douche bagger crowd? I am sure the liberal leaning media has but have they, the douche baggers? The stand is believable when you call out your own for wrong behavior. As long as I have not heard that horn from the douche baggers, forgive me if I don't believe this is all about the deficit and not his race.

  4. So PG,

    Clear as day that dude has a racist sign. This is not a matter of some members being assholes. This is the founder, a founder who no doubt, let his views be known to the other founding fathers before all this got started. So don't try to make this shite fly. No doctoring, no Photoshop, just in his pure form and you have the nerve to sit here and rationalize his cause because he pulled people onto his wagon by talking about big government and deficit? Apparently he aint hiding it, so what part of his agenda didn't all these Fake Noise followers understand? He used the douche bag people who thought they could find a legitimate way to protest Obama without calling him a straight out N, because they had nothing other than he was a black man.

    The people that followed them now scream in loud and disgusted rhetoric "we are not racist, it has nothing to do with his race, it's all about the deficit" "he is spending too much money" Bullshit and you know it. Either your view agrees with the founders racist ones or not. Or, Or,either your stupid and you truely believe it is about the deficit and big spending in which this movement was founded. There is no in between.

    These idiots joined a group and had no idea their leader was going around with this kind of crap on a board. I call bullshit!!! That would make all douche bags the lamest ass followers in history and losers or you did it because it was an issue of race and these clowns are trying to make people legitimize calling him a N.

  5. The only way you are supporting the tea douche movement is if you somehow subscribe to the leaders original racist, agenda. Before someone says, "that is not why I joined" Take a look at your leader. That is why he started it. Racism pure and simple. Which is okay by me. But don't pretend you have a problem with spending, and yet somehow don't understand signs like these. I for one would never be caught supporting such an organization. Since people just jumped on the band wagon of the douche, because they mention amoung other things "take our country back", do they really know what the founders real agenda was?

  6. If she or anyone else does not want to have a rational discussion regarding Palin, then I won't respond. PG's radical rantings are fun but tiresome, especially when she hasn't learned anything from them and disguises the thread with faux debating and religious rhetoric which has nothing to do with Palin and her hilarious intro into the political landscape. Now that Palin's book has went by the wayside, maybe she will start her bid for 2012. I for one am waiting with a yearning boarding on the pychotic for her to announce. I will have many stories beyond the obvious for my dinner parties..........

  7. PG,

    Again, you don't get it. The point of the interview was, if you saw the video, was the priest had no answer beyond the "abotion is a sin". Same as you. NO one wants to label it murder in practice, and NO ONE EVER WILL. You have to have answers beyond that and what we have said and keep saying is no legislator is going to be ruled completely by their views. That train has passed. We came to that precipise with Roe vs. Wade, NEVER TO TURN BACK. Look at countries that let religious rhetoric rule ever aspect of their living. They have mayhem and murder that is wide spread with no relief in sight. You keep saying "if they only legislated by this religious view or that one". Never going to happen.

    The priest jumped on TV and made himself look like an ass who was bullying from the pulpit for something he knows nothing about and no answers for. He kept saying "I am not a legislator". Being a priest is his job. Being a legislator is the jobs of the Senate and House. They reflect the whole of society not the Catholic part of society. You want them to legislate by Catholic rules and we are not just a Catholic nation thus no legislator can rule by his or her personal opinion just because he believes something else other than what needs to be decided. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. I have never seen so many people bump their head against a collective wall like the religious. The clock will never turn back.

    I can't have this argument again. I lose a couple IQ points talking about this rule from the pulpit crap. Priest shows the best example of why not. For you to continue on in this vein is either idiocy, a joke you wish to keep going or you are slow. Either way, you are making me feel sorry again for you. Lord only knows what your decifering skills are because you can't seem to understand the difference between facts and the bible, interpretation and the real world and a whole host of things.

    Yet again another bump of the head against the wall.........

  8. "Recovery spending? What family houshold do you know that chooses to spend some more to get out of the debt their in up to their ears?! Spending does NOT bring recovery, just MORE debt! I understand that the spending has been getting out of hand for many, many years. Bush did his share as well. But Bush isn't in the office now, and noone can turn back the clock. But Obama is and he can do something about it. But did he? No! he just continued to spend far, far, far more when he got in there. And he's not done yet!"

    It's not a family. It's a business. Just like any business, the government spends money to promote an investment or product, and that government is spending money to get a better return on its investment. Pleeze get an understanding of this concept.

  9. Pattygreen can speak on any topic she wants wherever she wants. We all have to "stay on topic". At least that was what I was reprimanded for....not staying on topic. Pattygreen, gets to say what she likes regardless of topic. I haven't seen one reprimand about topic for her although darn near every day she vears off into never never land. My bad, not NNL but "stay on topic".

  10. THere will always be people who don't, can't, or won't be able to save money or make enough money. To make a statement that people these days don't work hard enough is just plain stupid, especially when you should know better. I really sometimes hate conversations like this. Just had this dumb ass convo the other day about "lazy" people. There are "some lazy people" who are tied to the system. A small "some". Like that is a situation that is different today than it was a century ago. Always and forever America has had people who have to take menial jobs and then try to move up. Maybe I am wrong but people on here seem to be saying that all one has to do is work hard and they can get ahead and never have to rely on the system. Great for you. Glad you coud do it. Not al people can. FACT. Not everyone can be a doctor. Somebody has to be the doorman, cashier, gas pumper, Mom and Pop store owner, the shoe maker, etc. That argument is stupid. Yeah, I said it.....stupid.

  11. "Here's the issue at hand. In surveys of the American public, when the question "Do you believe abortion takes the life of a human being" (or similar wording) is asked, the results are usually between 70% and 80% that it does. Then, in the follow up question "Do you believe women should have the right to choose abortion?" (or similar wording), the results usually come in around 50%.

    So where's the disconnect? What's going on with the 20-30% of the public who believe abortion takes a human life AND simultaneously believe it should still be legal? How does a society come to the conclusion that the taking of an innocent human life is acceptable?"

    Problem is most people really don't think of it as a living human or murder. It's a part of their body just like a liver, tumor, and until it moves, the reality is it's just not real. Thus most don't think" I need to murder this." Thinking in terms of murder, that is. That is why when the anti choice people say "you are murdering a child" there is a disconnect.

  12. PG,

    You hit the nail on the head.

    The bulk of people in this country don't think of it as murder and they never will. That is and will be a divide never crossed and I thank God that I stand on the right to choose what I do with my body. Just so you know, no person who truely wants to be POTUS will run on that platform.

    Oh still and forever, Palin is a bobblehead.

  13. Btrie,

    What is wrong with doing what you have been doing since you started to work? It's not like you don't pay for others through other things now. Ohhhh I get it. Since someone made it really clear that you would be paying and the cat is out of the bag thus making you fully AWARE that you would and have been paying, you have a problem. Jeez. Another one that likes to bang their head against a wall............

  14. Btrie,

    I think you sumed it up when you said you didn't give a damn about anybody else but you and your needs. I, on the other hand, care about my neighbor as well as myself. Thus I wish for all to have some form of healthcare, regardless. Oh, by the way, there are some people in the world who will never be able to make enough money to afford healthcare. Just a fact. ALso, nothing wrong with the contempt you show. Just stop having arguments about something you don't give a damn about because you have no critical solutions. I expect since you don't give a damn and in my book shouldn't have a damn thing to say on the subject, you should place your energy elsewhere. Here, I look for a discussion and ideas, not "i don't give a damn". Fug it, why did you come to speak on a subject you don't give a damn about, except when it relates to you AND have NO solutions or ideas that are constructive? Pleeze don't say because I can.......that would be sooo lame.

  15. PG,

    Have no idea what you babble about but can we stick to the topic. Healthcare needs many advocates on both sides and what I think most people can all agree on is that people need healthcare if they can't afford it or ar incapable of getting. Lets try to solve the problem from that premise.

  16. Hey All,

    Come back and witness another bad marriage!! Bonzi!! Big generalizations hitting the board. Welfare hags and Rove playbooks. What's a Rove playbook? I think it's a Cheney playbook today. Anyhoo, who thinks healthcare will change to the House version and succeed with the public option?

  17. Hello All,

    Instead of taking a survey of the who have insurance, let's take a poll of the people who don't have insurance. Like, the people who can't afford phones to answer the survey or the people who can't afford to pay the mandate or better still the people who keep working at a job they have done for 25 years because they can't afford to quit because of not having insurance? Oh, I know... people between the ages 18 to 30 who make up a big part of the part time work force. Let's ask them if they think they need insurance. Me, I want health reform because the less fortunate don't have it and can't get it. I have insurance through my employer. I pay $60 dollars a month for 6 people. $10 per script and $50 for ER. $10 copay for office visit. Not having it is not the issue. Get it done for all those who have shtty insurance and people who can't get it. DOn't give a ding about Bush, what he did or didn't do, Obama, what he did in the past.

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