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Everything posted by tdslf1
Should we work on immigration in light of the Arizona unconstitutional bill, right now? I just read an article in Huff post that said that they were going to introduce the climate change bill this Monday but decided to drop that and work on immigration. They hope to do both climate and immigration this year but want to do immigration first. ALso Lindsey Graham threatened to walk on his support for climate change if they did immigration first, which is not a good thing for the Republicans if they don't help in this bill. What are people's thoughts on immigration? What impact will this have on the deficit? Should we have amnesty or kick them all out? Your thoughts
It's been nothing if not interesting. God speed.
I am also glad that Bush went as well. He needed to see the beginning of the end of what was started. Another celebration will be when our troops in Afganistan start to come home. i think we will be in both places for a long time after but not in combat mode, which is the real joy for me. Besides, we still have troops all over to keep the peace in other countries, why not Iraq?
Today is a day to celebrate. 100k troops are out of Operation Iraq. 50k+ plus will stay for training, but still a win for Obama. I will never be sorry I voted for the guy. We would probably still be there if the maniac and loose Lucy had taken office.
Hey all, long time no read, Did I just read correctly that Fake Noise donated 1 mill big ones to a republican governors association? What kind of garbage is that? This is the channel that calls itself fair and balanced? I thought they could not get any lower than that Sherrod debacle. Yet, I still think we have idiots that think of it as a real News channel instead of the right arm of the rethuglican party. Proof is in the donation.............The mindless have been chained to the tv, disheartning.
Blumenthal, old news. Now we are onto that real joke in Illinois, Kirk, who had print, speeches and web ads stating he recieved honors that he didn't. Leave it to a Rethuglican to go all out pass the Demo to act a fool about his record. Both of them lied, but the rethug, reached a new low, he still won't take his bogus ads and print paper touting his false accomplishments down. He has been lying since day ONE about his service. Blumenthal, with his idiot self, let people define his record, then went along with it. This other yahoo made his up out of thin air.
So, are we saying we had NO job growth at all? This month we got the report that we added 400K of census jobs and 41K of private jobs, but what about the previous months of jobs? Those are census jobs as well? So from here on out, the jobs report will be recording census jobs? I am trying to understand the point of making a big deal out of census jobs, when they are jobs? If next month they come out with less than 41k in private jobs then we have something to talk about. As of now, everybody who understand the job report understands that census jobs would be in this report and is not a pattern or trend to a downward spiral. What is needed is another stimulus to get us through another dip.
PG answers tdslf1 questions, Nobody can say what prompted the teabagger protest right after Obama came in office. Health Care reform that most people were opposed to. (LIE. No one was talking about healthcare at that time, nor did anyone know how much it would cost. LIE)Nobody can explain away the negative and racial signs held at teabagger events. 1 or 2 jack asses in every crowd. (LIE. You still see signs like that. Not just one. Silence is support) Nobody can say they supported an out of control budget when Bush was in office, now having a cow because Obama puts some meat on the table. Most people don't object to spending for defense. We thought we were getting back at those with WMD for 9/11. And, the budget was not as near out of control as Obama has pushed it in one years time. (LIE. Most people never liked the war because it was started on a lie.) Nobody can explain that every time we hear about someone getting insulted by a rethuglican, it happens to be Obama who gets insulted. He's in Charge. He's the man. (Can't argue with that. MY GUY IS IN CHARGE. A DEMOCRAT) Nobody can explain why the rethuglicans, before Obama even started his agenda, the rethuglicans were saying no to anything he wanted. He was very clear BEFORE he was even elected on what he wanted. Socialism. People voted for him because he was black and wanted to be part of history.:thumbup:(stupid reason to vote for such an inexperienced person) (LIE. We know why we voted for him and it ain't cause he was black. But, why did you vote for your moron and his dumber than a stump candidate, cause he was white?) Nobody can explain this palatable hatred they feel that Obama is the anti-crist, which is straight looneyville, yet he is a christian. Anti Christ means against Christ. Many of his policies are against what Christ would approve of. Hence, the anti-Christ nick name. It's not hatred, BTW, it's his policies, they stink. (LIE. All of us have heard idiots call him the anti-crist because of everything but his policies. What is that I mentioned about free will? There you go again telling us what God feels is right and wrong. You are not God, but you are a little unhinged for falling into the anti-crist crowd.) Nobody can explain that craziness going on in SC with a rethuglican calling Obama and another candidate towelheads just because they have relatives that are Muslim. Just like when liberals called Bush a Nazi. You know, name calling. It's childish, but it even happens here, usually directed at me. (LIE. Two wrongs don't make a right. Aint that what you just said?) No rethuglican, and fake independant liars, can explain these things. (You are not an independant, LIE. Independants don't have all their issues they find important in either rethug or demo, thus independant. You lie.
PG, says, I don't care who caused it. Rep or dem. This is the here and now! I know you don't like to concentrate on the here and now, cause you like to compare everything that Obama is doing to the things Bush has done, but you can't change the past. I'm NOT a Republican. I am an Independent. I vote for the better of the 2 evils. That's all I can do. Right now, Obama is the one who has the reigns and I see him blasting the spending like no tomorrow. Why doesn't he stop? LIAR because of response to teabaggers voting dem. Roll the tape. If premise is anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-this, anti- that, you are a LIAR and a rethug. Real independant would see case for both sides, good points on BOTH sides. You, according to you, see none. LIAR.
Democrats definitely don't: Call our American president a terrorist without cause, alien,foreign. Ignorant. See Putin from our house. Retard. Don't mock children of the president on radio nationwide. Pychotic. Don't call people babies killers. Misguided. Don't call ourselves independant when we know we are not. LIAR. Be proud to be a douchbag rethug. Don't play the race card every chance we get. SC rethug party. Dump the best candidate(palatable to even some demos) we have of running for president. Charlie Christ. We don't vote against a bill then be hypocritical and accept the benefits of it like we did vote for it. Boner.
But I thought they were independant? I thought they were looking for good candidates regardless of party? Your response indicates they are rethuglican and not independant thinkers. LIARS!! Liars about their agenda and the proof is in the news every week and all over the You tube with video of how much of liars they are. Normal people don't pretend that they don't see racial signs at tea bagger parties.
Nobody can say what prompted the teabagger protest right after Obama came in office. Nobody can explain away the negative and racial signs held at teabagger events. Nobody can say they supported an out of control budget when Bush was in office, now having a cow because Obama puts some meat on the table. Nobody can explain that every time we hear about someone getting insulted by a rethuglican, it happens to be Obama who gets insulted. Nobody can explain why the rethuglicans, before Obama even started his agenda, the rethuglicans were saying no to anything he wanted. Nobody can explain this palatable hatred they feel that Obama is the anti-crist, which is straight looneyville, yet he is a christian. Nobody can explain that craziness going on in SC with a rethuglican calling Obama and another candidate towelheads just because they have relatives that are Muslim. No rethuglican, and fake independant liars, can explain these things.
PG, Your saying you're independant? Then you're either delusional or a liar.
Didn't the bulk of this garbage happen under Bush?
PG says, Liberals want to take, take, take, take, take and take. Why don't all you liberals who want to give everything away to everyone else be generous with what you have if that's your goal. Let the government keep out of the Robinhood business, and all the liberals can give twice as much tax money to the government to fund their give aways and then you all can be happy. I like to give my money to help others, but I like to be the one to decide WHO I'll give it to. You got a problem with that?! Too bad. You want to label that as 'selfish'? Go ahead. We call it what it is. Freedom Make me. Make us liberals stop. We had the same so called governmental handouts under Bush. So this is not a Dem thing, this is a people thing. Rage against it, protest it, but it will stay that way with us helping the unfortunate. Both parties will let these programs stay in existance because NOBODY from either party is going to change it. Just making yourself sick by banging your head against the wall regarding cutting the poor off. Never, ever, ever, ever going to happen.
PG quotes, The government is the only one that can stop this nasty trend of "MORE PEOPLE LIVING OFF THE GOVERNMENT THAN PAYING FOR IT" -More people are on government help because they are unemployed now more than ever. -People will get off government help when more jobs come back and the economy gets better. -Rethuglicans act like they don't understand this fact. -This reality is because of Rethuglican policy. It is starting to reverse itself under Democratic policies. But this will take time, so I don't begrude people who need governmental help until the economy under democrats policy gets better. Jealousy from the other side is palatable. We are making moves, making things happen, don't hate the democrates cause we are doing what you wish your party did or didn't. Al least we are doing something. Unlike the party of NO.
I got a question. The teabaggers are supposed to be an independant group that will vote for people who want to change from incumbants to fresh blood and reign in spending. Now if that is true, and there are some Dems that say that and want the spending to stop as well, why is it I don't see any teabaggers supporting a democrat?
NEOCON!!!!! Dems, hold the line.
Me and God are straight. I don't need to be born again.
So what exactly is this saying? Is this basically saying that houses have to be upgraded as energy efficient by replacing windows, paint and doors that might have abestos, lead and other chemicals harmful to humans? That this house has to have paperwork that says it is up to standards in the form of a license? That this license has to be on file? Personally, I don't see anything wrong with making a house safe for children. I personally bought a property that had walls, dorr frames and such that had lead paint on them and this all had to be replaced. It should be standard operating procedure. No big deal if this is what the big fuss is about.
Fellow Democrats, President came out swinging today so we have to do our parts. Keep em' on the ropes. I haven't heard 1 proposal by the rethugs that can help us in the situation we find our country in. They have two solutions only: Cut taxes and freeze spending. All I hear are those two phrases. They won't work rethugs!! Any economist that I have heard talk has said that. I am still wondering if any of the yahoos have looked at their taxes and realized they got a tax break and not a tax hike. But lets not get into that debate because facts mean very little to them. Lets just go out and talk to people who are undecided and independant who might not realize all that we have done with this administration. Access to healthcare for kids over 18(currently?) Prexisting conditions come, Sept? Public aid for so many who don't have it Tax cuts Financial reform- small step but a step DADT through the House These are great accomplishments, Dems. We have to talk to the people who look at facts and not those firmly in the camp of Fake Noise rhetoric. Also saw the stats on the race in KY. Paul is dropping like a rock in the polls. A 15 point drop! Probably wondering why his idiotic views are not universally accepted. I see he is hiding from the microphone like the dumb Palin. We understand why she needs to hide, but Paul was at least articulate in his idiocy. Palin, WOW. I say put the pressure on em to come up with something that will work. Maybe they will do the same thing they have been doing, NOTHING.
PG says, Even though we have free will, we must still have laws that keep others safe from harm. Abortion harms people. It kills babies. You can make choices in life, (free will) JUST SO LONG AS THEY DON'T HARM OTHERS! We have laws against physical violence. We don't say, "oh, that's okay, punch your kid as much as you like, you have a free will" No, we make sure your "free will" is kept in check. We make sure that you don't abuse children. We have laws against sexual abuse. We don't say, "Go ahead, rape her. You're just exercising your free will that God gave you." No, we make sure that others are protected with our laws. Somehow, by Satan's hand I'm sure, in 1973, the law was changed to allow murdering babies in the womb by deeming them unhuman. So here we have the bulk of the problem. You think it should read that a fetus has rights and I don't think they should until they are born and independant of its mother, meaning born and breathing. The law states that fetuses are not human. We elected these representatives to make decisions like this. You can take that argument up with your representative or better still protest the Supreme court to change it. As stated before, I don't think that decision would change lightly or in my lifetime but stranger things can happen. I am beyond having children now and I grew up knowing I had the freedom to have an abortion if I so choose. Many of the younger generation grew up that way too. That would be a horrible fight to put the genie back in the bottle, which is what it would come down to. And the end result would be the same, women having abortions regardless. As long as you fully understand the difference of what you consider free will and what God consideres free will may not be the same, my work is done here.
PG, says, I agree with free will to follow or not follow the laws. Every person has the free will to make their own choices in life, but they will have to suffer the consequences for them, If they do right, the consequences should be favorable, if they do wrong, the consequences will be unfavorable. Just because God gives us a free will, that doesn't mean he is giving us the freedom to do anything we desire. He is the one who hands out the consequences. Apparent you don't understand the concept of free will from your response in paragraph 2. That is what free will is...the freedom to do anything that is desired. God wants us to follow him but some of us choose not to. They choose to have an abortion, right or wrong, their choice God says, not yours. Also you stated that you stand on the side of the baby, but not the mother from implication. They go hand in hand and that creation of a baby comes and is born forth through that mother. You can't make decisions for a part of her body, just like she can't make decisions for yours. Great, you care about the child, but that is NEVER going to be your decision to make regardless of if it's against the law. You can preach about it, protest about it but a woman who is pregnant is going to have an abortion if she wants it regardless. History has proved that women regardless of it being illegal will have an abortion if she is persistant enough and I really, really don't think the law is prepared to put women in jail for it. Thus will never be considered murder or punishable. You need to think long and hard on Gods version of free will and not your own.
Cleo says, This ridiculous manufactured controversy is hardly the first and surely not the last during Mr. Obama's presidency. Steve Benen had a terrific piece over the weekend, proving how "for a year and a half, the political world seems to have created whole new rules for Obama, which aren't applied to others -- and haven't even been applied to other presidents". This just makes it silly to the point of ridiculous. I see some of the same garbage spewed everyday that other presidents have done and they get a pass, even Clinton doing it. Makes you wonder why such an high degree of hatred for Obama? I happen to be there yesterday at the memorial service at Elwood and people were not allowed to have umbrellas and it was raining pretty hard by the time he came out to speak. He saw that and told us to go to the car and if it stopped raining soon, he would come back out and speak so we didn't have to stand in the rain for the ceremony. He was very polite and removed his umbrella for a moment and he also got wet. Any controversy regarding that is BS and I'll call anyone on it.
PG, Another thought. Maybe you think free will is great as ong as it does not go against what you think is free will? You sighted several instances in the last post about should we allow people to kill themselves or help the unborn and other things I can't remember to sight. I say all of it is choice in all its misguidedness and triviality. Everyone has a choice to follow or not to follow and that includes if we think of an abortion as murder or not. I personally don't look at it from that point of view but you do. That is both our choices to look at it differently. On the abortion issue I bow to Gods judgement and leave mine out of it. I don't question why he allowed many to think it is acceptable to have an abortion. That is for him to understand, not you or I. I accept that he has said humans can make that choice, but your response in the above post leads me to believe that you don't think he is right to allow that choice. Or maybe you have less of an understanding about Gods use of free will than you think. But you can't have it both ways. You can't say on one hand that God gave us free will and you believe it and then turn around and tell me I don't have the free will to have an abortion. And I will state it again. If you have the free will to say no and I have the free will to say yes, why is it your first thought to judge me when only God can do that?