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Everything posted by tdslf1

  1. tdslf1

    Health Care

    "Reid (D) is a racist. His apology comes 'after' the people catch his 'real' feelings on Obama and blacks. " What part did he say that was racist, cause I don't see it.
  2. tdslf1

    Health Care

    For clarification, there many seats up for reelection in 2010. The bulk of them being Rethuglican. Dodd's seat will be taken over by a Democrat. That attorney or governor guy. He is polling way ahead of any Rethug or other Demo in the race. His seat is safe for now. Doogan, no take on that yet, but it doesn't look promising. But there is a whole host of Rethugs and Demo's in the House set to be reelected and I am sure that some will loose their seats and it might be a wash. The point is to get as much done as possible before the dynamics change and we won't be able to get things done. Lets ride the change train till then. I personally don't think it will be a blood bath just for the Demo's. Some Rethugs are going down as well and I think a lot of them know it. If the Demo's do lose the control, lets see what gets done or not gets done.
  3. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    You hysteria is showing yet again, PG. Lets liken this to a business(and I'll say it again for the stuck on stupid glued to dumb crowd) When you come up with a plan to carry the business in a different direction, you have to spend money. When you are selling typewriters and the new in thing is computers, you invest money in buying computers so you can compete. That is what my take is on what Obama is doing. So, no, he has not dissapointed me yet for what he is doing. I think I got where he might be going and the direction is fine. I don't need things to be so transparent then I would be just like every other backseat driver. Right now I am content to ride in the back and take in the direction I am going.
  4. That seems to be your problem. Facing the reality of the world you live in. We understand the concept of abortion. They don't have seminars where people have to watch them making them change their mind from choice to no choice. Regardless, whether it is considered a baby or not, people still need to have that choice and you don't seem to get that one fact. No one should make that choice for a woman except the individual woman. No one is going to make abortion illegal nation wide. As stated in a previous post, we came to that fork in the road with ROe vs Wade.
  5. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    No one is going to introduce a bill to make welfare reciepients take drug test. No one. Get over that very quick. Dead subject. Were was al this outrage when the Rethuglicans were in office. Did you strap it on this hard for them to do these things you harp on now? I think not. Never heard of a tea douche bagger with a gripe either until this year. Geez.
  6. tdslf1

    Health Care

    Your hysteria is showing PG. Trying to convince the audience with Glenn Beck tactics. Hilarious.
  7. I didn't watch it either. Just because I believe in choice doesn't mean I want to watch a video. That is retarded. Just like I know people give birth, I don't want to watch that either.
  8. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Two different people with different habits. The first, that person will steal and maybe even rob for weed. Many will resort to selling it to feed their habit. They may escalate to stronger drugs. The second more than likely won't steal for it but will just bum off of people or find a full ashtray. Two very different scenarios. Never heard of people going to prison or jail because of their habit of cigarettes. One is illegal, the other is not. Two different situations altogether. I am not willing to punish people for cigarettes, no crime they commit other than maybe smoking in public places. Very different. No one has forgone food for cigarettes. You can always find food and cigarettes. PG, you are a hypocrite.
  9. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Btrie, Sounds like you need to run for office since no one fits your bill. Another thing, there are some liberals who don't rage against one or the other Repub or Demo. It's called blaming the people in power now. I don't have enough evidence to say this bill will be bad or good. But to call it bad before it even has a chance to be implented, well that's just downright genius since everyone seems to have their own crystal balls that can see the future and how this will turn out for the country. I'm going with the hope that my candidate promised. I don't live in the past and try not to anticipate things I can't control, like the good or bad for our country people seem to think it is. It's pretty much a done deal, folks. 92% of the people can like it or not. Done. Wrapped. Oh, yeah. I don't think people who critisize Obama are racist. I think quite a few are, but not all. 38 days mind you...........
  10. Original thought. Now that would be a concept.
  11. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    The world the way it is must piss you off all the time. Too bad we can't have it the way we want it,huh? The world just keeps spinning with or without you.
  12. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I lean all the way to the left and there is nothing, I am pretty sure, wrong or mentally deficient about me.
  13. Sorry, abortion is legal. As far as I am concern, it's been one.
  14. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    As stated, anomaly.
  15. PG, Knows the definition. She just likes to make up stuff in her mind. Sort of like the imaginary friends with kids. They happen to be real to her, the word murder is real to her, but the rest of us just look at her and shake our head since we know the legal definition.
  16. tdslf1

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I still think her IQ is lower than a biscuit.
  17. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    PG, We have already established you are an anomaly, so that says nothing bolstering your argument.
  18. What pray tell does being from Chicago have to do with anything?
  19. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    "My point is that you can't always condemn the people in an organization because the person in charge is a douche. While I don't agree that the dude you mentioned founded the teaparty movement (although maybe he founded some website), but even if he did, the reasons I identify with that movement have nothing to do with President Obama being black." You mentioned the analogy between Wright and Obama, not me. I can condemn them because as I said before the founders intent was obvious from day 38, (and I didn't hear about them until shortly after Obama took office) and since everyone here is supposed to be so social aware then people should have known their guy had this racist intent, (way before Obama started spending I might add) SO he had no reason at all at 38 days to hate Obama. If you belong to this group, and were so socially aware, you would have known his "deficit" and spending argument was a beard. If you were not social aware of what you had joined and who had formed it, as stated in previous posts, then you followed their agenda without understanding the foundation intent, sort of like sheep. Thus their bad. Don't blame people who don't want any part of this "patriotic lynch mob" to believe that people who joined didn't know. We just happen to believe our eyes when we see posters like these.
  20. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    PG, You name one thing Rev. Wright said that was untrue? I happen to be one who heard what he said and understood him. Just as Obama understands him. As you stated, he had to because people associated him and Wright together. I understood Wright. I went to a couple sermons. Don't mean I take him totally at his word. Just like a lot of people don't completely listen to their church. Case in point, the abotion issue. Church is vehemently against yet people do it. Same thing to me.
  21. CM, Isn't it funny how that picture just keeps getting ignored for the face value it is by the so called reich? Stated yet again, 38 days after Obama took office. Hardly long enough to move the furniture in, hardly long enough to get a response from a job application. 38 days. Hardly long enough to complain about Obama. What did he and his tea douche baggers have? The N word, that's it. As stated earlier, the so-called patriotic group was formed because Obama was black, and us liberals know this. That is why they get zero respect. And if anyone joined the group and didn't know their leader felt this way.......then they were suckered. Did they know their guy?
  22. "I think it's funny that most liberals have no problem with the government running their lives, until it comes to reproductive rights." That makes no sense since I don't think I, at least have never made this statement. I have no problem with a collective governmental solution. Abortion is not a collective solution for all. It's a woman thing. No one else gets told what to do with their body except women.
  23. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    "You like to use the word "douche" don't you?" Call it like I see it. "Like President Obama joining Reverand Wright's church?" I knew about my guy's church. Actually having met Obama and the Pastor. Your point is what?
  24. Yet again, you misinterprete facts. Sure those figures indicate that people are pro-life. But behind those figures are people like me who say they don't approve of abortion. I don't approve of abortion unless it is necessary. You are yet again arguing about the fact that those answers are based on no abortion and if it is a baby or not. No, it is not. The argument is not that. The argument is the choice. I have the choice to have it or not and so does every other female. We have been over this ground,which came to a head with Roe vs. Wade. It's called progress and in order to grow the country must move forward. No one and I mean no one is going to introduce a bill that will turn the clock back for women. No one will and let it pass. No one. Our country is simply too diverse to start interpreting laws based on religion alone. Only reason there are religious aspects in our laws now is because they work for everyone, the vast majority. When they don't work for the vast majority, it will change.
  25. tdslf1

    Health Care

    You will be paying taxes as long as you work. You can like it or don't. And those taxes will be going to the poor and those pesky programs, sorry. Oh, I know why don't you just quit and live off the government and see how good that feels to not pay taxes. Why don't we all do it and nobody pay taxes. Then we can go back to no roads and bridges being built, cleaN water and fresh air in the industrialized towns. Yeah, those triffling poor people, just live like fat cats, with all the vacations they take and 4 star insurance, and buying all the diamonds and Ipods. They have it great.

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